黒谷 佳代 新杉 知沙 三好 美紀 瀧本 秀美
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.78, no.Supplement, pp.S50-S59, 2020-12-01 (Released:2021-02-16)

【目的】 食育の推進に関連する法律,政策および活動について整理すること。【方法】 食育基本法,食育推進基本計画,都道府県および市町村における食育推進計画について情報をとりまとめた。【結果】 食育基本法は,国民が生涯にわたって健全な心身を培い,豊かな人間性を育むことができるようにすることを目的として,2005年に制定された。食育基本法では,5か年計画の食育推進基本計画の作成及び実施による食育推進を図ることが規定されている。2005年から2015年は,内閣府が食育の推進を図るための基本的な施策に関する企画,立案,総合調整の事務を担い,2016年以降は農林水産省が担当している。毎年,食育推進基本計画の推進状況について評価が行われている。第3次食育推進基本計画(2016~2020年度)では,21の目標値が設定され,共食や中学校における学校給食の実施,食品中の食塩や脂肪の低減に取り組む食品企業,伝統的な料理や作法等の継承,食品の安全性に関する項目が2019年現在達成されている。また,都道府県食育推進計画はすべての都道府県で作成,実施がされているものの,市町村の計画は未だ100%に達していない。【結論】食育基本法制定後,約15年間で食育推進計画によりいくつかの課題が改善したものの,朝食欠食などの課題が依然として続いている。COVID-19の影響で,人々の生活環境は急速に,そして劇的に変化した。国民の明るい未来の創出のために,食育推進に関わるすべての人々が食・健康課題への対応に尽力することが必要だろう。
山田 愼三 甲賀 正亥
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.11, no.6, pp.172-178, 1954-08-20 (Released:2010-10-29)

The authors have invested during 5 years since April 1939-March 1944 into 1200-3800 pupils of Toyooka Aviation Academy about the seasonal fluctuation of principal food and the relation between the basal calorie, weight of body, temperature and moisture, that is:(1) The seasonal fluctuation of principal food (monthly meandeviation of principal food) indicates the wavy curve as follows:This curve is estimated to represent the normal appetite of healthy Japanese young men and we named it “Appetite curve”(2) The relation between the appetite curve and the temperature, moisture, temp. × moist is, the appetite decreases during summer when temperature and maisture ascend, and in winter it shows the contrary. The correlation the two is:Appetite curve & temp. γ=-0.91±0.0524Appetite curve & moist. γ=-0.80±0.0723Appetite curve & temp×moist. γ=-0.02±0.0313(3) The relation between the appetite curve and the weight of body is, the body weight decreases during summer when the principal food decreases and in winter it shows the two is:Appetite curve and weight of body. γ=+0.809±0.0693(4) The relation between the appetite curve and the basal calorie is:Both the principal food, the basal calorie are low in summer and high in winter. The rate of principal food is more remarkable than basal calorie.This fact shows the close connection between decrease of weight in summer and increase of weight in winter.(5) The above relation between the appetite curve and the weight of body, temperature, moisture, temp.×moist is as the following graph.
鴨井 正樹 清水 能人 河内 光男 藤井 靖久 菊池 武久 水川 士郎 吉岡 薄夫 木畑 正義 三橋 正和
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.30, no.4, pp.153-158, 1972-07-25 (Released:2010-10-29)
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The metabolism of orally administered maltitol was investigated and compared with clinical study, especially in two groups, one which exhibited diabetic type and the other non-diabetic type (contained intermediate type) in 50g glucose tolerance test.The following results were obtained. The variation curves of blood sugar, immunoreactive insulin, and non-esterified fatty acids levels effected by 50g maltitol tolerance test in both groups had been extremely lower than those effected by 50g glucose tolerance test.So, it was considered that maltitol per se had been hardly absorbable through intestinal wall, clinically as so with animal study. In the case of concurrent administration of 50g maltitol and 50g glucose, the absorption of glucose was inhibited, resulting in a lower increase of blood sugar level than in the case of an individual administration of 50g glucose.
奥野 和子
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.34, no.1, pp.19-24, 1976-01-25 (Released:2010-10-29)

