河村 善也
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-12, 1992
3 5

帝釈峡遺跡群に属する観音堂, 堂面, 穴神, 馬渡の4遺跡から産出した哺乳動物化石の層序学的な分布を, 現在までに得られた資料をもとにまとめた. これらの遺跡から産出した哺乳類の約69%は現在もこの地域に生息する種類で, その大部分は後期更新世の後半から連続してこの地域に生息していたものと考えられる. 一方, 全体の約19%は現在この地域には分布しないが, 他の地域には生息している種類で, これらは後期更新世から完新世にかけてのいろいろな時期に, この地域から絶滅したと考えられる. 残りの12%は絶滅種で, それらはすべて後期更新世末までに絶滅したと考えられる. 現在この地域に分布しない種類や絶滅種のこの遺跡群における消滅層準の年代は, 32,000から21,000年BPの間 (ヒョウ), 21,000から16,000年BPの間 (ニホンモグラジネズミ, ヒグマ属, ゾウ科の動物), 16,000から12,000年BPの間 (ニホンムカシハタネズミ, ブランティオイデスハタネズミ), 10,000年BP頃 (ヤベオオツノシカ), 6,000から5,000年BP頃 (オオヤマネコ) で, これらの年代は各種類の本州におけるおおよその絶滅時期と対応する可能性が高い.
堤 隆
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.42, no.3, pp.205-218, 2003-06-01

早川 由紀夫 由井 将雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-17, 1989
5 23

The eruptive history of the Kusatsu Shirane volcano is well described by means of 14 beds of key tephra and intercalating loess soil. Three eruptive stages are recognized. During early or middle Pleistocene the Matsuozawa volcano was formed; this is the first stage. The second stage was initiated by effusion of the Horaguchi lava, which was followed by eruptions of the Oshi pyroclastic flow, older lava flows, 3P pumice fall, and Yazawahara pyroclastic flow. Brown loess soil about 10m thick covering these deposits indicates that a dormant period of more than 100, 000 years followed this stage. The summit area upheaved about 400m or more against the foot of the volcano during this period, as is suggested by the extraordinarily steep (6.1°-3.0°) surface of the Oshi ignimbrite plateau. The third stage, which started about 14, 000 years ago, is the formation of three pyroclastic cones on the summit and contemporaneous effusion of the younger lava flows, <i>e. g.</i> the Kagusa lava of 7, 000 years ago and the Sessyo lava of 3, 000 years ago. In historic times, phreatic explosions have frequently occurred on the summit crater, Yugama. This means that the present belongs to the third stage. It is unlikely that eruptions of the third stage are caused by cooling of the magma chamber which was active in the second stage. The activity of the third stage seems to denote arrival of a new magma chamber at shallow depth.
横山 卓雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.38, no.4, pp.271-286, 1999-08-01

早田 勉
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.28, no.4, pp.269-282, 1989 (Released:2009-08-21)
10 7

