佐藤 茂太郎 斉藤 雄佑
松本大学研究紀要 = The Journal of Matsumoto University (ISSN:13480618)
vol.20, pp.151-157, 2023-03-10

斉藤 雄次
日本地域政策研究 (ISSN:13485539)
vol.25, pp.44-51, 2020-09-30 (Released:2022-02-25)

Recently, various mock councils for high school students are held in Japanese municipalities. The purpose of those practice is to encourage high school students to take an interest in politics, and to advance assembly reform by local council. However, mock councils for high school students has a role of deliberation among participants, such as high school students and local council members. Therefore, if opinion and policy suggested by high school students are discussed in local council, its quality as deliberation will be enhanced. As a result, It will lead to the reflection of youth opinions in society.
斉藤 雄之 羽根 一博
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.58, no.2, pp.343-348, 1992-02-05 (Released:2009-10-08)
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This paper describes photothermoelastic effect occurring at the IC lead's soldered joints. Irradiation of chopped LASER light on a lead frame produces flexural vibration caused by the thermoelastic bending. Conditions of soldered joints were modelled into 3 categories, that is “nomalsoldering”, “lifted leg”, “touching”. Flexural resonance was found in “lifted leg”. And the deflection of a lead frame varied according to the mechanical conditions of soldered joints, when irradiation spot position moved along the surface of a lead frame. Precise analysis of amplitude and phase of the vibration gave information on the conditions of soldered joints. In order to explain the experimental results, a calculation model was made. The thermoelastic bending was calculated under the assumption that the temperature difference existed along the thickness of the shell element. Difference between the phenomena occurring from the PT effect and the conventional photoacoustic effect were also observed through the detection of acoustic wave and optical deflection method.
斉藤 雄之助
南西海区水産研究所研究報告 (ISSN:0388841X)
no.12, pp.p51-68, 1980-03

1976,1977年に瀬戸内海関係14府県の水産試験場ならびにその他関係機関および南西海区水産研究所が沿岸海域藻場調査の一環として実施した藻場干潟分布調査の潜水坪刈調査の結果を用い,瀬戸内海域およびその周辺海域におけるホンダワラ科藻類の分布特性について検討した。(1)この調査においてホンダワラ科の29種の藻類が採集された。(2)調査海域を大阪湾,播磨灘,備讃瀬戸,燧・備後灘,安芸灘,広島湾,伊予灘,周防灘東部域,同西部域,豊後水道,豊後水道外海域,四国南岸域,紀伊水道外海域,紀伊水道の14海域に区分し,各種の各海域における出現率を検討した結果,これらの海域は出現率の類似性からA: 瀬戸内海,B: 紀伊水道およびその外海域,C: 豊後水道域,D: 豊後水道外海域,E: 四国南岸域の5つの群にまとめられ,また瀬戸内海域はa: 大阪湾,播磨灘,b: 備讃瀬戸,c: 燧・備後灘,安芸灘,伊予灘,周防灘東部域,d: 広島湾,周防灘西部域の4つの群にまとめられた。この群をなす区域にはそれぞれ特徴的ないくつかの代表種をもつホンダワラ科藻類の群集が存在することが認められた。(3)各区域毎に種相互の混生の程度を検討した結果,アカモク,ヨレモク,ホンダワラ,ヤツマタモク,ノコギリモクの5種は相互に混生しやすく,またヤツマタモク,ノコギリモク,イソモクの3種間,ネジモクとトゲモク,トゲモクとヨレモクの2種間でも相互の混生の割合が高いことが認められた。(4)検討結果を総合して,アカモク,ハハキモク,フシスジモク,ジョロモク,マメタワラは内湾的性格のより強い種,ネジモク,ナラサモ,トゲモク,タマナシモク,ツクシモク,ナンカイモク,コブクロモク,ヒユウガモク,ヘラモク,ヒジキ,ヤツマタモク,ノコギリモク,オオバノコギリモク,ヨレモク,オオバモク,イソモクは外洋的性格のより強い種であると考えられた。
庄野 直之 金 太一 斉藤 雄介 斎藤 季 斉藤 延人 小山 博史
VR医学 (ISSN:13479342)
vol.13, no.1, pp.20-26, 2015-11-10 (Released:2016-11-30)

