石川 博樹
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2006, no.69, pp.45-57, 2006

17世紀前半ソロモン朝皇帝治下のエチオピア北部では, 16世紀前半に始まる牧畜民オロモの進出が続き, 彼らとエチオピア教会に属する農耕民アムハラとの攻防が繰り返されていた。イエズス会士たちによれば, この時期にはケイマと呼ばれる牛税が徴収されていた。この牛税ケイマについてはこれまで十分な研究が行なわれていない。本稿では, イエズス会史料とエチオピア語史料に基づいて, ケイマの導入と廃止の理由, その経済的価値, そしてエチオピア北部史上に於いてこの税が持つ意義について考察した。検討の結果得られた結論は以下のとおりである。(1) ケイマは16世紀前半のムスリムとの戦いで荒廃した王国を再建するための施策の1つとして1550年代前半に導入された。(2) ケイマは1667年に廃止された。その理由としては, ケイマの負担が過重であったことや, タナ湖周辺地域の征服活動に於いて多くの雌牛を入手できるようになったことなどが考えられる。(3) オロモとの攻防が最も激しかった16世紀後半から17世紀前半にかけて, ケイマは対オロモ戦の遂行と国政の運営に重要な役割を果たした。したがってこの税はオロモ進出期に於けるエチオピア王国の存続に貢献したと評価すべきである。
藤井 真理
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1999, no.55, pp.21-34, 1999-12-20 (Released:2010-04-30)

La Compagnie française des Indes, crée en 1719, obtint le privilège de la traite des noirs en Afrique occidentale, depuis le Cap-Blanc jusqu'au Cap de Bonne-Espérance. En 1726, elle abandonna son droit exclusif sur la Guinée, régions situées au sud de la Sierra Leone, et elle continua son administration de la concession du Sénégal jusqu'à 1767, date de sa liquidation.Le premier point d'analyse: la différenciation de la situation du commerce entre Sénégal et Guinée. Depuis la deuxième moitié du 17e siècle, les français entretinrent des comptoirs et des escales qui constituèrent leurs réseaux commerciaux au Sénégal tandis qu'ils n'eurent qu'une position isollée, Juda, en Guinée. La traite des noirs se concentra essentiellement au Sénégal.Le deuxième point: l'administration de la concession du Sénégal par la Compagnie des Indes. Le présent article étudie le Journal d'un voiage fait en Bambouc en 1744 par Pierre David, directeur général de la concession. Celui-ci, après les difficultés surgirent au début des annees 1740, négocia avec les bakélis, maîtres du commerce de Galam, et les saatigi, chefs de caravane indigène. Ses contacts directs lui permirent de reconstituer les liens commerciaux et donnèrent de la vigueur aux réseaux du transport des marchandises. La traite des noirs crût en nombre et le commerce du Sénégal par la Compagnie fut à son apogée pendant les années 1745-1755.Le maintien de la sphère commerciale et les liaisons administratives francosènègalaises furent assises du monopole de la Compagnie.
服部 志帆
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2007, no.71, pp.21-40, 2007-12-31 (Released:2010-07-01)
1 1

本稿の目的は, カメルーン東南部に暮らす狩猟採集民バカの植物知識を事例にこれまで均質的なものとして扱われることが多かった「民俗知識」の個人差に注目することによって,「民俗知識」の特性を検討し, 伝統社会に暮らす人々が自然との間に結ぶ具体的な関係の一形態を提示することである。植物名や利用法ごとに人々の知識の共有度を比較した結果, 成人後期のバカの間では植物名や食用, 建材・物質文化に関する知識の多くが共有されていたが, 薬に関する知識の多くは共有されていないことが明らかになった。また, バカは薬の知識を本人やその子供などが病気になった際に, おもに両親や兄弟から教わっており, 薬の知識には本人やその近親の病歴が反映されていることが示唆された。植物名の共有度の高さは, バカの生活や文化における植物の重要性と社会生活を行う際に植物名を共有する必要性の高さを反映していると考えられる。食用植物や建材・物質文化に関する知識が共有されやすい理由は, 味や材質形態などといった植物の素材がバカの間で共通した評価を得やすいことと, これらに利用される植物が食物分配や道具類の共有などの社会生活において頻繁に利用されるため知識を共有する機会が多いことが考えられる。一方, 薬に関する知識が共有されにくいのは, 植物の素材が薬効として共通した評価を得がたいことと, 薬の利用がおもに家族内に限られるため社会生活において薬を共有する機会が少ないからだと考えられる。このように「民俗知識」の個人差は, 植物の素材に対する個人の評価と文化として知識を共有する機会の多寡が影響していることが考えられる。
竹沢 尚一郎 シセ ママドゥ
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2008, no.73, pp.31-48, 2008-12-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

