渋谷 駿太 前川 隆則 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.49, pp.62-66, 2020-08-31 (Released:2020-09-03)

A single adult specimen (348.5 mm standard length) of Lethrinus reticulatus Valenciennes, 1830 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Lethrinidae), herein described in detail, was collected from Amami-oshima island, Amami Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. In Japanese waters, this species has been known only from the Okinawa and Yaeyama islands, Ryukyu Islands, and is categorized as Near Threatened by Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan. The Amami specimen represents the first record of L. reticulatus from Kagoshima Prefecture and the northernmost record for the species.
根來 宗孝 香西 彩加 澤村 弘美 榎原 周平 渡邊 敏明 前川 隆嗣
微量栄養素研究 (ISSN:13462334)
vol.37, pp.33-37, 2020-12-15 (Released:2021-12-13)

There are only a few reports on the antioxidative activity of bonito bouillon (Katsuo-Dashi soup stock),a traditional Japanese seasoning, and their raw materials. The Dashi packs (powder-type soup stock) and evaporated Dashi (liquid type soup stock) are popular and are often used in Japanese meals, in which raw materials comprising dried bonito (Katsuo-bushi),dried kelp (Kombu),and dried shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) are mixed. However, how much each raw material contributes to the antioxidative activity of the final products is unknown. So, we evaluated the antioxidative activity by 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging capacity. In addition, dried bonito (Katsuo-bushi) are classified into the sub-groups of sun-dried bonito (Tempi-bushi),smoke-dried bonito (Arabushi) and smoke- and mold-dried bonito (Kare-bushi). There have been several reports of antioxidative effects of phenolic compounds absorbed by Katsuo-bushi during the smoking processes of fresh bonito (making Katsuo-bushi). Several phenolic compounds with methoxy or acetyl groups have been identified as aromatic components that increase during the production of Ara-bushi and Kare-bushi. Here, we also report the relationship between the chemical structure of hydroxy methoxy acetophenone and the expression of its antioxidative activity by the 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. These results indicate that Dashi Packs and evaporated Dashi including a lot of Katsuobushi have a high antioxidative activity, which may originate from phenolic compounds that increased in volume during the smoking process.
前川 隆嗣 香西 彩加 湯浅 正洋 榎原 周平 根來 宗孝 渡邊 敏明
微量栄養素研究 (ISSN:13462334)
vol.39, pp.25-31, 2022-12-15 (Released:2023-01-18)

Udon dashi soups (soup for thick wheat noodles) are specially prepared and served at each restaurant chain. To clarify the difference in taste depending on the restaurant chain, the taste of udon dashi soup by the taste sensor and the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was scientifically evaluated in this study. Udon dashi soup (A) is a concentrated dashi, which is diluted and utilized for udon dashi soup served at the restaurant chain. Udon dashi soups (B, C, D) are Kansai-style dashi served in the restaurant chain in Hyogo prefecture, and udon dashi soups (B, C) are served in the restaurant chain in the same family. These udon dashi soups are generally made from shaved fishes, such as dried sardine shavings and dried kelp. After diluting these udon dashi soups to 4% Brix, Taste Sensing System (TS-5000Z) with the taste sensor was used to quantify eight different taste components: sourness, bitter stimulus, astringent stimulus, umami, and saltiness as the initial taste, and general bitterness, astringency, and umami richness as the aftertaste. Free amino acids in the udon dashi soups were also determined using the HPLC analysis. Three types of udon dashi soups (B, C and D) had less sourness and astringent stimulus than udon dashi soup A, but had a stronger umami and saltiness. However, no difference in the aftertaste (general bitterness, astringency, and umami richness) was detected. The taste of udon dashi soup D was significantly different from that of udon dashi soups B and C. In particular, the sourness and astringent stimulus were suppressed, and both saltiness and umami became stronger in udon dashi soup D. From the determination of free amino acids, udon dashi soups A, B and C showed high values for glutamic acid, aspartic acid and histidine, while no serine and arginine were not detected in udon dashi soup C. Very high levels of taurine and histidine in udon dashi soup D were contained. Anserine and carnosine were also characteristically found in udon dashi soup D. Therefore, udon dashi soups B, C and D may be mixed by the different processing methods using the different ingredients respectively. From these findings, it was suggested that scientific evaluation of taste characteristics of udon dashi soup is possible by using the taste sensor and amino acid analysis.
寺本 昌弘 曽根 岳大 高田 耕平 小縣 開 齋藤 啓太 和泉 拓野 高野 昂佑 長尾 茂輝 岡田 陽介 田地 規朗 河村 俊邦 加藤 章一郎 前川 隆彰 小林 彩香 小林 真一 佐藤 謙 木村 文彦
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.61, no.6, pp.598-604, 2020 (Released:2020-07-03)

