中村 妙子 奥田 眞紀子 松本 しのぶ 栗林 千幸
研究紀要 (ISSN:13485911)
vol.14, pp.35-43, 2006

自然や季節感を大切にしてきた高齢者は,生活空間の中で季節感を感じることでイメージが広がり,より心地よさを感じると思われる.その季節感は,季節の物だけでなく,色によっても演出することができるのではないかと考え,季節感と色の関係を系統的な色票を用いて検討した.カラーサンプルとして,日本色彩研究所の新配色カード 199cを使用し,ランダムに並べ替えた色票を光源ボックスの中に入れ,20歳前後の学生20名に,"春","夏","秋","冬","感じない"のいずれかに評価してもらった.その結果,春はピンク系が,夏は青系が,秋は茶系が,冬は,彩度の低い色が上位を占めた.季節のイメージを調べると,春は桜,夏は海,秋は紅葉,冬は雪が,突出して選ばれ,季節に代表される自然が,季節の色に最も大きな影響力を及ぼしていた.逆に言えば,季節の色からそれらの事がイメージできると考えられるその結果,季節に代表される自然が,季節の色に最も大きな影響力を及ぼしていた.季節の色を,色相,トーン別に分析すると,以下のように季節ごとに明らかな傾向が見られた.春・・・色相:ピンク系,黄緑系,緑系,トーン:light,bright,pale夏・・・色相:青,青紫系,トーン:vivid, bright秋・・・色相:暖色系,トーンは,dark,deep, dul, soft冬・・・色相:青紫系,紫系,トーン:dark grayish,grayish, light grayish施設内で,季節ごとに季節感のある色彩を用いることにより,色から自然へのイメージが広がり,心地よい空間が演出でき,利用者への心理的効果は大きいものと考える.
中村 妙子
ICU日本語教育研究センター紀要 (ISSN:13447181)
vol.9, pp.27-36, 2000-03-31

中村 妙子
ICU日本語教育研究センター紀要 (ISSN:13447181)
vol.7, pp.99-103, 1998-03-31

In the Teaching Methods in Japanese as a Foreign Language course at ICU we analyze the Japanese language textbooks which are used in the ICU Japanese Language Programs classes. The purpose of this analysis is for the students to learn what items are presented and how they are taught in the beginning level Japanese language classes. We developed a questionnaire on what the students think about the textbooks, Japanese for College Students: Basic 1, 2, 3, asking for their comments on "overall impression of the books", "lesson structure", "models of modern Japanese conversation", "topics and situations" and "grammatical items." In this paper the responses on grammatical items are discussed. Results showed that the selection of the grammatical items and the explanations for the items are good. The description of Japanese grammar in the Japanese language teaching is different from what the Japanese students learned before they came to ICU. The main differences are: verb grouping, particles, auxiliary verbs, adjectival nouns, conditionals, giving and receiving, passive and polite expressions. The goal of the presentation of Japanese grammar in teaching is simplicity and ease of explaining to the learners. Through the analysis of the textbooks students learn what should be taught in Japanese language classes; such analysis is important to enable the teaching methods students to acquire a basis for their future teaching.
中村 妙子 松本 敬子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.31, no.1, pp.19-23, 1980-01-20 (Released:2010-03-10)

ラックダイはスズ化合物で媒染することにより, 鮮明な赤色に呈色するといわれているが, スズ化合物には 2価と4価のスズ化合物が存在し, また, 媒染方法にも, 先媒染, 後媒染, 同浴の3つの方法がある.そこで, どのスズ化合物を用い, どのような方法で媒染を行えば, 堅ろう度が良好で鮮明な色のラックダイ染色物が得られるか検討した.その結果, 堅ろう度が優れ, 彩度の高い色に呈色させるには, 無水塩化第1スズで先媒染すればよいことが確認された.この場合の最適使用濃度をラツクダイの染着量および無水塩化第1スズの染着量より調べると, ラックダイの染着量と無水塩化第1スズの染着量がほぼ同じ比率になるような使用濃度で染めれば最適であることが認められた.その条件を付記する.(i) 淡色無水塩化第1スズ0.5%ラックダイ 0.5 %(ii) 中色無水塩化第1スズ1%ラックダイ 1 %(iii) 濃色無水塩化第1スズ2%ラックダイ 2 %しかし, 染着量が同じ比率であればムラ染になりやすいため, ラツクダイを過剰に用いたほうが均一に染められる.天然染料はくり返し染色を行うことが多いが, この場合, 4回以上行っても染色物の色濃度 (K/S) の値はあまり変化しないことが確認された.
中村 妙子
vol.11, pp.11-21, 2002-03-31

中村 妙子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.49, no.2, pp.70-90, 2006 (Released:2010-03-12)

The Byzantine emperor John II made Syrian expeditions twice, in the 1130s and 1140s. From the beginning of the twelfth century, the Syrian cities and the Crusader States preserved the balance of power through economic agreements and military alliances. However, Zangi, ruler of Aleppo, refused to maintain this balance-of-power policy and started to advance southward in Syria to recover lost territories from the Crusaders and obtain farmland which was under Damascus' rule. John carried out his expedition at this time.John compelled Raymond of Poitiers, the consort of the heiress of Antioch, to become his liege vassal. John and Raymond agreed that Raymond would hand Antioch over to John in return for cities, currently in Muslim hands, which John would capture leading a joint Byzantine-Crusader army. But Raymond had John attack cities whose power Raymond himself wanted to reduce. Also, as the nobility of Antioch, who had come from south Italy, had influence over Raymond, John could not appoint a Greek Orthodox cleric as patriarch of Antioch. Furthermore, an encyclical issued by Pope Innocent II stating that all Latins serving in the Byzantine army were forbidden to attack Christians in Crusader States, forced John to reduce his claims on Antioch, being conscious of the West's eyes. John even sent messengers to Zangi investigating the possibility of forming an alliance with him if the nobility of Antioch rejected him.John's Syrian expeditions largely changed the balance of power in Syria and made Zangi's advance in southern Syria easy. Zangi recaptured his lost territories, just after John retreated from besieging Shaizar, where Zangi had confronted him. The Byzantine threat and the reputation which Zangi gained as a strong leader made Damascus yield him Hims, which would be a base for his further advance southward in Syria.