木越 清信 尾縣 貢 田内 健二 大山 卞 圭悟 高松 薫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.2, pp.167-178, 2003-04-01 (Released:2010-12-10)
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本研究の目的は, 5秒間の全力ペダリング運動中における座位姿勢の変化が下肢筋群の筋活動および最大パワーに及ぼす影響を明らかにすることであった.被験者には, 大学陸上競技部に所属する男性10名 (21.5±1.9yrs, 178.8±4.7cm, 71.0±5.6kg) を用い, シートの高さを変化させた3種類 (High, MiddleおよびLow) の試技条件下で, それぞれ5秒間のペダリング運動を体重×0.1kpの負荷で行わせた.主な結果は以下の通りである.1.3回転の最大パワーは, HighがLowと比較して有意に高値を示した.2.骨盤傾斜角度は, HighおよびMiddleがLowと比較して有意に高値を示した.3.膝関節最大伸展角度および屈曲角度は, High, MiddleおよびLowの川頁に有意に高値を示した.4.脊柱起立筋および大腿二頭筋におけるmEMGは, HighがLowと比較して有意に高値を示した.5.Highにおいては, 3回転の最大パワーと大殿筋におけるmEMGとの間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた.また, 3回転の最大パワーと大腿二頭筋および外側広筋におけるmEMGとの間に正の相関傾向が認められた.以上の結果から, 5秒間の全力ペダリング運動において, シート高の変化による座位姿勢変化は下肢筋群, 特に股関節伸展筋群の筋張力および最大パワーに影響を及ぼす可能性があることが示唆された.
尹 聖鎮 田内 健二 高松 薫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.48, no.1, pp.15-25, 2003-01-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

瀧川 寛子 堀内 元 田内 健二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.143-152, 2020 (Released:2020-02-25)

The purpose of this study was to investigate motion factors in female javelin throwers during success and failure trials from a biomechanical standpoint. Fourteen throwers who participated in the Japanese Women’s Javelin Championships Final were investigated during both success trials and failure trials and the results were compared. The success trial was set as the best record and the failure trial as the worst record. Timing points of throwing motion were set at right foot contact (R-on), left foot contact (L-on) and javelin release (REL). The main results were as follows; 1) There was no significant difference in approach velocity between the success and failure trials. 2) In the success trials, peak speeds of the right shoulder, elbow joint and javelin were higher than those in the failure trials. 3) In the success trials, the left rotation velocity of the shoulder angle was larger than that in the failure trials just after L-on. 4) In the success trials, the forward rotational velocity of the trunk was larger than that in the failure trials just after L-on. 5) In the success trials, the throwers maintained a more extended position of the left knee angle than in the failure trials between L-on and REL. These results revealed that superiority or inferiority for female javelin throwers at the same competition level was determined not by the approach velocity, but by the blocking motion of the left leg. Although the importance of this left leg blocking motion has been reported many times in previous studies of throwers with different performance levels, it has been shown here to play an important role in the success of individual performance.
豊嶋 陵司 田内 健二 遠藤 俊典 礒 繁雄 桜井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14062, (Released:2015-04-30)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the biomechanical factors that influence intra-individual variations in step frequency (SF) and length (SL) during sprint running. One male sprinter participated as a study subject, and performed a 60-m sprint at maximal effort. Experiments were conducted 5 times, with a total number of 14 trials. The ground reaction force and positions of markers attached to the joints were recorded using force plates and a motion capture system. Trials were divided into SF type and SL type depending on the SF/SL ratio, and the kinematic variables and ground reaction force were compared. The main results were as follows.   1)  There were no significant differences in sprint velocity and stance time between the SF type and the SL type.   2)  The flight time of the SL type was longer than that of the SF type.   3)  Vertical components of the ground reaction force and impulse during the stance phase were larger for the SL type than for the SF type.   4)  The thigh angle of the swing leg was larger for the SL type than for the SF type during almost all phases.   5)  The hip joint of the swing leg was flexed to a greater degree during the stance phase and first half of the flight phase for the SL type than for the SF type.   6)  There were no marked differences in the segment and joint angular velocities between the SF type and the SL type.   These results indicate that changes in step frequency and step length with flight time are due to an increase or decrease of vertical impulse. Moreover, it was revealed that vertical impulse is influenced by the thigh angle of the swing leg during the stance phase, rather than by the angular velocity of the swing leg.
