三津家 貴也 辻 俊樹 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18040, (Released:2019-02-26)
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An individual’s anaerobic capacity is evaluated in terms of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit in the supramaximal test. The present study was conducted to validate the method used for evaluation of anaerobic capacity using an index calculated from the aerobic test (a submaximal test conducted 5 or 6 times in 3-minute stages and a maximal test of 4-6 minutes). Seventeen well-trained Japanese middle- and long-distance runners including elite athletes participated in the aerobic test on one day and in the supramaximal test of 2-4 minutes on another day. The mean accumulated oxygen deficit in the maximal test was 30.6 ± 10.0 mlO2/kg, and the mean maximal accumulated oxygen deficit in the supramaximal test was 55.7 ± 16.1 mlO2/kg. There was a significant positive relationship between accumulated oxygen deficit and the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (r=0.82, p<0.001). A stronger positive relationship between the above 2 parameters was evident in 10 middle distance runners (r=0.94, p<0.001). These results suggest that maximal accumulated oxygen deficit can be evaluated in terms of the accumulated oxygen deficit in the maximal test.
鍋倉 賢治 徳山 薫平 榎本 靖士 丹治 史弥

仙石 泰雄 中村 和照 緒形 ひとみ 吉岡 利貢 渡部 厚一 鍋倉 賢治 徳山 薫平
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.2, pp.285-294, 2008-04-01 (Released:2008-08-13)
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The present study was conducted to obtain basic information about blood glucose fluctuation and relation with race performance during 100 km marathon. Subcutaneous glucose of one well-trained runner was measured by continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) at 5 min interval and blood samples for biochemical analysis were drawn at pre, middle and post of the race. Energy balance during one week prior to the 100 km race was recorded, and the whole energy and fluid intake during the race was analyzed. Blood glucose fluctuated reflecting duration of exercise and energy supply during the race. During the latter part of the race (65–70 km), abrupt declines in blood glucose level, which reflected insufficient carbohydrate intake before the race (119 g), were accompanied by decrease in running speed. The present report suggests that continuous glucose monitoring supplemented with standard nutritional and physiological measurement provides precise and valuable information on runner’s energy state during the ultra-endurance race, and that athletes need to reassess their preparation for the race and planning of energy intake during the race.
髙山 史徳 鍋倉 賢治
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.4, pp.269-279, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-07-18)
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Marathon running performance closely related to the several physiological and performance variables such as maximal oxygen uptake, running economy, and peak velocity. It is well known that muscle damage has a negative impact on the physiological and performance variables. Thus, restarting training or participating in the race in a state where recovery is inadequate may cause injury and loss of race performance. The aims of this review article are to (1) summarize the previous studies that investigated effects of a marathon race on muscle damage and physiological and performance variables, (2) discuss the middle and long term effects of marathon races on physical condition, (3) suggest the practical strategy for some runners that participate in consecutive races within a short period.
髙山 史徳 嶋津 航 青栁 篤 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育学会

<p>Some recreational runners participate in consecutive races within a short period. A high frequency of participation may not allow for sufficient recovery time, leading to overreaching. This case study reports on the training load, physiological variables, performance, and psychometric status of a male recreational runner during the 16-week marathon season. The runner completed 4 marathon races in a period of 8 weeks (6-14 week). Training load was quantified based on the cumulative time spent in 3 intensity zones (zone 1: < ventilatory threshold, zone 2: between ventilatory threshold and respiratory compensation point, zone 3: < respiratory compensation point) using heart rate monitoring. The Hooper questionnaire was completed every morning to quantify sleep, stress, fatigue, and muscle soreness. The runner performed four identical treadmill running test over the season. The coefficient of variation for maximal velocity and physiological variables was 1.0% and 1.8‐5.2%, respectively. Pearson correlation showed significant relationships between training load and stress, fatigue, and muscle soreness. There was no significant relationship between training load and sleep. In conclusion, it appeared that this runner was able to complete 4 marathon races without overreaching. These findings suggest that the training load and Hooper questionnaire are practical tools for monitoring of recreational runners during the marathon season.</p>
白井 克佳 中里 信立 斉藤 実 鍋倉 賢治 松田 光生
人間と環境 : 人間環境学研究所研究報告 : journal of Institute for Human and Environmental Studies = Journal of Institute for Human and Environmental Studies (ISSN:13434780)
no.3, pp.69-77, 1999-06-20

