岡田 真平 齋藤 昇 澤井 和彦 出町 一郎 上岡 洋晴 武藤 芳照
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.1, no.1, pp.11-31, 2000 (Released:2009-04-16)

The purpose of this research is to find out if there is a relationship between children's mind and everyday-life actions centered on playing.A questionnaire was handed out to the students above grade 3 and their parents of I school (Kanagawa prefecture) and K school (Nagano prefecture) on the children's everyday-life and their mind. The results were sorted out by sex and place into four groups: I school male, K school male, I school female, and K school female. Considering the difference in place and sex, the results were analyzed using the quantification theory type III and the relationships were examined.The patterns of children's everyday-life activities centered on playing was similar in each group even though the numbers of each activity differed among each place. The patterns were simplified to “playing inside⁄outside” “many⁄few friends” “contact⁄no contact with media” “yes⁄no conflicts”. The change in pattern according to grade was seen in all groups except for boys of K school. Through examinations of activity pattern and mind, the following relations were identified; “self-evaluations on exercise,” “self-evaluations on health,” “the level of irritation,” and “frequency of outbreak⁄strike.” From the results, there was no simple relation between the place children play (in⁄out) and their mind such as irritation and outbreak. This shows that when dealing with children's mind and body, it is effective to observe children's general everyday-life on a wide range scale.
上岡 洋晴 栗田 和弥 鈴木 英悟 渡邉 真也 北湯口 純 鎌田 真光 本多 卓也 森山 翔子 武藤 芳照
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-11, 2010 (Released:2010-04-26)

The purposes of this study were to evaluate the evidence of spa therapy, as well as spa effects, on health promotion, and to discuss the proper applications of spa to leisure activities that are focused on fitness. A relatively small number of highly evidence-graded studies, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs), were identified from a literature search, and many had problems in methodology. Results showed that aquatic exercises conducted in hot water, including hot spa, obviously alleviated pain in locomotorium diseases. However, few RCTs are currently available concerning other diseases, and consequently, there is no evidence on aquatic exercise efficacy in those diseases. An increasing number of people enjoy leisure activities, particularly hot spa bathing, primarily for fitness. Obviously, hot spa has pain-relieving effects on locomotorium diseases, which are prevalent in middle-aged or elderly people. Therefore, hot spa bathing, as well as a change of air, and other complex factors associated with hot spa visits, are expected to promote health. It is hoped that people will learn more about hot spa, and enjoy it as a regular leisure activity.
上岡 洋晴 早坂 信哉 武田 淳史
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
pp.2349, (Released:2021-10-25)

本研究は,温泉施設や公衆浴場の利用はCOVID-19に感染するリスクは低いというエビデンスの収集を第1の目的とし,さらに入手した報告を中心として温泉医学分野において取り組むべき研究課題の包括整理を行うことを第2の目的とした.  文献データベースは,CINHAL,Chochrane Library(Clinical Answer, Cochrane Protocol, Cochrane Review, Editrials, Special Collections, Trials),医中誌Web,MEDLINE,Web of Science Core Collectionを用いた.それぞれのデータベースにおいて,開設されてから検索をした2021年7月26日までの結果を採用することとした.介入研究及び実験的研究の場合には,次の変形型のPICOSとした.P(Participant:参加者-疾患の有無にかかわらず制限なし),I(Intervention:介入-普通の呼吸あるいは意図的にくしゃみやせき,会話をする行為),C(Comparison:比較対照-制限なし),O(Outcome:アウトカム-浴室や脱衣室での室内空気の流れや飛沫の動態と飛沫をシミュレートしたマーカー),S(Study design:研究・実験デザイン-コントロール群のない介入研究・実験を含む)を,観察研究の場合には,PECOS,P(参加者:疾患の有無にかかわらず制限なし),E(Exposure:曝露-公衆入浴施設),C(比較対照-制限なし),S(研究デザイン-横断研究,コホート研究,ケース・コントロール研究)とした.  第1目的において,適格基準に合致した研究は0編で,温泉施設や公衆浴場の利用はCOVID-19に感染するリスクは低いというエビデンスを現時点では示すことができなかった.第2目的に関しては,関連する先行研究が15編あった.COVID-19に強く影響される社会において,チャレンジすべき4つの研究課題をエビデンス・マップの位置づけで提案することができた.「A.温泉施設や公衆浴場の利用はCOVID-19の感染リスクが低いこと」,「B.温泉の泉質や公衆浴場の室温・水温がSARS-CoV-2を不活性化・弱毒化させること」,「C.温泉施設,公衆浴場,家庭での入浴習慣はCOVID-19の予防や症状の軽減につながること」,「D.入浴によってCOVID-19罹患後の患者の多様なリハビリテーションにつながること」であり,それぞれに適合した研究方法論でのアプローチが必要だと考えられた.
濱口 雄悟 上岡 洋晴
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.14, no.1, pp.17-25, 2013 (Released:2013-07-30)

