⚓️ 댐피어 5권 나옴. (@literaczy)


RT @satomi_hiyama: 『対法雑誌』第4号に「対法雑誌刊行会シンポジウム」での講演録「中央アジアの仏教寺院を復元する―石窟構造、美術、そして説一切有部の二分派」を掲載して頂きました。2022年刊行の英文拙著の内容について、一番分かりやすくまとめたものになるかと思い…
RT @NDLJP_en: Deshima served as the sole gateway to the West during Japan's isolation. #ndldigital https://t.co/4vcPypcEJR https://t.co/mg5…
RT @NDLJP_en: This letter from Takeda Shingen ends with a somewhat odd phrase: "Since I have eye trouble…" Let's see why he had to make thi…
RT @SangyopLee: My 印仏研 paper on my new hypothesis about the year of Dao'an's relocation to Chang'an based on an analysis of the Jovian year…
RT @NDLJP_en: The history of Japanese confectionery illustrates Japan's interaction with other countries: https://t.co/iiErXcPFLG #ndldigit…
RT @NDLJP_en: Selfportrait of Katsu Kaishu, statesman and naval engineer of Edo and Meiji periods: https://t.co/Mjq0p4OvRD https://t.co/7xy…
RT @NDLJP_en: On June 16 of the lunar calendar, there was an event at Edo Castle to give confections to the vassals. A man can be seen look…

20 0 0 0 OA 下谷広小路

RT @NDLJP_en: Now, we are in the rainy season, "tsuyu," in most areas of Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/ceHpGnDut9 https://t.co/0OV9yVo1P4
RT @NDLJP_en: This wood-block print depicts the Tomioka seishijo (Tomioka Silk Mill), Japan's oldest silk-reeling factory, which was named…
RT @NDLJP_en: Look at these #Kappa (water demon), which were believed to live in the Bungo domain (present-day Oita prefecture). This book…
출처: 川手 翔生, "中越境界政権としての交阯太守士燮の研究" (박사학위논문, 2017), 72쪽. https://t.co/5tLb2x8UFc

7 0 0 0 OA 彩画職人部類

RT @NDLJP_en: A picture book focused on #artisans by #TachibanaMinko depicts 28 artisans of the #Edo period, such as umbrella makers, carpe…
RT @NDLJP_en: What kind of thoughts cross this Japanese girl’s mind before setting out on a journey to the United States? Read more. https…
RT @kodaigirisyano: 古代世界の国境と現代の領域国家の国境の違いについて知りたい方はこちらの論文が有益です.国境は近現代と同じく線で区切る場合もありますが,点と点を結ぶ場合もあるわけでエジプトという具体例は大変に参考になります. 「古代エジプトにおける国境の概…
RT @ksk18681912: ↓ https://t.co/6emklh7A5j 江戸の薩摩藩邸や仙台藩邸からは鹿の骨が出土しており、鹿が食べられていたことがわかります 当然ながら、鹿の供給元は麹町のももんじ屋でしょう (続く) https://t.co/Uk0KVFC…
RT @NDLJP_en: Why and how did an old Confucian scholar who was ordered to transfer to Edo obtain permission to take his wife with him? Read…
RT @Tsoup2: ルーム・サルタナトとホラズムシャー/井谷鋼造 https://t.co/buazHfUJN5 イル・ハン国の西南グルジア支配とサムツヘ=サアタバゴ領の成立/北川誠一 (ジャケリ家について詳しい) https://t.co/Dt446Sns6U こんなペ…

10 0 0 0 史朋

RT @Tsoup2: ルーム・サルタナトとホラズムシャー/井谷鋼造 https://t.co/buazHfUJN5 イル・ハン国の西南グルジア支配とサムツヘ=サアタバゴ領の成立/北川誠一 (ジャケリ家について詳しい) https://t.co/Dt446Sns6U こんなペ…

5 0 0 0 OA 隅田川雪見

RT @NDLJP_en: A snowflake pattern is used on the kimono worn by the woman in the center of Utagawa Yoshitora's #ukiyoe. #ndldigital https:…
RT @NDLJP_en: Oda Kazuma (1882-1956), a printmaker, depicted Shinjuku, one of the busiest nightlife districts in Tokyo, in 1930 (lithograph…

90 0 0 0 OA 平天儀

RT @NDLJP_en: Heitengi (a kind of astrolabe) is a quick-reference chart for the paths of the sun, moon, and stars. The author Iwahashi Yosh…