奴隷貿易と植民地支配以前, 西アフリカは繁栄を謳歌し, ガーナ, マリ, ガオ等の大国家が成立した。しかしその実態は, 歴史資料が乏しいこともあり十分に明らかにされてはいない。その空隙を埋めるべく, マリ共和国東部のガオ地区で発掘をおこなってきたので, その成果を報告する。ガオ-サネ遺跡での発掘からは, 長方形の日干しレンガ製建造物が出土した他, 400点を越えるビーズ, 北アフリカと同型のランプ, 鉄や銅の製品, 紡錘車が出土した。小型坩堝の他, 大小2種類の鎌形の銅の板が存在したが, これは貨幣として流通し, 必要に応じて製品に加工されたと考えられる。放射性炭素分析から遺跡はAD8Cから10Cと考えられる。製法と種類の異なる多様な土器の存在, 土製ランプの出土, 長方形の日干しレンガの使用, 西アフリカ最古の紡錘車の出現など, 西アフリカの他の遺跡との相違は顕著である。以上から, この遺跡は南方の黒人系だけでなく, 北アフリカの交易者・工人が居住していたと考えられる。古ガオ遺跡での発掘からは, 片翼36mの総石造りの建造物の他, 浴室を備えた小型建造物が出土した。出土品には, 約1万点のビーズ, 1千点以上の銅製品と鉄製品, 北アフリカ・中東産のガラス製小型容器片や磁器片などの貴重品がある。放射性炭素分析から建造物は10Cを通じて利用されていたと考えられる。使用された石は付近に存在しないので, 遠方から運ばれていたはずである。他に類を見ない石造りの大規模建造物であること, 建造用の石を遠方から運ぶほどの権力の集中が存在したこと, ガラス製容器等の貴重品がサハラを越えて運ばれていたことから, 建造物は王宮ないし権力者の居宅であったと考えられる。アラビア語史料によれば, 10Cのガオは王都と交易都市からなる双子都市であり, 私たちの発掘はそれを裏付けている。その他, 西アフリカで発見された最初の「王宮」であること, サハラ交易の開始が従来より少なくとも2世紀早められたこと, 西アフリカを東西に結ぶ交易路の存在が確認されたことなど,「中世」前期 (8-10C) の西アフリカ史を解明する上で多くの成果がもたらされている。

1 0 0 0 OA 瀕死の王

阿久津 昌三
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1990, no.36, pp.13-29, 1990-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

The idiom nana asumasi awu (‘king is dead’) was never used of an Asantehene. On such phrase as ‘king is absent’ or ‘king is departed’, and seemingly the commonest—dupon keseε atutu—described the death of an Asantehene in terms of the uprooting or fall gyadua (pl. gyannua), a mighty shade tree. The accession of the new king may occur immediately within forty days upon the death, or dethronement of the former monarch, since the funeral and enthronement of the king become part of the same sequence of events.On the death or dethronement of an Asantehene, the queenmother (Asantehemma) takes over as regent. Afterwards, the kingmakers (werempe) formerly asked an Asantehemma to nominate a candiate for their approval, and gave her three succeeding options at the end of which the councillors could in turn present a candiate for her approval. The Asantehemma plays an important role in the succession of the throne, and decide the new king according to the Asante rules of succession.In ontological terms, it is descent which is important to the structure of Oyoko dynasty; in phenomenological terms, it is marriage. But, in structural terms, from the viewpoints of the genealogical matrix and the pattern of marriage, the distribution of Asantehenes is regarded as a statement to the matrifiliation of the attributes of kingship as well as to the patrifiliation of the politics of kingship. Asante politics can be seen as streched taut between opposing forces: the centripetal one of matrifiliation and the centrifugal one of patrifiliation.In this paper, my concern is to try to lay out more precisely some of the factors involved in systems of Asante succession of the throne, to analyse the meanings of death and mortuary rituals, and to specify some of enthronement and mortuary rituals according to Akan calendar.
和崎 春日
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1984, no.24, pp.22-42, 1984-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