A very important problem for Quaternary research is determining when human beings first settled the Japanese islands. Recently many artifacts of the Early Paleolithic age, dating from before 30, 000 years ago, have been discovered in the northern part of Sendai plain, North Japan. The age of these artifacts has been determined mainly by radiometric dating methods.On the other hand, tephrochronology is an effective technique for establishing Quaternary stratigraphy in the Japanese islands and their surrounding area. The author investigated the age of horizons bearing artifacts on representative sites of that age from the viewpoint of tephrochronology.The stratigraphy of proximal tephra layers is indicated in Fig. 1. Useful widespread tephra layers for chronological study of this area are Toya (ca. 90, 000-100, 000y.B.P.), On-Pm I (ca. 80, 000y.B.P.), Aso-4 (ca. 70, 000y.B.P.) and AT (ca. 21, 000-22, 000y.B.P.). Toya, On-Pm I, Aso-4 and AT were discovered from the horizons between IcP and KtA, IcP and KtA, N-N and N-Y, and N-Y and NK-U, respectively. At Babadan A site, artifacts of the Early Paleolithic age were excavated from horizons in Ando soil found below IwP, just below and above IcP, between IcP and KtA, just above N-Y, and between N-Y and NK-U. Consequently, the artifacts excavated from the horizons below KtA belong to the Early Paleolithic age. At Zazaragi site, another representative site belonging to the Early Paleolithic age, the artifacts were excavated from the horizons of orange-colored volcanic ash (the lower part of Yasuzawa volcanic ash). During the excavation, this deposit was regarded as an airfall tephra layer. But the author interpreted this deposit as a weathered part of a pyroclastic flow deposit (N-Y3) on the basis of the following observations:(1) The boundary of the lower part of Yasuzawa volcanic ash and lower pyroclastic flow deposit is irregular and not clear in some place.(2) It is massive and not layered. There is no intercalation of soil.(3) It is not well sorted.(4) It includes charcoals.(5) It has segregation pipes. Some of them develop at the boundary of the lower part between the Yasuzawa volcanic ash and the lower pyroclastic flow deposit.The author believes that the artifacts were incorporated into pyroclastic flow and carried to their present site.The horizons from which artifacts of the Early Paleolithic age in Japan have been excavated are plotted in Fig. 8. It has been confirmed that some widespread tephra layers originated from gigantic eruptions and covered the area surrounding the Sea of Japan (cf. MACHIDA and ARAI, 1933). The author believes that common chronological studies of Paleolithics in this area are made feasible by tephrochronology.

1 0 0 0 OA 日本海と象

亀井 節夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.29, no.3, pp.163-172, 1990-08-20 (Released:2009-08-21)
5 5

This is a summary of the presidential address to the public at the 19th annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Quaternary Research, held at Tottori August 18-20, 1989. The address had two parts: one was an introduction to the concept of “Quaternary” and the significance of Quaternary research, and the other was an elucidation of the discussion at the symposium on “Paleogeography and Paleoenvironments around the coastal areas of the Japan Sea”, exemplified by elephant fossils from the sea-bottom of the southern Japan Sea. The pioneers of Quaternary research in Japan, the German geologists E. NAUMANN and D. BRAUNS, were very interested in the elephant fossils of Japan and published papers on them in 1881 and 1883, respectively. Since that time, the study of elephant fossils and Quaternary research in Japan have been closely related.Since about 20 years ago, several elephant tusks and molars have been dredged by dragnet fisheries off the San'in district and also off the Noto peninsula in the southern Japan Sea. They were obtained from depths of 120m to 400m, on either the continental shelf or on the drowned bank of the sea-bottom. Formerly, those materials were considered to verify the presence of a landbridge in the past around the area of the Tsushima strait between Korea and Kyushu, but now this idea has come to be rejected. The results of analysis for the boring cores drilled at several places on the bottom of Japan Sea afford much information about paleoenvironmental changes during the Late Pleistocene. For example, an inflow of the Tsushima warm current to the Japan Sea, which is one of the remarkable tributaries of the Kuroshio, was reduced or arrested at that time by mixing with fresh water from the Hwang Ho River running through North China. This created a stagnant condition in the bottom water of the Japan Sea, and much influenced the biotic community there. Again, the inflow of the Tsushima warm current to the Japan Sea was regenerated beginning about 6, 500 y. B. P.The elephant fossils on the sea-bottom consist of tusks and molars of Naumann's elephant Palaeoloxodon naumanni and a molar tooth of woolly mammoth Mammuthus primigenius. The radiocarbon dating carried out for these and others found on land showed that the former was older than 30, 000 y. B. P. and the latter was younger, around 20, 000 y. B. P. It is known that during the maximal cold phase in the Last Glacial, woolly mammoths came down from Siberia southward to Hokkaido, but did not cross over the Tsugaru strait to Honshu. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the remains of woolly mammoths would be transported by drifting from the Hwang Ho area to that off San'in and then sink to the bottom of the Japan Sea. However, the idea is still a matter of imagination, more investigation for the environmental changes during the Quaternary in Japan needs to be done.
藤木 利之 酒井 恵祐 奥野 充
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
pp.62.2202, (Released:2023-09-16)

