赤城 光代 中島 博昭 岩沢 寛 竹山 勇 高井 憲治 神田 錬蔵
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1991, no.Supplement48, pp.167-170, 1991-10-25 (Released:2012-11-27)

We report a rare case of intraoral foreign bodies.A 61 year-old woman felt pain in the oral cavity immediately after eating fresh squid and visited our hospital.We diagnosed as intraorl foreign bodies on examinations, since many white spindle shaped foreign bodies were observed in her oral cavity. We removed these foreign bodies with perimucosal tissue using forceps. The microscopic examination revealed the foreign bodies were the sperm bulb of the fresh squid.We emphasized that fresh squid should be eaten with care.
竹山 勇 漆畑 保 堤 康一朗
喉頭 (ISSN:09156127)
vol.5, no.1, pp.6-11, 1993-06-01 (Released:2012-09-24)

A marked difference in the incidence of laryngeal carcinoma between male and female has been widely unknown. The reason to this, however, has been unknown. In this connection, the affinity of the laryngeal tissue for androgen hormone was investigated in the present study. An auto radio-graphic study was conducted with the tissue of normal laryngeal mucosa and that of moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. 3H-T and its metabolites were found in the nuclei of epithelial cells of male vocal folds and some parts of male laryngeal carcinoma tissues. This suggest the existence of some effect of testosterone on the cell nuclei of these tissues. Quantitative analyses of the intracellular distribution of radioactivity conducted by means of the silver grain counting method showed that approximately 60-70% of 3H-T were located in the nuclear compartment of cancer cells of small size and the epithelium of the vocal fold near the basement membrane. The ABC method demonstrated a positive reaction in the nuclei of laryngeal carcinoma cells and the laryngeal muscle in males.These findings suggest that human laryngeal tissue, especially the vocal fold tissue, and laryngeal carcinoma cells may be one of the target organs for androgenic steroids and that androgen plays an important role in the carcinogenetic process of normal laryngeal tissue.
岩沢 寛 加藤 功 岡田 智幸 上杉 恵介 竹山 勇
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.46, no.4, pp.366-371, 1987 (Released:2009-10-20)

We report here a rare case of vertical nystagmus, dysarthria and broad-based gait due to after-effects of lithium intoxication.A 65-year-old man was admitted with dysarthria and gait disturbance. About 14 years ago, he had begun treatment with lithium carbonate for manic psychosis. Ten years ago, he developed dysarthria and a broad-based gait due to lithium intoxication.Neuro-otological examination demonstrated, downbeat nystagmus in the primary position, rebound nystagmus and direction changingopposing vertical positioning nystagmus.Failure of fixation-suppression of caloric nystagmus was noted in both sides. Eye-tracking test revealed saccadic eye movements, and slow phase OKN velocity was limited billaterally. The equilibrium disturbances observed in this patient's neurological and ENG findings might be attributed to pathological conditions of cerebellar vermis, flocculus and partly brainstem.He was treated with thyroid stimulating hormone (2mg/day) for 18 days.Thereafter, gradually he recovered from some of his neurological symptoms : dysarthria, gait disturbance, rebound nystagmus and direction changing opposing vertical positioning nystagmus.His vertical nystagmus, however, remained unchanged.
竹山 勇
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.73, no.4, pp.433-443, 1970 (Released:2007-06-29)

1. 目的 内分泌および代謝障害による糖尿病患者について, 糖尿病に基因する聴覚ならびに前庭機能の障害があるかどうか, 糖尿病の重症度, 血糖, 随伴する血管障害などと関連があるかどうか, さらに糖負荷によりいかなる所見が得られるかという問題を解明すべく本研究を行つた.2. 方法 聴力検査ならびに前庭機能検査を行い, 聴力検査は純音オージオメータを用い, 気骨導検査と併せてDL検査も試みた. 前庭検査はめまい既往を詳しく問診し, 次いで自発眼振, 頭位眼振, 頭位変換眼振を観察し, さらにロンベルグ試験, マン検査, 足踏検査を行い, また冷温交互試験, 廻転検査を行つた.糖負荷試験は糖尿病の未治療群と既治療群とに分け, 負荷前後において上記検査を行つた.3. 結果(i) 血管障害 (高血圧症, 動脉硬化症) を伴う症例では前庭および聴力検査において異常を認めたものが多い.(ii) また中, 高年層においてその異常所見の発現率が高くみられた.(iii) 若年層では高血糖, 眼合併症 (糖尿病性網膜炎) を伴う症う症例に聴力障害がみられた.(iv) 罹病期間には相関を示さなかつたが, 高血糖値, 高血清総コレステロール値を有していた症例に内耳障害を示したものが多くみられた.
戸田 行雄 竹山 勇 羽馬 晃
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.77, no.1, pp.3-10, 1984 (Released:2011-11-04)

