佐久間 鼎
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1-12, 1928

Was wir hler berichten, macht einen Teil der noch umfang-reicheren "Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Tiefenfaktors in den visuellen Raumgestalten" aus, die wir jetzt im Psycholog-ischen Institut der Kaiserlichen Kyushu-Universität zu Fukuoka unternehmen. Als Vorbereitung dafür wwollten wir hier zuerst die Rolle d.s Senkungswinkels bei der Schätzung der Tiefenstrecke bestimmen. Es ist einc wohlbekannte Tatsache, dass die Schät-zung der Tiefenstrecke von der Erhöhung der Augen des Beob-achters abhängt. Und doch ist es sehr merkwürdig, dass bis jetzt keine Psychologe sich wissenschaftlich mit dieser Tatsache beschaftigte. Dies erspart uns die Muhe der Literaturanweisung und erlaubt gleich zur Darstellung des Experiments überzugehen. Wir haben die Versuchsanordoung so eingerichtet, dass man zwei miteinander beruhrte (in der Medianenebene liegende) Strecken auf zwei verschiedenen Ebenen sieht, die eine auf der Frontal-parallelebene und die andere auf der Bodenebene. Die Strecke auf der Frontalparallelebene war als Normalreiz festgestellt, und die Strccke auf der Rodenebene war als Vergleichsreiz in der Ebene ihrer Länge nach veränderlicher Weise dargeboten. Der Beobachter sollte den Vergleichsreiz so finden,dass dieser seiner Länge nach mit dem Normalreiz phänomenal :gleich aussieht. Dabei ist noch zu bemerken, dass in dem hier zu schildernden: Experimente die Beobachtungen immer mit beweglichen Augen ausgeführt wurden. Io Bezug auf den Beobachter häuptsachlich unternahmen wir selbst wechselseitig die Rolle der Versuchsperson bzw. des Versuchsleiters, doch zuweilen nahmen wir den Assistenten des Instituts zu Hilfe.<BR>Beim ersten Versuche wählten wir als Reize zwei schwarze Fäden auf weissen Flächen; und als Sehdistaoz, d. h. die Distanz vom Auge (in binokularen Beobachtuogen vom Zyklopeoauge) zum Kreuzungspunkte der Strecken, 3000 Millimeter; als Normalreiz, 2 Grad in Gesichtswinkel, d. h. 104.7 Millimeter in wirkli-cher Länge. So bekamen wir als Erfolg,z. B. bei Vp. S, die folgende Werte des Verg1eichsreizes je nach verschiedenem Senkungswinke1.<BR>Senkungswinkel: 60°45°40°35°30°25°20°I5°I0°<BR>VergIeichsreiz (binokular) 104 116 124 133 150 161 197 242 320<BR>in Millimetern: (monokular) 109 126 133 142 159 173 213 257 426<BR>Derselbe in (binokular) 1°45' 1°38' 1°34' 1°31' 1°28' 1°24' 1°22' 1°18' 1°11'<BR>Gesichtswiokeln: (monoku1ar) 1°50' 1°45' 1°41' 1°37' 1°34' 1°30' 1°29' 1°23' 1°39'<BR>Nach diesem Erfo1ge ist es einleuchteod, dass wir sowohl im binokularen als im monokularen Seheo, beim Seokungswinke1 zwischen 60° bis 10°, die Tiefenstrecke im Vergleich
村上 宣寛
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.55, no.3, pp.180-184, 1984

The purpose of this study was to classify Umemoto (1969)'s 210 stimulus words, based on his own norm of word association data. The principal factor analysis and geomax rotation was applied to the concordance matrix which was calculated by count-out method. The result indicated that the 210 words were classified into 11 groups; education (I), emotional evaluation (II), beauty (III), social relations (IV), motion (V), furniture (VI), family (VII), color (VIII), unusuality (IX), ego (X), and plant (XI). Umemoto's stimuli do not include sufficient number of words concerning social relations, furniture, family, and plant.
大山 正 鳥居 修晃
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.26, no.3, pp.178-188, 1955