クック諸島アチウ島Areora地区東部の湿地から得られた堆積物で花粉分析を行った結果,約1,600 cal BP (約350 cal CE) にココヤシと草本の花粉,シダ胞子,木炭片が急増し,タコノキ属花粉やヘゴ科胞子が急減するという劇的な植生変化が確認された.大規模な森林伐採などによるかく乱により,草原が拡大したと考えられた.アチウ島は約350 cal CEに人類が定住していたと考えられたが,この時代にアチウ島には人類定住の痕跡となる考古学データは全くない.また,約1100 cal CE以降にサツマイモなどの栽培植物花粉が微量ではあるが出現し,木炭片が急増した.よって,アチウ島への人類到達は2段階ある可能性が示された.年代は若干異なるが,この結果はTiroto湖の古環境データとほぼ一致している.堆積物を用いた古環境復元から人類定住年代を研究する場合は,島の様々な集水域の堆積物の分析を行って,多面的な分析結果から議論する必要があると考えられた.
堀口 万吉
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.22, no.3, pp.231-244, 1983-11-30 (Released:2009-08-21)
4 4

The Juno Peaty Site is situated on the Shibakawa lowland in the eastern part of Omiya City, Saitama Prefecture, and was investigated on the field from 1977 to 1981. The investigation was conducted to examine the natural environment of this site by the cooporation of archaeologist, geologist and many biologists. As the results, archaeological remains were found abundantly and useful observations were carried out, and many samples for scientific analysis were obtained to reconstruct the Juno's natural environment.This paper deals with a summary of the Juno Peaty Site with mainly geological evidences and several points of the problem to reconstruct of natural environment of this site. Especially, height and age of the highest sea level on the Holocene Transgression (Jomon Transgression) and palaeovegetation in the Jomon Age are described.Rising of sea level of Jomon Transgression in this site stagnated temporarily in the Kurohama stage (ca. 5, 700y.B.P.) showh by Kurohama Sand Bed with wave cut platform and trace fossils at 1m height on recent sea level, and thereafter, more risen sea level reached ca. 3m height on recent sea level in Moroiso-a stage. This 3m height indicates a upper limit of marine deposit in the highest sea level stage. Therefore it is presumedthat the highest sea level of Jomon Transgression stay on 3m height or more in the Moroisoa stage (ca. 5, 300y.B.P.) of Early Jomon Age.On the palaeovegetation in Jomon Age it is thought generally that the laurel forest (Cyclobalanopsis) had covered on the Pacific coast of Japan from Early Jomon Age downward. In the site, however, it was found out that the deciduous broad-leaved forest (Lepidobalanus) was dominant during the Jomon Age. This aspect is in contrast with the viewpoint that the laurel forest covered on the area of the Pacific coast in Japan, and it is characteristic feature found over the central part of Kanto Plain.
藤 則雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.14, no.4, pp.195-220, 1975-12-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
11 6