Three male patients were found to have acute sensorineural hearing loss after exposure to rock and roll music. They were about 30 years old and complained of hearing impairment with tinnitus. Two patients had unilateral, severe, flat-type hearing impairment which did not improve, and one patient had bilateral, C5 dip type, mild hearing impairment which later improved.The clinical features of this disease were studied in 12 patients, including the three mentioned above.Most of the patients with hearing impairment and tinnitus were men in the third and fourth decades. They could be divided into two groups, one with unilateral, flat-type severe hearing impairment and a poor prognosis, and the other with bilateral C5 dip or C5C6 dip type, mild hearing impairment with a good prognosis.As for the cause, it is supposed that when people who, for some reason or other, have become highly susceptible to sound injury are exposed to loud noises such as sounds at rock concerts or in discotheques, the damage occurs.
戸田 行雄 中島 久美 漆畑 保 甲斐 園子 五島 久子 堤康 一朗 竹山 勇
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.88, no.7, pp.896-905, 1985-07-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

Twenty normal hearing young adults ingested 1.4ml alcohol per kg body weight over 60 minutes. Then the blood alcohol levels, breath alcohol levels were measured by Dupont ACA blood analyzer and DPA-2 breath analyzer. Also the thresholds and the amplitudes of the acoustic reflex were measured by impedance audiometer ZO-72, using 1.5sec., 500Hz., pure tone stimulation contralaterally in 13 persons, and ipsilaterally in 7 persons. First, the thresholds were decided and then the amplitudes were recorded after the stimulation by the sounds of 20dB more than those of before drinking alcohol. The results were as follows: 1) In 13 persons who the stimulation were given contralaterally, the amplitudes were decreased at the point of just finishing drinking. Four persons showed remarkable decrease, while five showed no significant change. 2) In 7 persons, who the stimulation were given ipsilaterally, the thresholds were increased at the points of just finishing drinking, 30 minutes later, 60 minutes later. No variability was found among them. 3) No significant relations were found not only between the blood alcohol levels and the changes of the thresholds, but also between the blood alcohol levels and the changes of the amplitudes. From the above mentioned, it was concluded that the acoustic reflex was depressed when people drink alcohol, and people will get morepossibilities of suffering from acute sensorineural healing loss if they are exposed to loud sounds while drinking, like in discos.
奥田 稔 深谷 卓 小林 恵子 伊藤 依子 調所 廣之 設楽 哲也 八尾 和雄 小川 浩司 橋口 一弘 佐伯 哲郎 山越 隆行 濱田 はつみ 川崎 和子 石井 豊太 鳥山 稔 増田 哲也 杉山 博 川端 五十鈴 川島 佳代子 八木 昌人 田部 浩生 岡村 浩一郎 木場 玲子 斉藤 晶 安藤 一郎 野村 恭也 吉見 健二郎 窪田 哲明 大谷 尚志 波多野 吟哉 竹山 勇 上杉 恵介 林崎 勝武 鈴木 淳一 澤木 誠司 石塚 洋一 古屋 信彦 安達 忠治 坂井 真 新川 敦 小林 良弘 佐藤 むつみ 山崎 充代 斎藤 洋三 舩坂 宗太郎 斉藤 啓光 石井 正則 浅井 和康 森山 寛 遠藤 朝彦 小林 毅 関 博之 林 成彦 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 水谷 陽江 荒 牧元 大竹 守 北嶋 整 上田 範子 山口 宏也 牛嶋 達次郎 坊野 馨二 菊地 茂 佐橋 紀男 臼井 信郎 原 俊彰 宮川 晃一 田中 康夫 喜友名 朝盛 井上 庸夫 八木 聰明 大久保 公裕 服部 康夫 町野 満 大塚 博邦 稲葉 真 島田 早苗 添野 眞一 星 慎一 頼 徳成 大橋 和史 村山 貢司 飯塚 啓介 市川 朝也 冨田 寛 小山 明 山内 由紀 渡辺 健一 佐藤 かおる 山田 久美子 木田 亮紀 牧山 清 亀谷 隆一 藤田 洋祐 井上 鐵三 田村 悦代 野原 理 阿部 和也 水野 信一 岩崎 真一 小川 裕 加賀 達美
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.6, pp.797-816, 1995-06-01
6 3

To evaluate the effectiveness, safety and utility of Emedastine difumarate (ED) in the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis, a multicentered, double-blind comparative study was performed in 290 patients in 1994.<br>Patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis were divided into two groups; the first group was treated with ED at a dose of 4mg/day starting two weeks before the season and continuing for the whole season. The second group was given an inactive placebo instead of ED during the pre-season and the early portion of the season and then replaced with ED during the later portion of the season.<br>As a result, the final improvement rate was significantly higher in the first group than that in the second group.<br>All subjective symptoms such as sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and eye itching were suppressed due to ED treatment.<br>In conclusion, it was better to continuously administer ED to patients with pollinosis from the preseasonal period till the end of the season.<br>However, when the ED treatment was started in the midseason, the outcome was good, although less satisfactory than the outcome of continuous treatment given throughout the entire pollen season.