This paper is based on materials which were collected by the author during research conducted over a 10 month period between 1978-1979 and 1982, among the Bamun in Cameroon, Central Africa.Firstly, the author intends to describe the present situation of saving associations Puomsha Gba at Magenfa, a village 25km north of the capital Fumban in Bamun political domain.Here, it is necessary to make clear the geographical and political position of Magenfa where a saving association can be observed. The kingdom of Bamun has a three-graded political domain characterized by concentric circles with the center being the royal capital of Fumban. Fumban is in the central core of Bamun territory where the King of Bamun always stays. The second concentric circle, i. e. the second political domain is called shishet ngu meaning the nuclear part of the kingdom, where the past princes, the royal families and their descendents have always lived. The last and biggest concentric circle is called ngu meaning ‘a whole country’, where the last Bamun kings had conquerred many little chiefdoms.The village of Magenfa is located in the nuclear part of the Kingdom, shishet ngu. Although this political area has relations with the Bamun kingship, the village chief of Magenfa does not have the title of nji; a term used to identify the real son (s) of the king of Bamun. Therefore, Magenfa does not have direct relations with the Bamun kingship.Ultimately, the author intends to analyse the following items through the description of the saving association in a Bamun village.(a) the social organization of the saving association and constitution of its members(b) regulation and activities in a saving association(c) relationship between family structure and the saving association(d) relationship between inter-village relation and the saving association(e) whether or not there exists an ‘indirect’ relationship between the saving association in Magenfa and the Bamun kingship, regardless of an apparent direct relationship between them. Analysis revealed 4 principles summarized below.(1) The generalized reciprocity, observed among hunter—gatherers as defined by Sahlins, can be observed in the activities of the saving association, but with much more organized and much more ordered regulation. Each member pays attention to the others' poverty and requests for help in order that his own requests may be fulfilled in the future.(2) Activites of the saving association develops members' sociability and strongly promotes friendship and co-operation not only in daily village life but also in inter-village relations. Furthermore, these activities prevent members from displaying anti-social behaviour which might disturb the social harmony. They also prevent individuals from deviation or ‘drop out’ behaviour, as if members in a community were afraid of being accused of being a ‘witch’.(3) The saving association prevents social and psychological friction between husband and co-wives or amongst co-wives, because a large amount of money from a saving association fulfills the many requirements of co-wives each of whom forms an economic unit together with her children. Therefore, the saving association functions to complement distortion of family structure caused by the husband's inability to respond to the various needs of co-wives. It can also be said to support and strengthen the system of polygamy and the structure of polyandry.(4) From a cultural point of view, the people are able to identify with the king of Bamun or the Bamun kingship through the activities of a saving association; such as drinking ‘zu’ meaning palm wine, which is traditionally used in the King's coronation ritual.
掛谷 誠
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1978, no.17, pp.1-33, 1978-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)
大山 修一
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2007, no.71, pp.85-99, 2007-12-31 (Released:2012-08-13)

北村 光二
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1996, no.48, pp.19-34, 1996-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

In anthropological studies of Africa, hunter-gatherer societies are commonly thought of as being egalitarian. This paper, however, opposes such understanding and regards such as related to the nostalgia held by those who recognize inequality in modern society. This paper reinterprets the so-called egalitarian society by examining the social life of the San, huntergatherers of the Kalahari desert, doing so by considering the evolution of cognition, thought and communication as originating in monkeys and continuing through to modern man.In this evolutional transition from monkeys to man, it is assumed that two of the more important changes in social life concerned the reduction in the significance of dominant-subordinate relationship, and the emergence of food sharing. Among the San, the former is evident in diminishing forms of both dominant arrogance and subordinate self-restraint. With increasing individual independence, reaching agreement with another in a symmetrical role arrangement becomes an increasing important aspect of communication. One voluntarily and adaptively conducts interactions on grounds justified by eventual mutual agreement with the other.With regard to the latter issue, the San, believing it proper, share foods as well as other things of daily use. The formation of an “ownership” concept is important for the emergence of sharing. Any interest in a desired object is mediated by mutual cognition that the object belongs to the “owner” and others are inhibited from direct access to it. Given such a cognitively based indirect relation with an object, one tries to realize agreement with the other's desire by means of sharing that object. As such an action is named “sharing”, it becomes a definite category of social conduct based on social reality, which ultimately gener ates an ideology directing people to share.So-called “egalitarianism” is an ideology held by those who think that a bulwark against egoism, the selfishness of individuals, is needed. Egoism, however, is not a true character of humans, nor of animals. Egoism, and by virtue of contrast, egalitarianism, are ideologies not formulated until the emergence of modern society.
井上 亮
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1993, no.42, pp.27-43, 1993-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

