野崎 優樹 子安 増生
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.160-169, 2015

Emotional competence refers to individual differences in the ability to appropriately identify, understand, express, regulate, and utilize one's own emotions and those of others. This study developed a Japanese version of a short form of the Profile of Emotional Competence, a measure that allows the comprehensive assessment of intra- and interpersonal emotional competence with shorter items, and investigated its reliability and validity. In Study 1, we selected items for a short version and compared it with the full scale in terms of scores, internal consistency, and validity. In Study 2, we examined the short form's test-retest reliability. Results supported the original two-factor model and the measure had adequate reliability and validity. We discuss the construct validity and practical applicability of the short form of the Profile of Emotional Competence.
池田 浩 古川 久敬
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.69-75, 2015

This study examined the interactive effect of management by group goals and job interdependence on employee's activities in terms of task and contextual performance. A survey was conducted among 140 Japanese employees. Results indicated that management by group goals was related only to contextual performance. Job interdependence, however, had a direct effect on both task and contextual performance. Moreover, moderated regression analyses revealed that for work groups requiring higher interdependence among employees, management by group goals had a positive relation to contextual performance but not to task performance. When interdependence was not necessarily required, however, management by group goals had no relation to contextual performance and even negatively impacted task performance, respectively. These results show that management by group goals affects task and contextual performance, and that this effect is moderated by job interdependence. This provides a theoretical extension as well as a practical application to the setting and management of group goals.
吉崎 聡子 平岡 恭一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.55-61, 2015

The purpose of the present study was to examine the multivariate relations between career exploration and its predictors. University sophomores and seniors completed a questionnaire about career exploration, career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision-making outcome expectations, and career motivation. Canonical correlation analysis showed that combining all predictors, i.e., career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision-making outcome expectations, and career motivations, accounted for a large portion of the career exploration variance. Of subfactors of career motivation, only "integrated and identified regulation" was significantly related to career exploration. This result suggests that career exploration is predicted by self-efficacy as well as a highly self-determinated extrinsic motivation.
伊藤 裕子 相良 順子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.42-48, 2015

A marital commitment scale was created to study marital relationships of middle-aged and elderly couples. This study examined the scale's reliability and validity. A total of 840 middle-aged and elderly married participants ranged from 37 to 89 years completed the marital commitment questionnaire and answered questions regarding marital love, perception of the balance of power between spouses, and the concept of gender roles. The results showed that marital commitment consisted of: personal commitment, resigned and instrumental commitment and normative commitment. Personal commitment was highly correlated with marital love. Resigned and instrumental commitment was correlated with perception of poorly balanced of power between spouses. Normative commitment was correlated with the concept of traditional gender roles. Thus the internal consistency as well as the construct and criterion-related validity of the marital commitment scale were confirmed. Gender differences were also identified. Men scored higher on personal and normative commitment, and women scored higher on resigned and instrumental commitment. The results are discussed in terms of gender.
森 数馬 岩永 誠
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.5, pp.495-509, 2014

While enjoying music and other works of art, people sometimes experience "chills," a strong emotional response characterized by a sensation of goose bumps or shivers. Such experiences differ from having goose bumps as a defense response or from shivering in reaction to cold temperatures. The current paper presents the phenomenon of music-induced chills and reviews the chill-related emotional response, autonomic nervous system activity, and brain activity. It also reviews the musico-acoustic features, listening contexts, and individual differences that cause chills. Based on the review, we propose a hypothetical model regarding the evocation of music-induced chills. Furthermore, we investigate the strong emotional response associated with chills by exploring the relationship between music-related chills and non-music-related chills, and discuss future research directions.
渡辺 友里菜 吉崎 一人
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.404-410, 2014

This study aimed to investigate the generality of conflict adaptation associated with block-wise conflict frequency between two types of stimulus scripts (Kanji and Hiragana). To this end, we examined whether the modulation of the compatibility effect with one type of script depending on block-wise conflict frequency (75% versus 25%) generalized to the other type of script whose block-wise conflict frequency was kept constant (50%), using the Spatial Stroop task. In Experiment 1, 16 participants were required to identify the target orientation (up or down) presented in the upper or lower visual-field. The results showed that block-wise conflict adaptation with one type of stimulus script generalized to the other. The procedure in Experiment 2 was the same as that in Experiment 1, except that the presentation location differed between the two types of stimulus scripts. We did not find a generalization from one script to the other. These results suggest that presentation location is a critical factor contributing to the generality of block-wise conflict adaptation.
望月 正哉 玉木 賢太郎 内藤 佳津雄
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.398-403, 2014