27 0 0 0 OA 富岳百景 3編

RT @NDLJP_en: #Hokusai, master of #ukiyoe, had a strong enthusiasm for depicting #MtFuji. Enjoy his magnificent techniques from One Hundred…

12 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

RT @NDLJP_en: What are these bizarre objects? In the 19th century, some famous curious people regularly gathered to study and comment on ra…

43 0 0 0 OA 舞楽之図

RT @NDLJP_en: Have you ever heard of a dance called Bugaku? It is a dance accompanied by music that was introduced to Japan from China and…
RT @JeffreyKotyk: A Tibetan-Chinese world map was brought to Japan in the 9th century. It was lost, but copies of copies remained. Teramoto…
RT @NDLJP_en: Here are books on learning violin published at the end of the Meiji era. #ndldigital https://t.co/M6aGcm6Sdf https://t.co/tl1…

4 0 0 0 OA 道成寺繪巻

RT @SarahR_Schmid: I'm having some fun looking up illustrations, because if I'm reading the Konjaku monogatarishū in class, I HAVE to do Dō…

12 0 0 0 OA 耽奇漫録 20巻

RT @NDLJP_en: What are these bizarre objects? In the 19th century, some famous curious people regularly gathered to study and comment on ra…
RT @kamaeatte: https://t.co/yQLoVGf6Tj 文禄・慶長の役で明軍を率いた宋応昌の日本軍評。「論者が謂った。倭の鳥銃は、我々は遮り蔽い難く、倭の利刀は、我々は防ぎ堪え難い、と。しかし、我々の快鎗や三眼鎗、および諸神器は、鳥銃と匹敵しうるものである…

4 0 0 0 OA 真情春雨衣

RT @JUMANJIKYO: 江戸時代末期の艶本だが再刊されたこの版は「風俗禁止」という印が捺され本文の至るところが伏せ字になっている。 『真情春雨衣』 https://t.co/HUuCWqgn9E

136 0 0 0 OA 異魚図賛

RT @NDLJP_en: Have you ever seen such unique fish? These drawings from Igyo Zusan were made by Kurimoto Tanshu (1756-1834), who served the…
RT @NDLJP_en: In “Edo jiman meisan zue,” the characters are personified specialties of Edo, such as Edo River Carp, a kitsune (fox) doll, m…
RT @NDLJP_en: A comprehensive catalog of Soke Monjo, documents on Japan-Korea relations in the 17–19c: https://t.co/M2L8lqxdll #ndldigital…

20 0 0 0 OA 下谷広小路

RT @NDLJP_en: Now, we are in the rainy season, "tsuyu," in most areas of Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/ceHpGnDut9 https://t.co/6yIucQmyBt
RT @NDLJP_en: Picture scrolls first appeared during the Nara period in the 8th century and are considered to be the origin of picture books…
RT @NDLJP_en: Rainbow in an #ukiyoe. It gives us a mysterious impression, maybe because it is not colorful. What did people in the Edo peri…

910 0 0 0 OA 料理古実之図

RT @NDLJP: 江戸時代の料理書です。包丁でさばいた様子を示してくれているような気はするのですが、実用性は…#ナゾすぎる 資料です。 #キュレーターバトル https://t.co/AUEE2IhLTM https://t.co/NOoA6tKK8x

10 0 0 0 OA 女十題

RT @NDLJP_en: #TakehisaYumeji is a painter whose works represent #TaishoRoman. Women in his drawings are called "beautiful women of the Yum…

12 0 0 0 OA 女十題

RT @NDLJP_en: #TakehisaYumeji is a painter whose works represent #TaishoRoman. Women in his drawings are called "beautiful women of the Yum…
RT @NDLJP_en: #Aquarium at #ndldigital, with a picture scroll by KURIMOTO Tanshu. He was a physician of the mid to late Edo period as well…

38 0 0 0 OA 食道楽

RT @NDLJP_en: Cooking and love story - a Meiji-era bestseller novel by Murai Gensai, introducing more than 500 cuisines including Western o…
辻 大和, (2015) "丙子の乱後朝鮮の対清貿易について", 内陸アジア史研究, vol. 30, pp. 1-21. https://t.co/paeoNU25rC 홍석구, (2016), "국립중앙도서관 소장 「淸太宗詔諭」에 대하여", 대구사학, vol. 123. pp. 245-273. https://t.co/n5l8dzqJj0
[관련 연구] 田中克己, (1959), "清鮮間の兀良哈(ワルカ)問題", 史苑, vol. 20(2), pp. 28-41. https://t.co/meVSfZie7t 中村 栄孝, (1968), "清太宗の南漢山詔諭に見える日本関係の条件--17世紀における東アジア国際秩序の変革と日本", 朝鮮学報, vol. 47, pp. 37-84. https://t.co/qRr7fgCraq
RT @NDLJP_en: MATSUKATA Masayoshi was an elder statesman in the Meiji era. New additional items have been deposited in the NDL's "MATSUKATA…