A clear relationship between gross sugar consumption and the number of dental caries cases has been found out by many workers. However, this kind of information does not help the activities of dentists or nutritionists toward the prevention of dental caries. A practical strategy to this requires detail information on the amount of sugar consumption due to the specific food eaten by a given group.In this paper, Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMF) and sugar consumption are related through food and dental surveys of 1058 boys and 1597 girls belonging to different age groups in junior and senior high schools.Findings obtained are as follows:(1) The girls' mean DMF increases sharply and consistently with age. The mean DMF of boys does not increase so sharply as girls but comes to flat at an age of the first year of the senior high school.(2) In the same age group, the sugar intake of girls from soft drinks and sweets is much higher than that of the boys. This may be one of the main reasons why the mean DMF of girls is larger than that of boys. Therefore, dentists or nutritionists should take more efforts to improve food practice of girls.
佐々木 香苗 今田 拓磨 伊藤 和枝 古賀 里利子 坂田 利家 曲田 清彦 浦田 宏二
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.62, no.4, pp.227-234, 2004-08-01 (Released:2010-02-09)

The intake of dietary fat, especially saturated fatty acid, has noticably increased in Japan as a result of the Westernization of eating habits. Itoh et al. have shown that the postprandial insulin release in healthy young women was stimulated by meals rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA). Vanadium is known to be a trace element that mimics the biological effect of insulin. The objective of this present study was to evaluate the effect of mineral water containing vanadium on the insulin insensitivity induced by a diet rich in SFA.Twenty healthy young women participated in this crossover study. We used two kinds of mineral water containing approximately 60μg/l of vanadium (water A and B). The subjects were assigned to two groups of 10 subjects each forrespectively ingesting water A and water B. Vanadium-free mineral water was used as a control. Each subject ingested each type of water and a diet rich in SFA for 8 days. Fat constituted 30% of the total energy in the ratio of saturated fatty acid (S): monounsaturated fatty acid (M): polyunsaturated fatty acid (P)=5:4:1. On the last day, the plasma glucose level and serum insulin, triglyceride, and free fatty acid levels were measured at 0, 30, 60 and 120min after the evening meal.Water A reduced the serum insulin level in comparison with the control value 120min after the meal. A similar effect was observed with water B. The postprandial plasma glucose level showed no significant difference between the control and mineral water containing vanadium.Our results suggested that mineral water containing vanadium had a beneficial effect on the insulin insensitivity induced by a diet rich in SFA.

1 0 0 0 OA 食事と大腸癌

山口 百子
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.54, no.2, pp.71-78, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-11-26)
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荒井 基 鈴木 ひろこ 真田 成子
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.32, no.2, pp.89-95, 1974 (Released:2010-10-29)

(1) 全国124カ所の保健所の母親学級に参加した5,318名の妊婦・授乳婦について1970年と1971年において妊婦・授乳婦に関する食品禁忌のアンケート調査を実施した。回答した者は4,021名で回収率は75.6%であった。(2) 回答者の54%が1つ以上の禁忌食品を知っており, 1人当り平均2.0件となる。(3) 年令の多い者が若い者より多くの禁忌食品を知っていたが, 事務従事者, 商業, 農業に従事している者の間に差はなかった。(4) 地方別の禁忌食品の知悉度をみると, 北海道においては他の地方より禁忌食品を知っている者が多かった。(5) 禁忌を実行する者は教育程度が高くなるにつれて減少している。(6) 禁忌食品として挙げられたものは動物性食品71種, 植物性食品94種, 香辛・嗜好性食品22種, その他25種, 合計212種であった。(7) いか, たこ, 柿, なす, 香辛刺激性食品, コーヒー, アルコール性飲料などが出現頻度が高く, また頻度はあまり高くはないが, 栄養価の高い食品, かぼちゃ, 獣肉, そば, みかんなどが禁忌されていた。(8) 食品禁忌はその食品が多く生産される地方において高い頻度で禁忌されている傾向がみられた。
秋元 誠 鈴木 和春 遠藤 幸江 五島 孜郎
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.44, no.2, pp.79-86, 1986 (Released:2010-04-30)
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過剰P食投与による変化を, 初体重約110gの Wistar 系雄ラットを用いて40日間観察したところ, 体重増加量および飼料摂取量は, 過剰P食の影響により, 過剰P食群 (EP) が正常P食群 (NP) に比し低値を示した。EP食によりPの吸収率は増加し, Mgのそれは逆に低下した。尿中のCa, PはEP食で明らかに高い排泄率を示した。飼料を交換することによる変化は, P, Mgについては交換直後にみられ, Caは10日から15日間ぐらいの日数を要した。腎臓Ca濃度は, EP群がNP群の約160倍, P濃度は約3倍という高値を示した。EP群の血清P濃度は, NP群に比し上昇傾向を示し, CaおよびMg濃度は低下した。
磯部 しづ子 松野 信郎
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.11, no.3, pp.75-77, 1953