Some coastal sand dunes, such as the Himi, Uchinada, Katayamazu and Sanribama dunes, are distributed widely along the coast of the Japan Sea in the central Japan. I have made for about two decades research of the coastal sand dunes throughout the Japanese Islands, especially the Hokuriku district, from the view points of the age of formation of sand dunes, palaeoenvironment during the time of the formation of sand dunes and the relationship between the age of formation and change of sea-level.In this article I have proved the following six items in regard to the coastal sand dunes of the Hokuriku district:(1) Summary of some gists of the distribution, arrangement, basement and age of formation of the coastal sand dunes.(2) The age of formation of the coastal sand dunes which are distributed in the Hokuriku district is divided into seven periods as follows: First period-the Late Pleistocene Riss/Würm Interglacial age, Hiradoko stage; Second period-the late substage of the Earliest Jomonian age to the early substage of the Early Jomonian age; Third period-the late substage of the Early Jomonian age, the highest sea-level stage of the Flandrian transgression age; Fourth period-the earliest substage of the Middle Jomonian age; Fifth period-the Late Jomonian age to Yayoian age; Sixth period-the early substage of the Tumulusian age, the old tomb age, the Minor transgression age; Seventh period-the middle Muromachi age. Among them, the time when larger dunes were formed is the fourth, fifth and sixth periods.(3) Judging from the view point of relationship between the formation of the coastal sand dunes and the palaeoenvironment in the time of formation, both the palaeotemperature and palaeomoisture during the Holocene epoch were not in direct connection with the formation of the coastal sand dunes.(4) The necessary conditions for the formation of the coastal sand dunes are the following: (a) supply of sand, (b) migration of sand, and (c) sedimentation of sand. The conditions were prescribed by a position of strand line, it needs the fix of the position of the strand line for the formation of the coastal sand dunes.(5) From the view point of relationship between the change of sea-level and the formation of the coastal sand dunes, when the environment was changed topographically by the change of sea-level, a scale of sand dune may be changed by the fact that the above-mentioned three conditions are promoted or hindered under this changed environment. Roughly speaking, better conditions for the formation of sand dune may be just after the time when a sea-level changes from rising to lowering.(6) The relationship between the relative change of sea-level, the change of palaeoenvironment and the formation of the coastal sand dunes in every stage of the Holocene epoch is described in this article in the concrete.
藤 則雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.10, no.3, pp.134-146, 1971-10-30 (Released:2009-08-21)

Palynological, stratigraphical and chronological investigations were made on the Holocene buried humus soils intercalated in the coastal sand dunes developed along the Japan Sea in the Hokuriku district, Central Japan.The purpose of the present investigations is to determine a definite age of the formation of the humus soils, palaeoclimatic condition under which they were formed, their topographical environments and the relationship between the formation of their humus soils and coastal sand dune and the cahnge of sea-level.Most of the studied humus soils and peat deposits are considered to have formed during the close of the Middle Jomonian to the Early Old Tomb periods. The conclusion are based on 14C dating, the stratigraphy, topographical setting and archaeological remains found in the humus soils.The palaeoclimatic condition at those periods was cool temperate, judging from such macroplant remains as erect tree stumps, leaves and seeds, and microplants as pollen grains and spores. The annual mean temperature was estimated at some 11°C, and the flora which was developed on the Inner and Middle or Old sand dunes was composed mainly of either a riparian or a mixedslope type, being closely similar to the present lowland vegetation in the northern Honshu.A relative minor rise of the sea-level and migration of the coastal sand dunes seem to have caused the formation of most of the buried humus soils and peat which is called Sotan in Japanese, and submerged and buried forests in the coastal areas of the Japan Sea, Hokuriku district, Central Japan.
岩本 有加
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.44, no.3, pp.145-153, 2005-06-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
1 1

渡辺 直経
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.9, no.3-4, pp.176-183, 1970-12-31 (Released:2009-08-21)

Early Pleistocene refers to the period from Pre-Günz to either the end of Mindel or the end of Günz glaciation, the latter being rather widely adopted in the field of geology and palaeontology. The most important man-like creatures so far known from the period are Australopithecines which accompany with the Villafranchian fauna in Africa. According to the finds at their living sites, it seems out of question that they had already acquired the bipedal locomotion and reached the level of tool-making.In 1931 Dr. N. Naora discovered a human coxal bone imbedded in an earth lump which he believed to have been dislocated down from the upper Lower or lower Middle Pleistocene deposit at a cliff on the coast of the Inland Sea near Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture. The bone was destroyed by fire in 1945, but a few years later its cast was studied by Dr. K. Hasebe, who found primitive characteristics of the bone and proposed a tentative name Nipponanthropus akashiensis. Besides the bone, Dr. Naora discovered crude stone implements from the layer comparable to that of Nipponanthropus. However, it remains controversial as yet whether the Pleistocene deposit had actually yielded the bone in question.
太田 陽子 海津 正倫 松島 義章
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.29, no.1, pp.31-48, 1990-04-15 (Released:2009-08-21)
56 53

