武谷 賢 並木 則行
遊・星・人 : 日本惑星科学会誌 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.14, no.3, pp.113-126, 2005-09-25

地球の海洋プレートや金星リソスフェアのテクトニクス, 熱進化において, 冷却するマントルの不安定性の発達は重要な役割を果たしていると考えられる.地球の海洋プレートは70Maまでは単純な半無限媒質の静的な熱拡散モデルで巧く説明できるが, 70Maを越えると地形や熱流量のflatteningが起きる.一方, 金星では300〜700Maに惑星規模のglobal resurfacingが起こったと推測される.われわれは, これらの問題を考えるために, 非圧縮粘性流体の熱拡散問題にブジネスク近似と温度依存の粘性率を取り入れただけの簡単なモデルを構築する.また, 熱境界層の不安定性に固有な新たな時間定数を導入し, 従来の研究成果との比較を行う.そしてこのモデルに線型安定性理論と境界層理論を適用して, secondary convectionが果たす役割について考察を行う.その結果, 地球の海洋プレートではsecondary convectionの熱輸送によって, 50Ma付近でプレートが熱的に定常状態に近づきflatteningがおこることが明らかになった.一方, 金星ではマントルの粘性が高いため, secondary convectionの波長も500〜1000kmと長くなる.この波長は大型火山やコロナ, ridge beltのサイズと調和的であるが, secondary convectionがglobal resurfacingの引き金になるとは考えにくい.
岩田 隆浩 南野 浩之 佐々木 健 小川 美奈 並木 則行 花田 英夫 野田 寛大 松本 晃治 今村 剛 石原 吉明 鶴田 誠逸 浅利 一善 劉 慶会 菊池 冬彦 Goossens Sander 石川 利昭 河野 宣之 高野 忠
The Geodetic Society of Japan
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.55, no.2, pp.135-150, 2009-07-25

SELENE Main Orbiter (KAGUYA) has separated two small sub-satellites; (1) the Relay Satellite "OKINA (Rstar)", and (2) the VLBI Radio Satellite "OUNA (Vstar)". These sub-satellites started to perform 4-way Doppler measurements using Relay Satellite Transponder (RSAT) and multi-frequency phase-delay differential VLBI using VLBI Radio Sources (VRAD) for lunar gravity mapping. We have developed the frequency conversion system, multi frequency S/X-band vertical dipole antenna, and light weighted S-band patch antenna to perform these missions. Simple structured release mechanism has also been developed and confirmed its performance by ground test and orbital demonstration using micro-Lab Sat.<BR> Initial check out were executed and properties of satellite bus equipments, onboard mission instruments, and observation systems including ground stations were evaluated. Electric power and thermal control subsystems have shown that they conduct as designed and inspected in the ground tests. The release mechanisms have given the spin which can maintain the stability of the satellite attitudes. Communication functions of mission instruments conform to the link budgets. These results suggest that OKINA and OUNA have enough performances to produce efficient data by RSAT/VRAD gravity observations.
岩田 隆浩 南野 浩之 佐々木 健 小川 美奈 並木 則行 花田 英夫 野田 寛大 松本 晃治 今村 剛 石原 吉明 鶴田 誠逸 浅利 一善 劉 慶会 菊池 冬彦 Goossens Sander 石川 利昭 河野 宣之 高野 忠
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.55, no.2, pp.135-150, 2009 (Released:2012-03-28)

SELENE Main Orbiter (KAGUYA) has separated two small sub-satellites; (1) the Relay Satellite “OKINA (Rstar)”, and (2) the VLBI Radio Satellite “OUNA (Vstar)”. These sub-satellites started to perform 4-way Doppler measurements using Relay Satellite Transponder (RSAT) and multi-frequency phase-delay differential VLBI using VLBI Radio Sources (VRAD) for lunar gravity mapping. We have developed the frequency conversion system, multi frequency S/X-band vertical dipole antenna, and light weighted S-band patch antenna to perform these missions. Simple structured release mechanism has also been developed and confirmed its performance by ground test and orbital demonstration using micro-Lab Sat. Initial check out were executed and properties of satellite bus equipments, onboard mission instruments, and observation systems including ground stations were evaluated. Electric power and thermal control subsystems have shown that they conduct as designed and inspected in the ground tests. The release mechanisms have given the spin which can maintain the stability of the satellite attitudes. Communication functions of mission instruments conform to the link budgets. These results suggest that OKINA and OUNA have enough performances to produce efficient data by RSAT/VRAD gravity observations.
大谷 栄治 倉本 圭 今村 剛 寺田 直樹 渡部 重十 荒川 政彦 伊藤 孝士 圦本 尚義 渡部 潤一 木村 淳 高橋 幸弘 中島 健介 中本 泰史 三好 由純 小林 憲正 山岸 明彦 並木 則行 小林 直樹 出村 裕英 大槻 圭史
遊・星・人 : 日本惑星科学会誌 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.20, no.4, pp.349-365, 2011-12-25

花田 英夫 岩田 隆浩 菊池 冬彦 劉 慶会 松本 晃治 浅利 一善 石川 利昭 石原 吉明 野田 寛大 鶴田 誠逸 Petrova Natalia Goossens Sander 原田 雄司 佐々木 晶 並木 則行 河野 裕介 岩館 健三郎 亀谷 收 寺家 孝明 柴田 克典 田村 良明 矢作 行弘 増井 亘 田中 孝治 前島 弘則 洪 暁瑜 平 勁松 艾力 玉〓甫 Ellingsen Simon Schlüter Wolfgang
The Geodetic Society of Japan
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.55, no.2, pp.203-221, 2009-07-25

The Japanese lunar explorer SELENE (KAGUYA), which has been launched on Sep. 14th, 2007, utilizes VLBI observations in lunar gravimetry investigations. This can particularly improve the accuracy of the low degree gravitational harmonics. Combination of ground based VLBI observations and Doppler measurements of the spacecrafts enable three dimensional orbit determinations and it can improve the knowledge of the gravity field near the limb. Differential VLBI Radio sources called VRAD experiment involves two on-board sub-satellites, Rstar (Okina) and Vstar (Ouna). These will be observed using differential VLBI to measure the trajectories of the satellites with the Japanese network named VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) and an international VLBI network.<BR>Two new techniques, a multi-frequency VLBI method and the same-beam VLBI method, are used to precisely measure the angular distance between the two sub-satellite radio sources Okina and Ouna. The observations are at three frequencies in S-band, 2212, 2218 and 2287 MHz, and one in X-band, 8456 MHz. We have succeeded in making VLBI observations of Okina/Ouna with VERA and the international network, and have also succeeded in correlating of signals from Okina/Ouna, and obtained phase delays with an accuracy of several pico-seconds in S-band.