The effects of area, voluntary control and prolonged observation on the figureground reversal were analysed by the continuous presentation method.<BR>The stimulus used was a circle divided into six sectors (Fig. 1). The following measures were adopted for the record and analysis of reversal process : total time of appearances for two shapes (<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>), total undefined time (<I>T</I><SUB>ε</SUB>=<I>T</I>-(<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB>+<I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>)), the number of appearance (<I>n</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>n</I><SUB>β</SUB>), relative dominancy (<I>R</I>=<I>100T</I><SUB>α</SUB> / (<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB>+<I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>)), average duration (<I>t</I><SUB>α</SUB>=<I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB> / <I>n</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>t</I><SUB>β</SUB>=<I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB> / <I>n</I><SUB>β</SUB>) and the frequency of first appearance (<I>f</I><SUB>α</SUB>, <I>f</I><SUB>β</SUB>).<BR>By varying the sector angles of two shapes, we obtained quantitative relationships between the sector angle and each measure (Table 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Fig. 2, 3). Smaller shape appeared as "figure" more frequently at first view, persisted longer in reversal and was more dominant in the total time of appearance. The larger the areal difference of the two shapes was the stronger were these tendencies, and the slower was the reversal.<BR>By voluntary control, the relative dominancy (<I>R</I>) could be changed to some extent (Table 5). The amounts of shifts of <I>R</I> were almost equal in the three stimuli with various sector angles, but were different in two directions (increasing and decreasing). These shifts of <I>R</I> were based upon the changes in both <I>T</I><SUB>α</SUB> and <I>T</I><SUB>β</SUB>, which, in turn, were depended mostly on the changes in <I>t</I><SUB>α</SUB> and <I>t</I><SUB>β</SUB>.<BR>The prolonged observation (12min.) did not cause the acceleration of the rate of reversal which had been expected by Köhler (11). On the other hand, the prolonged observation resulted in the increase of the undefined time and the decrease of the favourable shape, and the slight shift of <I>R</I> to the neutral point (50).
大山 正 鳥居 修晃 浜本 夏美
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.28, no.4, pp.210-222, 1957

Obonai (this journal, 1949, 19, 177-183) reported that the rate of figure-ground reversal decreased as the size of stimulus pattern increased and that the rate increased as the brightness gradient between figure-sectors and their surroundings, the illuminance of stimulus field and the number of sectors increased. We re-examined these relationships.<BR>The stimulus pattern used in this study was a circle devided into six sectors. Three alternate sectors were white or light gray, and the other sectors were black or dark gray. The surrounding field was middle gray or white. (See Fig. 1 of the text).<BR>Regular figure-ground reversal cycles were frequently interrupted by what we call the undefined phase in which neither of the two areas appeared as figure. This fact made it difficult to determine unequivocally the number of reversal or the time of reversal. So we adopted, as a measure of the rate of reversal, the average number of appearances of two areas per minute i. e. N = (nw + nb) / 2.<BR>We analyzed the influence of the size of stimulus pattern through fifteen series of experiments which varied in stimulus pattern, illumination, set, subjects and experimental design. In only two of the series, we obtained statistically significant results. We concluded that Obonai's result was a special case with some particular types of subjects under some particular stimulus conditions.<BR>We did not find the influence of brightness gradient upon the rate of reversal when the brightnesses of the two areas were varied symmetrically. But we found that, when the brightness of one area was kept constant, the rate of reversal increased as the brightness gradient between the other area and the surroundings became more similarto that of the former.<BR>We found also that the rate increased as the illuminance of stimulus field increased. On the other hand, the influence of the number of sectors was not clear in our experiment.<BR>Above mentioned changes in the rate of reversal were partly due to the changes in the time of undefined phase. The level of the rate of reversal varied considerably from subject to subject and individual levels were relatively constant through many experiments.<BR>The influence of those stimulus factors upon the rate of reversal was rather slight and not general, contrary to Obonai's results. It was suggested that the rate of figureground reversal was determined by the conditions of the organism rather than by stimulus set-up.
The Japanese Psychological Association
Japanese Psychological Research (ISSN:00215368)
vol.7, no.2, pp.86-100, 1965 (Released:2009-02-24)

The present study was designed to examine whether the apparent brightness of the test field was affected by varying the inducing field luminance and area. Binocular matching method was used. The apparent brightness of the test field was measured by the method of adjustment. The test field was disc-shaped and, in Experiment I and II, was surrounded by a contiguous annular inducing field of different areas. Effects of inducing luminance and area upon the test brightness were studied in Experiment I. In Experiment II, the test brightness surrounded by the inducing field of equal luminance was measured. It was also examined whether the apparent brightness of a field could be changed by varying its area in Experiment III.
武藤 世良
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

