寺薗 富朗 大島 渉 中尾 美穂 紀平 晋也 河田 了 大川 和春 高田 憲
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.84, no.2, pp.203-207, 1991-02-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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An unusual case of pleomorphic adenoma of the epiglottis is described. A 71-year-old female complained of dysphagia. Laryngoscopy revealed a tumor located on the laryngeal side of the epiglottis. The tumor was excised successfully by laser treatment under laryngomicroscopy. The extirpated tumor was 1.5cm in diameter, the cut surface was solid and light yellow, and the microscopic diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma. This is one of three cases of pleomorphic adenoma of the epiglottis to have been reported in Japan.
菱村 祐介 清水 啓成 篠原 宏 中野 光花
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.112, no.8, pp.505-510, 2019

<p>Herein, we report a case of isolated oculomotor nerve paralysis caused by a sphenoid sinus cyst. An 80-year-old man presented with right-sided ptosis, diplopia and occipital headache. He had unilateral ptosis and disturbance of the upward, downward and inward ocular movements, however, ophthalmologic examination showed neither visual impairment, nor pupillary dilatation. The symptoms were clearly caused by isolated right oculomotor nerve paralysis. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a lateral sphenoid sinus lesion with a smooth margin compressing the right cavernous sinus and shaving down the surface of the clivus. Based on a diagnosis of sphenoid sinus cyst, we performed endoscopic surgery under general anesthesia. The ocular movements became normal approximately 2 months after the operation and the right-sided ptosis disappeared within 6 months of the sugery. Since oculomotor nerve paralysis due to sphenoid sinus cyst is highly amenable to cure by endoscopic surgery, operation should be aggressively pursued for its treatment.</p>
金丸 眞一 福島 英行 中村 一 木村 裕毅 玉木 久信
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.2, pp.171-176, 1994-02-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The severe type of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) was treated with genetic recombination interferon alpha-2a (alpha-IFN) (3 million IU/day for 10 days) plus cortico-steroid, and the results were significantly better than those obtained by conventional treatment with cortico-steroid, vitamins, and vasodilators. Assays for 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5 AS), one of the indices of circulating anti-viral activity were performed patients before and on the third day of IFN therapy, and the levels were found to correlate well with the degree of their hearing improvement. These results suggest that viral infections may be related to the etiology of the severe type of ISSHL and that alpha-Interferon is useful in its treatment.
高橋 昭
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.75, no.1special, pp.266-273, 1982 (Released:2011-11-04)

Fisher's syndrome comprises ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia. The clinicoanatomical correlation and the nosological situation have been disputed since the first description by Fisher in 1956. The accumulated data indicate that the syndrome is a demyelinative process of peripheral nerves and is to be linked with the Guillain-Barré-Strohl syndrome.Eight patients with Fisher's syndrome were examined in order to study the site of lesion responsible for ataxia. The nature of ataxia was considered to be not segmental incoordination but static or locomotor ataxia, because of the lack of ataxia in the extremities and in speech even when the patients were unable to stand or sit. Vibratory sensation was severely impaired in the majority of the cases. Some patients had unique distribution of proximal dominancy. Both the severity and clinical course of dysequilibrium had intimate relations to those of the vibratory disorder. No clinical or laboratory findings were obtained which suggested vestibulocerebellar dysfunction.Morin's spino-cerevico-thalamic tract has been recently proposed as a possible pathway of vibratory sensation and equilibrium. A sole autospied case was reported by Richter (1962) who demonstrated the restricted degeneration of Flechsig's middle root zone in the posterior column of the spinal cord which relays vibratory and proprioceptive sensations via Morin's tract to the cerebrum and cerebellum.It is concluded that the events of vibratory sensory loss connected with dysequilibrium seem to be important in these respects.
高橋 昭
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.76, no.9special, pp.2354-2362, 1983-09-15 (Released:2011-11-04)