The purpose of this pilot observational study is to clarify the relationship between the hot environment of a long pile artificial turf and dehydration of soccer players. The study was carried out on the Setagaya campus field of Tokyo University of Agriculture with long pile artificial turf (hereinafter referred to as artificial turf) during the period from August 15, 2012 to October 26, 2012. Measurements were conducted every day when it was not raining and were cancelled when it rained. Measurements were taken a total of 30 times: 12 times in August, 10 times in September, and 8 times in October. The following items were measured: 1. The surface temperature of the artificial turf; 2. The temperature, humidity and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) at a height of 50 cm and 160 cm above the artificial turf; 3. The difference in body weight (the amount of dehydration). The surface temperature of the artificial turf during the day in the summer in Tokyo was usually greater than 60°C. In addition, those days when the WBGT was 31°C or higher, which meant there should be in principle cessation of exercise, accounted for about half of the total, which was greater than the observed record in Tokyo. There was a significant positive correlation between the surface temperature of the artificial turf, the WBGT, and the amount of dehydration. The amount of perspiration and the amount of dehydration increased as the temperature increased when exercising on the artificial turf in the summer. Therefore, it is necessary to promote heat acclimatization while monitoring the WBGT. Also, the results suggested that there is a need for more frequent hydration and for measures to prevent low-temperature burn on the soles of the feet when the temperature is high.
上岡 洋晴
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.11, pp.931-940, 2023-11-01 (Released:2023-11-01)

The purpose of this narrative review was to clarify the current status and issues of scientific evidence for functionality in the Foods with Function Claims system based on previous research. From the introduction of the system in April 2015 to January 1, 2023, there were 6606 notifications, of which 6297 (95.3) were systematic reviews (SRs) and 309 (4.7%) were clinical trials (CTs). SRs were identified the following problems: i) inadequate description based on the first version of PRISMA checklist, and ii) very low levels of quality assessment in the first version of AMSTAR checklist and AMSTAR 2. CT was reported to have the following problems: i) inconsistencies between the protocol and the content in the paper (non-compliance), ii) high risk of bias, and iii) not described based on the CONSORT 2010 checklist. Since SRs and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) often have low-quality notifications, it is necessary to correctly communicate this information to consumers in order to make appropriate purchasing decisions.
上岡 洋晴

上岡 洋晴 黒柳 律雄 武藤 芳照 上野 勝則 岡田 真平 横井 佳代
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.3, no.1, pp.35-46, 2002 (Released:2008-12-26)

The aims of this research were to determine medical and other expenses (transportation fees, purchase of medical supplies or equipment) from being hospitalized or attending a hospital due to fall-related accidents and to determine the effects of such falls on labor productivity and social activity.First, total medical expenses and self-paid expenses were evaluated for 7 elderly participants over the age of 65 who were hospitalized or attended an orthopedic surgery at Hospital A in Tokyo. Second, a telephone interview was conducted on 21 persons above the age of 65 who had fall-related injuries in Kitamimaki Village (Nagano Prefecture), from May 2000 to July 2001. Questions concerned the circumstance of the fall, type and location of the injury, degree of physical and mental sequelae, influence on labor productivity and social activity, conditions of hospitalization and attending a hospital (transportation and frequency), and purchases for medical supplies, etc.Self-paid costs from hospitalization for fractures were 1,200yen per day for cases without surgery and 1,500yen to 3,000yen per day for cases with surgery (depending on surgery method and number of hospitalization days).Although a large variance was observed, average of total costs without medical expenses were 15,385yen, transportation expenses were 12,714yen, and purchases were 2,671yen. Transportation cost 409yen per visit; usage of a self-owned car was less costly than use of a taxi or bus. The influence on labor productivity was mostly on housework. Only 4 cases (19%) reported limitations on social activity; these were absence from meetings or sport lessons. However, physical and mental sequelae were observed in 8 cases (38%) with throbbing pain, movement limitations, and fear of falling.The amount of therapy costs and other self-paid expenses from fall-related injuries were low but medical expenses are high. Results revealed the necessity of fall prevention programs.
五味 達之祐 上岡 洋晴
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.79, no.1, pp.3-13, 2021-02-01 (Released:2021-04-05)

