武田 英明 冨山 哲男 吉川 弘之
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.7, no.5, pp.877-887, 1992-09-01

This paper presents a computable design process model that is based on a logical framework. A computable design process model is useful not only to investigate designing activities but also to realize intelligent CAD (Computer-Aided-Design) systems. We propose a computable model based on a non-classical logical framework including abduction, circumscription, meta-level reasoning, and modal logic. First, we discuss design processes with a cognitive model of design processes. We point out four problems that are difficult to solve in the classical logical framework. Second, we formalize design processes in a non-classical logical framework. In this formalization, a design process is regarded as an iterative process of abduction, deduction, and circumscription. Abduction is used to obtain candidate descriptions of the design object, deduction to find out properties of the design object, and circumscription to solve inconsistency occurred in the design process. These types of inference are used for knowledge about objects ; on the other hand meta-level reasoning based on knowledge about action is used to reason out what should be done next. Furthermore we introduce data semantics to represent transitions of design states. Data semantics is a kind of modal logic which allows not only truth value t and f but also u (unknown), and a design process is interpreted as a process generating possible worlds sequentially. Then, we illustrate a design simulator based on this logical model. We discuss formalization and implementation of abductive inference and utilization of other inferences that are needed to implement a design simulator. We show that it can trace a design process in which design objects are gradually refined as the design proceeds.
石川 真澄
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.5, no.5, pp.595-603, 1990-09-01

Learning in connectionist models has two aspects : the first aspect being the reproduction of the mapping from input to output patterns, and the second being the discovery of regularity in these training patterns. The backpropagation learning algorithm stresses the former aspect, as can be seen from its criterion function of the sum of squared output errors. The present paper, on the other hand, lays emphasis on the latter aspect. In the backpropagation learning of feedforward type models it is of nesessity to determine, beforehand, the number of layers and the number of hidden units in each layer. Since this prior determination is, in general, difficult, a trial and error procedure is inevitable, which is quite time consuming. To overcome this difficulty and to generate a small sized network, the present paper proposes a learning algorithm with forgetting of link weights. This forgetting is realized by adding the sum of absolute values of link weights to the criterion in the backpropagation algorithm. This algorithm generates a skeletal structure, in which the numbers of links and units used are kept as small as possible. As by-products of this algorithm it has various advantages : ease of interpretation of hidden units and improved generalization power of the resulting models. This algorithm alone causes the following two difficulties : emergence of distributed representation on hidden layers, which makes the interpretation of hidden units difficult, and a poor criterion value after learning due to the added term in the criterion function. To resolve these difficulties a structural learning algorithm is proposed, which consists of a series of algorithms : the learning algorithm with forgetting, a hidden units clarification algorithm, and a learning algorithm with selective forgetting. This structural learning algorithm is applied to a problem of discovering a logical function from a given set of pairs of input and output logical values. It is well demonstrated that the resulting skeletal network represents logical structure of the given problem. On the contrary the backpropagation algorithm generates a network far from being skeletal, making the interpretation of hidden units quite difficult. This algorithm is applied to another problem of classifying iris data by Fischer.Generalization power of the structural learning algorithm and that of the backpropagation algorithm are compared. The result of the comparison clearly demonstrates that the former has greater generalization power than the latter.
藤堂 清 松本 俊二 佐藤 智昭
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.5, no.2, pp.213-219, 1990-03-01

We are developing an intelligent development environment for knowledge systems based on ES/SDEM (Software Development Engineering Methodology for Expert Systems). The environment provides not only development tools such as editors or debugger, but also knowledge base called Knowledge Ware (KW) which can be used on different applications. KW is written using an object-oriented language on Common Lisp, and will provide the following advantages. ・User can build up expert systems rapidly using differential programming technique. ・Adding the parts made for an expert system to KW, it is easy to use the same parts for developing another expert systems. In this paper, the approach for building KW and the function of KW will be shown.
山村 雅幸 小野 貴久 小林 重信
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.7, no.6, pp.1049-1059, 1992-11-01

Genetic Algorithms (GA) is a new learning paradigm that models a natural evolution mechanism. The framework of GA straightly corresponds to an optimization problem. They are classified into functional optimization and combinatorial one, and have been studied in different manners. GA can be applied to both types of problems and moreover their combinations. According to generations, GA will discover and accumulate building blocks in the form of schemata, and find the global solution as their combinations. It is said GA can find the global solution rapidly if the population holds sufficient varieties. However, this expectation has not been confirmed rigidly. Indeed, there are some problems pointed out such as the early convergence problem in functional optimization, and the encode/decode-crossover problem in combinatorial one. In this paper, we give a solution to the encode/decode-crossover problem for traveling salesman problems (TSP) with a character-preserving GA. In section 2, we define the encode/decode-crossover problem. The encode-decode problem is to define a correspondence between GA space and problem space. The crossover problem is to define a crossover method in GA space. They are closely related to the performance of GA. We point out some problems with conventional approaches for TSP. We propose three criteria to define better encode/decode ; the completeness, soundness and non-redundancy. We also propose a criterion to define better crossover ; character-preservingness. In section 3, we propose a character-preserving GA. In TSP, good subtours are worth preserving for descendants. We propose a subtour exchange crossover, that will not break subtours as possible. We also propose a compress method to improve efficiency. In section 4, we design an experiment to confirm usefulness of our character-preserving GA. We use a double-circled TSP in which the same numbers of cities are placed on two concentrated circles. There are two kinds of local solutions ; "C"-type and "O"-type. The ratio between outer and inner radius determines which is the optimum solution. We vary the radius ratio and see how much optimal solutions are obtained. In the result, character-preserving GA finds optimal solutions effectively.
柴田 博仁
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.19, no.1, 2004-01-01