90 0 0 0 OA 平天儀

RT @NDLJP_en: Heitengi (a kind of astrolabe) is a quick-reference chart for the paths of the sun, moon, and stars. The author Iwahashi Yosh…
RT @Toyo_Gakuho: 下記論文を東洋文庫リポジトリ(下記URL)で公開いたしました。 ご興味のある方はぜひご覧ください。 張天恩 「一八八三年清朝の対仏外交における裏面工作―世論操作、議会工作と対仏政策―」 『東洋学報』第102巻第4号、pp. 27–56(202…

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

RT @NDLJP_en: Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manusc…
RT @ursus21627082: 映画『紅の豚』の舞台はファシズムに呑み込まれつつあるイタリア。 ポルコや仲間たちがトマトのパスタらしきものを食べるシーンも印象的ですが、この時期のイタリア社会を料理から読み解いた論文に、山手昌樹「イタリア料理の全体主義」があります。 htt…

82 0 0 0 OA 明治少女節用

RT @NDLJP_en: #Meiji Shojo Setsuyo is an encyclopedia written for the girls of the time, containing a variety of information ranging from h…

28 0 0 0 OA 武蔵百景

RT @NDLJP_en: Look at the people in the early Meiji era. Kobayashi Kiyochika, one of the last ukiyoe artists, depicts various scenes of the…
RT @NDLJP_en: New Year event by firefighters! Acrobatic performance on ladders has been a tradition since the Edo era. #nishikie #ndldigita…
RT @NDLJP_en: The article "Christmas in Deshima" tells you how Christmas was celebrated secretly in Deshima in old times. https://t.co/4vc…

34 0 0 0 OA 川瀬巴水版画集

RT @NDLJP_en: People and landscapes in Japan in the Taisho to early Showa periods. Print collection of #KawaseHasui (1883―1957). Hasui blen…
RT @NDLJP_en: Many kinds of Chinese food were introduced to and became popular in Japan during the Edo Period. Learn how Edo townsfolk reac…

43 0 0 0 OA 舞楽之図

RT @NDLJP_en: Have you ever heard of a dance called Bugaku? It is a dance accompanied by music that was introduced to Japan from China and…

33 0 0 0 OA 翻車考

RT @NDLJP_en: Ocean #sunfish attracted a lot of interest because of their unique looks. This book was created by KURIMOTO Tanshu, a Shoguna…

11 0 0 0 OA The Ogre's Arm.

RT @NDLJP_en: The Ogre's Arm (Rashomon). A story of a brave samurai fighting with an ogre. This is one of a series of translated #JapaneseF…
RT @schrift_sprache: @SarahR_Schmid @nosword @managraphy Interesting case indeed.
RT @schrift_sprache: @SarahR_Schmid @nosword @managraphy Interesting case indeed.

59 0 0 0 OA 千蟲譜 3巻

RT @NDLJP_en: Manuscript of Senchu-fu (lit. Thousand insects picture book). The original work was written up by Kurimoto Tanshu, and manusc…

5 0 0 0 OA 古琉球

RT @schrift_sprache: Almost forgot to include links to the scans of Ifa's book Ko Ryūkyū as available from @NDLJP. Here they are: 1911 ed.:…

4 0 0 0 OA 古琉球

RT @schrift_sprache: Almost forgot to include links to the scans of Ifa's book Ko Ryūkyū as available from @NDLJP. Here they are: 1911 ed.:…

4 0 0 0 OA 古琉球

RT @schrift_sprache: Almost forgot to include links to the scans of Ifa's book Ko Ryūkyū as available from @NDLJP. Here they are: 1911 ed.:…

5 0 0 0 OA 古琉球

RT @schrift_sprache: Almost forgot to include links to the scans of Ifa's book Ko Ryūkyū as available from @NDLJP. Here they are: 1911 ed.:…

34 0 0 0 OA 外国産鳥之図

RT @NDLJP_en: You can enjoy #birdwatching at home! This picture scroll introduces rare birds brought from overseas during the Edo period. F…

