暁 清文 佐伯 忠彦 西原 信成
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.46, no.2, pp.160-164, 1987 (Released:2009-10-20)
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The operative findings of traumatic vertigo were studied in 65 patients who had surgery for middle ear trauma. A complaint of vertigo was present in 23 patients and absent in 42. A perilymphatic fistula was found in 19 patients with vertigo and 2 patients without vertigo. The incidence of perilymphatic fistula was correlated with the accompanying symptoms. There was no positive correlation with loss of consciousness, or temporal bone fracture or ossicular dislocation, but there was a positive correlation with the way the traumatic force acted on the inner ear windows. Vestibular function tests in the 19 fistula patients with vertigo showed positional nystagmus in 12 cases and a fistula sign in 10 cases. These two tests are considered to be important in the diagnosis of perilymphatic fistula.
栗花落 昌和 瀬尾 徹 森 裕司 阪上 雅史
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.54, no.6, pp.559-564, 1995 (Released:2009-06-05)
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Since he received a stranglehold during a judo bout, the patient had experienced repeated episodes of paroxysmal vertigo. The patient was a 16-year-old male with a chief complaint of horizontal oscillating vision. Plain X-ray examination during the initial consultation did not show a definite fracture of the styloid process. Balance testing disclosed no significant finding. Helical scan CT delineated a fracture in the center of the left styloid process and anterior deviation of the fractured segment.The mechanisms of oscillopia in this patient were considered to be the following; 1) the fractured segment of the styloid process stimulated the tensor muscle of the velum palatini causing a spasm, and induces symptoms of the inner ear, which is similar to the mechanism of Costen syndrome. 2) the fractured segment stimulated the autonomic nerves near the carotid artery, especially the vagal nerve when he raised his head, and induces transient hypotension, which caused an ischemic brain stem lesion.The present case was an extremely rare case involving a fracture of the styloid process with paroxysmal vertigo.
國弘 幸伸
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.63, no.6, pp.533-548, 2004 (Released:2009-06-05)
13 6

The subjective visual vertical (SVV) signifies the visually determined gravitational vertical. The measurement of SVV is clinically used as a method to assess the degree of dysfunction in the otolith, primary vestibular nerves, and central graviceptive pathways.Perception of vertical, however, does not depend solely on the function of those pathways, but is affected by various factors such as visual information, head position relative to gravity, and linear acceleration forces acting on the gravity vector. In addition, it undergoes a kind of 'vestibular compensation', that is, the tilt of SVV decreases within days to weeks even if the function of the organ responsible for the tilt does not restore function. In examining the patient with vertigo or dysequilibrium, the physician must be well acquainted with those factors affecting SVV and its natural course.This article also referred to the difference between SVV tilts and room tilt illusions. The former are usually stable and chronic signs and manifest as a continuum of angle of tilt up to abut 300. In contrast, the latter occur paroxysmally or transiently in 90° steps.In clinical practice, the measurement of SVV is not so commonly carried out as compared to the recordings of nystagmus. It is expected, however, that SVV be more widely taken into account in clinical practice because the tilt of SVV and the occurrence of nystagmus do not share the same anatomical structures, thus SVV can provide a greater understanding of the patient's complaints and underlying pathologies.
鈴木 直人
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.56, no.5, pp.430-435, 1997 (Released:2009-06-05)
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The visual system is considered to make a limited contribution to the maintenance of the upright posture, but is available for elaboration of postural stability, that is, for minimizing body oscillations while standing. These experiments investigated the roles of the visual framework in maintaining an upright posture. Body oscillations were measured as the deviation of the center of gravity using a gravicorder. The results were as follows. Both the area and the total length of the trace of body sway increased with the distance between the body and the wall. The standing posture also became unstable as an upper part of the wall inclined in the direction of the subject. Women were more affected than men under both conditions. These results indicate that the visual framework perceived peripherally plays an important role in postural stability while standing upright.
大木 紫
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.56, no.4, pp.321-331, 1997 (Released:2009-06-05)

