牛来 千穂子 水落 文夫 内山 治樹
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.961-981, 2022 (Released:2022-11-18)

This study aimed to develop a “Scale for Teamwork in Sport” (STS) and examine its reliability and validity. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 432 athletes from 45 university sports teams across Japan. Based on exploratory factor analysis, 4 upper factors, 10 lower factors, and 40 items were extracted. The 4 upper factors, “team orientation”, “team leadership”, “team process”, and “communication” corresponded to Dickinson and McIntyre's (1997) conceptual model. The following results were obtained regarding the reliability and validity of the STS: 1) Its reliability was confirmed via sufficient internal consistency and temporal stability of Cronbach's alpha and retest reliability coefficients. 2) A significant correlation was found between the STS and factors of an existing scale. The average score for each STS factor of the team with high competition level was significantly high. Therefore, the criterion-related validity of the scale was supported. 3) As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness-of-fit of the model found in all 4 scales corresponded to the upper factors. In addition, covariance structure analysis was conducted on the validation model, and its goodness-of-fit was acceptable. Furthermore, significant path coefficients were confirmed among the elements, which excluded the path from “monitoring” to “coordination”. These results support the construct validity of the STS. These findings indicate that the STS has high reliability and validity and can evaluate teamwork in sports from a comprehensive and process perspective. Hence, a new simplified scale was developed that conformed to Dickinson and McIntyre's (1997) teamwork model and could be used in sports. These results provide new insight on team building.
牛来 千穂子 水落 文夫 内山 治樹
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.36, no.2, pp.177-188, 2023-03-20 (Released:2023-03-31)

This study aimed to develop a “questionnaire for shared mental models of a basketball team”, based on the classification of shared mental models by Cannon-Bowers et al. (1993), and examine its reliability and validity. We conducted a questionnaire survey with 453 players from university basketball clubs in Japan. Based on an exploratory factor analysis, four factors and 16 items were extracted. The four factors corresponded to the classification of the shared mental models. The following results were obtained regarding the reliability and validity of the “questionnaire for shared mental models of a basketball team”: 1) Its reliability was confirmed via sufficient internal consistency, temporal stability of Cronbach's alpha, and retest reliability coefficients. 2) A significant correlation was found between the developed scale and factors of an existing scale. The average score of each factor of the team with a high competition level was significantly high. Therefore, the scale's criterion-related validity was supported. 3) As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness-of-fit of the model was recognized. Additionally, the validity of the construct of the developed scale was supported. Thus, the “questionnaire for shared mental models of a basketball team” had high reliability and validity. Furthermore, it appropriately evaluated shared mental models in basketball. In conclusion, we developed a new simple scale that conformed to the classification of shared mental models by Cannon-Bowers et al. (1993) and could be used in the field of competition. The results of this study provide a new perspective on team building in basketball.
水落 文夫

九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:生工博甲第321号 学位授与年月日:平成30年3月23日
田中 輝海 水落 文夫
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.40, no.1, pp.43-57, 2013 (Released:2013-04-27)

In the present study we aimed to confirm that no antagonistic relation exists in the expression between positive and negative affects in male university athletes, and to examine the relation of the positive affect in coping with an aggravating burnout tendency. The subjects for analysis were 456 male university athletes belonging to athletic clubs. We evaluated the positive and negative affects that were characteristic of these athletes by the Japanese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scales. By making an inter-group comparison of the burnout tendency that was classified by the two affects evaluated by the Athletic Burnout Inventory, we obtained the following findings:1) It was confirmed that, even among male university athletes, the expressions of positive and negative affects did not show any mutually antagonistic relationship.2) It was suggested that the relation of the positive affect toward the aggravated burnout tendency acted in a suppressive manner.3) The athletes who usually had a higher level of the expression of negative affect were prone to rather show a suppressive effect from the positive affect upon the burnout tendency. This was observed for all the factors, such as a feeling of emotional exhaustion toward a sports event, a decrease in the individual sense of accomplishment, a lack of communication with his teammates, and a confused self-commitment to a sports event.
柳田 亮 小川 洋二郎 水落 文夫 鈴木 典 高橋 正則 岩崎 賢一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.3, pp.417-422, 2012 (Released:2012-06-26)

Objective: Altitude training is frequently used for athletes requiring competitive endurance in an attempt to improve their sea-level performance. However, there has been no study in which the mechanisms by which spontaneous arterial-cardiac baroreflex function changes was examined in responders or nonresponders of altitude training. The purpose of this study was to clarify the different effects of altitude training on baroreflex function between responders and nonresponders. Methods: Twelve university student cross-country skiers (6 men, 6 women; age, 19±1 years) participated in the altitude training in a camp for 3 weeks, which was carried out in accordance with the method of Living High-Training Low. Baroreflex function was estimated by transfer function analysis before and after the training. Results: The responders of the training were 3 men and 2 women, and the nonresponders were 3 men and 4 women. In the responders, the transfer function gain in the high-frequency range significantly increased after the training (28.9→46.5 ms/mmHg p=0.021). On the other hand, no significant change in this index was observed in the nonresponders (25.9→21.2 ms/mmHg p=0.405). Conclusion: As indicated by the results of transfer function gain in the high-frequency range, the baroreflex function in the responders increased significantly after the altitude training, whereas no significant change was observed in the nonresponders.
牛来 千穂子 水落 文夫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.99_3, 2017

<p> バスケットボール競技の現場では、連続してシュートを成功させると、その選手はパフォーマンスに対する自信と成功への期待を高め、「シュートタッチ」やその後のシュート時の諸動作がスムーズになることから、シュートが入りやすくなると信じられている。このhot hand現象を支持する研究報告の例として、Smith(2003)はhot hand現象の生起に関して、成功体験による正の強化が、自己効力感を高めパフォーマンスを向上させるとしている。一方で、誤認知であり単なる偶然に過ぎないという報告もみられる。しかし、実際にシュートの連続成功場面における、シューターのシュート動作と心理状態の変化を検討した研究は見当たらない。そこで本研究では、hot hand現象の生起、及びその際のシュート動作と心理状態との関係について、男子大学生バスケットボール選手らに行ったインタビューデータの質的分析と、3ポイントシュートを課題とする連続シュート実験によって検討した。連続シュート実験では、二次元気分尺度(TDMS)を用いてhot hand現象が生起している際の感情状態を経時的に評価し、シュート動作を撮影した動画を用いて3次元動作解析を行った。</p>
三井 梨紗子 北村 勝朗 水落 文夫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.141_3, 2019

<p> 多くのスポーツ競技で女性エリート選手の競技力は向上しているが、スポーツ競技現場の指導者およびスポーツ組織の意思決定機関において活躍する女性は依然として少ない(山口, 2013)。この課題の背景には、優秀な女性指導者の指導にみられる有利性の存在や、その特徴に対する不十分な認識があると考えられる。とりわけ、スポーツ集団の指導で優秀な競技成績を達成する例が注目されていることから、現状では優れた女性指導者による女性スポーツ集団および選手への指導を理解することが期待される。本研究は、スポーツ採点競技における女性スポーツ集団に対する優れた女性指導者の指導観および指導方略について、定性的な研究法を用いて可視化することを目的とする。この目的を達成するために、女性スポーツ集団および選手に対する女性指導者という関係で、長期にわたり世界トップレベルの競技成績を維持するアーティスティックスイミング競技(採点競技)に着目し、その指導者を調査対象として選定した。インタビューデータから37の標題が得られ、3つのカテゴリーと8つのサブカテゴリーに分類された。その結果、対象女性指導者の指導観および指導の視点が明らかになった。</p>