Previous studies demonstrated that observing another person's grasp action modulated the observer's attention to the object in a manner congruent with another person's action goal. These studies suggest that this grasp-cueing effect results from representation of the observer's understanding of action intention in the mirror neuron system. This system serves as the neural mechanism underlying action-oriented goals, regardless of whether they are those of the observer or others. The present study examined whether the grasp-cueing effect emerged even when a grasp action was observed from an egocentric (observer's own) perspective. Reaction times were faster when the target was presented over the object that was congruent with the action goal implied by the size of the hand aperture. This indicated that the grasp-cueing effect occurred when the stimulus was observed from an egocentric perspective, consistent with the view that this effect resulted from the observer's understanding of action intention as represented in the mirror neuron system.
野中 俊介 境 泉洋
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.3, pp.313-318, 2014

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of hikikomori, a Japanese term denoting "prolonged social withdrawal", on quality of life (QOL). Individuals with hikikomori at present (<i>n</i> = 26) and in the past (<i>n</i> = 31), as well as mildly depressed individuals without hikikomori (<i>n</i> = 114) and highly depressed individuals without hikikomori (<i>n</i> = 27) were requested to complete the WHO Quality of Life 26 (QOL26).The results of MANOVA indicated that the present hikikomori group's scores on the social relationships domains of the QOL26 were significantly lower than the scores of the highly depressed group.The results of this study suggest that it might be important to intervene to improve QOL in individuals with hikikomori.
伊藤 大幸 松本 かおり 髙柳 伸哉 原田 新 大嶽 さと子 望月 直人 中島 俊思 野田 航 田中 善大 辻井 正次
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.3, pp.304-312, 2014

We examined the psychometric properties of the Japanese version of the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) and developed a short-form. This study included 157 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD, ages 7–18, 128 boys) and 4,101 healthy controls (ages 7–15, 3,344 boys) from a general population with a controlled male-female ratio. Four factors (Unusual Interests, Sociality, Peer Relations, and Repetitive Behaviors) were extracted by exploratory factor analysis of control group data. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the 4-factor model fit well with data for another sample of the control and ASD groups. Logistic analysis showed that the former 3 factors could significantly predict ASD diagnosis. Thus, a short form of the ASSQ was developed, consisting of 11 items for these 3 factors. This short form showed sufficient internal consistency and high discrimination power for ASD diagnosis that was comparable to that of the 22-item version. Receiver operating characteristic analysis indicated an optimal cut-off of 7 for the 22-item version (sensitivity .949, specificity .801) and 5 for the short-form (sensitivity .936, specificity .818).
下田 俊介 大久保 暢俊 小林 麻衣 佐藤 重隆 北村 英哉
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.3, pp.294-303, 2014

The Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) is an instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect. A Japanese version of the IPANAT was developed and its reliability and validity were examined. In Study 1, factor analysis identified two independent factors that could be interpreted as implicit positive and negative affect, which corresponded to the original version. The Japanese IPANAT also had sufficient internal consistency and acceptable test–retest reliability. In Study 2, we demonstrated that the Japanese IPANAT was associated with explicit state affect (e.g., PANAS), extraversion, and neuroticism, which indicated its adequate construct validity. In Study 3, we examined the extent to which the Japanese IPANAT was sensitive to changes in affect by assessing a set of IPANAT items after the presentation of positive, negative, or neutral photographs. The results indicated that the Japanese IPANAT was sufficiently sensitive to changes in affect resulting from affective stimuli. Taken together, these studies suggest that the Japanese version of the IPANAT is a useful instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect.
中西 大輔 亀田 達也
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.71, no.6, pp.469-476, 2001