This article reviews the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) which has been proved to contribute to generation of horizontal eye movements. In general, the NPH receives inputs from oculomotor related nuclei (e.g. the bilateral NPH, the medial vestibular nucleus and ipsilateral burst neuron areas), and projects directly to the bilateral NPH, the vestibular nuclei, the ocular motor nuclei and vestibulo-cerebellar structures. According to these different neural connections, the NPH has been divided into subdivi-sions. Several types of neural activities relating to eye movements are observed in NPH neurons, most of which are increased during ipsiversive horizontal eye movements. The majority of the neurons encode both eye velocity and position signals (burst-tonic neurons). Some of the neurons project to the abducens nucleus. In addition, a class of NPH cells show a burst of activity during a variety of rapid eye movements in cats (burster-driving neurons). These neurons receive disynaptic vestibular input contralaterally and project to burst neuron areas. There are also NPH cells encoding both eye- and head-velocity signals in monkeys (eye-head-velocity neurons). Lesions of the NPH impair gaze holding, implying that the NPH functions as, at least a part of, the neural integrator. However, saccade feedback and putative smooth-pursuit integrators are not influenced after a partial lesion in the NPH. The results suggest that distinct classes of cells spread over the NPH. In summary, the NPH is involved in several aspects of horizontal eye movements and may also function as a part of the neural integrator.
中原 はるか 竹森 節子 鶴岡 尚志
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.57, no.4, pp.435-442, 1998 (Released:2009-10-13)

Spatial orientation is influenced by many factors such as vision, hearing, vestibular input, and so on. However, the details of when and which factor exert influence on this process remain mostly unknown. We investigated the influence of height on spatial orientation under various conditions.Body movement was recorded by stabilometry for 30 seconds under each of three visual conditions (eyes open without gaze fixation, eyes closed, and eyes open with gaze fixation) at 0 m, 1 m, 2 m, and 10 m22 cm high in 30 normal volunteers (14 males and 16 females) who had no history of vertigo or dizziness. Eight of subjects claimed to be acrophobic.The total length of the gravity center movements reflected the body sway best. The sway was minimal with eyes open and gaze fixated, and maximal with eyes closed. The sway increased at 10 m22 cm high, but was almost the same at 1 m and 2 m high. The acrophobic group was clearly worse than the non-acrophobic group at 10 m22 cm high. Their total shifting length increased because they became tense and shivered fractionally.Visual information which served as the base was useful for spatial orientation, and the mental factor of fear caused tension and the sway increased especially in the acrophobic group at 10 m22 cm high.
土井 彰 田村 耕三 小桜 謙一 福井 直樹
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.65, no.6, pp.447-452, 2006 (Released:2009-06-05)

A case of persistent primitive trigeminal artery with vertigo as the initial symptom is reported. The case was a 41-year-old female. Since 2002, the patient had repeated episodes of vertigo. In 2004, the patient experienced a loss of consciousness. No lesion causing dizziness was found by CT scan of the brain, MRI of the brain, ECG, brain wave examination, and a balance function test at the Department of Otolaryngology. Persistent primitive trigeminal artery and vertebrobasilar hypoplasia were suspected by MRA and the diagnosis was confirmed by angiography. It is advisable to consider MRA and angiography for vertigo or dizziness of unknown cause.
山本 悦生 水上 千佳司 磯野 道夫 大村 正樹 広野 喜信
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.49, no.Suppl-6, pp.28-30, 1990 (Released:2009-06-05)

The three-dimensional imaging used so far has processed digitalized information on the morphology of organs by the computer graphics technique. However, the conventional method has not been used clinically, because the processing of information has been inadequate.We observed the external aperture of the vestibular aqueduct in vivo using three-dimensional imaging by the surface reconstruction method. The width was measured in normal and diseased ears. Significant narrowing was observed in patients with Meniere's disease, while no difference in width was noted between normal subjects and those with chronic otitis media.This technique can be used to examine not only on the vestibular aqueduct but also other structures in the temporal bone. It should be useful in clarifying the pathophysiology of inner ear diseases and also in the surgical treatment.