18 0 0 0 OA 東京名所帖

RT @NDLJP_en: See the sights of Tokyo in the 1880s, including Asakusa, Ginza, and Shinbashi. #InoueYasuji (1864-1889) was a printmaker famo…

10 0 0 0 OA 世界節用無尽蔵

RT @schrift_sprache: Sekai setsuyō mujinzō 世界節用無尽蔵 This 1873 setsuyōshū-type dictionary is pretty interesting, not merely because of it's…

11 0 0 0 OA 日本博物學年表

RT @NIJL_collectors: 尾張浅井氏医学館薬品会之図より「木像人骨」「銅像人骨」 白井光太郎 著『日本博物學年表』1891、丸善書店 国会デジコレhttps://t.co/ywSfICZltv https://t.co/3QGzV4Znem
RT @tniizuma: 安南に渡り黒旗軍・劉永福の信任を得て抗仏戦を闘い武功をたて副総督になった「今野将軍」。本書では会津藩士の家に生まれ、樺太から露西亜、波斯国を踏破し日本へ帰国、さらに安南へ渡ったまでが記述されている。RT 今の誉黒旗軍記 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレ…
RT @terada50397416: これと似たようなものなのか。 こちらは幻灯機という昔の映写機。 https://t.co/bRyZqVnMqR https://t.co/nkWe6wlF0Q https://t.co/QdVmg3QkAJ

5 0 0 0 OA 聖武記

RT @manju1635: 魏源『聖武記』興亜院版の日本語版は学部時代、公開講座で出入りしていた和光大学図書館で読んでたな。今はデジタルコレクションにある。 https://t.co/ZTDvL6JSL7
RT @tniizuma: 岩生成一「南洋日本町の研究」読了。明再興に敗れた朱舜水が日本に亡命する直前にホイアンの日本町を訪れていたとの記述。朱舜水は明国復興のたたかいの軍資金を得るためベトナムや日本との貿易に努力していた。17世紀の南シナ海を舞台にした歴史はめちゃくちゃ面白い…

9 0 0 0 OA 神仏図像集

RT @JeffreyKotyk: Collection of images of gods and buddhas 神仏図像集. https://t.co/3rM0nvFxCX https://t.co/jKvAn1GyRA

45 0 0 0 OA 倭名類聚鈔 20巻

RT @JeffreyKotyk: Wamyō ruiju shō 倭名類聚抄, a Japanese dictionary of c. 934, starts with astral terms. The Pleiades (mǎo 昴 in Chinese) are cal…

38 0 0 0 OA 西洋時計便覧

RT @NDLJP_en: This manual was published in the late 19th century, explaining to Japanese people how to read a Western clock. #ndldigital ht…

55 0 0 0 OA 新版引札見本帖

RT @NDLJP_en: The bicycle has been our friend for centuries, and is now getting a lot of attention for its environmental sustainability. #W…

34 0 0 0 OA 水虎十弐品之圖

RT @NDLJP_en: Do you know about Suiko or #Kappa, a famous Japanese #yokai monster? People in the Edo period believed that Suiko existed, so…

51 0 0 0 OA 奇獣写生図

RT @NDLJP_en: Do you know about Suiko or #Kappa, a famous Japanese #yokai monster? People in the Edo period believed that Suiko existed, so…
RT @ariga_prdgmmkr: 【感想】古代ギリシャ数学史への現代的導入として最適な解説ではないかと思う。この内容を膨らませて新書か選書を書いていただきたい。|CiNii 論文 -  証明の発明と発展 : ギリシャ数学の創始・発展とその遺産 https://t.co/D…

57 0 0 0 OA [異国産馬図巻]

RT @NDLJP_en: Drawings of foreign #horses being imported to Nagasaki. The 8th Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune imported Western horses via Dutch s…
RT @NDLJP_en: The Japanese government widely promoted preventative measures like masks, gargling and vaccinations for the influenza pandemi…
RT @NDLJP_en: Enjoy #virtualtravel at the NDL Digital Collections! One of the most famous #ukiyoe artists, Utagawa #Hiroshige , left behind…
RT @NDLJP_en: In Japan, from ancient times, collecting beautiful shells and decorating them with poems has been an elegant pastime. This is…
RT @NDLJP_en: Do you know what a bento is? Find out by reading this article: #ndldigital https://t.co/DYdQ8HsrFo https://t.co/EpNWMNCVqv

