久保 昂大 杉山 佳生 内田 若希
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2022-2110, (Released:2022-06-30)

Although the problems associated with corporal punishment have been identified, its use has yet to be dispensed with. To eliminate corporal punishment, it is necessary to prevent its proliferation, as those who have experienced it tend to impose it on the next generation of students. Accordingly, comprehending the psychological mechanism by which those who have experienced corporal punishment in the past accept it now is critical to its successful abolition. This study explored the relationship between positive perceptions and gratitude toward personal past experience of corporal punishment, as well as the relationship between these perceptions and emotions and favorable attitudes toward corporal punishment. An online survey was administered to those who had experienced corporal punishment in the past. The results revealed a link between positive perception and gratitude for the experience. A positive perception toward the experience was directly linked to acceptance and implementation of corporeal punishment. Moreover, gratitude for the experience was related to favorable attitudes toward corporal punishment via the positive perception of the experience. These findings are useful for examining approaches to changing the favorable attitudes toward corporal punishment held by those who have experienced it in the past.
松田 晃二郎 須﨑 康臣 向 晃佑 杉山 佳生
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.45, no.2, pp.73-87, 2018-09-30 (Released:2018-10-04)
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The present study aimed to explore the psychological growth achieved by athletes during coping with the yips. We interviewed six university baseball players (mean age=21.0 years, SD=1.15 years) who experienced the yips using the episode interview method and then gathered narrative data related to the experience of the yips or the psychological growth accompanying the same. As a result of analysis of the data, it was roughly divided into two types of narratives: “narratives of negative psychological changes accompanying the experience of the yips” and “narratives of psychological growth accompanying the experience of the yips.” Further analysis of the latter yielded the following five category groups on psychological growth: “positive changes in consciousness of competition,” “changes in self-recognition,” “mental margin,” “changes in the views of a way of others,” and “deepening of understanding of competition.” These results suggest that the experience of the yips leads to negative as well as positive psychological changes in the athlete.
相羽 枝莉子 松田 晃二郎 児玉 亜由実 杉山 佳生
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2021-2106, (Released:2022-02-25)

The purpose of this study was to develop the Emotion Regulation Strategies scales in Sports competition (ERSS), and to investigate the patterns of tendency to use emotion regulation strategies during games with the competition results. In Study 1, a total of 513 athletes were investigated using a preliminary scale, and through exploratory factor analysis, six factors (positive refocusing, self-blame, conversion of viewpoint, emotional suppression, problem-solving, and rumination) were extracted, and the ERSS was developed. In Study 2, a total of 327 athletes, who different from the subjects in Study 1, completed the ERSS to confirm its validity, together with its related scales. All the subscales correlated with their relevant subscales in the expected directions, and the test–retest reliability was .41–.71 (p < .01). In addition, we analyzed ERSS subscale scores with cluster analysis, and the participants were classified into four clusters. The first cluster consisted of athletes who were more likely to use all the emotion regulation strategies; the second cluster consisted of athletes who were less likely to use all the strategies; the third cluster consisted of athletes who were more likely to use positive refocusing; and the fourth cluster consisted of athletes who were more likely to use problem-solving and emotional suppression. We conducted a chi-square test to investigate the association between the clusters and the level of competition. While we found no significant differences in any of them, we did identify a marginally significant difference in the first cluster.
河津 慶太 杉山 佳生 中須賀 巧
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.39, no.2, pp.153-167, 2012 (Released:2012-11-23)
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The purpose of this article is to evaluate the collective efficacy of sport teams and to investigate whether the relationships among collective efficacy, the behavior of sportspersons during a game, and team performance differs depending on the type of sporting event. Hence, we developed and examined a scale of efficacy to measure the above relationships in the first part of the study and applied this instrument in the second part of the study. The results of the first part of the study indicated that our scale consisted of 10 items with one common factor and had internal consistency, stability, construct validity, and criterion-related validity. In the second part of the study, we conducted a simultaneous analysis of several groups in order to investigate the above relationships. The results showed that the relationships among collective efficacy, the behavior of sportspersons during a game, and team performance differed depending on the type of sporting event. From these results, we inferred that the impact of different sporting events should be considered while examining the effects of collective efficacy on team performance.
橋本 公雄 丸野 俊一 徳永 幹雄 西村 秀樹 山本 教人 中島 俊介 杉山 佳生 藤永 博

