柏木 仁
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.3, pp.235-244, 2005-07-31

This research note aims to produce a lead for future theoretical and empirical research projects on stewardship theory. In contrast to agency theory, which views human beings as opportunistic and self-interested, stewardship theory argues that people are self-actualizing and good stewards in nature, thus they are motivated to work hard for their company and to look after its interests and those of its shareholders. It is a relatively new management theory, and most of the empirical studies conducted to date have focused on corporate governance, i.e., relations between CEO duality/board compositions, and organizational outcomes, especially financial performance. However, more research is required to identify new constructs and their interactions, and to delineate theoretical details. The paper presents what we know about stewardship theory including psychological and structural components, literature reviews and implications for the future research from the perspective of integrating agency and stewardship theories.
小沢 貴史
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.17, no.3, pp.173-184, 2004-11-30

This paper focuses on "the phenomenon of Market Revitalization", which transforms from maturity or decline in the process of market evolution into a stage of regrowth. We review some previous research about market revitalization and look for clues about constructing perspectives on market revitalization. There are some revitalizing factors, which account for market revitalization. Revitalizing factors consist of external factors which firms can't control directly, and working factors which firms can work on entering market independently. Previous research discusses the secrets of vertical interaction between the firm's entry and its customers in market. Before this interaction, the firm's view about the market environment contributes to market revitalization. But the previous research doesn't concretely discuss the mechanism of horizontal interaction between firms entering the market. This interaction centers on competition and cooperation among firms. Assuming that a certain firm's action is a trigger factor for market revitalization, there are great ripple effects from new directions of innovation and innovation's intensification through interlocking of actions as entering firms compete or cooperate in the market.
和田 実 若林 満
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.6, no.2, pp.71-80, 1991

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of verbal and nonverbal behaviors on a job interview through three experimental studies. Independent variables were verbal content (assertive or non-assertive: AS vs. NA) and nonverbal behaviors (low or high immediacy: L vs. H). Dependent variables were interpersonal impression (intimacy, social desirability, dynamism and general evaluation bias), job abilities (decisiveness, harmoniousness), and employment decisions. Presentations of the video tape consisted of three modes: Study 1 with an audiovisual mode, Study 2 with an audioonly mode, and Study 3 with a visual-only mode. Subjects were 12 students (6 males and 6 females) in each condition and 98 students in all three studies.<BR>Major findings were as follows:(1) In an audiovisual mode of presentation, effects of verbal behaviors were greater than thoes of nonverbal behaviors. There were no effects of both behaviors on employment decisions.(2) In an audio-only mode, AS had higher scores in all measures than NA.(3) In a visual-only mode, H had higher scores than L except social desirability and job abilities.
林 祐司
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.22, no.2, pp.131-141, 2009

Based on data from a large-scale manufacturing company in Japan, this study quantitatively analyzed the relationship between the recruitment process for prospective graduates and attitude formation of those who have been appointed to work but have not yet commenced the employment. Consistent with my hypothesis, the results suggest that appropriate management of recruitment and selection processes lead to favorable reactions from new appointees to the company. Specifically, it was found that favorable impressions of the company's briefing session for potential applicants and of interviewers' behavior and attitude in job interviews had a positive effect on the appointees' views. It was also found that it is useful for interviewers to provide applicants with sufficient information about the company and examine the applicants' aptitude for the company during their communication.
八田 武俊 大渕 憲一
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.1, pp.45-51, 2005-01-30

We examined the effects of exit options and preliminary interaction on negotiators' perceptions and behaviors in the electronic negotiation. The exit option is that either negotiator could exit from the current negotiation. When the negotiators were allowed to exit anytime from the current negotiation, we predicted that they would perceive the negotiation as unsteady. When the negotiators had personal interaction with each other, we predicted that they would perceive the partners as faithful. In a role-play experiment, 78 students were paired to negotiate with each other by using e-mail. They were randomly assigned houng the exit into the four conditions : or not and preliminary interaction or no preliminary interaction. The results supported our two predictions. Further, it was found the preliminary interaction increased collaborative behaviors.
西田 豊昭
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.11, no.2, pp.101-122, 1997-10-20