This paper which is based on original field-work carried out between August 1989 and July 1990 in the Province of Adamawa, Cameroon, presents a typology of medicine men. It offers a description of the initiation by way of dreams, a process which I underwent myself. The initiation by way of dreams is discussed from a psychological perspective. I explore the possibility of reframing the prevailing paradigm of psychotherapy by making use of indigenous African practices.The initiation by way of dreams includes several stages: the induction of dreams, the overcoming of fear in dreams, the induction of a pathological dream state, and dream control. A medicine-man receives his calling by falling ill according to a culturally defined syndrome. The initiation is a tool to reproduce this creative illness.During the process the initiate is made to achieve a state of lucid dreams, of ‘being awake while dreaming’. I argue that the concept of ‘lucid dreams’ provides us with an important clue in the study of ecstasy and possession. It also has great potential in training programs for psychotherapists treating borderline or psychotic patients.
椎野 若菜
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2001, no.59, pp.71-84, 2001-12-10 (Released:2010-04-30)

ルオ村落社会では, 既婚の男が死んだあと, 残された妻は「墓の妻 (chi liel)」とよばれ, 亡夫の代理になる男と「テール (ter)」関係を結ばねばならない。寡婦は亡夫の妻であり続けながらジャテール (jater) とばれる代理夫を選択し, 彼と亡夫の土地で「夫婦」生活を送る。従来の多くの研究における寡婦に関する慣行は, 夫の集団が彼の死後もその妻に対し保持しうる権利として解釈されてきた。寡婦と性関係を結ぶ男たちとのかけひきをも描いた, 寡婦の生活実践を究明するものは極めて少なかった。そこで本稿では, 寡婦が夫の死後, 新たな男との関係を築きそれを維持していく過程に注目した。まず慣習的規範や信念などと絡み合う, 寡婦をめぐる人間関係を抽出したうえで, そのなかにおける寡婦の生活の社会的側面と, 性生活におよぶ寡婦の個人的側面を支える, テール関係の様々な局面についての考察を試みた。その結果, このテール関係は父系的土地慣行を前提としているだけでなく, 性に関する細かな慣習的規範,「娼婦」のレッテルなど, 寡婦にとって圧力になりうる諸要素の影響下に成り立っていることが判明した。一方で寡婦は, そうした社会的な圧力と人間関係の絡み合いのなかで生じる力のバランスを巧みに利用し, 不都合があれば逆に慣習的規範を関係解消の理由づけとして使い, 代理夫を頻繁に変え得ることが明らかになった。つまりルオの寡婦は, 個々のもつ社会的状況に応じて策略を練り, 男たちとかけひきしながら自由に代理夫を選択するという, 実践を続けているのである。
島田 周平
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1981, no.20, pp.33-52, 1981-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

It is widely known that not only Lord Lugard who had not hesitate to say about quasi “heaven-born” superiority of the Northern Nigeria, but also many British administrators had acknowledged their preference for the northern Nigeria than southern Nigeria. It is discussed in this paper what the origin of this “British administrators' preference for the north (Nothern Nigeria)” is.Before the year of 1830 when the River Niger's mouth was discovered, the main British people who were active on the coast of the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra were slave traders and explorers. Slave traders overwhelmed explorers in number, but as far as information is concern which they had brought in to the Britain, their cotribution was nominal. In contrast to this, explorers had brought many kinds of and large quantities of information about both of the South (coastal area) and the North (inland area). They wrote many reports and books, in which they depicted the northern area as highly organized Mahomedan countries where people were modest.About ten years after the discovery, many kinds of peoples began to come to both coastal and inland areas. Among those groups, the most important groups were non-slave traders, missionaries, and administrators. All these new-comers arrived to Nigeria with the information and knowledge which was available in Britain. That is; continual political coflicts in the south, and well organized Mahomedan Emirates in the north; wild “pagan” people in the south, and polite and honest islamic people in the north; highly humid weather in the south, and dry and relatively comfortable weather in the north.But as missionaries in the north had experienced failure of missionary work because of strong resistance by islamic people and they had succeeded in the south, they began to change their image of Nigerian people. Contrary to this, administrators whose main interest was to find the means to secure their country's economic and political interest over the new territory, felt no need to change their image of Nigeria. For them well organized society in the north seemed to be favorable for their future rule. And this is one of the most important reasons why British administrators in the north concentrated their attention upon establishment of administrative and taxation systems in the first stage of British administration, and the British administrators in the south did not.