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北原 糺
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.59, no.2, pp.103-111, 2000 (Released:2009-06-05)

Vestibular compensation consists of the following stages: the inhibition of the contralesional medial vestibular nucleus (contra-MVe) activities at the acute stage after unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL) and the recovery and maintenance of the ipsilesional MVe (ipsi-MVe) spontaneous activities at the chronic stage after UL. In this paper, we reviewed molecular mechanisms of vestibular compensation in the central vestibular system by means of several morphological and pharmacological approaches in rats. Based on our examinations, we propose the following hypothesis. At the acute stage after UL, the activated neurons in the ipsi-MVe project their axons into the flocculus to inhibit the contra-MVe neurons via NMDA receptor, nitric oxide (NO), acetylcholine (Ach) and/or GABA-mediated signaling, resulting in the restoration of balance between intervestibular nuclear activities. At the chronic stage after UL, the flocculus depresses the inhibitory effects on the ipsi-MVe neurons via protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) β, protein kinase C (PKC) and/or glutamate receptor (GluR) δ-2, to help the recovery and maintenance of the ipsi-MVe activities.
宇野 敦彦 中川 あや 堀井 新 武田 憲昭 久保 武
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.65, no.4, pp.213-222, 2006 (Released:2009-06-05)

Motion sickness is induced by unusual patterns of spatial information input, but not by a simple strong acceleration. Thus, in the process of the development of motion sickness, the disturbance of spatial orientation is noticed somewhere in the brain, leading to the expression of autonomic signs and symptoms. What part of the brain plays this key role?Peripheral vestibular input has repeatedly been proven to be necessary for motion sickness, even for visually-evoked motion sickness. The vestibular nucleus in the brain stem where spatial information including visual and somatosensory as well as vestibular inputs converge, is the primary candidate for this key structure. In the higher brain, the limbic system, particularly the amygdala, is another candidate. In our rat animal model, bilateral amygdala lesions significantly suppressed motion sickness signs, whereas hippocampus lesions did not. Using cFos protein expression as a marker for neuronal activation, we also showed that the central nucleus of the amygdala was activated by vestibular information during the hypergravity stimulation that induced motion sickness in rats.Involvement of the amygdala may explain some characteristic features of motion sickness, such as its diversity of signs ranging from sympathetic to parasympathetic, and its conditioned occurrence where by some susceptible persons become sick even in motionless vehicles.
松木 則夫 田中 大祐
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.60, no.1, pp.3-6, 2001 (Released:2009-06-05)

Suncus murinus belongs to insectivora and has been developed as a laboratory animal in Japan. It is relatively small in size (male: 50-70g, female: 30-50g), and there are no problems in the handling, housing and breeding of the animal. We have found that administration of emetogenic drugs, X-ray irradiation and oscillation easily causes emesis in this animal. Since simple reciprocal shaking (frequency: 1 Hz, amplitude: 4cm) is enough to induce vomiting within as short as 2 min, Suncus murinus is currently the most sensitive animal to motion sickness. Information conserning the purchase and special animal chow is available at the Central Institute for Experimental Animals.Our knowledge of emesis and motion sickness is still very poor. The presence of a "vomiting center" and a "CTZ: chemoreceptor trigger zone" were proposed about a half century ago but substantiating evidence is still lacking. Antiemetic dugs have been developed to reduce the number of vomiting episodes; however, in terms of quality of life, complete blockade of nausea rather than vomiting is desirable. We believe that Suncus murinus will be a useful experimental animal for research on emesis and the development of new antiemetic drugs.
武田 憲昭
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.55, no.4, pp.335-342, 1996 (Released:2009-06-05)
6 9