Effects of stereotypic beliefs were examined in a group problem solving context, featuring full-fledged, face-to-face interaction. Based on formal analysis of group aggregation processes, it was hypothesized that positive and negative impacts of stereotypic beliefs on task performance in problem solving were larger on the group level than on the individual level. In the present study, data from five-person groups working on a series of problem-solving tasks were used to test the hypothesis. Results indicated that stereotypic beliefs indeed exerted "emergent influence" as hypothesized on task performance in the group problem solving. The finding illustrates the importance of socially-shared aspects of stereotypic beliefs, providing a case for the need for "truly social" social-cognition research.
竹内 ますみ
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.55, no.5, pp.296-302, 1984

The purpose of this study was to measure the behavioral characteristics of neonates and to investigate the relationship between these characteristics and infant-perception by adults (nurse). Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (BNBAS) were administered to 45 neonates three or four days after birth. Nurses were required to assess the perception of the neonates who received BNBAS during two to five days after birth. The main findings were as follows: (1) A factor analysis was performed on the behavioral items of BNBAS, and six factors corresponding to Osofsky's factors (1977) were extracted. (2) As for the behavioral items, there was no significant sex differences. (3) Some of BNBAS factors related to the infant-perception by nurses.
伊藤 健彦
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.488-497, 2013

This study presents a new model of psychological processes to predict English communication behaviors of Japanese high school students. Various models have been proposed in Japan, based mainly on Canadian models, to predict second-language communication behaviors. This study shows problems with the previous models in Japan and introduces a new model from the perspective of "Expectancy-Value Theory". Questionnaire Survey 1 compared the previous model and the modified models which suggested that a new psychological variable, "Value in English Communication", was necessary to construct the new model. In Survey 2, the new model was further modified by incorporating into it various English learning values which the Japanese have. This study makes a significant contribution to studies and practices of teaching English as a foreign language in Japan.
寺岡 隆 長尾 桂子 長谷部 とし子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.31, no.6, pp.327-336, 1961

The present study was mainly intended to inquire into the effects of preceding trials over the performance of following problem series when the preceding series was diferent from the subsequent one about the cue for the solution. Simple anagram series were used as problems, and were given to junior high school students. Experimental series were divided into the preceding and the subsequent series with respect to the letter-orders used as cues. Though two series were arranged with different letter-orders, these letter-orders were, generally, constant through each series. Each anagram was presented one after another to the subjects at the rate of 10 seconds per one.<br>1) Experiment I was designed to find the effects of trial number of preceding series. Subjects were divided into groups in terms of the number of trials in the preceding series-6, 12, 24, 42, and 60 trials, five groups in all. There was no transfer effect in the group which performed 6 trials in the preceding series. In the group which performed 12 trials, rather negative transfer was observed in terms of the median on trials to reach the learning criterion though there was a positive transfer with respect to the total number of correct responses in the subsequent series. More marked negative transfer was found in the group which performed 24 trials. As the number of preceding trials, however, became as large as 42 or 66 significant positive transfer appeared.<br>In order to explain the non-monotonous variation of transfer effects indicated by these results, it was hypothesized that a response tendency at each trial was determined by the composition or algebraic summation of the two tendencies existed simultaneously at the trial, <i>viz</i>., the facilitation and the inhibition, and, that these two tendencies were different in the process of development though they were both functions of the number of trials.<br>In addition, inquiry was made about the case where the letter-order of preceding series was not constant but was varied at random every trial. Under this condition, only the group which performed 24 preceding trials showed negative transfer, and the other four groups showed no transfer.<br>2) Experiment II was designed to investigate the case where there were differences between the preceding and subsequent series with respect to the difficulty of solution. In the case where the problem had similar difficulty in the both series, the results were the same as in Experiment I. In the case where the preceding series was easier than the subsequent, the phase of negative transfer was hard to appear while there was no great difference about the phase of positive transfer. In the case where the preceding series was more difficult, the phase of negative transfer was, inversely, hard to appear while there was no great difference about the phase of positive transfer. These results were also explained by the above-mentioned two-factor hypothesis.<br>3) The relation between two cases where the letter-orders were constant and random through the preceding series was examined in Experiment III. In Experiment IV, the case where the shift of cues between two series was made gradually was tested, and moreover, in Experiment V, the case where cues were changed one after another every block of trials was investigated. But these results were not necessarily clear.
田中 寛一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.9, no.5, pp.923-951, 1934