This paper reviews studies conducted between 1980 and 1988 on relative sea level changes and coastal evolution during the Holocene in Japan. The Japanese Working Group of IGCP Project 200, on “late Quaternary sea level changes, ” compiled the two-volume “Atlas of Sea Level Records in the late Quarternary in Japan” in 1987, which included materials related to this topic, based on papers published since 1980. The group also compiled the “Middle Holocene Shoreline Map of Japan (1:200, 000), which demonstrated the location of the middle Holocene shoreline with numerous data on height and radiocarbon age representing the sea level of that stage, and with 15 insets, considered to be typical examples of various types of study. Numbers of papers by year in terms of research field and study area are summarized in Figs. 1 and 2. Several review papers on sea level study have been also published in the last several years, in addition to local studies.Relative sea level curves published in the past 10 years are shown in Fig. 3. The curve patterns show noticeable local or regional differences, reflecting tectonic factors with a different amount and character in each area. Some areas characterized by a rather late culmination age of the postglacial transgression contrast with most of the Japanese coast, which has a culmination age of ca. 6, 000 to 6, 500y.B.P. Two minor fluctuations of Holocene sea level which were pointed out by OTA et al. (1982), have been recognized in several areas; a eustatic origin for such fluctuation is most likely, judging by the nearly coincident occurrence of climatic fluctuation revealed by pollen analyses, molluscan assemblage analyses and submarine core data.The following topics are discussed in particular detail in this paper: 1) Progress of excavation on the Holocene lowland and coral reefs, in order to obtain systematic samples for identification of marine limits and samples for analyses of various fossils and for dating. 2) Holocene marine terrace study with special reference to coseismic uplift and volcanic activity. 3) Identification of the former sea level on the rocky coast. Barnacles and tube worms (Pomatoleios kraussii) as sea level indicators are discussed, including problems with accuracy of radiocarbon dating. 4) Problems concerning the recognition and accuracy of former shorelines in the large alluvial plain. 5) The significance of small drowned valleys as a suitable field for the reconstruction of sea level change. 6) Climatic fluctuation during the Holocene, with relation to sea level fluctuation. 7) Increased overseas studies on Holocene sea level change by Japanese scientists.
五十嵐 太郎
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.35, no.3, pp.247-252, 1996-07-31 (Released:2009-08-21)

福田 正己 木下 誠一
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.12, no.4, pp.192-202, 1974-02-28 (Released:2009-08-21)
24 14

In this paper, the authors report the existence of permafrost at Mt. Taisetsu, Hokkaido, and disdiscuss the climatic significance of permafrost there from a viewpoint of the Quaternary palaecolimatology. Many researchers have observed that patterned grounds, especially sorted circles well developed on many gentle slopes and small depressions at Mt. Taisetsu. And recently it was reported that the networks of fissures of the ground which are similar to large scale ploygons on permafrost in Alaska were found at some places at Mt. Taisetsu. Those sorted circles and nets of fissures suggest the existence of permafrost which is believed to be either relict or recent.By our on-the-spot investigations at Mt. Taisetsu, permafrost was found on one of flat summits (2, 150m) by boring tests and geophysical methods. The maximum depth of the active layer was nearly 2m and the maximum depth of the lower limit of this permafrost was estimated to be 15m or larger. Its frozen soils consisted of weathered fine sands and gravels derived from an andesite bedrock, which are considered as frost-action products. Large sorted circles were form ed on the surface of permafrost.The mean annual temperature and degree-days in this area were calculated as -3.1°C and 2, 400 degree-days by extrapolations on the basis of meteorological data in Asahikawa. The estimated temperature and degree-days suggest that this area has the same climatic conditions as those in central Alasak, where discontinuous permafrost is distributed.Introducing the Popov's theory about the formation of an ice-wedge, we estimated the palaeo-temperature of the surface of the extended permafrost to be -7°--8°C (mean annual temperature) during a past colder period than present. Comparing the estimated chronology of the permafrost with the chronology of permafrost in Alaska and Siberia, and considering the field observations of fossil ice-wedge casts and polygons in Hokkaido, we may conclude that the permafrost at Mt. Taisetsu formed at the last ice age, after then gradually has become smaller, adapting itself to the present climatic conditions.
岩田 修二
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.42, no.3, pp.181-193, 2003-06-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
9 6