本研究は、運動・スポーツで経験されるドラマチックな体験が、青少年の生きる力にどのような影響を及ぼしているのかについて、質的および量的側面から検討することを目的とした。ここでは、ドラマチック体験を「練習や試合を通して体験した心に残るよい出来事や悪い出来事を含むエピソード」と定義し、試合場面における、たとえば逆転勝利などの劇的な瞬間だけでなく、普段の練習の過程でもみられる様々なエピソードも含めて捉えることとした。また、生きる力は、ライフスキルの概念と類似しているため、量的側面の分析では、スポーツドラマチック体験の学校生活におけるライフスキルに及ぼす影響を分析した。質的研究は、大学生(一般学生と体育部学生)を対象に、自由記述およびインタビューによって、どのような場面でドラマチックな体験が生じているのか、またその体験が心理、社会、身体、および生活上にどのような影響をもたらしたかを分析した。その結果、ドラマチック体験として、成功体験、失敗体験、試合体験、出会い体験、克服体験、課題遂行体験、役割遂行体験などが抽出され、心理的(自信や意欲)、身体的(技能向上)、社会的(協力や他者への思い)、人生・生活観(将来の見通しや人生観)にポジティブな影響を及ぼし、ドラマチック体験が生きる力に寄与していることが明らかにされた。また、ドラマチック体験尺度(Inventory of Dramatic Experience for Sport : IDES)の開発を試み、「努力の積み重ねへの気づき」「技術向上への気づき」「対人トラブルによる自己反省」の3因子、13項目からなる尺度を作成した。ドラマチック体験(独立変数)と学校生活スキル(従属変数)との関連では、時間的展望、QOL,自己効力感を媒介変数とする共分散構造分析を行い、モデルの検証をした。さらに、本研究では運動・スポーツ活動ばかりではなく、自然体験なども生きる力には関連するものと思われ、グリーンツーリズムや野外キャンプにおけるコミュニケーションに関しての考察を行った。
中須賀 巧 阪田 俊輔 杉山 佳生
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.623-639, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)
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Causal relationships among perceived motivational climates in physical education classes, goal orientations, and “Zest for Living” were investigated reciprocally in junior high school students. This longitudinal study involved 1045 junior high school students (mean age = 13.9±0.8 years) who completed questionnaires on 5 occasions at 2-month intervals throughout the academic year. The measures used included a questionnaire on motivational climates in physical education (mastery climate, cooperative climate, and performance climate), a scale assessing goal orientations (student task orientation and student ego orientation), and a scale assessing Zest for Living. The validity of the 5-wave cross-lagged effect model was verified using structural equation modeling. The results of the study suggested the following processes: (1) The mastery climate and cooperative climate had positive causal effects on Zest for Living. (2) The mastery climate and cooperative climate had positive causal effects on Zest for Living through mediation of task orientation, and exhibited a positive cycle. (3) The performance climate had positive causal effects on ego orientation, but negative causal effects on task orientation. In conclusion, to enhance Zest for Living in junior high school students, it is important for teachers to cultivate a mastery climate and cooperation climate in physical education classes. In addition, the performance climate in physical education classes has an indirect negative impact on Zest for Living.
元嶋 菜美香 杉山 佳生
生涯スポーツ学研究 (ISSN:13488619)
vol.19, no.1, pp.27-36, 2022 (Released:2022-12-07)