(一) 此の稿は東洋諸民族の智能を比較する用具として問題の解釋及び解答に國語の力を必要としない團體智能檢査に關する一試案の報告である。<br>(二) 被驗者は東京市内の尋常小學校三校、高等女學校一校、中學校一校、高等女學校一校の兒童生徒で、男子一五八〇名、女子一五七一名で合計三一五一名である。<br>(三) テストとして選定したものは十種類であるが、小學校等に於て使用する場合を考慮して所要時間短縮の目的で八個のテストの成績について整理した。而して、十個のテストを全部用ひた場合と八個を用ひた場合とでは小學校兒童六學級のものについて調査した所によれば、綜合成績に於て〇・九七五の相關のあることを發見した。それ故に十個のテストを全部用ひても八個だけを用ひても智能檢査としては效果の上に大差はない。<br>(四) 各テスト相互の相關係數は餘り大でない。<br>(五) 同一の組の兒童に四ケ月の間隔を隔てゝ二回行つた綜合成績間の相關係數は八個のテストの場合の平均〇・八七七、十個の場合の平均〇・八七九である。<br>(六) 各年齡級の成績の分配状態から見れば個人差を辨別するに十分な脱逸度を示し、又分配曲線の形状から見ると正常な曲線に近い。<br>(七) 國民智能檢査の成績とこのテストの成績とを相關せしめると、八個を利用した場合に〇・七〇一、十個を利用した場合は〇・七三六である。<br>(八) 前記 (四) (五) (六) (七) の事實から、此のテストは一般智能の測定用具として、かなり信頼してよからうとおもはれる。<br>(九) 此の檢査法によつて兒童及び生徒の智能を測定した場合に、各個人の成績を判定する場合の基準として、八歳から十六歳までの各年齡級に於ける各滿月毎に代表値及び標準錯差を示す假標準表 (第十三表) を設定して置いた。此の標準表は近い將來に於て被驗者を増すことによつて改訂するつもりである。
吉田 宏子 中溝 幸夫 近藤 倫明
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.3, pp.265-269, 2011

The present study examined the recognition of numerical stimuli briefly presented in the peripheral and the central (foveal) visual fields of children with autism. The participants were 5 children with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and 10 typically developing (TD) children of similar chronological age. The stimuli were number strings presented on a personal computer screen for 160 msec in the position of the fixation point (foveal condition) or in the peripheral visual field (retinal eccentricity of 16°) in one of the eight radial positions selected randomly (peripheral condition). The participants' task was to report the number of stimuli. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the mean response times between the TD and ASD groups. However, the mean percentage of correct answers in the ASD group was significantly higher than in the TD group for the peripheral condition. These results suggest that the effective visual field of the ASD group is expanded compared with the TD group. We discussed the relationships between perceptual characteristics and cognitive processes particular to ASD children.
桾本 知子 山崎 勝之
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.82, no.1, pp.9-15, 2011

This study examined the effect of humor coping with interpersonal stress on the relationship between cynical hostility, conscious defensiveness, and depression. University students (<I>N</I>=375; 214 men and 161 women) participated in a questionnaire survey. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses by sex showed that humor coping with interpersonal stress alleviated the detrimental influence of cynical hostility on depression only for men with low conscious defensiveness. For women, humor coping with interpersonal stress played a role in alleviating depression independently of hostility and conscious defensiveness. These findings suggest that there are differences between men and women in the role of humor coping with interpersonal stress in affecting depression. Methodological limitations of the present study are discussed, along with possible improvements for future studies.
上田 琢哉
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.4, pp.327-332, 1996
1 5

In past studies, the concept of self acceptance has often been confused with self evaluation or self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to distinguish these concepts, and operationally define self-acceptance as Carl Rogers proposed: feeling all right toward the self when self-evaluation was low. Self-acceptance as adaptive resignation, a moderating variable, therefore should raise self-esteem of only those people with low self-evaluation. Self-acceptance was measuerd in the study as affirmative evaluation of own self-evaluation. Two hundred and forty college students, 120 each for men and women, completed a questionnaire of self-evaluative consciousness and self-esteem scales. Results of statistical analyses showed that among subjects with low self-evaluation, the higher self-acceptance, the higher the person's self-esteem, The same relation was not observed among those with high self-evaluation. Thus, it may be concluded that self-acceptance was adaptive resignation, and therefore meaningful to only those with low self evaluation.