本研究は夏期合宿における競技選手のコンディションの変動を調査した。対象は男子陸上長距離選手8名とし、対象の起床時、朝練習時心拍数、主観的体調、尿(量、濃度)、及び走行距離と、練習を行った環境の計測を行った。その結果、起床時、朝練習時心拍数と主観的体調が、合宿が進行するに従い、低下することが観察された。起床時、朝練習時心拍数の低下は合宿によるトレーニング効果によるものか、合宿の環境に慣れたためか、今回の検討では明らかにすることができなかった。主観的体調の低下は先行研究では心拍数の増加とともに観察されたが、今回はそれと異なった結果となった。合宿中に脱水症状を起こし、練習を中止した選手がいたが、この選手の当日の尿量は前日までと比べ、著しく高値であった。このことは尿量の観察がコンディションを把握する上で有用であり、熱中症などの事故を未然に防ぐ手がかりとなる可能性があることを示している。To investigate variations of conditions in the summer training camp, we examined 8 long-distance runners. Heart rate (HR), subjective condition, value of training and urine were analyzed for 14 days. HR decreased day by day, during summer training camp. This result may indicate the effect, the training had on the runners. One day, one subject showed a significantly high value of urine, and he retired training due to dehydration. Urine analyzation may be a useful indicator of physical condition.
丹治 史弥 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.583-594, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

Step parameters are associated with running economy (RE), but the relationship between these longitudinal changes remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between changes in step parameters and RE at intensities below and above the lactate threshold (LT) in well-trained middle to long-distance runners and to acquire knowledge applicable to coaching. A total of 29 male university students training in distance running (age, 19.4 ± 1.0 yr; height, 171.3 ± 4.5 cm; body weight, 57.1 ± 3.6 kg) participated in the study. Participants performed multistage incremental treadmill tests to measure step parameters (ground contact time: CT; step length: SL; step frequency: SF; leg stiffness: kleg) and RE before and after 4 months of training. Since the LT speed of participants was 16.6 ± 1.1 km・h−1, intensities below, near, and above the LT were set at 13.8 and 15.0 km・h−1, 16.2 km・h−1, and 17.4 and 18.6 km・h−1, respectively. No significant relationships were observed between changes in RE and any of the step parameters at intensities below and near the LT. Moreover, although no significant relationship was noted between changes in RE and both SL and SF, there was a significant positive and negative relationship between changes in RE and CT and kleg, respectively, at intensities above the LT. Changes in kleg showed a strong negative correlation with CT changes at each intensity. It can be concluded from these findings that shortening the CT improves the RE for high-intensity running and that this variation is partly attributable to the improvement in kleg.
宮本 俊和 濱田 淳 和田 恒彦 寺田 和史 市川 あゆみ 鍋倉 賢治
日本東洋醫學雜誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.54, no.5, pp.939-944, 2003-09-20
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円皮鍼と装丁を同様にした鍼のない偽円皮鍼(プラシーボ鍼)を使用し,マラソンレースに参加した選手の筋痛と血清クレアチンキナーゼ値(以下CK値),筋硬度に対する円皮鍼の効果を二重盲検ランダム化比較試験により検討した。対象はマラソンに初めて参加する15名の大学生とし施術,検査,データの解析に関わらない者が無作為に割付けした。円皮鍼またはプラシーボ鍼は下肢の経穴8箇所に,マラソンスタート前に貼付し,5日後に抜去した。測定項目は,筋痛のVisual Analogue Scale(以下VAS),CK値,LDHアイソザイム,立位体前屈,筋硬度とし,マラソンスタート前,ゴール後,5日後に測定した。その結果,1 円皮鍼はマラソン後の筋痛を軽減させた。2 CK値とLDHアイソザイムのLDH4,LDH5は,マラソンゴール後に上昇したが,円皮鍼の効果はなかった。3 立位体前屈は差がみられなかった。4 筋硬度は,外側広筋と内側広筋で増強したが,円皮鍼の効果はみられなかった。
本田 靖 西保 岳 鍋倉 賢治