Neural mechanisms of gaze, vertical and rotatory nystagmus are reviewed. For all eye movements, eye velocity is an oculomotor parameter. Eye velocity signals are transformed by a neural integrator in the brain stem to obtain the eye position signal. A lesion of neural integrator leads to gaze-evoked nystagmus. Vertical nystagmus arises from a lesional or functional tone imbalance, which is due to disruption of the central vestibulo-ocular reflex pathway in the pitch plane. Downbeat nystagmus is caused by lesions between the vestibular nuclei or flocculus. Upbeat nystagmus is caused by lesions in the brachium conjunctivum, the ventral tegmental pathway and the prepositus hypoglossal nucleus. Rotatory nystagmus involves an epicodic ocular tilt reaction, which is a clinical sign of an imbalance of the central vestibulo-ocular reflex in the roll plane. Unilateral infarction of the brain stem leads to rotatory nystagmus.
井須 尚紀 河合 敦夫 桝井 文人
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.63, no.3, pp.183-193, 2004 (Released:2009-06-05)

The sensation of rotation derived from the semicircular canal system during a Coriolis stimulus, or cross-coupled rotation, was estimated by an mechanical approach by giving some hypotheses and simplifications on the semicircular canal system. By solving an equation of motion of the endolymph during a Coriolis stimulus with a moderate time course, the rotating angle of the endolymph was obtained, and the sensation of rotation derived from each semicircular canal was estimated. Then, the sensation was integrated in the whole semicircular canal system, which was considered to be composed of three orthogonal semicircular canals. The sensation of rotation derived from the semicircular canal system comes into conflict with those from the otolithic and somatosensory system. The conflict causes an illusion such that the head rotates vertically while keeping inclination at a constant tilt angle. The nauseogenic severity of motion sickness caused by a Coriolis stimulus is enhanced in accordance with the integrated angle of rotation perceived by the illusion.
中村 将裕 石井 正則 近澤 仁志 丹羽 洋二 山崎 ももこ 伊藤 洋
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.63, no.4, pp.335-345, 2004 (Released:2009-06-05)
3 2

Falls and falling accidents occurring in hospitals have become a problem in recent years, and some of those events have been documented to have occurred after patients ingested sleep-inducers (hypnotics). One of the pharmacological actions of hypnotics is muscle-relaxing activity, and it has been clarified in animal studies that this activity causes falls and falling accidents. However, this association has not yet been proven in humans.In this study, conducted in eight healthy adult volunteers, we compared the manifestation of balance disorders after ingestion of four test drugs, consisting of two ultra-short-acting hypnotics (zolpidem and triazolam), a long-acting hypnotic (qazepam) and a placebo (i.e., the control). Zolpidem and qazepam, which are said to express weak muscle-relaxing activity, both caused balance disorders. Also, strong correlations were found between the manifestation of balance disorders after drug ingestion and the plasma concentrations of zolpidem, triazolam and some of the metabolites of qazepam. In addition, in the case of zolpidem, which caused the most severe balance disor-ders, gaze deviation nystagmus was detected. For this reason, it was surmised that balance disorders occurring after ingestion of hypnotics involve some inhibition of the central nervous system, including the cerebellum and brain stem, rather than the mus-cle-relaxing activity of the drugs.Differences were observed among the tested hypnotics in relation to the time of occurrence of balance disorders postmedication and also to the severity of the symp-toms. Accordingly, for the prevention of falling accidents, it is considered necessary that the physician be fully cognizant of the patient's age, medical history and physical condition, as well as not only the characteristics of the hypnotics but also the time-course changes in their concentration in the blood. Then, adequate caution must be applied with regard to the time period in which the patient is in a half-awake state.
正木 義男
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.64, no.1, pp.22-28, 2005 (Released:2009-06-05)
1 1