Multiple cranial nerve palsy can occur in various intracranial or juxtacranial diseases including neoplasm, granuloma, angiopathy and meningeal diseases, or in acute or chronic relapsing polyneuropathy of demyelinating nature. The latter condition is characterized by symmetrical or bilateral, and predominantly motor nerve involvement.In 1967, the author described a peculiar, multiple, cranial nerve palsy and proposed the descriptive designation of migrating, disseminated, multiple, cranial neuropathy. Since then, 9 cases have been reported from Japan and 3 case series have been known from Thailand, Sri-Lanka and Finland.The cranial nerve palsy in this disease is acute in onset, usually self-limited in course, and migrates with latent interval. All of the sensori-motor cranial nerves II-XII may be involved. Repeated and careful examination and long-term follow-up study failed to disclose any evidence of systemic or local underlying disease processes.In this report, 10 of our own cases are described. Paralysis of the vestibulo-Cochlear nerve was found in 5 patients. Neurological and neuro-otological studies disclosed that hearing loss was of sensori-neural type and the vestibular dysfunction was due to peripheral origin. One of these was found to have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.Attention should be given to those presenting with vestibulo-cochlear symptoms and signs, especially with a tendency to relapse, in relation to migrating, disseminated, multiple, cranial neuropathy.
高橋 昭
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.75, no.11special, pp.2383-2391, 1982 (Released:2011-11-04)
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In 1916 three French neurologists, Guillain, Barré and Strohl, presented their important paper describing 2 patients with polyneuritis. They emphasized the predominant motor weakness of the limbs with minimal sensory loss, hyporeflexia, elevated protein level in cerebrospinal fluid without cellular reaction and favourable prognosis. Since that time, the syndrome has been referred the Guillain-Barré syndrome, but the diagnostic limits of the disorder had been disputed because of inclusion of many types of acute and chronic polyneuritis under this title. In 1960, Osler and Sidell published a paper and set down diagnostic criteria which severely restricted the definition of the disorder. A new diagnostic criteria for the disorder was clearly proposed for field studies by an ad hoc NINCDS committee (1978) and Asbury (1981). These clinical study yields pathological and experimental evidences suggesting that GBS is an acute immune-mediated polyneuropathy (AIMP) and a distinctive entity. GBS is now one of the most frequent forms of acute polyneuritis.Vestibular neuronitis is the term applied originally by Dix and Hallpike (1952) to a distinctive disturbance of vestibular function, characterized clinically by an abrupt and usually a single and severe attack of vertigo and by an absence of cochlear abnormality. The pathological site of the vestibular pathway and the nature of the affection have not been established. Consequently, there is confusion regarding its nosological situation.In this article, the diagnostic criteria of the Guillain-Barré syndrome are reviewed and vestibular neuronitis is compared with it in order to refine the definition. In considering the clinical characteristics, there is some similarlity between vestibular neuronitis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The only significant difference is that vestibular neuronitis is confined primarily to the vestibular nerve. Thus, it is suggested that vestibular neuronitis should be investigated in future with relation to AIMP as well as from the viewpoint of directly infectious or vascular etiology.
伊藤 壽一
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.100, no.1, pp.1-5, 2007-01-01 (Released:2011-10-07)

Recently, regeneration medicine has received considerable attention in various fields and clinical applications have been attempted. There are approaches to regeneration medicine. The first approach is to transplant cells, especially various kinds of stem cells into the organs and tissues. The other approach is to promote the self-regenerative ability of cells. In many cases, however, cellular self-regenerative ability is limited. Growth factors are thought to play an important role in cellular proliferation, differentiation and regeneration, while the loss of growth factors contritutes to various diseases. In this report, the discovery of growth factors, examples of various growth factors and the application of growth factors to regeneration medicine are discussed.
福島 典之
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.83, no.6, pp.953-966, 1990-06-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

This study was designed to investigate the effects of acoustic deprivation and stimulation following acoustic trauma.Symmetrical bilateral cochlear lesions were produced in 33 chinchillas by exposure to a high intensity pure tone (117dBSPL, 2kHz) for 15 minutes. Cochlear thresholds were derived from the cochlear action potentials (CAP) taken prior to and one day after exposure. Then the incudo-malleolar complex of one side was removed so that one cochlea was normally stimulated during the recovery period, while the other was deprived of sound. After a period of one to twelve weeks the OAP's on the non-deprived (nonoperated) side were measured. Hair cell damage in the acoustically deprived cochlea was assessed with scanning electron microscopy. In order to quantify the degree of damage to the sensory epithelium, a hair cell damage scale was implemented based on stereociliary integrity.The control group consisted of six chinchillas with unilateral ossiculectomy but no sound exposure, and four which received sound exposure only. The cochleas of these animals also were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy.The most significant result of this study was that the cochleas with acoustic deprivation during the recovery period sustained a higher degree of damage than the acoustically stimulated cochleas.Another result was that symmetrical cochlear lesions could be produced by strict monitoring of sound pressure balance in both middle ear cavities. Finally, careful ossiculectomy did not affect cochlear morphology.
山際 幹和 福生 治城 坂倉 康夫 三吉 康郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.76, no.4, pp.1307-1319, 1983-04-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