BACKGROUND: Subarachnoid hemorrhages may occur spontaneously from a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. The placement of clips around the neck of the aneurysm (clipping) is one of the very common surgical treatments. However, clipping is a challenging surgery for most neurosurgeons. To help support the surgeon’s decision-making process and preoperative surgical planning, we developed a VR clipping simulator (ClipSim).METHODS: High definition 3DCG models such as aneurysms, arteries, and brain were segmented by Amira® software (FEI, Hillsboro, OR) and surgical clips were modeled by Maya® software (Autodesk, San Rafael, CA). These models were integrated and simulated into Unity® (Unity Technologies, San Francisco, CA) software.RESULTS: We successfully developed a real-time, interactive, clipping simulator with an aneurysm deformable model used by PhysX real-time physics engine (Ageia, Santa Clara, CA). In conclusion, the simulator may be useful prior to surgery during the surgeon’s decision making process for selecting the most appropriate clips.
許斐 氏元 鈴木 衞 小川 恭生 大塚 康司 萩原 晃 稲垣 太郎 井谷 茂人 斉藤 雄
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.73, no.6, pp.502-511, 2014-12-31 (Released:2015-02-01)
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This study was performed to determine the frequency and degree of sleep disturbance in patients with dizziness using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Japanese Version (PSQI-J), and investigate the relationship between dizziness and sleep disturbance. Fifty-two patients (20 male, 32 female) with a chief complaint of dizziness visited the dizziness clinic of the Department of Otolaryngology, Tokyo Medical University, for 3 months in 2013. The patients' age (average ± standard deviation) was 54.4±17.0 years (range, 10-88 years). The average PSQI global score was 7.6±4.2 points, which exceeds the 5.5-point cut-off for insomnia. In total, 67.3% of patients scored >6 points, and 35.8% scored >9 points, indicating definite sleep disturbance. With respect to the demography of disease groups, patients with Meniere's disease scored an average of 7.9 points, those with autonomic imbalance scored 8.8 points, and those with psychogenic dizziness scored 9.7 points; all of these diseases were associated with high PSQI scores. Patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and patients with no abnormal findings showed relatively low scores (6.7 and 5.3 points, respectively). Patients with suspected sleep apnea syndrome, restless leg syndrome, and parasomnias tended to show high scores (>10 points). A high rate and high grade of sleep disturbance were confirmed in patients with dizziness, indicating that sleep quality affects several types of dizziness and vertigo. Understanding sleep disorders is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness and provides a new perspective on the etiology of dizziness.
斉藤 雄一 堀内 三郎
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.283, pp.150-159, 1979

We made a research on the fire spreading speed of wooden houses in the downwind eddy behind a fire-resistant building. This report runs as follows : -(1) Eddy areas were observed carefully, and a reattachment point were obtained in connection with the aspect ratio of the building. The reattachment point is the downwind limit of the eddy. (2) Distributions of the wind velocity in the eddy were searched. Its maximum value appears in the middle point between the building front and the reattachment point. (3) The relations between V_∞ and V_i were investigated in the wind tunnel. V_∞ means the velocity of wind which blows in the sky higher than the building and is free from the influence of it. V_i is that of the inverse flow in the downwind eddy behind the building. A formula combining V_∞ and V_i was obtained. (4) The buring tests were made in following two ways A & B. A : fire spreading speed from the ignited crib to the adjacent downwind crib. B : fire spreading speed from the adjacent crib to the further adjacent crib. Each case of A & B was done with 3 scaled cribs (i.e. 1/200, 1/100, 1/80 of full scale). (5) The relationships of experimental fire spreading speed in regard to above mentioned 3 scales were obtained by the method of least square. (6) The relationships of (5) were extended to scale 1/1 (full size) by exrtrapolation. Comparing the results gotten by extrapolation wite those by an actual fire spreading speed formula (for instance, Hamada's formula) using V_i instead of V_∞, the former proved to be about 50% of the latter. (7) The fire spreading formula obtained from the above results was applied to actual fires, and the obtained values were compared with the actual values of the fire data. They proved to be approximately equal. Conclusion : The fire spreading speed of wooden houses in the downwind eddy behind a fire-resistant building are scarcely about 50% of ones by another fire spreading formula, using inverse wind velocity V_i instead of fair wind V_∞.
可児 久典 山川 洋右 丹羽 宏 桐山 昌伸 深井 一郎 近藤 知史 斉藤 雄史 佐々木 秀文 横山 智輝 藤井 義敬
気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.19, no.5, pp.414-417, 1997-07-25

症例は, 54歳の男性。1996年5月より咳嗽, 喀痰が出現し, 人間ドックにて胸部異常陰影を指摘されたため, 当科紹介受診となった。喀痰細胞診でClass V(腺癌), 気管支鏡検査では, 右上葉気管支入口部にポリープ状の腫瘍をみとめ, 生検で扁平上皮癌の診断を得た。このため右肺上葉原発の扁平上皮癌の診断で, 6月18日右上葉楔状切除術を施行した。術後の検索にて, 腫瘍は右S^2原発の腺扁平上皮癌で, 気管支内腔をポリープ状に発育しており, pT2N0M0 stage Iであった。気管支内腔をポリープ状に進展する腫瘍は原発性肺癌, カルチノイド, 転移性肺腫瘍等でみられるが, 肺癌の場合は扁平上皮癌が大半を占める。腺扁平上皮癌はその頻度も少なく, 内視鏡的所見や発育形態も定かではない。本例は末梢から発生し気管支内腔をポリープ状に進展した腺扁平上皮癌として, 興味のある症例であると思われた。