井上 正鉄 Masakane Inoue
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:00857289)
vol.35, no.3, pp.271-284, 1991-11

第27次観測隊に参加した筆者によって採集された標本を中心に基準標本等と比較検討した結果, 広義のヘリトリゴケ属地衣類の1新種, 1新組み合わせ種を含む3属5種を認めた。すべて, 昭和基地周辺地域では新産種である。各々について形態・地衣成分・地理分布を記載し, 近縁種との関係を論じた。(1) Carbonea capsulataは亜南極地域に分布する近縁のC. vorticosaと, 子器殻excipulumの菌糸の太さ及び地衣成分の異同で区別できる。本種は大陸性南極の数ヵ所で知られている。本地域では大陸周縁の露岩域に普通にみられる。(2) Lecidea andersoniiは, 北半球に広く分布し南極地域でも数ヵ所から報告されているLecidea auriculataに酷似するが, これとは子嚢下層hypotheciumの着色の有無や胞子サイズで区別できる。本種はウイルクスランドから新種として記載されて以来, 他地域からは報告されていないが, 昭和基地周辺地域では比較的普通にみられる。(3) Lecidea cancriformisは光沢のある褐色の地衣体を有する点で他の種と容易に区別がつく。北半球に広く分布し, 亜南極の数ヵ所にもその生育が知られている近縁のLecidea atrobrunneaとは地衣成分の違い, 地衣体髄層のヨード反応で区別できる。本種は大陸性南極に広く分布し, 昭和基地周辺地域でも普通にみられる。(4) Lecidea soyaensisは子嚢下層下部の髄層がクモの巣状の菌糸で構成され, よく発達した子器殻を有する点, また本種と近縁なLecidea auriculata群にみられない地衣成分スチクチン酸を産する点で新種として区別された。宗谷海岸ラングホブデ産。(5) Lecidella sipleiは側糸と子器殻を構成する菌糸の形状, 及び子嚢頂部の構造からLecidella属のもとに置くのが妥当と考えられる。北半球に広く分布し, 亜南極からもその生育が報告されているLecidella bullataに最も近縁と思われるが, これとは地衣体の形状, 地衣成分の異同で区別できる。本種は大陸性南極のマリーバードランドとビクトリアランドの2ヵ所から報告されているにすぎないが, 昭和基地周辺地域では普通にみられる。
増田 泰大 今野 貴幸 井上 正之
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.68, no.10, pp.434-437, 2020-10-20 (Released:2021-10-01)

根津 朋実 井上 正允 田中 統治
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
vol.13, pp.107-120, 2004-03-31 (Released:2017-10-17)

This is a case study on a six-year secondary school in Japan, aimed to clarify the function of leadership development within its school festival, especially "Music Festival" that has been done since about 40 years ago. In Japan, there is little study that focus on extra-curricular activities of six-year secondary school. Because the school, called "Chu-Kou-Ikkan-Kou" (in Japanese), is not popular so much in secondary education, though it has been increased little by little within these 5 years. We approached this important research question by case study method, using teacher records, school newspaper, participant observation, and informal interview. In this case, the school, attached to Univ. and boys 6year secondary has almost 50 years history and practice; above all, it has produced a lot of leaders in many fields. The academic achievement of its student is one of the highest in Japan, but we focused on its extra-curricular activities, not academic curriculum, since high academic achievement does not assure student's matured personality at all. We found three facts. (1) The extra-curricular activities of the school has two dimensions of articulation between junior- and senior- high, one is "smoothing" and the other "separating". These dimensions also can be seen in academic curriculum. (2) "Music Festival" has a function as "initiation", especially on junior-high students. (3) The festival has a judgment system with some professional musicians from outside the school. About leadership development, our results are following: a) The school orders each class to elect many leaders. In case of "Music Festival", including conductor, piano player, and committee, b) Many students have experienced some activities as leaders, and then they come to learn that "To be a leader is too difficult without followers". After "Music Festival", they feel like this seriously, and notice the importance of cooperation with other classmates, c) 12-18 years students work hard together for "Music Festival", and their performances of chorus are shown on the same one stage. It represents the range of development strongly to students' mind, especially of junior-high. They become to see high-school student as their "role model" through the festival.
鵜野 好文 井上 正
広島大学経済論叢 (ISSN:03862704)
vol.32, no.2, pp.45-66, 2008-11
