vol.1, (Released:2016-08-27)

昭和45年5月に法務省より国士舘大学に譲渡された極東国際軍事裁判に関する第一次資料より、和文速記録の1号~10号をpdf化したもの。 昭和21年5月3日(金曜日)東京都旧陸軍省内極東国際軍事裁判所法廷ニ於イテ
市来 弘志
2014-01-22 (Released:2013-11-08)

早矢仕 有子 ハヤシ ユウコ Yuko Hayashi
vol.26, no.1/2, pp.171-188, 2015-03 (Released:2015-04-29)
尾道市立大学日本文学論叢 (ISSN:21873569)
no.10, pp.197-210, 2014-12-06

酒井 泰弘
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.第394号, pp.38-57, 2012-12 (Released:2013-01-21)

The main purpose of this paper is to explore the economic thought of Frank H. Knight (1885-1972) with special reference to his ideas of risk and uncertainty. Knight, the “Grand Old Man” of Chicago, is one of the most influential thinker American economics has ever produced. Although hefailed to acquire many faithful followers around himself, we can see some traces of his perspective in the work of Martin Bronfenbrenner(1914-1997), a Chicago Ph.D., with whom I established a close acquaintance at Kobe and Pittsburgh. According to Knight, uncertainty must be taken categorically distinct from the familiar notion of risk. Risk means a quantity susceptible of measurement, so that it is not in effect anuncertainty at all. In contrast, uncertainty is ofthe non-quantity type in the sense that it cannotbe described by any distribution function.It is this “true” uncertainty, and not risk, whichforms the basis of a valid theory of profit. Business decisions deal with situations which are far too unique for any sort of statistical tabulation to have any value of guidance. Such true uncertainty gives the characteristic form of enterprise to economic organization as a whole and accounts for profit or the peculiar income of the entrepreneur. We live in the world of risk and uncertainty.The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 has demonstrated a great lesson against the myth of absolute safety, indicating the necessity of rethinking of presumably “unthinkable events.” We can learn new lessons from old teachings : The legacy of Frank H. Knight is still alive and will remain so throughout the new century.
酒井 泰弘
Center for Risk Research (CRR), Shiga University
CRR Discussion Paper
no.No. J-36, pp.1-22, 2013-04 (Released:2013-05-02)

The main purpose of this paper is to critically discuss and lucidly compare J. M. Keynes (1883-1946) and F. H. Knight (1886-1972), two towering figures in the history of economic thought. It is in 1921 that they both published apparently similar books on risk, probability and uncertainty. While Knight’contribution on the economics of risk and uncertainty has been well-known and very influential in the economics profession, Keynes’ accomplishments on probability and uncertainty have been more or lessunderestimated in the dark shadow of his most famous book (1936 ) The General Theory of Unemployment, Interest and Money.The present paper aims to focus on an earlier yet equally important book (1921) A Treatise on Probability, hopefully shedding a new light on his outstanding ideas and everlasting influences on his later works including The General Theory. According to Keynes, many probabilities, which are incapable of numerical measurement, can beplaced nevertheless between numerical upper and lower limits. Keynes has demonstrated whether and to what extent animal spirits contributes to the working and performance of the market economy. Remarkably, Keynes' concept of probability anduncertainty can be well-compared to Knight's distinction between a measurable risk and a non-measurable uncertainty. I believe that it is high time for us to unify Keynes and Knight into a new, comprehensive approach to understanding complex human behavior.
酒井 泰弘
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.第398号, pp.50-69, 2013-12 (Released:2014-01-14)

The main purpose of this paper is to criticallydiscuss and lucidly compare J. M. Keynes (1883-1946) and F. H. Knight (1886-1972), two towering figures in the history of economic thought. It is in 1921 that they both published apparently similar books on risk, probability and uncertainty. While Knight’ contribution on the economics of risk and uncertainty has been well-known and very influential in the economics profession, Keynes’accomplishments on probability and uncertainty have been more or less underestimated in the dark shadow of his most famous book (1936) The General Theory of Unemployment, Interest and Money.The present paper aims to focus on an earlieryet equally important book (1921) A Treatise onProbability, hopefully shedding a new light onhis outstanding ideas and everlasting influenceson his later works including The General Theory.According to Keynes, many probabilities, which are incapable of numerical measurement, can be placed nevertheless between numerical upper and lower limits. Keynes has demonstrated whether and to what extent animal spirits contributes to the working and performance of the market economy. Remarkably, Keynes' concept of probability and uncertainty can be well-compared to Knight's distinction between a measurable risk and a non-measurable uncertainty. I believe that it is high time for us to unify Keynes and Knight into a new,comprehensive approach to very complex human behavior.
酒井 泰弘
Center for Risk Research (CRR), Shiga University
CRR Discussion Paper, Series J
no.No. J-47, pp.1-41, 2014-04 (Released:2014-04-16)