松原 彰子
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.31, no.4, pp.221-227, 1992
1 3

静岡県浮島ヶ原は駿河湾奥部に面し, 3列の海岸砂礫州が海側へ発達することに伴って, その背後に形成された低湿地である. 内陸側の2列の砂礫州は, 本地域の沈降運動のために, 低地の地下に埋没している. 最も内陸側の埋没砂礫州は, 一部微高地として認定することができ, 雌鹿塚遺跡はその上に立地している.<br>雌鹿塚は, 縄文時代中期から古墳時代中期まで営まれた遺跡である. 今回, 沼津市教育委員会によって, 雌鹿塚遺跡の本格的な発掘調査が行われた. その際, 埋没砂礫州の微地形, ならびに周辺の地質層序, 年代測定値, テフラ等の資料を得ることができた. さらに, 雌鹿塚遺跡周辺における自然環境の変遷と人間活動との関係について考察した結果, 浮島ヶ原への人間の進出が砂礫州の発達過程と対応すること, 火山活動や地殻変動が雌鹿塚を放棄させる原因となった可能性が大きいことが推定された.
河村 善也
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.37, no.3, pp.251-257, 1998-07-31
8 39

長田 敏明
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-14, 1980-05-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
2 2

The subject of this paper is to establish the stratigraphy of deposits composing to Makinohara Upland, and also to discuss the landform evolution of the Makinohara Upland. The results are summarized as follows:(1). The terrace-forming deposit is divided into three beds, i.e, Furuya mud bed, Kyomatsubara sand bed and Makinohara gravel bed in ascending order.(2). The Furuya mud bed accompanied with the basal gravels is mainly composed of marine silt and clay filling the buried valleys (Fig. 10 and Tab. 1). The main part of the Furuya mud bed deposited in the narrow drowned valleys, during the early stage transgression, and covered uncomformably the Neogene semiconsolidated rocks.(3). The Kyomatsubara sand bed newly defined by this author was widely deposited in this mapping area as foreset beds at the maximum phase of the transgression (Fig. 9).(4). The Makinohara gravel bed mainly consists of widespread homogeneous fluvial gravels, the upper part of which is boulder gravel forming the alluvial fan named Makinohara.(5). Five horizons of buried topographic system are found under the Makinohara Upland; Buried surface I, II, III and IV (Figs. 8, 10) and Buried valley floor.(6). The Buried valley floor is the oldest topographic system filled with the Furuya mud bed. Two horizons of abrasion platforms (Buried surface I and II) are found cutting the slope of buried valley systems. The Buried surface I was formed just after the deposition of basal gravel of Furuya mud bed. The Buried surface II, on the Neogene strata was formed during the accumulation of upper mud part belonging to the Furuya mud bed (Fig. 10).(7). The Buried surface III covered with the Kyomatsubara sand bed is the most extensive among the three buried abrasion platform cutting the Neogene strata (Fig. 8 and 10).The level of the boundary between the Furuya mud bed and the Kyomatsubara sand bed nearly corresponds with that of the Buried surface III.(8). The Buried surface IV is the basal topography of the Makinohara gravel bed. Finally extensive rivers, laterally eroding the valley slope flew down onto the newly emerged coastal plain and slightly cut the Kyomatsubara sand bed (less than 5m) (Fig. 10). At that time, the Buried surface IV was formed as a basal topography of the Makinohara gravel bed.(9). The Makinohara Upland was constructed as alluvial fans by the Paleo-Oi River. The deposits forming the Makinohara Upland are defined to the Makinohara gravel bed.