武藤 芳照
順天堂医学 (ISSN:00226769)
vol.48, no.2, pp.202-206, 2002-09-30

水中運動は,浮力により関節への負担を軽くし,全身の余分な緊張を和らげること,水の抵抗のもとでからだを動かすことで,安全にしかも確実に筋力を強化でき,水圧が胸にかかる状態で努力呼吸を行うために呼吸・循環機能を高められ,水による温熱効果あるいは寒冷効果が得られ,骨・関節・筋肉などの血液の流れを改善し,柔軟性を高めることができる.たとえば肉ばなれ・捻挫・骨折などの運動・スポーツで起きやすい傷害は,水中運動ではほとんど起きる危険性がなく,安全である.温水プールでの水中運動の場合には,スポーツ感覚の明るく軽快な雰囲気の中でからだを動かすことを楽しみ,それが結果的にリハビリテーションの効果につながる.このように水中運動は,優れた利点をいくつも有するために,関節痛の運動療法としてきわめて優れている.水中運動の主要な効果には,次のようなものがある.(1)関節の動きを改善する (2)筋力を高める (3)痛みを軽減する (4)リラクゼーション (5)バランス感覚を磨く さらには,関節痛のために,自然に落ち込むことが少なくない中高年にとって,水中運動は解放感を体験でき,自身の上達・改善の様子を理解しやすく,達成感を味わうことができるために,生きる自身と希望をもたらす効果もある.運動中や運動後に,「疲れた!」と感じたり,関節に痛みを感じたりするようならば,それは「やりすぎ!」とみられる.普段地上では思うようにからだの動きができない分だけ,水中で「こんなに動ける!」といううれしさのあまり,つい時間を長くしたり,回数を多くしたりして家に帰ったらへとへとになってしまう例もある.しかし,こうした運動の仕方ではリハビリテーションの効果も得られないばかりか,かえって関節痛を悪化させたり,他の病気・障害を招くことさえある.また,関節痛の水中運動・水泳に適したからだの動きに留意することは,傷害・事故の予防につながる.
岡田 真平 齋藤 昇 澤井 和彦 出町 一郎 上岡 洋晴 武藤 芳照
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.1, no.1, pp.11-31, 2000 (Released:2009-04-16)

The purpose of this research is to find out if there is a relationship between children's mind and everyday-life actions centered on playing.A questionnaire was handed out to the students above grade 3 and their parents of I school (Kanagawa prefecture) and K school (Nagano prefecture) on the children's everyday-life and their mind. The results were sorted out by sex and place into four groups: I school male, K school male, I school female, and K school female. Considering the difference in place and sex, the results were analyzed using the quantification theory type III and the relationships were examined.The patterns of children's everyday-life activities centered on playing was similar in each group even though the numbers of each activity differed among each place. The patterns were simplified to “playing inside⁄outside” “many⁄few friends” “contact⁄no contact with media” “yes⁄no conflicts”. The change in pattern according to grade was seen in all groups except for boys of K school. Through examinations of activity pattern and mind, the following relations were identified; “self-evaluations on exercise,” “self-evaluations on health,” “the level of irritation,” and “frequency of outbreak⁄strike.” From the results, there was no simple relation between the place children play (in⁄out) and their mind such as irritation and outbreak. This shows that when dealing with children's mind and body, it is effective to observe children's general everyday-life on a wide range scale.
武藤 芳照
順天堂医学 (ISSN:00226769)
vol.48, no.2, pp.202-206, 2002-09-30

