石原 吉明 束田 進也 酒井 慎一 平松 良浩 古本 宗充
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.76, no.1, pp.87-92, 2001-07-25

Fireballs, which are caused by high-velocity passages of meteorites through the atmosphere, generate shock waves. It has been known that such shock waves are often recorded on seismograms. It is possible to determine the trajectories and the sizes of a fireball using seismological records. We have searched shock wave signals from many bright fireballs observed in the period from September 1996 to November 1998, and the 1999 Kobe meteorite. The shock waves from one large fireball, which is called the Miyako fireball, and the Kobe meteorite are clearly recorded on many seismograms. In particular, the shock waves from the former fireball are widely recorded by the dense seismic array of 1997-98 joint seismic observations in the Tohoku Backbone Range. We determine their trajectories. Amplitudes of the shock waves are found to be possibly correlated with the masses of the meteorites. It is also indicated that the shock waves from fireballs, which are darker than brightness magnitude -10, are too weak to be recognized on the seismograms of ordinary seismic stations in Japan.
白石 浩章 山田 竜平 石原 吉明 小林 直樹 鈴木 宏二郎 田中 智
遊・星・人 : 日本惑星科学会誌 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.21, no.3, pp.283-288, 2012-09-25

平松 良浩 山本 真行 古本 宗充 石原 吉明 藤田 和央

仲内 悠祐 佐藤 広幸 長岡 央 佐伯 和人 大竹 真紀子 白石 浩章 本田 親寿 石原 吉明

Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) project will demonstrate a “pin-point” landing within a radius of 100 m on the lunar surface. It will be launched in FY2022. The SLIM aims “SHIOLI” crater (13.3º S, 25.2º E) to derive the detailed mineralogy of the olivine-rich exposures to investigate the composition of the lunar mantle or deep crustal material, and understand their origin. The Multi Band Camera (MBC) is the scientific instrument on board SLIM lander to obtain Mg# (= molar Mg / (Mg + Fe)) of lunar mantle materials. The MBC is composed of a Vis-InGaAs imaging sensor, a filter-wheel with 10 band-pass filters, a movable mirror for panning and tilting, and an autofocus system. The MBC observes the boulders and regolith distributed around the lander. Since various distances to the objects are expected from a few meters to infinity, the MBC is equipped with an auto-focus (AF) system. The MBC uses the jpeg compression technique. An image with maximum sharpness taken in a best focus position will have the largest image file size after JPEG compression. Using this characteristic, the AF algorithm is designed to automatically find the focus lens position that maximizes the image file size after jpeg compression. Our AF system has been tested using the Engineering Model of MBC (MBC-EM). The imaging target is a picture of lunar surface obtained by previous spacecrafts and basaltic rocks from Hawaii. Our results suggest that the amount of initial movement is important parameter. In the presentation, we will show the results of AF system, and MBC operation plan.
中村 良介 山本 聡 松永 恒雄 小川 佳子 横田 康宏 石原 吉明 廣井 孝弘
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.23, no.1, pp.15-24, 2014

岩田 隆浩 南野 浩之 佐々木 健 小川 美奈 並木 則行 花田 英夫 野田 寛大 松本 晃治 今村 剛 石原 吉明 鶴田 誠逸 浅利 一善 劉 慶会 菊池 冬彦 Goossens Sander 石川 利昭 河野 宣之 高野 忠
The Geodetic Society of Japan
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.55, no.2, pp.135-150, 2009-07-25

SELENE Main Orbiter (KAGUYA) has separated two small sub-satellites; (1) the Relay Satellite "OKINA (Rstar)", and (2) the VLBI Radio Satellite "OUNA (Vstar)". These sub-satellites started to perform 4-way Doppler measurements using Relay Satellite Transponder (RSAT) and multi-frequency phase-delay differential VLBI using VLBI Radio Sources (VRAD) for lunar gravity mapping. We have developed the frequency conversion system, multi frequency S/X-band vertical dipole antenna, and light weighted S-band patch antenna to perform these missions. Simple structured release mechanism has also been developed and confirmed its performance by ground test and orbital demonstration using micro-Lab Sat.<BR> Initial check out were executed and properties of satellite bus equipments, onboard mission instruments, and observation systems including ground stations were evaluated. Electric power and thermal control subsystems have shown that they conduct as designed and inspected in the ground tests. The release mechanisms have given the spin which can maintain the stability of the satellite attitudes. Communication functions of mission instruments conform to the link budgets. These results suggest that OKINA and OUNA have enough performances to produce efficient data by RSAT/VRAD gravity observations.
中村 良介 山本 聡 松永 恒雄 小川 佳子 横田 康宏 石原 吉明 廣井 孝弘
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.23, no.1, pp.15-24, 2014-03-25 (Released:2017-08-25)

