松村 博文 大貫 良夫 加藤 泰健 松本 亮三 丑野 毅 関 雄二 井口 欣也 橋本 裕子
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series D, Anthropology (ISSN:03853039)
vol.23, pp.1-28, 1997

Fourty seven human skeletons dating Formative Period (2,000 B. C. A. D 0) were recovered from the Kuntur Wasi, Loma Redonda, Huacaloma and Kolgitin sites in Cajamarca region, Peru. The artificial cranial deformities, which can be classiffied into the tabular erect type, were observed in nine skulls from these sites excepting the Kolgitin site. The dental caries was frequently found in the Kuntur Wasi people though less frequently than in the recent Peruvians. The facial morphology is not homogeneous, and the aristocratic features are found in some skulls from the Kuntur Wasi and Roma Ledonda sites. The sexual difference of estimated stature is great in the Kuntur Wasi and Huacaloma people. The squatting facets are present in all tali examined, suggesting that the inhabitants customarily sat in the squatting position or walked up and down rocky mountains.
大貫 良夫 Yoshio Onuki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.3, no.4, pp.709-733, 1979-03-30

Murra's study, published in 1972, on the nature of environmentalexploitation among the Central Andean highlanders haselicited considerable interest in the cultural ecology of the Andesin an attempt to clarify the notion of "vertical control". Thisarticle (1) outlines the classification of natural or ecological zonesmost relevant to human life; (2) considers several cases of "verticalcontrol"; (3) analyzes, in a historical perspective, some tentativetypes of environmental exploitation; and (4) indicates some problemsfor future study.Although more individual case studies_are needed for a-precisediscussion, Brush has postulated three types for "vertical control",or "the manifold exploitation of multiple ecological zones", of theAndean Highlands. It is suggested here that a fourth type, "thespecialized type", may exist. In this type at least two differentethnic groups occupy different ecological zones, each devotingthemselves to the exploitation of natural resources of their particularzone of occupancy and exchanging specialized products.It should also be noted, that the four types, together with otherswhich may exist, are the products of historical conditions as wellas local circumstances, as is illustrated by the case of theChaupiwaranga, or the Huaris and the Llacuaces. However, itseems generally apparent that in the Central Andes there firstexisted the compressed type of exploitation, whereby each householdsought to maintain economic self-sufficiency, and that later whenthis became impossible, it was replaced by economic self-sufficiency on the community level, and a variety of exploitative types appeared.Where even this was difficult or impossible the specialized type wasfavored.Apart from the accumulation of precise data on individualcases, some of the tasks remaining are to clarify the local and historicalsituations that caused a shift from one type to another, and torelate types of vertical. control to various aspects or specific featuresof a given society and culture. It is also of great significance torelate such kinds of economic behavior to a people's system ofsymbols or cosmology, for the historical and present day basic unityof the cultures of the Central Andes may depend on the sharing ofthe essential nature of the system of symbols.
稲村 哲也 大貫 良夫 森下 矢須之 野内 セサル良郎 阪根 博 尾塩 尚 Tetsuya Inamura Yoshio Onuki Yasuyuki Morishita Cesar Yoshiro Nouchi Hiroshi Sakane Hisashi Oshio
放送大学研究年報 = Journal of The Open University of Japan (ISSN:09114505)
no.33, pp.79-95, 2015

1898年に秋田で生まれた天野芳太郎は、30歳のときに中南米にわたって実業家として成功し、後にペルーのリマ市に考古学博物館を創設した人物である。 天野は少年時代から考古学に関心をもっていたが、その関心を決定づけたのは、1935年のマチュピチュ訪問であった。天野はマチュピチュで、そこに住んでいた野内与吉という日本人に出会い、彼の案内で一週間ほどマチュピチュを踏査した。 しかし、第二次世界大戦が始まると、天野は総てを失い、北米の収容所に入れられたあと、日本に送還された。戦後の1951年に再び南米に向かい、ペルーで事業を再開し成功するが、後半生は古代アンデス文明の研究と土器、織物などの考古遺物のコレクションに身を投じ、1964年リマに博物館を設立したのである。 それに先立つ1956年、当時東京大学助教授であった泉靖一がリマで天野芳太郎と出会った。泉はすぐにアンデス研究を始め、調査団を組織し発掘を始めた。最初のコトシュ遺跡の発掘で、アメリカ大陸最古の神殿を発掘した。東京大学はそれ以来アンデスの研究で大きな実績を重ねてきた。 岡山出身の実業家森下精一は、1969年リマで天野芳太郎の博物館を訪問し、古代アンデスの土器や織物のすばらしさに衝撃を受け、中南米の考古遺物を蒐集し、1975年自らも岡山県に博物館を開設した。 筆者らは、放送大学のTV特別講義「古代アンデス文明と日本人」を制作し、2015年秋田でそのテーマの展示会を企画し実現した。本稿では、それらの内容を中心に、日本人による古代アンデス文明研究、その背景としての先人たちの「運命的」な出会い、そして秋田で開催した展示会について論じる。
大貫 良夫
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.3, no.4, pp.p709-733, 1978-12

Murra's study, published in 1972, on the nature of environmentalexploitation among the Central Andean highlanders haselicited considerable interest in the cultural ecology of the Andesin an attempt to clarify the notion of "vertical control". Thisarticle (1) outlines the classification of natural or ecological zonesmost relevant to human life; (2) considers several cases of "verticalcontrol"; (3) analyzes, in a historical perspective, some tentativetypes of environmental exploitation; and (4) indicates some problemsfor future study.Although more individual case studies_are needed for a-precisediscussion, Brush has postulated three types for "vertical control",or "the manifold exploitation of multiple ecological zones", of theAndean Highlands. It is suggested here that a fourth type, "thespecialized type", may exist. In this type at least two differentethnic groups occupy different ecological zones, each devotingthemselves to the exploitation of natural resources of their particularzone of occupancy and exchanging specialized products.It should also be noted, that the four types, together with otherswhich may exist, are the products of historical conditions as wellas local circumstances, as is illustrated by the case of theChaupiwaranga, or the Huaris and the Llacuaces. However, itseems generally apparent that in the Central Andes there firstexisted the compressed type of exploitation, whereby each householdsought to maintain economic self-sufficiency, and that later whenthis became impossible, it was replaced by economic self-sufficiency on the community level, and a variety of exploitative types appeared.Where even this was difficult or impossible the specialized type wasfavored.Apart from the accumulation of precise data on individualcases, some of the tasks remaining are to clarify the local and historicalsituations that caused a shift from one type to another, and torelate types of vertical. control to various aspects or specific featuresof a given society and culture. It is also of great significance torelate such kinds of economic behavior to a people's system ofsymbols or cosmology, for the historical and present day basic unityof the cultures of the Central Andes may depend on the sharing ofthe essential nature of the system of symbols.
藤澤 正視 稲村 哲也 渡部 森哉 福山 洋 菊池 健児 高橋 浩 五十嵐 浩也 山本 紀夫 川本 芳 大山 修一 大貫 良夫 阪根 博 ワルテル トソ セノン アギュラール カルロス サバラ 鶴見 英成 藤井 義晴 阿部 秋男
