大和田 春樹 大森 博雄 松本 淳
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.78, no.8, pp.534-541, 2005-07-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

藤巻 貴宏 重野 寛 清松 和明 〓 衛東 大森 博雄 岡田 謙一 松下 温
vol.54, pp.535-536, 1997-03-12

モーバイル・コンピューティング環境において, ユーザは, 携帯型計算機や自宅のマシンから, 会社や学校の計算機にアクセスすることが考えられる. この際, 無線通信を使用することにより生じる通信中の回線の切断・接続不可能な状況などの問題点を解決するため, 我々は, MC^2Platform を構築した. しかしながら, 実際にはファイアウォールにより, どこからでもあらゆるネットワークにアクセスできるわけではない. そこで本稿では, ファイアウォールの存在を考慮した上で, どこからでもファイルを利用できるような, 新しいモーバイル・コンピューテイング環境を構築した. また, この環境上で動作する新しいモーバイル・アプリケーション, 宅配便エージェントを構築した.
吉田 英嗣 須貝 俊彦 大森 博雄
第四紀研究 = The Quaternary research (ISSN:04182642)
vol.49, no.2, pp.55-67, 2010-04-01
1 8

大森 博雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.14, no.2, pp.63-76, 1975-06-30 (Released:2009-08-21)
3 1

Erosional low-relief surfaces on the mountains of the Oshima Peninsula are divided into two levels. The higher surface is called the Matsumae surface and the lower one is called the Kikonai surface in the Matsumae Peninsula of the southern part of the Oshima Peninsula. Coastal terraces spread below and around these erosional low-relief surfaces. The Esashi district is one of the areas where coastal terraces are typically developed in the Oshima Peninsula. The author discussed the physiographic development and the crustal movement of the Esashi district.The coastal terraces in the Esashi district are classified into five surfaces as follows:Esashi surface (Pleistocene); 340-140m a. s. l., 1500m wide.Oyama surface (Pleistocene); 170-80m a. s. l., 2000m wide.Ohma surface (Pleistocene); 80-40m a. s. l., 500m wide.Jinya surface (Pleistocene); 45-20m a. s. l., 250m wide.Kitamura surface (Holocene); 12-8m a. s. l., 100m wide.The Esashi surface is presumed to have been formed by the transgression over the Kikonai surface which was the lower erosional low-relief surface.The Oyama surface is the widest marine erosional surface in the Esashi district. This terrace was formed by the transgression over the Esashi surface which was gently sloping toward the sea.The Ohma surface was formed by the transgression with larger than 20m rise of the sea level. The coast at that time, however, was a ria coast.The Jinya surface was formed about 30, 000 years B.P. At that time, the rise of the sea level was larger than 7m. It is suggested that the minor transgression took place at the Würm interstade about 30, 000 years B.P.The Kitamura surface was built by the Postglacial transgression with larger than 50m rise of the sea level. A part of the Kitamura surface is presumed to be a marine terrace formed by a minor transgression about 3, 000 years B.P.From the height of the old shorelines of these terraces, the crustal movement of the tilting toward the north in the area of Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, the warping in the area of Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Esashi Hill of the northern part of the Amano River and the tilting toward the south in the Kaminokuni Hill of the southern part of the Amano River are recognized. The crustal movement is presumed to become relatively active after the period between the formation of the Oyama terrace and that of the Ohma terrace.
大森 博雄 柳町 治
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-18, 1991-02-28 (Released:2009-08-21)
1 1

The subalpine zones on the mountains south of the Tohoku mountains in the Japanese Islands are normally occupied by coniferous forests dominated by Abies mariesii, A. veitchii, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis and Tsuga diversifolia. But there are many mountains where the subalpine coniferous forest does not exist; the thermometrical subalpine zones on such mountains are replaced by subalpine and/or montane deciduous broad-leaved forests. Especially in the Tohoku mountains, the subalpine zone without A. mariesii forest is called the “pseudo-alpine zone”, where Quercus scrub usually dominates. The origin of the pseudo-alpine zone is discussed here based on the thermal conditions of subalpine main tree species and the rise in temperature during the Hypsithermal climax phase.The thermometrical zone for A. mariesii is divided into four ranges as shown in Fig. 5-b. The mountains whose peaks are thermometrically in zones B and C can be regarded as mountains where A. mariesii is alternatively indigenous or not indigenous under the present thermal conditions. On the mountains whose peaks are in zone A, A. mariesii is expected to be indigenous. Thus, the mountains in zone A but without A. mariesii forest are called the “A. mariesii-lacking mountains” and are examined here.For the “A. mariesii-lacking mountains”, the thermal conditions at their peaks were out of zone A and into zones B and/or C during the Hypsithermal climax phase, when the mean summer temperature rose to be 2.5°C higher than that at present in Japan. During the high-temperature period of the Hypsithermal, the habitat of A. mariesii was pushed over the mountain peak due to the upward migration of vegetation zones. Thus, the principal cause of the pseudo-alpine zone is the ‘pushing-out effect’ caused by the rise of temperature. The origin of the subalpine zones without subalpine coniferous forest in West Japan is also considered to be the same process as the pseudo-alpine zone in the Tohoku mountains. The lacking of a tree species on a mountain depends on a process in which the thermal conditions suitable for the species disappeared from the mountain during a period in the history of climatic changes and, since the event, the thermal habitat of the species has been isolated from the surrounding mountains with forests of the same species. The present features of distribution of the subalpine tree species which grow under cold climatic conditions on high mountain areas in Japan have been affected by the small changes (2 or 3°C) in temperature during the Holocene, reflecting the topographical mosaic built up by many small mountain blocks and inter-lowlands.
大森 博雄 浅井 孝浩 浅井 孝浩 松本 正 冨里 繁
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. DSP, ディジタル信号処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.101, no.537, pp.37-44, 2002-01-02

移動通信において, 数十Mbpsの高速伝送を実現するためにはマルチパスフェージングによって生じる符号間干渉の影響を軽減する必要がある.筆者らは少ない演算量で良好な特性を達成する繰返し等化を用いた整合フィルタ近似型SC/MMSE等化器を提案してきた.本報告では遅延分散の大きな伝搬路において整合フィルタ近似型SC/MMSE等化器を用いた繰返し等化の有効性を確認するために様々な条件で計算機シミュレーションによる特性評価を行った.また, 遅延分散の大きな伝搬路において整合フィルタ近似型SC/MMSE等化器を用いた場合の効率的な等化手法について示し, 計算機シミュレーションによる特性評価を行い有効性を確認したので報告する.