鑪 幹八郎 Mikihachiro TATARA 京都文教大学人間学部:京都文教大学臨床心理学科 KYOTO BUNKYO UNIVERSITY Department of Clinical Psychology
人間学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Human Studies, Kyoto Bunkyo University
vol.7, pp.59-67, 2005-03-25

This is a part of clinical and psychological study series of Arimasa Mori, a Japanese philosopher. In this paper, author tried to focus on his thoughts of the language structure of Japanese compared to French. He found the difference of speech in relation to whom, where and how in the context of interpersonal relationship. In contrast to French, Japanese language has to be used always in the consideration of whom you are talking to. Interpersonal relationship with the object to whom you are talking has to be always considered in the talking situation. This culturally bound way of expression is called Niko-kankei, which forces to take account social and interpersonal relation in two person relation, talker and listener. Mori tries to speak independently with a listener without considering talking situation and interpersonal relation of the talker and the listener. However, it seems to terribly difficult to speak Japanese in Japan in the way of speaking French.
今井 宏
vol.35, pp.23-39, 1982
伊庭 功
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.81, pp.351-362, 1999-03-31

今井 宏
vol.35, pp.1-19, 1974-01

This is a sequel to my two previous articles, "Japanese Views on the English Revolution in the Meiji Era", (Publications of the Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture, Vol. 26, 1968) and "Japanese Views on Puritanism in the Meiji Era" (Ibid., Vol. 32, 1972). In the former articles, I made surveys on books which contributed to develop Japanese understanding of the Revolution in the 17 th century England and then I laid stress on the point that the knowledge of the English Revolution in Meiji Japan was an adaptation of the Whig interpretation of British history to the Japanese political situation of the time. From this point of view, to know how this interpretation of British history was introduced into Meiji Japan would be one of the essential problems, but it is strange enough that we cannot find out in the Meiji era any translation of the most important historical book of the school, T. B. Macaulay's History of England. In his autobiography, Sohd Tokutomi, the leader of the Minyu-sha group and later days ultra-nationalist, remembered his enthusiastic reading of Macaulay's Essays and History in his youth. We can easily perceive that his early writings were deeply influenced by Macaulay's interpretation of history, because Tokutomi not only shared the optimistic progressivism with him but also used such clear-cut two-polars conceptions as good and evil, liberty and tyranny and so on. In 1890 the first Japanese biography of Macaulay was written by Yosaburo Takekoshi, one of Tokutomi's partners, but though being a good introduction to Macaulay's personality and achivements, this biography clearly depicts him as a historian who wrote history with an excellent literary talent but undeservedly neglects to consider the significance of his logics. This one-sidedness of the introduction of Whig interpretation has cast its shadow over the Japanese understanding of British historiography.
田口 孝夫
Otsuma review
vol.40, pp.43-53, 2007-07
田中 佑弥 Yuya Tanaka
臨床教育学研究 = Clinical Education (ISSN:13412434)
no.23, pp.13-22, 2017-03

近年、フリースクールの制度化を目指す動きが活発化し、2016 年には「教育機会確保法」が成立したが、フリースクールの制度化をめぐってはさまざまな意見がある。本稿では、フリースクールの制度化に先行してフリースクールに言及した政府の有識者会議の報告書や、制度化に反対する障害者運動の主張を検討し、論争において何が焦点化されているかを考察した。政府の有識者会議が主に人的資本の有効活用という観点からフリースクールの制度化を捉えているのに対し、「普通学級」へのインクルージョンを主張してきた障害者運動は「分離・別学体制」の強化と捉えている。そして、さまざまな批判があるなかで、NPO 法人フリースクール全国ネットワーク代表理事の奥地圭子は、不登校の子どもの権利を保障するという観点から、フリースクールの制度化を推進していることをインタビューにより明らかにした。