水中運動は,浮力により関節への負担を軽くし,全身の余分な緊張を和らげること,水の抵抗のもとでからだを動かすことで,安全にしかも確実に筋力を強化でき,水圧が胸にかかる状態で努力呼吸を行うために呼吸・循環機能を高められ,水による温熱効果あるいは寒冷効果が得られ,骨・関節・筋肉などの血液の流れを改善し,柔軟性を高めることができる.たとえば肉ばなれ・捻挫・骨折などの運動・スポーツで起きやすい傷害は,水中運動ではほとんど起きる危険性がなく,安全である.温水プールでの水中運動の場合には,スポーツ感覚の明るく軽快な雰囲気の中でからだを動かすことを楽しみ,それが結果的にリハビリテーションの効果につながる.このように水中運動は,優れた利点をいくつも有するために,関節痛の運動療法としてきわめて優れている.水中運動の主要な効果には,次のようなものがある.(1)関節の動きを改善する (2)筋力を高める (3)痛みを軽減する (4)リラクゼーション (5)バランス感覚を磨く さらには,関節痛のために,自然に落ち込むことが少なくない中高年にとって,水中運動は解放感を体験でき,自身の上達・改善の様子を理解しやすく,達成感を味わうことができるために,生きる自身と希望をもたらす効果もある.運動中や運動後に,「疲れた!」と感じたり,関節に痛みを感じたりするようならば,それは「やりすぎ!」とみられる.普段地上では思うようにからだの動きができない分だけ,水中で「こんなに動ける!」といううれしさのあまり,つい時間を長くしたり,回数を多くしたりして家に帰ったらへとへとになってしまう例もある.しかし,こうした運動の仕方ではリハビリテーションの効果も得られないばかりか,かえって関節痛を悪化させたり,他の病気・障害を招くことさえある.また,関節痛の水中運動・水泳に適したからだの動きに留意することは,傷害・事故の予防につながる.
上岡 洋晴 栗田 和弥 鈴木 英悟 渡邉 真也 北湯口 純 鎌田 真光 本多 卓也 森山 翔子 武藤 芳照
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-11, 2010 (Released:2010-04-26)

The purposes of this study were to evaluate the evidence of spa therapy, as well as spa effects, on health promotion, and to discuss the proper applications of spa to leisure activities that are focused on fitness. A relatively small number of highly evidence-graded studies, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs), were identified from a literature search, and many had problems in methodology. Results showed that aquatic exercises conducted in hot water, including hot spa, obviously alleviated pain in locomotorium diseases. However, few RCTs are currently available concerning other diseases, and consequently, there is no evidence on aquatic exercise efficacy in those diseases. An increasing number of people enjoy leisure activities, particularly hot spa bathing, primarily for fitness. Obviously, hot spa has pain-relieving effects on locomotorium diseases, which are prevalent in middle-aged or elderly people. Therefore, hot spa bathing, as well as a change of air, and other complex factors associated with hot spa visits, are expected to promote health. It is hoped that people will learn more about hot spa, and enjoy it as a regular leisure activity.
太田(福島) 美穂 武藤 芳照 青木 秀憲 朴 晟鎭
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.36, pp.505-554, 1996-12-20

This research has thoroughly studied the actual situation and the recent trends of doping in sports, looking closely into the responses taken by the parties concerned in recent doping cases and throwing light upon the backgrounds and the very essence of doping itself. The aim of this study is to indicate the task we are facing in the fight against doping. The banned substances and procedures of doping has both increased and diversified in the recent years, and so is the percentage of actual positive test results increasing. Doping in sports has spread across the globe. Japan is not an exception to this; there has been cases where a competitor has tested to be positive. Many of the anti-doping activities are taking place, including doping control, and these activities are being reinforced. However, when looking closely into the responses taken by the parties concerned in major doping cases in the past, such as the case of Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson, we have noticed that not in all cases were the responses taken fairly and impartially acording to the regulations and prescribed procedures. The commercialism, nationalism! and heroism of modern sports and the competitors'attitude to "rely on materials" cause temptations towards doping and are the backgrounds of doping. We have reached the conclusion, that it is necessary to fully recognize the immorality of doping in both regions of sports competition and medicine, and the fact that doping is an act of depriving the competitor of his/her liberty, humanity and human rights. And this recognition must be passed on to the competitors and instructors through appropriate education.
沢井 史穂 白山 正人 武藤 芳照 宮下 充正
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.3, pp.155-163, 1990-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
5 3

