- 著者
松田 時彦
中村 一明
- 出版者
- The Society of Resource Geology
- 雑誌
- 鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.20, no.99, pp.29-42, 1970-03-02 (Released:2009-06-12)
- 参考文献数
- 56
A genetical classification of volcanic clastic deposits is proposed in this paper, which is based on the following four principal criteria:1) place of the eruption by which the material was broughtinto the transporting media : W (subaqueous) or A(subaerial), or O(when it was unrelated directly with the eruption).2) kind of media in which the material was transported to the depositional place : W (water) or A(air) or O(absence of media; this is used for some lava flows and dense landslide deposits).3) place of deposition : W(subaqueous) or A(subaerial).4) mechanism of transportation and settling : F(fall) or R(roll) or T(turbulent flow).Any volcanic clastic deposits might be designated as WWW-T, AAW-F and so on, by putting the result according to the four criteria in a descending order. For lava flows(L), the same principle of classification is applicable, e. g., as WOW-L (or WWW-RL, when it is necessary to indicate rolling(R) mechanism of the emplacement in W media). By the use of O in the first term, this classification also applies to normal clastic sediments, e.g. OWW-T for turbidity current deposits.Discriminating features for each kind of water-laid volcanic clastic deposits are described and several examples are presented.The proposed classification concerns mainly with a sedimentary body as a whole, and not with. descriptive features of particles. Parallel usage of the classic descriptive terminology with the proposed one is recommended, as AAW-F tuff, WWW-T tuff breccia, or tuff breccia (WWW-T), etc.,