地球温暖化の進む今日、夏期スポーツ時の熱中症等への安全対策を含めて、暑熱環境に対する順化のメカニズム速やかに順化する方法開発への期待が高まっている。本研究では、体温上昇時の体温調節と換気亢進反応に着目して、そのメカニズムとトレーニング効果、過去の生活環境の影響に関して検討した。得られた結果は、1)安静時および運動時における、体温上昇に伴う換気亢進割合と体温上昇に対する前腕血流の増加割合との間の関係は、安静時と運動時の両条件にいて見られること、また、最大酸素摂取量と安静時及び運動時に得られた換気亢進割合の大きさおよび前腕血流の増加割合との間にも有意な相関関係がみられ、体温上昇に伴う換気亢進割合は、暑熱耐性を評価する際の新しい生理学的指標となる可能性が示唆された。2) 7日間の暑熱トレーニングによって、皮膚血流量増加に関する体温調節反応は顕著な向上が見られたが、体温増加に対する換気亢進反応に対しての効果は見られなかった。3)安静時において、体温上昇時の換気亢進反応に対する末梢化学受容器の貢献度は2割程度であること、体温上昇時の換気亢進に伴う血中二酸化炭素分圧の低下は、換気反応には影響しないが、脳血流量には影響すること(体温上昇時の脳血流量低下の3割程度を説明する)が示唆された。4)過去の生活環境や運動経験と現在の暑熱反応との間で有意な関係は見られなかった。その理由の一つは対象集団がやや小さいこと(40名),もう一つは対象者のほとんどがスポーツを日常的い行っており,ここ数年あるいはそれ以上の間,暑さに対してのトレーニングを積んでいるために差が検出しにくくなっていたことが考えられる.
丹治 史弥 鍋倉 賢治
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.32, no.1, pp.79-88, 2018-10-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

We aim to clarify relationships between longitudinal changes in aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism capacities and training in well-trained 800-m runners, and to identify strategies for effective 800-m training. Eight male middle-distance runners (800-m seasonal best time, 1′53″7±1″6) participated. Their 800-m running performances were set the best competition time in April-June and July-November, and calculated average running velocity. Three running tests on a treadmill were conducted to determine aerobic (maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max], lactate threshold [LT] and running economy [RE]) and anaerobic (maximal accumulated oxygen deficit [MAOD] and maximal blood lactate accumulation [LAmax]) energy metabolism capacities in July and November. Δ (%) represents changes in 800-m running performance and aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism capacities. Training during this period was used to evaluate length of training time, and training ratio by three intensities; below the LT (zone 1), at or above the LT and below the VO2 max (zone 2) and at or above the VO2max (zone 3). Δ800-m running performance showed a positive tendency relationship with ΔRE and ΔLAmax ( r=0.67 and 0.70, respectively), and a negative tendency relationship with zone 1 training ratio (r=-0.70). Further, ΔRE and ΔLAmax were negatively associated with zone 1 training ratio (r=-0.90 and -0.79, respectively), and positive associated with zone 3 training ratio (r=0.79 and 0.75, respectively). Thus, improved RE and/or LAmax may improve 800-m running performance, and increasing high-intensity (>VO2max) training during a competitive period can improve these energy metabolism capacities.
宮本 俊和 濱田 淳 向井 直樹 永井 純 鍋倉 賢治

