村上 しほり 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 角 哲 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2441-2450, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

This paper aims to clarify the GHQ military disposition which changed rapidly and nationwide location of Dependent Housing (army family house) and the numerical transformation process in the occupied Japan by the U.S. document. Soon after Japanese people had begun to convert the building stock which was left after WWII, occupation forces were stationed in each place and began the requisition. The occupation forces requisitioned the building which was judged to be available locally in the short term and they rehabilitate it and used. D.H. was built approximately 12,000 houses, and about 70% was built newly in Japan. The construction of D.H. was hurried, and because material was short, it was often supplied in black markets. And, by grasp of the numerical transformation process of D.H., the different requisition situation and situation of distribution became clear in each district. 9 districts where there were dependents more than 200 households as of June 1, 1948 are as follows in decreasing order. Tokyo, Yokohama area, Tachikawa, Osaka area, Kobe, Johnson, Yokota, Nagoya area, Kyoto. It's that there was the large-scale new construction enlargement is more than 50 in there having been enlargement in 8 districts in 12 districts belonging to the 5th Air Force, 5 districts (Nagoya, Tachikawa, Johnson, Itazuke, Itami) of those to understand from the numerical changes from June 1948 to October 1950. Enlargement was not seen in the district that belonged to the 11th AirBorn Division (Sapporo, Hachinohe, Jinmachi), the 1st Cavarly Division (Asaka, Nagai, Ota, Omiya), BCOF (Etajima, Miho, Hofu, Fukuyama), Navy (Totsuka), the 5thA/F (Kisarazu, Chitose, Kanoya) and the 24th Infantry Division (Kumamoto, Beppu). From the number of new construction and rehabilitation and the numerical transformation, it was inferred that the situation peculiar to the occupied area had an influence on the judgment of the requisition and the D.H. construction. Procurement demands of the occupation forces disturbed inflection of building stock of the city space attacked by the war damage. It's the fact that we can't overlook in thinking about after the war of each city. The requisition house rebuilt as a general tendency became the derequisition earlier than new construction. The new D.H. has many examples removed with the return of the requisition, and there are many still uncertain points because there is little number of the existence. In this study, it was clarified that correlation of military unit deployment and D.H. of the occupation forces by the cross-reference of records of the both Japan and the United States. The result of this study will make the base that pushes forward the study on history of city and building in each occupied area.
角 哲 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 村上 しほり 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.617-627, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

The purpose of this article is to clarify the construction process and features of Camp Crawford in Makomanai, Sapporo. It was named after Joseph Ury Crawford, advisor and U.S. railway engineer of the Hokkaido development commission (Kaitakushi). Upon the occupation of Japan, the general headquarters (GHQ) set the 9th corps, 8th army’s headquarters in Sapporo, chosen primarily because of Hokkaido’s location. Several notable cities in Japan were war damaged, hence had little facility stocks. Sapporo, on the other hand, was intact and had enough supplies. These were essential aspects in establishing the headquarters in Sapporo. GHQ ordered the Japanese government to construct 20,000 dependent housings (DH) in March 1946. This proved difficult because building materials were scarce, so some construction projects were stopped. However, deemed by the government as essential in the Cold War due to its strategic location, Camp Crawford’s construction continued and was erected quickly in Sapporo. GHQ appropriated the land of the Hokkaido Animal Husbandry Experimental Station Makomanai as the site. It was located south of Sapporo’s city center, about 4-6 kilometers away, upstream of Toyohira river. Jozankei railways was at the eastern side. These proved valuable to maintaining good living conditions and sanitation. Also, beneficial for swift construction. Private contractors organized a special union to construct the new camp. The union received the contract as a single unit. This approach was outstanding at that time since it can be recognized as the initial stages of a joint venture (JV) agreement. The JV was definitively established during the 1950’s in Japan. Construction was delayed but eventually completed as supply of building materials for this particular camp was a priority. 8th army head Eichelberger evaluated it as “too expensive.” Consider though, that the camp had several facilities and covered a vast plot of land. Also, the land area for one DH was the largest among all camps in Japan. The DH and troop housing (TH) were developed concurrently, a unique feature here since, typically in GHQ’s camps across Japan, these would be built separately. This camp’s site plan was influenced by topography and old facilities. TH and DH areas were situated in the eastern part of the site where it was dry and higher than the west. The service facilities were on the west amidst gently rolling terrain. TH was on the upper section of the site’s eastern part, laid out on a grid using the old farm road. Below it, the DH was arranged on curved roads, following GHQ standard. Several facilities were added, making the camp almost a small city. TH area had, among others, an office, PX, bakery, church, theater, clubs, library, gym, sports grounds, and golf link. DH area had detached and row houses using GHQ standards, except for the roof material. Instead, the roof was finished with sheet iron, characteristic of the cold region, and contributing to high costs. However, the GHQ used existing facilities and new buildings were simple. The camp was generally using excellent specifications when compared to Japanese buildings at that time. After derequisition, late 1950's, the site was transformed to the Japan Self-Defense Force Base and a prefectural residential area, Makomanai Danchi. The DH area was once used as Olympic village, the golf link for stadiums. Camp Crawford is the foundation of present residential suburbs.
水島 あかね 玉田 浩之
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
日本都市計画学会関西支部研究発表会講演概要集 (ISSN:1348592X)
vol.16, pp.1-4, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

神戸市垂水区の塩屋には、1933年より、神戸在住英国人実業家アーネスト・ウィリアム・ジェームスが開発された通称ジェームス山と呼ばれる外国人居住地がある。本研究はジェームスが構想していたジェームス山の拡張計画の一端を明らかにすることを目的としている。 ジェームスの構想は高丸全てを開発するという壮大なものだった。その背景には、ジェームスがかねてから述べていた「外遊客誘致のための裏山の開発」の実現という強い思いがあったと考えられる。残念ながら、志半ばでジェームスはこの世を去るが、生きていたら更に私財を投げ打って土地を購入していたことが想像できる。その後、ジェームスの構想を引き継いだ井植によって、新たな住宅地が開発されることになった。
大場 修 村上 しほり 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 長田 城治 角 哲 原戸 喜代里

永井 康雄 池上 重康 月舘 敏栄 角 哲 崎山 俊雄 狩野 勝重 川向 正人 三辻 和弥 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 小俣 友輝
