栗本 鮎美 粟田 主一 大久保 孝義 坪田(宇津木) 恵 浅山 敬 高橋 香子 末永 カツ子 佐藤 洋 今井 潤
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.48, no.2, pp.149-157, 2011 (Released:2011-07-15)
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目的:高齢者の社会的孤立をスクリーニングする尺度として国際的に広く使用されているLubben Social Network Scale短縮版(LSNS-6)の日本語版を作成し,信頼性および妥当性の検討を行った.方法:総合健診を受診した地域在住高齢者232名に面接式質問紙調査を行い,日本語版LSNS-6とともに,基本属性,主観的健康感,運動機能,既存のソーシャルサポート質問項目,日本語版Zung自己評価式抑うつ尺度(日本語版SDS),自殺念慮等に関するデータを得た.日本語版LSNS-6の内的一貫性についてはCronbach α係数,繰り返し再現性についてはSpearman相関係数,評価者間信頼性については級内相関係数を用いた.構成概念妥当性の検討には先行研究の結果との比較,併存妥当性の検討には日本語版SDSおよびソーシャルサポート質問項目との関連を検討した.結果:Cronbach α係数は0.82,繰り返し再現性に関する相関係数はr=0.92(P<0.001),評価者間の級内相関係数は0.96(95%信頼区間0.90~0.99)であった.日本語版LSNS-6の平均得点は同居世代数が増えるほど高く(P=0.033),自殺の危険性がある群で低く(P=0.026),主観的健康感不良群で低下する傾向(P=0.081)を認めた.日本語版LSNS-6の得点は日本語版SDSと有意な負の相関を示し(P<0.001),ソーシャルサポートに関する5つの質問項目のうち4項目において,ソーシャルサポート「あり」群で日本語版LSNS-6の平均得点は有意に高かった(P<0.05).結論:日本語版LSNS-6の信頼性と妥当性は良好であった.我が国における高齢者の社会的孤立のスクリーニングに日本語版LSNS-6が有用である可能性が示された.
佐藤 倫広 松本 章裕 原 梓 岩森 紗希 小原 拓 菊谷 昌浩 目時 弘仁 保坂 実樹 淺山 敬 高橋 信行 佐藤 博 眞野 成康 今井 潤 大久保 孝義
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.12, pp.1347-1355, 2014 (Released:2014-12-01)
1 5

Encouraging self-medication is expected to reduce healthcare costs. To assess the current situation of self-medication practices in the general population, we conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the use of over-the-counter (OTC) medications or dietary supplements in 1008 participants (37% men; mean age, 64±13 years) from Ohasama, a rural Japanese community. A total of 519 (52%) participants used OTC medications or dietary supplements, with common cold medication (36%) and supplements (28%) such as shark cartilage products representing the most common choices. Stepwise logistic regression showed female gender, a higher frequency of visits from a household medicine kit distributor, dyslipidemia, and lower home systolic blood pressure levels as predictors for the use of such materials (chi-square values: 25.3, 12.6, 7.0, and 4.6, respectively; all p<0.03). Stratifying the participants according to the use of antihypertensive treatment showed a negative association between systolic blood pressure and the use of OTC medications or supplements only in participants being treated for hypertension. These results suggest that although the adoption rate of self-medication in Japan can be increased in rural areas, it may remain lower in urban areas. The present study clarifies the factors associated with the use of OTC medications or dietary supplements and indicates that appropriate self-medication practices might improve the control of hypertension, particularly in patients undergoing antihypertensive treatment.
長澤 徹 野村 恭子 竹之下 真一 平池 春子 土谷 明子 大久保 孝義 冲永 寛子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.74, pp.18033, 2019 (Released:2019-06-13)

Objectives: In academia, harassment may often occur and remain unrevealed in Japan, which discourages young researchers from pursuing their career. It is necessary to estimate and improve the perception of “academic harassment” among university faculties. Therefore, in this study, we aim to develop a scale of perception of academic harassment.Methods: Prior to a quantitative survey, a task team consisting of medical doctors, researchers, nurses, hospital workers, and managers in general affairs division identified 36 items related to academic harassment. In February 2016, we sent a self-administered questionnaire to 1,126 academic faculty members who worked in a medical university located in Tokyo, Japan. We instructed them to score the extent to which they consider each item as related to academic harassment based on a Likert scale. We carried out maximum likelihood factor analyses with promax rotation and computed Cronbach’s alpha to develop a scale and investigate the reliability of the scale.Results: In total, 377 returned the questionnaires (response rate, 33.5%; male, 73.8%). In factor analyses, we removed 17 items owing to low factor loadings, and four factors were eventually extracted. The first factor was termed “Harassment in organization (7 items)” because it included conditions of forcing a particular person to work on chores or lectures for students that may prevent one’s academic research outputs. The second factor was termed “Violence and denying personal character (4 items)”. The third factor was termed “Research misconduct (5 items)” including conditions of excluding a particular person from the coauthor list of research outputs or pressuring a person to fabricate, falsify, or plagiarize research outputs. The fourth factor was termed “Research interference (3 items)” including a condition of interference with conference attendance. Cronbach’s alpha values of these four factors ranged from 0.83 to 0.91, suggesting that the scale had high reliability. The means of these factors did not differ according to gender but were higher in participants aged 50 or older than in younger participants.Conclusions: The results suggest that the scale of perception on academic harassment consisting of four factors with 19 items is valid and reliable to some extent.
大久保 孝義
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.30, no.6, pp.829-833, 2008 (Released:2009-01-13)
3 1

Out-of-office blood pressure (BP) monitoring, i.e., ambulatory and home blood BP monitoring, has better predict power of stroke than dose conventional BP. A large part of such evidence has been derived from a population-based prospective study in Japan (the Ohasama study). The Ohasama study has also revealed unique predictive power of theses monitoring. The predictive value of home BP increased progressively with the number of measurements. Even the initial-first home BP values (1 measurement) showed a significantly greater relation with stroke risk than conventional BP values (mean of 2 measurements). Home BP increased the predictive power of categorizations of guidelines compared to conventional BP. A disturbed nocturnal decline in BP determined by ambulatory BP is associated with cerebral infarction, whereas a large morning surge is associated with cerebral hemorrhage. Morning home hypertension, which is characterized specifically high home BP only in the morning might be a good predictor of stroke, particularly among individuals using anti-hypertensive medication. Since the Japan Home versus Office BP Measurement Evaluation (J-HOME) study demonstrated a poorly controlled condition of morning home BP in treated hypertensive patients, more aggressive treatment targeting morning home BP would be necessary to better prevent future stroke.
上島 弘嗣 藤吉 朗 宮川 尚子 喜多 義邦 大久保 孝義 門田 文 久松 隆史 高嶋 直敬 三浦 克之 村上 義孝