瀧川 寛子 田内 健二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.595-606, 2020 (Released:2020-10-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether gender differences in motion factors affect throwing record in the javelin throw. Data on javelin throwing motion were collected from 91 male and 81 female right-handed javelin throwers covering a wide range of levels during several competitions (including the gold medalist at the 2007 IAAF World Championships in Osaka). The throwers and javelin movements were recorded with 2 cameras at 60 fps, and three-dimensional coordinates were calculated using Direct Linear Transformation (DLT). The throwing motion timing points examined were the final right foot contact (R-on), the left foot contact (L-on), and the release of the javelin (REL). Moreover, the period between R-on and L-on was considered the preparatory phase, and that between L-on and REL the throwing phase. The main results were as follows: (1) Females showed a slower center of gravity velocity than males at all time points. (2) At L-on, females showed greater left rotation of the shoulder and hip angle (in the trunk open state). (3) The shoulder rotation angle of females at L-on showed a significant positive correlation with the throwing record. These results suggest that the characteristics of throwing motion in females differ from those of males. The torso of female javelin throwers showed greater left rotation than that of males in the preparatory phase, suggesting that there are gender differences of motion factors in the javelin throw. These may be attributable to gender differences in physique, muscle strength, and joint laxity.
豊嶋 陵司 田内 健二 遠藤 俊典 礒 繁雄 桜井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.1, pp.197-208, 2015 (Released:2015-06-13)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the biomechanical factors that influence intra-individual variations in step frequency (SF) and length (SL) during sprint running. One male sprinter participated as a study subject, and performed a 60-m sprint at maximal effort. Experiments were conducted 5 times, with a total number of 14 trials. The ground reaction force and positions of markers attached to the joints were recorded using force plates and a motion capture system. Trials were divided into SF type and SL type depending on the SF/SL ratio, and the kinematic variables and ground reaction force were compared. The main results were as follows.   1)  There were no significant differences in sprint velocity and stance time between the SF type and the SL type.   2)  The flight time of the SL type was longer than that of the SF type.   3)  Vertical components of the ground reaction force and impulse during the stance phase were larger for the SL type than for the SF type.   4)  The thigh angle of the swing leg was larger for the SL type than for the SF type during almost all phases.   5)  The hip joint of the swing leg was flexed to a greater degree during the stance phase and first half of the flight phase for the SL type than for the SF type.   6)  There were no marked differences in the segment and joint angular velocities between the SF type and the SL type.   These results indicate that changes in step frequency and step length with flight time are due to an increase or decrease of vertical impulse. Moreover, it was revealed that vertical impulse is influenced by the thigh angle of the swing leg during the stance phase, rather than by the angular velocity of the swing leg.
遠藤 俊典 田内 健二 木越 清信 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.2, pp.149-159, 2007-03-10 (Released:2007-06-21)
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A study was conducted to investigate the age-related development of rebound and counter movement jumping ability. A total of 1137 boys (6 yr: 59, 7 yr: 82, 8 yr: 69, 9 yr: 142, 10 yr: 105, 11 yr: 169, 12 yr: 103, 13 yr: 110, 14 yr: 77, 15 yr: 66, 16 yr: 73, and 17 and 18 yr: 82) conducted counter movement jumping (CMJ) as a non-ballistic movement and five-repeated rebound jumping (5RJ) as a ballistic movement. Jumping ability was assessed using CMJ jumping height and the value obtained by dividing jumping height by the ground contact time in 5RJ (RJ-index). CMJ jumping height and the RJ-index in 5RJ increased in accordance with growth. Development of the RJ-index in 5RJ depended on the increase in jumping height, because ground contact time did not change even though jumping height increased with growth. There was a significant correlation between CMJ jumping height and RJ-index in 5RJ (r=0.765, p<0.001, r2=0.585). Division of jumping ability types was based on±1SD of the residual. These types were as follows: CMJ ability corresponded to RJ ability (CMJ=RJ: n=810), RJ ability was superior to CMJ ability (Good RJ: n=165) and RJ ability was inferior to CMJ ability (Poor RJ: n=162). The number of Good RJ and Poor RJ types increased between the ages of 9-13 years, which is the onset of the growth spurt. These results suggest that CMJ jumping height and RJ-index in 5RJ increase in accordance with growth, but the processes of age-related development of both types of jumping ability do not necessarily correspond to each other, and developmental differences between individuals tend to increase at the onset of the growth spurt.