This study examined the action tendencies of respect-related emotions in Japanese university students. Participants (<i>n</i> = 405) randomly received a questionnaire about one of six respect-related emotions: (a) <i>keiai</i> (respect mingled with mild love); (b) <i>shinsui</i> (idolatry, worship, and adoration); (c) <i>ifu</i> (awe mingled with fear); (d) <i>kanshin</i> (admiration); (e) <i>kyotan</i> (wonder); and (f) <i>sonkei</i> (respect proper) and were asked to recall a situation they felt the emotion. Next, they rated how much they felt like doing the respect-related (intrapersonal or interpersonal) actions in the situation. Statistical analysis revealed several action tendencies of respect-related emotions, however, the degree of each differed between the prototypical episodes of the emotions (a)–(e). The action tendency pattern of <i>sonkei</i> was most similar to that of <i>keiai</i>, therefore <i>keiai</i> could be considered as the prototypical feeling of <i>sonkei</i> in university students. Furthermore, almost all the respect-related emotions tended to strongly motivate willingness for self-correction and improvement. These findings suggest that respect-related emotions play an important role in self-improvement and building good relationships with superiors, at least in late adolescence.
武藤 世良
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

This study examined the reproducibility of the hierarchical semantic structure of respect-related emotions and the prototypical meaning of <i>sonkei</i> (respect) in modern Japanese people. Participants, ages 20–79, rated the semantic similarity of 153 pairs of 18 respect-related words used in previously published work. Hierarchical cluster analysis (<i>n</i> = 515) showed almost the same semantic organization as the previous study. The highest level of abstraction consisted of "person-focus respect, emotional attitude" and "action-focus respect, emotional state." The basic level consisted of (a) respect mingled with mild love; (b) ought-respect (respect as moral duty); (c) idolatry (worship and adoration); (d) awe mingled with fear; (e) admiration; and (f) wonder. The word <i>sonkei</i> was included in category (a). Additional analyses were conducted according to age. The results revealed that the basic categories seen in adults ages 60–79 differed from those in the whole sample and that <i>sonkei</i> was included in the category which could be considered as ought-respect. These findings suggest that the semantic organization of respect-related emotions is gradually changing under the influence of modern culture.

1 0 0 0 蜘蛛の本能

入谷 智定
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.12, no.1, pp.603-607, 1937

Experiments were performed on 3 kinds of .spiders waiting for games upon the spun webs.<BR>So far as the writer observed, all these animals could distinguish instinctively between eatables and uneatables, and show some different degrees of their inborn intellectualities in clearing the fields of the wastes and in managing the dead games or the living. The animals began to respond to them so variedly as one challenged directly against them with some blows by the fore-right-hand , while a second did with repeated vertical swings of its web, in contrast to the horizontal by a third. Even between two animals of one and the same class a remarkable individual difference could be perceived with regard to the precautions taken against the danger and their own procedures for the prizes, besides some traces of practice effects.<BR>All these facts tell us the true nature of several aspects of the animal's instinct.
藤井 勉 澤海 崇文 相川 充
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.4, pp.361-367, 2015

The Implicit Association Test of Shyness (Shyness IAT: Aikawa & Fujii, 2011) provides an indirect assessment of shyness by measuring associations of self (vs. other) with shyness-related (vs. sociability-related) words. In this study we examined the test–retest reliability of the Shyness IAT. Thirty-five participants responded twice to the Shyness IAT with a time lag of one month. The correlation coefficient between the two time points was .54 (<i>p</i> = .001), confirming an adequate level of test-retest reliability. Indeed, changes in explicit and implicit shyness between the two time points were not related to sociable behavior during the one month period. Implications of the results for the assessment of personalities using IATs as well as relevant future directions are discussed.
伊藤 友一 服部 陽介 川口 潤
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.4, pp.340-346, 2015

The cognitive function to project oneself into the specific past or future is labeled mental time travel (MTT). MTT to the past is considered "episodic memory" and the future is termed "episodic future thinking". Remembering the past and imaging the future during MTT both draw on information stored in episodic memory: a process that enables integration of episodic information into a coherent event representation. Recent studies suggested that episodic information in past/future event representations varies with temporal distance from the present to the event. However, it is unclear whether the influence on temporal distance is actually caused by the function of episodic memory retrieval. The present study investigated the relationship between episodic memory and temporal concepts with a lexical decision task. The results indicate that remembering the past activated temporal concepts of the near future more than that of the far future. This finding suggests that the rich information derived from episodic memory modulates the subjective sense of time in episodic future thinking.