1 0 0 0 OA 神をつくる

田中 正隆
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2004, no.65, pp.1-18, 2004-12-22 (Released:2010-04-30)

南部ベナンには多様な神々を物質にして祀る信仰 (ヴォドゥン) が広がっている。ヴォドゥンとは神格化された祖霊であるが, 人々はそれを物質に置き換える。こうした神である物質を, 人々は日常品などの単なるものエヌenuと区別してヌワヌnuwanu (手を加えたもの) と説明する。こうしたもの一神は, 歴史を通じて人々が他地域から購入することで移動や混合がすすんできた。それは現在にいたるまで続いており, そうした神の流通には伝統医が深く関わっている。伝統医 (ボコノ) にとってこれは信仰活動でありつつ, 経済活動の一つでもある。本稿は伝統医の活動のうち, 薬, 呪物, 霊でもある「もの」の売買にかかわる面に着目し, 彼らの経済原理を明らかにする。近年の人類学におけるモダニティ論では, しばしば従来商品となることはなかった (個別化された) ものまでが売買される状況をさして, オカルトや過剰な自由主義経済化として解釈する。しかしアジャ社会における物質化された神は個人の要求に応えるという意味で個別的でありながら雑多な商品によって構成され, 貨幣と交換される。これらは個別性―商品性を対極におく, 物質文化論や交換論の枠組みでは理解できない。そこで本稿では伝統医の経済事情と作成儀礼, 彼らの語りを分析するなかで, 人々がむしろ作成過程と取引の持続性, 反復性を重視していることに注目した。このような取引にたずさわることはボコノにとって重要な信仰実践である。神々をめぐる取引はきわめて貨幣―商品経済的でありながら, 利潤の最大化が唯一の目的ではなく, 社会関係の構築を重視することを, 本稿は明らかにする。
和田 正平
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1972, no.12, pp.38-54, 1972-12-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

Over a six-month period during 1971-1972, I was able to revisit Hanang District in northern Tanzania and carry out an extensive survey in order to compare the Iraqw with the surrounding tribes, particularly the Gorowa (Southern Cushitic), the Datoga (Nilotic), the Mbugwe (Bantu). As result of this field work, for the purpose of understanding contemporary African tribes, it has been found necessary to throw light on their past. Generally speaking, the history of the Southern Cushities, Nitotes, and other related groups, has been reconstructed mainly from archaeology and linguistics, with the utilization of oral history hitherto largely neglected.The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to illustrate the process of tribal expansion and mixing through the medicine men's struggle for power, by using oral tradition as a useful tool. According to traditions, I think there are four historical stages of expansion of Southern Cushities as follows.first stage: Integrated as Southern Cushities, locating in the vicinity of Kondoa-Irangi.second stage: divided into four tribes (Iraqw, Gorowa, Burunge, Alawa) at the foot of Mt. Hanang.....The Datoga attacked them.....third stage: confined to an extremely restricted region (for example, Mamaisara for the Iraqw, or Gallapo for the Gorowa)....The Masai cattle raids occured frequently.....fourth stage: extened to the neighbouring land occupied by the pastoral peoples.....German rule was established....In each stage, peoples have been territorially organized and politically ruled, through the relation of the giving and receiving of medicines with various rituals, by foreign medicine men-the Datoga, the Isanzu, the Irangi-except in first stage. It is most remarkable, in the third stage, that a rainmaker of Isanzu origin was welcomed into the Iraqw and Gorowa also. The clans known as Manda Hay Irqa or Manda Hay Bayo and Haryambi in the Gorowa althouth originally from the same area and having the same ancesters, have gradually widened the spheres of their influence with the expansion of these cushitic peoples. The process went on throughout the German period and continued under the British colonial administration.Expansion areas of the Iraqw had, by about 1900, included nearly the entire Dongobeshi area regarded as being primarily the country of the Gisamijanga (subtribe of the Datoga) and perhaps by 1920 had reached to the Barabaiga region (the most territorially defined subtribe of the Datoga) in the vicinity of Mt. Hanang. These settlers have established regional compound communities together with the Datoga, and have vital common interests. More important, the peripheral Iraqw has begun to be linked with foreign medicine men-Geragendo Gidamowsa of the Datoga, Muna Sora of the Gorowa-both organizationally and ritually, due to the background of social interaction. The social character of medicine men has been steadily changing, though the peak of ritual leadership has been based on tribal bonds, in northern Tanzania.
五島 忠久
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1968, no.7, pp.77-92, 1968-10-10 (Released:2010-04-30)

The development of Swahili lexicography can be observed by comparing three important dictionaries: Krapf's Dictionary of the Swahili Language (1882), Madan's Swahili-English Dictionary (1903) and Johnson's Standard Swahili-English Dictionary (1939). The first notable Swahili dictionary was J. L. Krapf's, containing more entries than any other. Krapf, however, was not a superior lexicographer to Madan or Johnson in spelling, framing definitions, and selecting quotations. Madan's dictionary contains many words not included in Krapf's and definitions are revised where necessary, although Madan does show Krapf's influence. The third progressive step was made by Johnson who firmly established the connection between derivatives and their verbs, causing the expression of a wider meaning in many cases.