We encountered a patient who developed dizziness due to the vasovagal reflex (VVR) during the Schellong test (ST).A 32-year-old woman had a chief complaint of dizziness. Present Illness: She had repeatedly since childhood experienced dizziness attacks associated with darkness in front of her eyes immediately after standing up. She easily developed motion sickness. Dizziness continued to occur when she was standing in a bus or train, when she was in the bath, or when she got excited. She was admitted to a hospital in the district and ECG and a blood test were conducted, but no abnormal findings were revealed. Past History: She had bronchial asthma in childhood. She had a gastric ulcer and received drug treatment in january 1997. Family history was unremarkable.She had a positive Schellong test. Immediately after standing up, her pulse rate sharply increased from 94 to 123/min., and 5 min. after standing up, the pulse rate became 127/min. She complained of dizziness immediately before the end of the testing, and the pulse rate and blood pressure measured at the time were 75/min., showing a sharp decline, and 90/55, showing a slight decrease, respectively. Thereafter, she had decreased consciousness and was immediately laid in a supine position. She soon became alert. Blood pressure recovered to 106/62 and the pulse rate to 94. Neural symptoms were absent. Treatment and Clinical Course: Although she developed WR during ST, her condition could be diagnosed as orthostatic dysregulation (OD) because it met the criteria for diagnosis of OD. However, a diagnosis of postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) was made according to the theory that WR and OD are special types of POTS. She is under medication with an α-receptor agonist agent.Patients are always at risk, although not high, of developing VVR and falling during ST, which may be associated with injury. Therefore, after the experience of the present case in our hospital, we reevaluated the procedures of ST and decided on crite-ria for the discontinuation of the testing to prevent accidents.
時田 喬 柴田 康成 小川 剛 宮田 英雄 大野 道敏
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.52, no.4, pp.602-610, 1993

A new apparatus capable of recording head and eye movements was devised to examine the vestibulo-ocular system. Horizontal and vertical head movements were recorded with a sensor of terrestrial mgnetism. Eye movenments were recorded by an electronystagmographic technique. The transmitted data were stored on a floppy disc and analyzed with a microcomputer in a specially designed program.<BR>1. The apparatus was useful as a tool for recording spontaneous and gaze nystagmus and pursuit and saccadic eye movements in patients with labyrinthine and central disturbances.<BR>2. Transfer function (gain and phase) of the vestibulo-ocular system was calculated with head and eye movements obtained from pseudo-random head oscillation in the dark. In normal subjects, gain with head movements as input signal and eye movements as output signal indicated a frequency-dependent gain enhancement;the phase difference between head eye movements was 180°.<BR>3. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) induced by the right and left labyrinth were examined with velocity recording of head and eye movements induced by quick head movements to the right and left at intervals of 1 second in the dark. Patients with unilaterl labyrinthine disturbance showed a low amplitude response in head movements toward the affected labyrinth.<BR>4. The integration mechanism in the pursuit system was examined from the velocity recording of eye movements during vertical head oscillation with fixation on a visual target. A patient with primary position upbeat nystagmus caused by nutritional deficiency encephalopathy showed a disturbance of the up neural integrator from velocity signal to position signal in the visual vestibular oculomotor system.<BR>The apparatus was usuful for the examination of the vestibulo-ocular system of patients with vertigo and equilibrium disturbances.
吉田 忠雄 加藤 正大 大竹 宏直 加藤 健 寺西 正明 片山 直美 中島 務
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.72, no.4, pp.247-253, 2013-08-01