【目的】地域レベルの介護予防の推進のために,中山間地域における近隣食環境とたんぱく質摂取量との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】本研究は中山間地域在住高齢者942名を対象とした横断研究である。地理情報システムによって自宅からスーパーとコンビニまでの最短距離を算出し,簡易型自記式食事歴法質問票にて調査したたんぱく質摂取量が低いこととの関連性を多変量回帰分析にて調べた。生活内の移動に関する環境要因として鉄道駅とバス停のアクセスについても検討した。副次アウトカムとして主なたんぱく質供給源である食品群別摂取量とスーパーとコンビニまでの距離との関連を調べた。【結果】スーパーまでの距離とたんぱく質摂取量との有意な関連はなかったが,コンビニが遠いほどたんぱく質摂取量が少なくなる有意な傾向性がみられた。バス停が 400 m圏内にないことが,少ないたんぱく質摂取量と有意に関連した。スーパーとコンビニそれぞれまでの距離と主なたんぱく質供給源の摂取量との有意な関連はみられなかった。【結論】スーパーまでの最短距離とたんぱく質摂取量には有意な関連はなかったが,コンビニが遠いこと,バス停までのアクセスが悪いことが少ないたんぱく質摂取量と有意に関連した。中山間地域におけるたんぱく質摂取の促進のための食生活改善アプローチには,コンビニやバス停へのアクセシビリティに配慮した支援策が必要であることが示唆された。
塩澤 信良 目加田 優子 秋山 嘉子 林 かほり 森 佳子 和田 智史 上岡 洋晴 川野 因 Nobuyoshi SHIOZAWA MEKATA Yuko AKIYAMA Yoshiko HAYASHI Kaori MORI Keiko WADA Satoshi KAMIOKA Hiroharu KAWANO Yukari 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科食品栄養学 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科食品栄養学 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科食品栄養学 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科食品栄養学 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科食品栄養学 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科食品栄養学 東京農業大学地域環境科学部教養分野 東京農業大学応用生物科学部栄養科学科 Department of Food and Nutritional Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Food and Nutritional Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Food and Nutritional Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Food and Nutritional Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Food and Nutritional Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Food and Nutritional Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Fundamental Arts and Sciences Faculty of Regional Environment Science Tokyo University of Agriculture Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Applied Bio-Science Tokyo University of Agriculture
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.51, no.4, pp.185-192,

本研究は人工芒硝泉による足浴が自律神経活動に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とした。健康な若年男女計6名(男性3名 : 20.7±0.6歳,女性3名 : 21.3±0.6歳)を対象に,人工芒硝泉浴,淡水浴,湯なし条件(対照座位)の足浴条件を1日1条件,ランダムな順序で施行した。対象者には20分間座位安静をとってもらい,引き続き足浴前値の測定を行った。足浴は座位にて41℃(33L)の温湯に両足膝下約10cmまで15分間浸漬して行った。足浴終了後は対象者自身が水分を拭き取り,両足を毛布で覆い,60分間座位安静を保った。その間,心拍数,心拍変動周波数に基づく自律神経活動,鼓膜温を測定するとともに,体感温度,眠気,疲労感などの主観的評価をVisual Analogue Scale(VAS)を用いて記録した。その結果,人工芒硝泉浴及び淡水浴により体感温度は有意に上昇したが,鼓膜温及び心拍数に有意な変動は見られなかった。また淡水浴後は交感神経活動の有意な亢進が認められたが,人工芒硝泉浴後はそれが見られなかった。本結果から人工芒硝泉による足浴は足浴後の交感神経活動の亢進を抑え,疲労感の低減に寄与する可能性が示唆された。This study was conducted to estimate the effect of a footbath with sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) on autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity. Each of three young healthy males (age, 20.7±0.6 years) and females (age, 21.3±0.6 years) participated in 3 conditions in random order, footbaths with or without Na2SO4, and a sitting position without water as a control. Each subject sat on a chair and kept quiet for 20min with heart rate (HR) stabilized, and subsequently basal measurements were conducted. In a sitting position, they dipped their calves 10cm under their knee joints into hot water (41℃, 33L) for 15min. Immediately after the bathing, they removed moisture, covered their knees with a blanket and sat for 60min thereafter. Counts of HR, ANS activity based on frequency of HR variability, and a core temperature using an eardrum thermometer were measured. The degree of thermal comfort such as relatively hot or relatively cool, sleepiness and fatigue were also estimated using visual analogue scales (VAS). As a result, both footbaths with and without Na2SO4 significantly increased the subjective thermal comfort, while the core temperature and HR counts were unaffected. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity was significantly increased by the footbath without Na2SO4, but not with Na2SO4. These observations suggested that in the footbath, Na2SO4 might have an inhibitory effect on increased SNS activity, and induce some depressive effects on feeling of fatigue.