野島 永 広島大学大学院文学研究科考古学研究室 庄原市教育委員会
vol.3, pp.1-150, 2016-03-31

The Sata-dao group of graves with burial mound, where the excavations were carried out, is located in the urban area on the east side of Shōbara city in the northern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. The group was built between the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period (1st century BC) and the first third of the Late Yayoi period (1st century AD).A series of excavations yielded the following results: Sata-dao No. 1 and 2 are square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precincts (hōkei shūkō bo); No. 3 is a grave with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections (yosumi tosshutsugata funkyū bo); No. 4 is also a grave with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections, but has subsequently been modified and altered into a square-shaped burial mound; No. 5 is a square-shaped ditch-enclosed slightly elevated burial precinct (hōkei shūkō bo), where on the inside of the ditch-enclosed space a grave pit was confirmed.Towards the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period after repeated burials of several individuals, the burial mound of the Sata-dao No. 3 grave was completed. At grave No. 4, which is from the same phase, in the lower strata of the burial mound the surface of the excavation of a grave pit could be confirmed. In other words, it became clear, that at the graves No. 3 and 4 with rectangular burial mound and four corner projections, grave pits were first excavated before the burial mound was finally taking shape. Then the deceased persons were buried within and thereafter the grave pits were backfilled with the soil of the pit excavation. The so repeated iterations of grave pit excavation, burial and backfilling gradually produced the mound. However, on the other hand at Sata-dao grave No.1 and 2 the burials took place after the earthworks of the mound were nearly completed.According to the results of the surveys, within the same group of graves one could confirm that the construction methods of the burial mounds changed: from the type, where the mound and the burial facilities are simultaneously constructed [co-occurrent progression type] of the end of the last third of the Middle Yayoi period to the type, where burial mound construction proceeds first ["mound first" type] of the first third of the Late Yayoi period. It became clear that is a rather rare group of graves with burial mound. This group is not only constructed during a relatively early stage of Yayoi period graves with burial mound, but also it became obvious that this is a very important site, if one is taking into consideration the development of construction methods of burial mounds of Yayoi period graves. Hereafter, for an understanding of the development of construction methods of burial mounds of Yayoi period graves the site is offering important insights.その他のタイトル:庄原市教育委員会発掘調査報告書第28冊本報告は広島大学大学院文学研究科考古学研究室と庄原市教育委員会が提携して推進している共同研究『佐田谷・佐田峠墳墓群の発掘調査』(研究代表者:古瀬清秀)および、『四隅突出型墳丘墓の発達に関する考古学的研究』と題する科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)、課題番号23520922〈研究代表者:野島 永〉)による調査研究の成果を掲載した。
久保田 真功 Makoto KUBOTA 広島大学大学院 Graduate School Hiroshima University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.249-268, 2004-05-20

This paper examines whether the coping behaviors of bullied children can provide effective alternatives to bullying. In addition, the coping behaviors of bullied children are considered to be attempts to modify the stigmatic labels given by gangs of bullies. The subjects are 625 pupils in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. The findings are as follows : (1) The majority of bullied children take actions to cope with bullying in some way, such as consulting with others or trying to solve things themselves. This result suggests that bullied children are not simply nonresistant and passive existence to bullying. (2) There is a close relationship between the coping behaviors of bullied children and the reasons why the bullying ends. This result suggests that the coping behaviors of bullied children can become an opportunity for putting an end to bullying. (3) The number of supporters of bullying and the kinds of bullying affect the duration of bullying, but the coping behaviors of bullied children do not affect the period of bullying. The coping behaviors of bullied children can become an opportunity to end bullying, but do not contribute to an early solution to bullying. These results show that even if bullied children attempt to modify the stigmatic labels given by gangs of bullies, the success or failure is not decided by their coping behaviors but rather by the reaction to these coping behaviors of the children in the area surrounding the bullying. This paper reconfirmed the importance of providing instruction to children in the area surrounding the bullying.