本稿の問題意識の核心はこうである。市場経済のワーキングとパフォーマンスに関して、それを倫理・公平抜きに議論することが妥当であるかどうか、ということである。この点を深く掘り下げるために、先ずマッケンジー、アロー、ドブリューなどの一般均衡論の思考方式を論じる。その背後に潜む独特の美学とイデオロギーについて、詳しく吟味することが重要である。次に、市場均衡の美学に対して、異論を激しく述べてきたフランク・ナイトの考え方を述べる。その中で、競争経済における論理と倫理の関係について、視覚的かつ多角的に私見を開陳したいと思う。私がロチェスター大学にてマッケンジー先生の講義を拝聴していた頃のことである。先生が角谷の不動点定理を用いて、市場均衡解の存在を見事に証明したときに発せられた次の言葉が決して忘れることができないのだ。「おお、実に美しい!」東西冷戦の最中にあって、ソ連式の社会主義システムと米国式の資本主義システムとが激しく覇権を争っていた。厚生経済学の基本定理によれば、市場均衡はパレート最適であり、その逆も真であると言う。まさに、「真・善・美」のカント的世界がこの世に出現したかのようであった。それから40 年。1990 年におけるソ連の崩壊とともに、「経済学の東西冷戦」は終わりを告げた。それとともに、一般均衡論の美学とイデオロギーも次第に霧消していった。だが、旧来の経済学に代わるべき「新しい経済学」の建設も未だ見えない。今こそ、フランク・ナイトの異論に立ち戻り、不確実性と不完全情報の基礎の上に、総合的・学際的社会科学の建設を目指す絶好の機会が訪れていると信じている。
酒井 泰弘
彦根論叢 (ISSN:03875989)
no.第400号, pp.82-105, 2014-06 (Released:2014-07-02)

As the saying goes, we can learn new lessonsfrom old teachings. This paper aims to givecritical assessment of J. M. Keynes (1883-1946)and F. H. Knight (1885-1972), two great economistson probability and uncertainty. It is quiteremarkable to see that there are many contemporariesof outstanding achievement in theKeynes-Knight era: A. Marshall (1842-1924),H. Poincaré (1854-1912), M. Weber (1864-1920), Soseki Natsume (1867-1916), TorahikoTerada (1878-1935), and A. Einstein (1879-1955). While these men are somewhat differentin personality and research field, there is onething in common: They are all deep thinkersof unthinkable phenomena such as bubbles,chance, chaos, complexity, crisis, earthquakes,hazards, and sufferings.In the light of the history of economicthought, we understand that some economistsmay be micro-oriented or macro-orientedwhereas others may be concerned with certaintyor uncertainty. We find it quite convenientto classify all the economists from the time ofAdam Smith to the present day into the followingfour groups. They are:(1)micro andcertainty, (2)macro and certainty, (3)macro anduncertainty, and (4)micro and uncertainty. Inmy opinion, the first group is represented by L.W. McKenzie, an authority in general equilibriumtheory and incidentally my mentor atRochester; and the second one by Karl Marx,the founder of the Marxian school. The thirdgroup is led by J. M. Keynes, perhaps the greatesteconomist of the 20th century and theoriginator of the Keynesian school; and thefourth one by F.H. Knight, the grandfather ofthe original Chicago school.According to Torahiko Terada, a famous scientistand essayist, natural disasters will returnwhen they are out of people’s memory. Likewise,academic geniuses will return before oldheroes are out of our scene. At the beginningof the 21st century, it is quite regrettable thatneither Keynes nor Knight is in sight. We needa Keynes or a Knight in order to establish anew, synthetic social science, thus combiningeconomics, psychology, history, biology, physics,and other related fields.
別役 恭子
日本研究 : 国際日本文化研究センター紀要
vol.8, pp.71-99, 1993-03-30 (Released:2015-11-11)

浮田一蕙の「婚怪草紙絵巻」は、皇女和宮の徳川家茂への降嫁に対する風刺絵だとされてきた。しかし、一蕙の作品群を調べると、一蕙が信州に滞在した嘉永五年十月から翌六年二月にかけて、「狐の嫁入り」を主題とした掛幅や六曲一双の屏風を既に制作しており、「婚怪草紙絵巻」もその延長線上で描かれたと思われる。即ち、一蕙が江戸に滞在した嘉永六年三月から安政元年七月の間で、それは和宮降嫁の議が内々論議された安政五年秋から冬にかけてより、四年有余遡るのである。 江戸中、後期は擬人化の風潮が顕著に現れた時期であった。そして、妖怪奇異に対する好奇心が版本の普及とともに高揚した時期でもあった。想像力の逞しい画家や作家たちが、幻想、奇想の世界を創り出していた背景を考えると、「婚怪草紙絵巻」が生まれる土壌は、風刺を抜きにして充分整っていたのである。一蕙が古典絵巻から吸収した知識と、当時の社会に培われていた、洒落や、遊戯や、パロディーの精神が結びつき「婚怪草紙絵巻」は生まれたのである。