咽喉頭異常感症女性例50例を東洋医学的診断を行うことなく, 西洋医薬と同様の概念でツムラ半夏厚朴湯 (7.5g/日, 14日間連日経口投与) を用いて治療した. 自覚症状の改善率が80%以上を著効, 50%以上を有効, 30%以上をやや有効, それ未満を不変として効果を判定した. その結果, 著効, 有効およびやや有効率は, 1週目で各々26%, 26%, 8%, 2週目で各々42%, 16%, 12%, 又, 3週目 (休薬後1週目) で各48%, 18%, 6%であった. 1例に副作用らしき症状 (嘔気) がみられた. 種々の点から治療成績の分析を行ったところ, 発症より本剤による治療開始までの期間が短い例ほど有効率が有意に高いことが判明したが, 本剤の作用機序を類推するには至らなかった. 西洋医学的診療に加え, 東洋医学的診療を行うことにより, 本症の治療成績は明らかに向上するものと考えた.
伊藤 博隆 馬場 駿吉 高木 一平 大屋 靖彦 横田 明 伊藤 弘美 稲垣 光昭 小山 賢吾 北條 郷明 丸尾 猛 東内 朗 杉山 和子 河合 〓 森部 一穂 鈴木 賢二 柘植 勇人 板谷 純孝 鈴木 康夫
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1991, no.Supplement52, pp.107-118, 1991-12-25 (Released:2012-11-27)
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Mao-bushi-saishin-to extract capsules (6 caps. /day) were administered orally to 61 perennial nasal allergy patients presenting with nasal obstruction for 4 consecutive weeks to assess the overall efficacy, safety and utility of the drug. In the doctor's evaluation, the overall efficacy rate covering excellent and good responses was 38.3% at week 2 of treatment and 54.7% at week 4 of treatment. The utility rate covering useful and higher ratings was 60.7%.Nasal symptoms, viz, sneezing attack, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, dysosmia and interference with daily living were all improved. Nasal obstruction, in particular, disappeared in many cases, thus generating a high improvement rate. Nasal mucosal findings, viz, swelling of inferior turbinal mucosa, watery secretion in nasal cavity, and nasal discharge eosinophil count showed good improvements.The time course of each nasal symptom i n terms of the average score according to allergy diaries, revealed significant reduction in nasal obstruction, dysosmia and interference with daily life in severity at and after week 2 and sneezing and nasal discharge were significantly alleviated at week 4 as compared with the findings obtained during the baseline period.As side effects, headache was reported in one case and stomachache in one case. These symptoms were relieved after discontinuation of treatment.
甲斐 智朗 森田 一郎 臼井 信郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.92, no.3, pp.277-282, 1999-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The efficacy of cryotherapy for pharyngeal pain after tonsillectomy was studied.The pain of 10 patients after tonsillectomy was controlled by the usual methods; i. e., neck icing, povidone iodine gargling, inhalation of aerosols containing antibiotics and corticosteroids, and administration of mefenamic acid syrup perorally (control group). In addition to these treatment methods, another 10 patients received shaved ice orally 30 minutes before each meal (ice group).The pharyngeal pain of each patient was scored 5 times a day by the 10 cm analog scale and the 4 grades of classification. Scoring occurred at waking, 10, 14, 18, and 21 o' clock. The amount of food each patient could eat was also recorded.The pain scores at waking were significantly reduced in the ice group on the 2nd and the 4th post-operative day (p < 0.05; Welch's t-test). The pain was the most severe at waking, diminished during the daytime, and was somewhat increased at night again in both groups (p < 0.05; one-way ANOVA). The patients in the ice group were advanced to more solid and more nutritive diets earlier than those in the control group.We concluded that pharyngeal cryotherapy after tonsillectomy was useful for pain control after tonsillectomy, and the analog scale was suitable for continual recording of the pain levels of patients.
森園 哲夫
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.95, no.7, pp.663-669, 2002-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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A literature review of the safety or ototoxicity of antimicrobials applied to the middle ear cavity was performed. Animal experiments indicated ototoxic effects of otic drops used for the treatment of suppurative otitis media as well as some antiseptic solutions used for preoperative sterilization for the middle ear surgery. Clinical experience indicated fewer adverse effects following the use of antimicrobials and antiseptics in the middle ear cavity, although scant but serious side effects have been reported in the literature. The discrepancy of animal experiment and clinical experience is due largely to the anatomical differences of the cochlea, the round window of rodents are very thin and exposed into the middle ear cavity, whereas that of humans is thick and situated deep in the niche, and often covered with a pseudomembrane.We evaluated the safety of recently marketed eardrops Ofloxacin (OFLX) and Fosfomycin sodium (FOM). Based on the lack of reduction of the compound action potential in guinea pigs, we concluded that there was no ototoxic effect using OFLX or FOM.Also, the ototoxic effect of a Povidone-Iodine preparation was studied. Full strength solution instilled into the middle ear cavity did not cause sensorineural hearing loss at the 24 hours, indicating that rinsing the middle ear cavity with saline during surgery should prevent ototoxic effects of this product.
石川 浩男 尾股 丈夫
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.91, no.9, pp.899-904, 1998-09-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Between November 1985 and June 1997, 83 cases of foreign bodies in the external auditory canal were treated in our department. They represented 0.352% of the total number of outpatients during the same period. Forty-six of the cases were children under 10 years of age, which accounted for 55.4% of all cases. In total, there were 49 male patients and 34 female patients, including 46 right side cases, 36 left side cases and only one case affected on both sides. Biotic foreign bodies were seen in 20 cases mostly adults, with peak occurrence in July and August. Among nonbiotic foreign bodies, mineral foreign bodies were most numerous, and in 19 cases toy-globes were removed. In 50 of the cases mostly children foreign bodies had been inserted during play. A total of 27 cases were asymptomatic. At the time of removal, intravenous anesthesia with ketamine hydrochloride was very effective in keeping patients, especially children, quiet and still.
戸田 行雄 竹山 勇 羽馬 晃
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.77, no.1, pp.3-10, 1984 (Released:2011-11-04)