Sports volunteers are essential for maintaining and promoting the sports environment. However, with the diversification of activities and changes in individual values, there are a lot of problems. Because of the chronic shortfall of sports volunteers, it is important to identify factors of participation and continuity in recent years.   The purpose of this study is to organize the research methods and factors through a systematic review of studies on the factors of participation and continuity of sports volunteers, and to overview the gap between definitions and actual activities. We selected 32 articles published in Japan that research on factors related to participation and continuation of sports volunteers.   As a result, 18 studies did not specify the definitions of sports volunteers in their studies. Secondly, the common research methods were questionnaires using original scales, and no studies using theoretical models that included continuation behavior. We summarized the factors associated with participation and continuation, most common motive for participation was altruistic. In addition, it was suggested that positive experiences such as "enjoyment" and "satisfaction" in the activity may contribute to the sports volunteer’s continuation.   Finally, it was suggested that the type of sports support activities covered by the survey deviated from the definition of sports volunteerism, and that the survey participants may have a different perception from the definition.
相羽 枝莉子 松田 晃二郎 児玉 亜由実 杉山 佳生
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.49, no.1, pp.33-47, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-03-31)

The purpose of this study was to develop the Emotion Regulation Strategies scales in Sports competition (ERSS), and to investigate the patterns of tendency to use emotion regulation strategies during games with the competition results. In Study 1, a total of 513 athletes were investigated using a preliminary scale, and through exploratory factor analysis, six factors (positive refocusing, self-blame, conversion of viewpoint, emotional suppression, problem-solving, and rumination) were extracted, and the ERSS was developed. In Study 2, a total of 327 athletes, who different from the subjects in Study 1, completed the ERSS to confirm its validity, together with its related scales. All the subscales correlated with their relevant subscales in the expected directions, and the test–retest reliability was .41–.71 (p < .01). In addition, we analyzed ERSS subscale scores with cluster analysis, and the participants were classified into four clusters. The first cluster consisted of athletes who were more likely to use all the emotion regulation strategies; the second cluster consisted of athletes who were less likely to use all the strategies; the third cluster consisted of athletes who were more likely to use positive refocusing; and the fourth cluster consisted of athletes who were more likely to use problem-solving and emotional suppression. We conducted a chi-square test to investigate the association between the clusters and the level of competition. While we found no significant differences in any of them, we did identify a marginally significant difference in the first cluster.
工藤 慈士 佐藤 大典 草薙 健太 杉山 佳生
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.1, pp.1_51-1_62, 2022 (Released:2022-01-20)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease has become a global pandemic, causing various activities to be restricted in Japan. Thus, we investigated university swimmers’ perceptions of the COVID-19 restrictions and how they thought these impacted their sport, along with an exploratory identification of their psychological states. We asked 108 university swimmers (men 74 and women 34; mean age 19.82, [SD 1.17] years) to describe their psychological states during the pandemic. Data analysis involved collection of descriptions and quantitative context analysis or text mining using the KJ method with KH coder software. Following analysis, six categories emerged: “infection prevention and control,” “gratitude,” “preparing for the restart,” “uncertainly about the future,” “physical decline,” and “psychological decline.” In addition, results of the qualitative analysis confirmed the relationship between the words “swimming” and “feeling,” “feeling” and “can swim.” These results suggest that university swimmers consider their sport and themselves during periods of inactivity and that it will be useful for the sporting community to research the psychological states of university swimmers during the global pandemic.
杉山 佳生
公益社団法人 全国大学体育連合
大学体育学 (ISSN:13491296)
vol.5, pp.3-11, 2008

松田 晃二郎 須﨑 康臣 向 晃佑 杉山 佳生
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2018-1715, (Released:2018-09-28)
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The present study aimed to explore the psychological growth achieved by athletes during coping with the yips. We interviewed six university baseball players (mean age=21.0 years, SD=1.15 years) who experienced the yips using the episode interview method and then gathered narrative data related to the experience of the yips or the psychological growth accompanying the same. As a result of analysis of the data, it was roughly divided into two types of narratives: “narratives of negative psychological changes accompanying the experience of the yips” and “narratives of psychological growth accompanying the experience of the yips.” Further analysis of the latter yielded the following five category groups on psychological growth: “positive changes in consciousness of competition,” “changes in self-recognition,” “mental margin,” “changes in the views of a way of others,” and “deepening of understanding of competition.” These results suggest that the experience of the yips leads to negative as well as positive psychological changes in the athlete.