To know the dietary hadits and nutritional status of the families in straitened circumstances their food intake was surveyed together with time distribution of daily works of the housewives.<br>Generally speaking their average daily intake of nutrients is not adequate, especially that of housewives, most of whom are engaged in considerably heavy works, is father lower than their energy expenditure calculated from their time for living.<br>The ratio of food expenses to monthly income indicates 74.5% on an average.
大島 寿美子 鈴木 慎次郎
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.33, no.3, pp.105-112, 1975-05-25 (Released:2010-10-29)

The effect of dietary cholesterol on the serum cholesterol level was examined with the adult and aged subject.In the first trial, a total of 35 healthy adults were divided into three groups given 5, 7 and 10 eggs daily for 10-15 days.The differences of mean value in serum cholesterol between the initial day and the final day were 7, 9 and 8mg/dl in each group of adults given 5, 7 and 10 eggs, respectively, indicating a tendency of slight elevation in serum cholesterol. However, it should be noted that there were some adult subjects who showed sensitive response to the serum cholesterol level by egg intake.In the next, nineteen healthy aged subjects were divided into two groups given 1 and 2 eggs every day for one month. Average increments of serum cholesterol in each group of aged persons were 3mg/dl for 1 egg and 12mg/dl for 2 eggs. The higher response seen in the aged persons given 2 eggs daily may be caused by their inactive life in comparison with the active adults.Anyway, the effect of egg cholesterol to the serum cholesterol level in human seems to be lower than that resulted from the dietary intake of saturated fatty acid such as butter, tallow and lard etc.
楢崎 有季子 堀尾 強
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.64, no.6, pp.339-343, 2006-12-01 (Released:2010-02-09)

The threshold level of the five basic taste attributes was examined in elderly subjects for comparison with the levels in young subjects. The relationship among the taste threshold, sex, drinking, smoking, and artificial teeth was also examined, and the features of the food preference and taste were compared between the elderly and young subjects.The threshold level of all five taste solutions for the elderly subjects was higher than for the young. No relationship among the taste threshold, sex, and artificial teeth was apparent. Any influence of drinking and smoking on the taste was not clear, because the amounts of alcohol and tobacco consumed by most of the elderly subjects were small. The elderly had less preference for a sweet taste than the young. No correlation between the taste preference and taste threshold was apparent.These results suggest that the sensitivity for all the basic taste attributes of the elderly was inferior to that of the young, and that the taste preference also differed between the elderly and young subjects.
中嶋 加代子
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.47, no.6, pp.299-303, 1989

<i>Salmonella typhimurium</i> TA98を用いて, 牛赤身ミンチ肉の230℃ガスオーブン加熱による変異原活性の変化を検討した。また, 直前に調製した新鮮野菜汁を用い, 焼き肉抽出液の変異原活性に及ぼす影響を調べ, 次のような結果を得た。<br>1) 230℃で加熱した牛肉の変異原活性は, 加熱時間とともに増大し, 30分間加熱では未加熱肉の変異原活性よりも約10倍高かった。<br>2) 今回調べた6種類の新鮮野菜汁は, 全て焼き肉抽出液のTA98に対する変異原活性を抑制した。抑制率は, パセリ88.5%, 青じそ81.6%, にら79.8%, サニーレタス66.8%, 西洋にんじん41.7%, 大根10.7%であった。
Betty T. Izumi Andrea Bersamin Carmen Byker Shanks Gitta Grether-Sweeney Mary Murimi
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.76, no.Supplement, pp.S126-S132, 2018-07-01 (Released:2018-08-28)
1 3