One of the most widely believed axioms of management is that a happy worker is a productive worker. However, most research on the nature of relationships between job satisfaction and job performance has not yielded convincing evidence that such a relationship exists to the degree most managers believe. 0ne reason for this might lie in the way in which job performance is measured. Numerous studies have reported that using Organizational Citizenship Behavior to supplant more traditional measures of job performance may result in more robust relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Although citizenship behavior has been regarded as an important factor and done as a daily work in Japanese company, little research has focused on it. ln this study 71 employees who work for the Japanese company were interviewed and found that the most employees engaged in the citizenship behavior for their self-interests. And then a questionnaire survey was conducted with 403 subjects who provided self-report answers designed to examine the relationship between citizenship behavior and satisfaction, commitment, and stress. ln addition the relationship between citizenship behavior and employees' awareness of evaluation was examined. Results showed support for the relative importance of employees' awareness of evaluation as well as satisfaction. Implications for research on the causes of citizenship are discussed.
山崎 健介
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.20, no.2, pp.229-241, 2007-06-30

After obtaining the Msc in forest ecology, the author participated in forest management cooperation in Guatemala as a 2-year volunteer in the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV). The present administration of JOCV in cooperation with Japanese ODA activity suffers from a number of problems, including sectional divisions among administrative organizations, lack of monitoring by specialists, a weak presence of Japanese civilian control, and absence of Japanese political leadership. In this environment, JOCV environmental projects are unable to function effectively from the points of view of scientific accuracy, economic and financial efficiency, or political and cultural relations. The theme of the present analysis is to address these problems.
浅川 和宏 中村 洋
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.3, pp.223-234, 2005-07-31
1 3

While R&D performance of individual researchers working within firms is considered to be influenced by the extent of their collaboration with the external research community such as universities as well as their interaction with other intra-firm units, we still do not know much about the mechanism under which different types of external/internal collaboration affect their R&D performance. In this paper, we report the factors that influence their R&D performance, with a particular focus on the balance between their external and internal R&D collaboration. Based on data from 130 R&D researchers within seven pharmaceutical firms, we tested our hypotheses on the impact of R&D collaboration on their R&D performance. Setting individual researchers as the unit of analysis, this study provides complementary insights into the research on the knowledge-based-view of the firm which is usually discussed at the firm level. (134 words)
鷺坂 由紀子 二村 英幸 山岸 建太郎
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.14, no.3, pp.153-159, 2001-03-31
1 1

This study provides the information of reliability and implications of narrative essay tests for measuring achievement motive as a part of employee selection processes. To develop the key achievement motive explicit and concrete rating criterion, the TAT scoring method was applied to data (n = 100) of essay tests gathered from seven raters. Three raters were chosen from entry level workers and the other four were professional writers of verbal testing items, forming two contrast groups. The reliability of the achievement motive ratings was calculated for each group by the interrater reliability approach, resulting that there was no significant difference between the groups. Coefficients of each grouo's achievement motive, general mental ability and personality traits were calculated, suggesting the possibility that the achievement motive ratings thus derived from essay tests implies individuality.
高橋 弘司 野口 裕之 安藤 雅和 渡辺 直登
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.13, no.2, pp.113-123, 1999-11-20

Organization image, defined as psychological reproduction of organization made by individual who is a member of or is involved in the organization, has been less examined in the past research. Instead, quite a few research dealing with "non-membership" image, which was built by non-member or non-involved person of the organization, have been conducted. It is inconsistent with the definition of image literally, which has an affinity for impression toward object. In this article, we developed a new scale to measure membership image of organization, tested its reliability and validity, and revealed item characteristics of the scale items using graded response model of Item Response Theory (IRT). Questionnaire survey was executed to 3,412 university, college, or junior college students who were informally promised their first job employment. Results of exploratory factor analysis showed that factor structure was consistent with the notion on which the scale was based, and discriminant validity of the scale and reliability of each subscale yielded as high. Results brought by IRT analyses also showed general tendencies that each value of item characteristics parameter emerged high in discriminant and relatively low in difficulty. Further discussion was made about (1) dimensionality of the scale and its overall feasibility; (2) psychodynamic account for organizational image; and (3) future direction to improve validity of the scale.