石原 吉明 渡邊 誠一郎 田中 智 山口 智宏 三浦 昭 山本 幸生 平田 成 諸田 智克 坂谷 尚哉 北里 宏平 松本 晃治 薮田 ひかる はやぶさ2LSS データ解析検討チーム はやぶさ2LSS データ作成チーム
vol.26, no.4, pp.139-143, 2017

<p>「はやぶさ2」は,C 型小惑星リュウグウ(Ryugu)にランデブーし,母船からのリモートセンシング観測及び小型着陸機によるその場観測を行うとともに,最大3 回の表面物質サンプリングを行うこととなっている.サンプリング地点には,リュウグウそのものや母天体,さらには太陽系形成時の惑星集積過程と物質進化について,最大の情報を得られる場所を選定する必要があるが,選定のために必要となる情報はランデブー後取得されるリモートセンシング観測の結果を待たねばならない.そのため,限られた時間の中で小惑星の特徴を把握し,安全性と科学価値の評価(Landing Site Selection, LSS)を行う手順を確立しておくことは必須である.本稿では,はやぶさ2 プロジェクトが来年に迫ったLSS 本番に向けて実施したLSS 訓練について概説する.</p>
岩田 隆浩 南野 浩之 佐々木 健 小川 美奈 並木 則行 花田 英夫 野田 寛大 松本 晃治 今村 剛 石原 吉明 鶴田 誠逸 浅利 一善 劉 慶会 菊池 冬彦 Goossens Sander 石川 利昭 河野 宣之 高野 忠
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.55, no.2, pp.135-150, 2009 (Released:2012-03-28)

SELENE Main Orbiter (KAGUYA) has separated two small sub-satellites; (1) the Relay Satellite “OKINA (Rstar)”, and (2) the VLBI Radio Satellite “OUNA (Vstar)”. These sub-satellites started to perform 4-way Doppler measurements using Relay Satellite Transponder (RSAT) and multi-frequency phase-delay differential VLBI using VLBI Radio Sources (VRAD) for lunar gravity mapping. We have developed the frequency conversion system, multi frequency S/X-band vertical dipole antenna, and light weighted S-band patch antenna to perform these missions. Simple structured release mechanism has also been developed and confirmed its performance by ground test and orbital demonstration using micro-Lab Sat. Initial check out were executed and properties of satellite bus equipments, onboard mission instruments, and observation systems including ground stations were evaluated. Electric power and thermal control subsystems have shown that they conduct as designed and inspected in the ground tests. The release mechanisms have given the spin which can maintain the stability of the satellite attitudes. Communication functions of mission instruments conform to the link budgets. These results suggest that OKINA and OUNA have enough performances to produce efficient data by RSAT/VRAD gravity observations.
花田 英夫 岩田 隆浩 菊池 冬彦 劉 慶会 松本 晃治 浅利 一善 石川 利昭 石原 吉明 野田 寛大 鶴田 誠逸 Petrova Natalia Goossens Sander 原田 雄司 佐々木 晶 並木 則行 河野 裕介 岩館 健三郎 亀谷 收 寺家 孝明 柴田 克典 田村 良明 矢作 行弘 増井 亘 田中 孝治 前島 弘則 洪 暁瑜 平 勁松 艾力 玉〓甫 Ellingsen Simon Schlüter Wolfgang
The Geodetic Society of Japan
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.55, no.2, pp.203-221, 2009-07-25

The Japanese lunar explorer SELENE (KAGUYA), which has been launched on Sep. 14th, 2007, utilizes VLBI observations in lunar gravimetry investigations. This can particularly improve the accuracy of the low degree gravitational harmonics. Combination of ground based VLBI observations and Doppler measurements of the spacecrafts enable three dimensional orbit determinations and it can improve the knowledge of the gravity field near the limb. Differential VLBI Radio sources called VRAD experiment involves two on-board sub-satellites, Rstar (Okina) and Vstar (Ouna). These will be observed using differential VLBI to measure the trajectories of the satellites with the Japanese network named VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) and an international VLBI network.<BR>Two new techniques, a multi-frequency VLBI method and the same-beam VLBI method, are used to precisely measure the angular distance between the two sub-satellite radio sources Okina and Ouna. The observations are at three frequencies in S-band, 2212, 2218 and 2287 MHz, and one in X-band, 8456 MHz. We have succeeded in making VLBI observations of Okina/Ouna with VERA and the international network, and have also succeeded in correlating of signals from Okina/Ouna, and obtained phase delays with an accuracy of several pico-seconds in S-band.