Objective: The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program in the United States (US) that provides nutritionally balanced and free or low-cost lunches each school day to 30.4 million students, including more than 22 million low-income students. Since its inception in 1946, the program has undergone many modifications, including a shift in focus from addressing under- to over-nutrition. Most recently, the US Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 to help address hunger and obesity among the nation's children. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the NSLP.Methods: This paper is based on a review of relevant technical documents, peer-reviewed literature and grey literature. The authors also used their collective school lunch research and practice experience to identify the most salient points to address.Results: The following areas of the NSLP are presented: how it is administered; recent changes to the meal patterns and nutrition standards; revenue and costs; research and evaluation conducted after passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act; and current initiatives to enhance the NSLP.Conclusions: The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act improved the NSLP meal patterns and nutrition standards by aligning them with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Early published research on the impact of the updated meal patterns and nutrition standards on student dietary outcomes is promising and efforts to further enhance the NSLP are being implemented across the nation.
木林 悦子 鏡森 定信
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.60, no.3, pp.145-153, 2002-06-01 (Released:2010-02-09)
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栄養疫学研究に役立てることを目的として, 20歳女子の食事によるタウリン摂取量と食品群別摂取量の関連より, 魚介類及びレバー摂取量を用いたタウリン摂取量の推定式の開発を試みた。さらに, タウリン摂取量の季節変動や日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を求めるために必要な食事調査日数, 推定式の交差妥当性についても検討を行い, 以下の結論を得た。1) 食事によるタウリン摂取量を従属変数とし, その他の食品群別摂取量 (動物性食品及び海藻類) を独立変数とする重回帰分析の結果, 82%が説明され, タウリン摂取量と魚介類摂取量の間には, 標準偏回帰係数0.60(p<0.001), レバー摂取量との間には, 0.52(p<0.001)で有意な関連が認められたが, その他の食品群については, 関連が認められなかった。2) 食事によるタウリン摂取量を従属変数, 1日の魚介類別 (6分類) 摂取量及びレバー摂取量を独立変数とし, 夏 (6~7月) と冬 (12~1月) の食事調査結果をそれぞれについて重回帰分析し, 比較した結果, 夏と冬のいずれにおいてもタウリン摂取量と魚類摂取量, いか・たこ類摂取量の間に関連が認められたが, タウリン摂取量と貝類及びえび・かに類との間には, 冬においてのみ, レバー摂取量については, 夏においてのみ関連が認められた。3) 日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を算出するのに必要な食事調査日数は, 10%以下の誤差範囲で704日, 20%以下で176日であった。4) 夏と冬の食事調査結果をもとに算出した1日の食事中タウリン摂取量を従属変数, 1日の魚介類及びレバー摂取量又は魚介類別及びレバー摂取量を独立変数として重回帰分析を行い, タウリン摂取量の推定式を検討した結果,“タウリン摂取量(mg/day)=1.909×魚類摂取量(g/day)+6.798×貝類摂取量(g/day)+2.867×その他魚介類摂取量(g/day)+22.95×レバー摂取量(g/day)+14.02”となった (決定係数が73.5%)。以上, 魚類摂取量, 貝類摂取量, その他魚介類摂取量(えび・かに類, いか・たこ類, その他) 及びレバー摂取量から, タウリン摂取量の推定式は, 他の地域の対象者での交差妥当性の検討からも, 20~21歳女子学生において, タウリン摂取量推定の精度, 妥当性も高いものを得ることができた。また, 日常の食事中タウリンの1日摂取量を求めるには, 10%以下の誤差範囲で704日, 20%以下の誤差範囲で176日以上の食事調査をもとに算出する必要性が示唆された。今後, さらに幅広い年齢層や男性においても活用できる食事中タウリン摂取量の推定式の検討を考えている。
曽根 博仁 吉村 幸雄 田中 明 山田 信博 JDCSグループ
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.65, no.6, pp.269-279, 2007-12-01 (Released:2010-02-09)