33 0 0 0 OA 翻車考

RT @NDLJP_en: Ocean #sunfish attracted a lot of interest because of their unique looks. This book was created by KURIMOTO Tanshu, a Shoguna…
RT @happymnt: https://t.co/70OeY1wmdn 神田外語大学学術情報リポジトリーに掲載された。
RT @shoemaker_levy: 熊を連れ歩いて見世物にする大道芸といえば日本の「熊野伝三郎膏薬」を思い出した。生きた小熊を連れ歩き看板代わりして、熊胆から作ったと称する膏薬を売り歩いたとの由。 https://t.co/1NFB0T0DH6 https://t.co/v…
RT @NDLJP_en: Living creatures from all times and places: real, virtual and extinct creatures: https://t.co/GTEa2GcYQE #ndldigital https://…

17 0 0 0 OA ニャンコちゃん

RT @NDLJP_en: A short story about cute kittens. They were scolded in the end, but what mischief did they do? See their story at the NDL Dig…
RT @NDLJP_en: Cirque Soulie, which came from France in 1871, was one of the first Western circuses to perform in Japan. #UtagawaYoshiharu #…
RT @NDLJP_en: #YoshuChikanobu created a sugoroku, or Japanese board game, with the motif of Chiarini's circus in 1886. #nishikie #ndldigita…
RT @NDLJP_en: #Hiroshige also depicted Soulie's circus performance at #Asakusa in 1871. #nishikie #ndldigital https://t.co/OXeqf3Tpux https…
RT @JeffreyKotyk: 「倭人の暦を探る : 数字から読み解く歴史の謎」 本稿では, 『魏志倭人伝』より数百年後に著された日本の歴史書である『古事記』と『日本書紀』を用いて, 倭人がどのような暦を使っていたかについて考察する。https://t.co/SWEjN7C…
RT @shiki_okasaka: この論文はよきです。「生徒は古文の本文は現代日本語と同じ書記様式にしたがって書かれて(略)と思いがちである。」「現状は、翻刻や漢字仮名交じりの校訂本文を提供する研究者の嗜好に判断が委ねられているだけである。」― 古文教育の一側面と古文本文の…
RT @NDLJP_en: Have you ever eaten #Washoku, traditional Japanese cuisine? #Hiroshige depicted #ukiyoe of delicious seafood which is essenti…
RT @NDLJP_en: Take a look at the book "Imo hyakuchin", which contains 123 recipes for sweet potatoes in four categories: Unusual, ordinary,…

34 0 0 0 OA 外国産鳥之図

RT @NDLJP_en: You can enjoy #birdwatching at home! This picture scroll introduces rare birds brought from overseas during the Edo period. F…
RT @NDLJP_en: The article "Christmas in Deshima" tells you how Christmas was celebrated secretly in Deshima in old times https://t.co/4vcP…

2 0 0 0 OA 南蛮屏風大成

RT @schrift_sprache: Do a conplete scrining of this beautiful title page and spot the mistakes! ("Dr. Prof." also strikes me as a little o…
RT @NDLJP_en: The life of Shibukawa Shunkai: first official astronomer of the Tokugawa Shogunate: https://t.co/XR9kaa0jgJ #ndldigital https…


A comprehensive catalog of Soke Monjo, documents on Japan-Korea relations in the 17-19c: https://t.co/M2L8lqxdll #ndldigital https://t.co/DYXYRVsx0c
新しい論文:「漢訳アビダルマにおける宇宙論と『宿曜経』」。仏教と占星術に興味がある方、ご覧ください。(New paper in Japanese, English version is forthcoming.) https://t.co/MYvkEh09RX https://t.co/yvRDlKWnhc

3 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目圖3卷

Ginseng, rén shēn 人參. I want to write a study on the historical background and applications of ginseng. I consume it regularly myself. https://t.co/HtVcHo7ODU https://t.co/xPeAjttTdF
https://t.co/70OeY1wmdn 神田外語大学学術情報リポジトリーに掲載された。
흑염소탕 먹고 와서 빈둥거리다가 <아마미&오키나와 지역과 한국에 있어서 염소 요리에 관한 식습관 비교>라는 일본 논문을 발견했다 https://t.co/0UdxzGGw3e
附錄 單語表 [節錄] 臺北帝國大學言語學研究室 1935 #原語による臺灣高砂族傳說集 http://t.co/G3yh4A3EHG http://t.co/X451JnykVY