吉岡 利貢 中垣 浩平 中村 和照 向井 直樹 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.237-248, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)
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The purpose of this study was to compare the physiological and morphological characteristics of J. Ndambiri, a Kenyan world-class long-distance runner (10,000 m personal best: 27:04.79), with runners belonging to the national corporate team (29:32.18±0:30.35). Oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate, blood lactate concentration and stride frequency were measured during submaximal exercise on a treadmill (270, 290, 310, 330, 350 and 370 m/min velocities with 1% inclination). Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was determined during the maximal exercise test. In addition, morphological parameters (length of thigh and shank, maximum circumference of thigh and shank, and cross-sectional area of the trunk, thigh and shank muscles) were determined using a tape measure and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ndambiri was superior to Japanese runners in terms of not only running economy (65.0 vs 69.8±1.9 ml/kg/min at 330 m/min), but also blood lactate concentration (1.50 vs 2.59±0.74 mmol/l at 330 m/min), heart rate (159.8 vs 170.8±4.0 bpm at 330 m/min) during the submaximal running test and VO2peak (80.8 vs 76.3±2.4 ml/kg/min). In addition, the morphological characteristics of Ndambiri were also quite different from those of Japanese runners. In particular, Ndambiri's maximum shank circumference was much smaller than that of Japanese runners (32.0 vs 35.8±1.8 cm). Furthermore, the cross-sectional area of the gastrocnemius muscle, which composes the shank, was significantly correlated with the oxygen cost of running at 330 m/min (r=0.700). These findings indicate that the superior performance of Ndambiri is attributable to various factors such as a higher VO2peak, lower blood lactate concentration and heart rate, as well as running economy. In the future, it will be necessary to clarify the factors supporting these relationships between physiological variables and morphological characteristics.
高橋 啓悟 白井 祐介 鍋倉 賢治
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.5, pp.371-381, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-09-16)

This study aimed to elucidate the effects of exercise intensity on stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) function of the lower limbs after cycling. Ten male triathletes performed a cycling graded test to determine the ventilatory threshold (VT) and two hopping-cycling (30 min of cycling at 90 or 110% VT)-hopping tests. The two hopping-cycling-hopping tests performed in random order. Power output (PO), heart rate (HR) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored throughout the 30-min cycling. Blood lactate concentrations (BLa) were measured in order to assess metabolic stress. The SSC function was calculated as the ratio of the jump height to the time spent in contact with the ground (reactive strength index [RSI]). PO, HR and RPE values during cycling at 110%VT was higher than at 90%VT (p < 0.01). BLa value after the cycling at 110%VT was higher than at 90%VT (90%VT: 2.4±1.0 vs. 110%VT: 5.9±2.8 mmol/L, p < 0.01). Regardless of the cycling exercise intensity, the RSI significantly decreased after the cycling exercise (p < 0.01). The RSI remained decreased at 15 min after the cycling exercise (p < 0.05). These results demonstrated that the SSC function decreased after cycling. Exercise intensity during cycling is likely to have no effect on the decrease in SSC function.
鍋倉 賢治 小井土 正亮 青柳 篤 岡部 正明 辻 俊樹 濵谷 奎介
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.167_1, 2016

<p> サッカーの勝敗は、選手個人のボールを扱う技術の正確性、チーム戦術に負うところが大きい。選手がボールを扱う局面に目を向けると、一瞬のスピードやジャンプ力、当たり負けしない体幹の強さが求められ、これが局面における相手との勝敗に影響する。さらに、このようなスピード、パワー、クィックネスといった運動能力を90分という長い時間、間欠的に繰り返し発揮し続けなければならない。そのため、選手の持久的な能力を客観的なデータを用いて評価することは非常に重要な意味を持つ。そこで本研究では、プロサッカー選手の持久性体力を評価し、サッカー選手に求められる持久力の基礎的知見を得ることを目的とした。対象は2016年シーズンJ1リーグ所属チームのGKを除く25名(23.7 ± 4.5歳)である。トレッドミルにおいて漸増負荷試験を行い、呼気ガスパラメーターを測定し、最大酸素摂取量(VO2max)などを評価した。全員のVO2maxの平均値は58.5 ± 4.4ml/kg/minであり、別に測定した一流大学選手よりもやや低く、他国プロサッカー選手とほぼ同等であった。今後、ゲーム中の運動量や心拍数と合わせて検討していくことで、要求される持久力などが明らかになるものと期待される。</p>
西保 岳 後藤 真二 鍋倉 賢治 池上 晴夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.36, no.4, pp.195-201, 1987