Development of 3-tesla enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a tool for the visualization of endolymphatic hydrops (EH). This technique was first developed in animal experiments and adapted in patients with inner ear diseases including Menieres disease (MD). Up to the present, we have demonstrated EH in many MD patients. Recently, we have succeeded in obtaining a 3D-real IR-like image even after intravenous standard-dose gadolinium administration. This type of image was named the HYDROPS (HYbriD of Reversed image Of Positive endolymph Signal and native image of positive perilymph signal). The relationship between unilateral MD and EH has not yet been explored. We studied 76 patients with unilateral MD who were evaluated using MRI. The mean age of the subjects was 53.4 years (range 17 to 80 years). Forty-two were women and 34 were men. Symptomatic and non-symptomatic ears were categorized into 4 groups (healthy, 76; possible, 48; Probable, 13; and definite, 15) based on AAO-HNS definitions. MRI was performed 4 hours after intravenous gadolinium administration. Overall, 152 ears were evaluated. EH in the cochlea was present in 57 of 76 symptomatic ears (73.7%) and 34 of 76 (44.7%) non symptomatic ears. Ears with definite MD had EH more frequently in the cochlea than ears in the healthy ears groups. Furthermore, EH in the vestibule with definite MD was larger than ears in any of the other groups. Our reports showed for the first time that there was Ba relationship between the degrees of EH and the stage of MD. Moreover, in fewer than half of unilateral MD patients EH was seen in the cochlea with non-symptomatic ears. EH in healthy ears may be an indicator of bilateral MD. Using MRI to identify this covert EH in asymptomatic patients may offer the possibility of early detection or prevention of MD.
鈴木 衞
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.65, no.2, pp.91-103, 2006-04-01
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Canalolithiasis and cupulolithiasis have been proposed to be causative mechanisms of BPPV. Anatomical and physiological features of otoconia are reviewed. Three layers, the columnar fibers, gelatin membrane, and otolithic membrane, are known as overlaying structures on the macular sensory epithelia. The supporting cell plays an essential role in otoconial formation. It secretes granules containing calcium as a precursor of otoconia. A number of proteins are involved in the production and growth of otoconia, such as Otoconin-90 and CB-D28K. Alterations of the endolymphatic environment, ototoxic drugs, carbonic anhydrase, hormones, aging, or gene mutation lead to degeneration or deformity of otoconia. Hydrodynamic and physiological features of otoconia existing within the semicircular canal or attaching to the cupula have been studied using mathematical models and amphibian semicircular canals. These studies showed that canalolithiasis is potentially the most relevant mechanism of BPPV in terms of the long latency and short duration of nystagmus. Human temporal bone sections had been studied to demonstrate deposits on the cupula or within the canal lumen. Otoconia were also found in the posterior canal lumen that was opened during canal plugging surgery. Clarification of the basic characters of otoconia is essential for elucidating the clinical picture of BPPV.
有國 富夫
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.62, no.4, pp.284-301, 2003-08-01

Recently, many functional areas have been identified in the parietal cortex of the brain in monkeys, and owing to this, cytoarchitectonic subdivision has been elaborated in the monkey parietal cortex. This review deals with sulcal patterns of the parietal lobe in human and monkey brains, and corticocortical connections of both neurophysiologi-cally defined regions and cytoarchitectonic areas of the parietal cortex in monkeys. The author proposes that the transverse occipital sulcus is a boundary between the parietal and occipital cortices in the human brain. A brain map of the monkey is presented. The parietal cortical areas are subdivided into somatosensory, eye movement related, hand or upper limb movement related, vestibular, and auditory areas, according to neu-rophysiologically defined functions of individual cortical areas. The somatosensory system contains areas 3a, 3b, 1, 2, 5, 7b, and SII: S1 projects to motor and premotor areas and somatosensory association areas project to premotor areas, the prefrontal, temporal, and limbic cortices, and the hippocampus. The eye movement system is composed of areas 7a, LIP, and PIP: It receives input from visual and temporal cortices and sends output to premotor areas, the prefrontal cortex, and the hippocampus. Hand movements are mediated in areas AIP, VIP, CIP, MIP, PEc, and V6A: These areas receive afferents from somatosensory areas, visual and temporal cortices and send efferents to the ventral premotor area. The vestibular functions are executed by coordination of areas 3aNV, 3aHV, 2NV, Ri, and VPS: These areas reciprocate with the cingulate cortex and insula and project to the ventral premotor area, SWA, and frontal eye field. The auditory system involves areas VIP and LIP: It receives afferents from the superior temporal sulcal cortex and sends efferents to the premotor area, frontal eye field, and prefrontal cortex.