2011年1月から2018年2月までに再発indolent B-cell lymphomaに対し,当科で施行したrituximab併用bendamustine(BR)療法の治療成績を後方視的に解析した。病型は濾胞性リンパ腫(follicular lymphoma, FL)42例(67%)が多く,FL症例で治療を完遂した群の無増悪生存期間(progression free survival, PFS)の中央値は未到達であった。また治療開始から5年間のCD4陽性T細胞数を解析したところ,長期にわたり200/µl前後を推移する症例が多かった。BR療法は再発indolent B-cell lymphomaに対し有用な治療であり,特にFLにおいてはBR療法を完遂することがPFSの改善に重要である。また治療後は細胞性免疫不全が顕在化するため,5年程度は感染症の発症に注意するべきかもしれない。
田島 邦好 前川 隆 今井 庸二 能勢 之彦
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.2, no.1, pp.38-46, 1973-02-15 (Released:2011-10-07)

The cardiac prosthesis utilizing biological tissue has been developed and reported (ASAIO 1971). Bovine aortic valves and pericardium preserved in formardehyde solution for 1 week were used as the inside surface of the device and outside was reinforced by specially treated natural rubber.In the study described here the thromboresistant properties and hemodinamic performance of the device with inflow and outflow valves were evaluated in vitro and in vivo studies.Both in in vitro Kinetic blood Clotting method and intra-thoratic aortic bypass implantation the biolized surface showed excellent antithrombogenecity. One out of 9 calves in which the device was implanted in aorta is still alive 20 months after implantation and device is showing good patency without any evidence of thromboembolism.From the view point of hemodinamic performance the device revealed a similar Starling's reguration to natural heart in a mock system and performed enough cardiac output to keep the animal alive up to 16l/min.Total heart replacement with this cardiac prosthesis have been done in calves intrathoracically. One of them survived 17 days (408 hours) after implantation. The Calf stood up and walked around by himself and took foods and drinks. Couse of death was ruptur of the device in this case.Further study is needed to investigate the endurance of this biolized heart as well as its effect on the body.
前川 隆彰 武 純也 河村 俊邦 堀内 俊克 加藤 章一郎 彦田 玲奈 山村 武史 渡邉 純一 小林 彩香 小林 真一 佐藤 謙 木村 文彦
The Japan Society for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌 (ISSN:21865612)
vol.3, no.4, pp.114-119, 2014 (Released:2014-10-15)

HLA一致非血縁ドナーより同種骨髄移植を受けた46歳の原発性骨髄線維症の男性。移植後の血小板数は3×104/μl台で安定していたが,移植後199日目に感染や慢性移植片対宿主病(GVHD)を伴わず,急性の経過で0.7×104/μlまで低下した。好中球減少や貧血は認めず,末梢血のキメリズム解析では完全ドナー型を維持しており,二次性の生着不全は否定された。脾腫の増大も認めなかった。血小板輸血に反応せず,抗HLA抗体は陰性であったが,抗GPIIb/IIIa抗体が検出された。PAIgGの上昇も認め,免疫性血小板減少症(ITP)と診断した。prednisolone 1mg/kgで治療を開始し,治療開始7日目より血小板数が増加した。同種移植後のITPの多くはGVHD等が関与しており,しばしば治療抵抗性である。本症例は他の免疫反応を伴わず治療反応性も良好であった。病態を検討する上で重要な症例と考えたため,文献的考察を加え報告する。
前川 隆史 松村 真宏
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.224, pp.53-58, 2009-10-01