近赤外分光法は, 従来, 食品成分の非破壊分析法として用いられてきたが, 近年アメリカにおいてこの方法をヒトの体脂肪率の推定に応用する試みがなされ, 携帯用小型測定器が開発された.本研究は, この測定法を日本においても汎用可能とするための日本人用体脂肪率推定式を決定しようとするものである.年齢, 体格, 身体活動量の異なる18~58歳の健常な男性69名, 女性52名を対象に, 身長, 体重, 体脂肪率を測定した.体脂肪率は, 水中体重法, 皮脂厚法, 近赤外分光法の3方法を用いて推定した.近赤外分光法の測定部位は, 予備実験の結果, アメリカにおける先行研究と同様, 他の測定法による体脂肪率との相関が最も高かった上腕二頭筋中央部とし, 947mmの近赤外線を照射して光吸収スペクトルを得た.被検者の1/2について, それぞれの近赤外スペクトルの値を水中体重法による体脂肪率に回帰させ, 体脂肪率推定式を算出した.残り1/2の被検者の近赤外スペクトルをその式に代入して得た体脂肪率と水中体重法によって求めた体脂肪率の値とを比較したところ, r=0.89 (SEE=2.9) の高い相関が認められた.これは, 水中体重法と皮脂厚法との間の相関係数とほぼ同様の値であった.アメリカ人用の推定式の決定には, 近赤外分光法スペクトルの他に身長, 体重, 年齢の変数を加えた方が, 相関係数の値が高くなったと報告されているが, 日本人の場合, 他の変数を加えても相関係数の値はほとんど変わらなかった.また, 測定部位における左右差はなかった.したがって, 近赤外分光法による日本人用体脂肪率の推定式は, 体脂肪率=54.14-29.47× (947nmにおける近赤外スペクトル値) 〔r=0.88 (p<0.01) , SEE=3.2〕と決定された.
上岡 洋晴 黒柳 律雄 武藤 芳照 上野 勝則 岡田 真平 横井 佳代
身体教育医学研究 (ISSN:13456962)
vol.3, no.1, pp.35-46, 2002 (Released:2008-12-26)

The aims of this research were to determine medical and other expenses (transportation fees, purchase of medical supplies or equipment) from being hospitalized or attending a hospital due to fall-related accidents and to determine the effects of such falls on labor productivity and social activity.First, total medical expenses and self-paid expenses were evaluated for 7 elderly participants over the age of 65 who were hospitalized or attended an orthopedic surgery at Hospital A in Tokyo. Second, a telephone interview was conducted on 21 persons above the age of 65 who had fall-related injuries in Kitamimaki Village (Nagano Prefecture), from May 2000 to July 2001. Questions concerned the circumstance of the fall, type and location of the injury, degree of physical and mental sequelae, influence on labor productivity and social activity, conditions of hospitalization and attending a hospital (transportation and frequency), and purchases for medical supplies, etc.Self-paid costs from hospitalization for fractures were 1,200yen per day for cases without surgery and 1,500yen to 3,000yen per day for cases with surgery (depending on surgery method and number of hospitalization days).Although a large variance was observed, average of total costs without medical expenses were 15,385yen, transportation expenses were 12,714yen, and purchases were 2,671yen. Transportation cost 409yen per visit; usage of a self-owned car was less costly than use of a taxi or bus. The influence on labor productivity was mostly on housework. Only 4 cases (19%) reported limitations on social activity; these were absence from meetings or sport lessons. However, physical and mental sequelae were observed in 8 cases (38%) with throbbing pain, movement limitations, and fear of falling.The amount of therapy costs and other self-paid expenses from fall-related injuries were low but medical expenses are high. Results revealed the necessity of fall prevention programs.
小松 泰喜 石川 知志 片山 直樹 武藤 芳照
肩関節 = Shoulder joint (ISSN:09104461)
vol.26, no.2, pp.333-336, 2002-01-01

Swimming is generally accepted as a sport with minimal physical injuries. However, swimmers frequently complain of shoulder pain, termed &rdquo;swimmer's shoulder&rdquo;, which is thought to be a form of overused disorder. We investigated the factors related to shoulder pain in a cohort of elite swimmers in an attempt to isolate causes of this disorder. The subjects include 123 swimmers selected to participate in the Japan swimming championships between 1996 and 2000. Each participant had undergone complete medical examinations at the time of their competition. A study questionnaire was employed which asked the subject to grade the severity of their shoulder pain asked whether they trained with paddles and flippers, practiced any weight training, tubing and swim bench, did any stretching, and asked them to describe the type of swimming events in which they participated. The McNemar test and chi-square test were used in the statistical analysis. The incidence of shoulder pain was higher in swimmers who used paddles and flippers (p<0.01) and pain occurred more frequently during the weight training (p<0.01). Swimmers who stretched experienced a lower incidence of shoulder pain (p<0.01). There were no significant relationships between the shoulder pain and the type of swimming events or the practice of tubing and swim bench. : The use of the paddles and flippers as a training method needs to be investigated further as this appears statistically related to the development of &rdquo;swimmer's shoulder&rdquo;, a frequently cited overuse disorder among the swimming population. Furthermore, the practice of performing stretching exercises appears to prevent shoulder pain in this population and should be included, as part of the warm-up routine.