Three male patients were found to have acute sensorineural hearing loss after exposure to rock and roll music. They were about 30 years old and complained of hearing impairment with tinnitus. Two patients had unilateral, severe, flat-type hearing impairment which did not improve, and one patient had bilateral, C5 dip type, mild hearing impairment which later improved.The clinical features of this disease were studied in 12 patients, including the three mentioned above.Most of the patients with hearing impairment and tinnitus were men in the third and fourth decades. They could be divided into two groups, one with unilateral, flat-type severe hearing impairment and a poor prognosis, and the other with bilateral C5 dip or C5C6 dip type, mild hearing impairment with a good prognosis.As for the cause, it is supposed that when people who, for some reason or other, have become highly susceptible to sound injury are exposed to loud noises such as sounds at rock concerts or in discotheques, the damage occurs.
鈴木 幹男
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.112, no.10, pp.633-639, 2019

<p>Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is frequently observed in the head and neck region and has become a common cause of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC), although the detailed mechanism underlying the pathogenetic process from infection to carcinogenesis remains unclear. A new staging system has been proposed in the 8th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging Manual, which reflects the HPV infection status in determining the clinical stage of OPSCC. The 8th edition of the AJCC Staging Manual adopted p16 immunohistochemistry as a surrogate marker of HPV infection. Although p16 immunoreactivity is a clear indicator of HPV-mediated OPSCC, the significance of p16 immunoreactivity in other head and neck cancers has yet to be confirmed. It is very important to employ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of HPV infection, while using appropriate control conditions and ensuring adequate sample quality, to prevent false-negative as well as false-positive results. In addition, establishment of a risk classification system and less-invasive treatment protocol for HPV-mediated head and neck cancer is also necessary. </p><p>The low-risk types of HPV infection, namely, HPV-6 and -11, are observed in nearly all cases of recurrent laryngeal papilloma. Patients, especially children, suffer from laryngeal papilloma because of frequent recurrence and airway obstruction, although the rate of malignant transformation is low. Elucidation of the mechanism of recurrence is important to devise a new treatment protocol. </p>
川堀 眞一 荒川 卓哉 田中 研 野中 聡
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.6, pp.809-815, 1994-06-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The parapharyngeal region of one cadaver was dissected, and enhanced CT scans and T1 weighted MRI of three normal persons from the skull base to the hyoid bone were performed. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the parapharyngeal space was carried out on the basis of CT images. We examined the relationship between the parapharyngeal space which consisted mainly of fatty tissue and the surrounding structures. Our findings seem to be useful for the understanding of the shape and location of the parapharyngeal space and the clinical understanding of parapharyngeal space tumors. We discussed the differences between the parapharyngeal space and the carotid space with the 9th-12th cranial nerves, sympathetic chain, carotid artery and jugular vein.