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of contraction force and the pooled blood volume in the calf on the pumping action of calf muscle contraction. Calf blood volume was controlled by lower body negative pressure (LBNP) and isometric contraction of calf extensor muscle was performed using a handmade dynamometer in recumbent position. The relative volume changes (&Delta;V/V%) of calf were determined using rubber straingage, when isometric contractions (5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 kg) of the calf muscle were repeated under LBNP of 0, -20, -40, and -60 mmHg.<BR>During resting condition, &Delta; V/V was increased by 1.04% under -20 mmHg LBNP, 1.88% under -40 mmHg, and 2.54% under -60 mmHg. These increases of &Delta;V/V were due to the increased blood pooling in the calf. It was shown that the increased blood volume was almost expelled by several bouts of muscle contractions of proper force. The optimum force of contractions for expelling pooled blood was 20 kg under -20mmHg LBNP, and 40 kg under -40 and -60 mmHg LBNP. And it was apparent that the effectiveness of muscle pump was accumulated with repeating contractions, arriving to a plateau after several bouts.<BR>It was shown that the effect of muscle pump in the given contraction force was more effective under the condition with more amount of blood contained in the calf, but the muscle pumping action by light contraction forces couldn't overcome the effect of severe LBNP.
吉岡 利貢 中垣 浩平 向井 直樹 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.89-98, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between muscle morphological characteristics and running performance. Eighteen elite Japanese male distance runners (10000 m, seasonal best time 29:39.74±0:32.54) completed five 4-min submaximal and approximately 10-min maximal progressive treadmill tests to determine running economy (VO2 at submaximal velocity) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Axial images of the trunk, thigh and shank muscles were taken by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). From these images, cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the psoas major, quadriceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus muscle, hamstring, sartoris, adductor magnus, adductor longus, gracilis, triceps surae, soleus and gastrocnemius were measured. The CSAs were divided by lean-body-mass0.67 measured by air-displacement plethysmography. The mean running economy (VO2 at 310 m/min) was 70.9 ml/kgLBM/min and VO2max was 82.0±4.3 ml/kgLBM/min (76.1±3.2 ml/kgBM/min). Simple correlation analysis revealed a negative association between hamstring CSA and 10000 m time (r=−0.681, p<0.05). On the other hand, quadriceps femoris CSA was positively associated with 10000 m time (r=0.637, p<0.05). Furthermore, triceps surae CSA was significantly correlated with running economy (r=0.573, p<0.05). Thus, these results suggest that hamstring CSA can explain long distance as well as sprint performance.
丹治 史弥 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17116, (Released:2018-07-12)

Step parameters are associated with running economy (RE), but the relationship between these longitudinal changes remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between changes in step parameters and RE at intensities below and above the lactate threshold (LT) in well-trained middle to long-distance runners and to acquire knowledge applicable to coaching. A total of 29 male university students training in distance running (age, 19.4 ± 1.0 yr; height, 171.3 ± 4.5 cm; body weight, 57.1 ± 3.6 kg) participated in the study. Participants performed multistage incremental treadmill tests to measure step parameters (ground contact time: CT; step length: SL; step frequency: SF; leg stiffness: kleg) and RE before and after 4 months of training. Since the LT speed of participants was 16.6 ± 1.1 km・h−1, intensities below, near, and above the LT were set at 13.8 and 15.0 km・h−1, 16.2 km・h−1, and 17.4 and 18.6 km・h−1, respectively. No significant relationships were observed between changes in RE and any of the step parameters at intensities below and near the LT. Moreover, although no significant relationship was noted between changes in RE and both SL and SF, there was a significant positive and negative relationship between changes in RE and CT and kleg, respectively, at intensities above the LT. Changes in kleg showed a strong negative correlation with CT changes at each intensity. It can be concluded from these findings that shortening the CT improves the RE for high-intensity running and that this variation is partly attributable to the improvement in kleg.
山地 啓司 高山 史徳 鍋倉 賢治 YAMAJI Keiji TAKAYAMA Fuminori NABEKURA Yoshiharu
スポーツパフォーマンス研究 = Research journal of sports performance (ISSN:21871787)
vol.8, pp.375-387, 2016