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most challenging health problems throughout the world and is increasing at an alarming rate. Most clinical evidence involved in therapeutic guidelines for diabetes is derived from European or American cohort studies, and the characteristics of diabetes in Asians, including Japanese, have been only poorly investigated to date, despite Asians constituting approximately half of the world diabetes population. The Japan Diabetes Complications Study (JDCS) is a nationwide multi-center prospective study of type 2 diabetic patients. In 1996, 2, 205 patients aged 40-70 years with previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes were recruited from 59 Japanese institutes that specialize in diabetes care. Parameters related to their diet, exercise, glycemic control, diabetic complication events, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity and quality of life have been measured and collected every year until now. It was clarified from the interim results of JDCS that the characteristics and pathophysiological backgrounds of diabetes in East Asians were quite different from those in Caucasian subjects. Compared with Caucasian diabetic patients, the JDCS patients had a much lower body mass index (BMI). Moreover, whereas the mean BMI of Caucasian diabetic patients was higher than that reported for non-diabetics of the same ethnic origin, the mean BMI of Japanese diabetic patients was normal in comparison with the Japanese non-diabetic population. Other differences between Japanese and Caucasian patients with type 2 diabetes could be found in the incidence rate and risk factors of complications, the effects of moderate alcohol drinking on cardiovascular disease, and the clinical significance of the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. These profound differences demonstrate the necessity for obtaining clinical evidence based on a large-scale study of East Asian patients in order to establish and provide management and care specific to this particular population.
高橋 智子 園田 明日佳 古宇田 恵美子 中村 彩子 大越 ひろ
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.66, no.5, pp.231-240, 2008-10-01 (Released:2010-04-30)
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The physical properties of gel samples of varied hardness were examined and the intake quantity per mouthful investigated in healthy subjects for its effect on the swallowing characteristics, mastication method, and swallowing frequency. The samples were prepared from gelatin and an agar-derived gelling agent of varied molecular weight. The subjects, regardless of the quantity per mouthful of the sample, recognized the difference in such oral senses as stickiness and ease of swallowing. Gel samples, taken in small portions, that were soft, highly adhesive, and with a high tan δ value (viscosity element divided by elasticity element) were squashed between the tongue and palate by most of the subjects before swallowing, rather than masticated with the teeth. It was also found that the greater the adhesiveness, elasticity element G′ in the linear region, torque and viscosity element G″ in the non-linear region, the higher was the frequency of swallowing until the gel sample had been completely swallowed. The overall results demonstrate that humans alter the mastication method and frequency of swallowing until the food has been completely swallowed according to the physical properties of the food.
伊藤 至乃 天野 幸子 殿塚 婦美子
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.51, no.1, pp.39-52, 1993

母子を組 (429) にして児童及び母親の食事に対する意識や態度を調査した結果, 次のことが明らかになった。<br>1) 児童の家の食事と給食の満足, 不満足の主な要因は, 食事の内容と食卓を囲む人間関係や食事をつくる人とのコミュニケーションの問題であることが明らかにされた。家族や友だちと一緒に食べることや食事づくりの手伝いは, 満足度を高める要因である。ただし給食当番は, 家庭での手伝いほど満足度に影響を与えていなかった。<br>2) 食事に満足している母親は, 家族と密なコミュニケーションがあり, 食事づくりにかける時間が長い。<br>3) 子どもの意識や態度を通しての母親の意識や態度の観察では, 次の3点に違いがみられた。<br>(1) 家の食事に満足している子どもの母親は, 献立に子どもの嫌いな物を考える時に工夫をし, 食事づくりに時間をかけていた。<br>(2) 手伝いをよくする子どもの母親は, 手伝いの期待が高かった。<br>(3) 食べ物の好き嫌いが少ない子どもの母親は, 献立に子どもの嫌いな物を考える時に, 好き嫌いは考えないと工夫しているとに分かれた。好き嫌いを考えない母親は, 家族とのコミュニケーションが親密であり, 互いの期待に応えようとする態度がうかがわれた。<br>(4) 母親の意識・態度を通しての子どもの意識・態度の観察では, 子どもの嫌いな物に対する態度にのみ違いがみられた。子どもが嫌いな物を食べ残した時に何もいわない母親の子どもは, 家の食事に不満足で好き嫌いがあり, 食事も残す。このような母親の子どもに対する消極的な態度とコミュニケーション不足が, 子どもの食事に対する意識や態度に反映されていた。