垣見 俊弘 松田 時彦 相田 勇 衣笠 善博
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.55, no.4, pp.389-406, 2003-03-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

A new seismotectonic province map of the Japanese Islands and the adjacent areas, which carries maximum magnitudes of earthquake (Mmax) expected for the individual provinces, has been prepared as a revised edition of Kakimi et al. (1994). The major part of the mapped region constitutes an island arc-trench system, which is surrounded by Northwest Pacific Basin (1), Shikoku Basin (2), Philippine Basin (3), Kurile Basin (4), Japan Sea Basins (5), and Korean Peninsula and Tonhai Continental Shelf (6). All of the peripheral provinces have too low seismicity to be given Mmax. The island arc-trench system is subdivided into the following constituent arcs: Kurile Arc (7), Northeast Honshu Arc (8), Izu-Bonin Arc (9), Southwest Honshu Arc (10), Ryukyu Arc (11), Sakhalin Arc (12), and the Tectonic Belt along the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea (13). While the constituent arcs 7 to 11 are divided into three tectonic belts, which remarkably differ from each other in tectonic, seismic, and volcanic activities, from the trench to the inland: Continental Slope on the Trench Side (A), Non-volcanic Outer Belt (B), and Volcanic Inner Belt (C), the constituent arc 10 alone has additionally the Continental Slope on the Marginal Sea Side (D). Province 12 started developing in Late Mesozoic and functioned as a collision belt between the North American Plate (NA) and the Eurasian Plate (EUR) in Late Cenozoic, whereas province 13 is considered to form a current collision belt between NA and EUR plates. Province 11X, Okinawa Trough, is defined as a current rift zone developing between the Tonhai Continental Shelf and the Ryukyu Arc. Some of the provinces are further divided into subprovinces in response to local differences in active faults, seismicity, Mmax etc.All the active faults on land are grouped into seismogenic faults (Matsuda, 1990), which are considered to generate characteristic earthquakes. The magnitudes of earthquake expected for the seismogenic faults (MLmax) are estimated by the equation: log L=0.6ML-2.9 (Matsuda, 1975), where L is the length of the faults in kilometers. The maximum magnitude of earthquake expected for seismogenic faults (MLmax) and the maximum one for historical shallow earthquakes (Mhmax) are compared in each province to choose the larger one as the expected maximum earthquake magnitude (Mmax) for the province. Since no method to decide a seismogenic unit from offshore active faults has been established, Mhmax is tentatively adopted as the Mmax representing the province. Extraordinarily long faults found in inland provinces, which are called the designated faults (Matsuda, 1990), are excluded from estimation of the Mmax. None of the magnitudes of earthquake expected for the designated faults is shown here, because they should be individually estimated. All of the information, such as tectonic geomorphology and geology, characteristics of active (seismogenic) faults, historical earthquakes, modern seismicity, and other, is put into a table to facilitate the identification of a seismotectonic province and the determination of the Mmax and the designated faults. The details of the boundaries between seismotectonic provinces are shown in another table.
吉川 周作 水野 清秀 加藤 茂弘 里口 保文 宮川 ちひろ 衣笠 善博 三田村 宗樹 中川 康一
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.39, no.6, pp.505-520, 2000-12-01
17 32

山崎 晴雄 佃 栄吉 奥村 晃史 衣笠 善博 岡田 篤正 中田 高 堤 浩之 長谷川 修一
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.40, pp.129-142, 1992-12-15

中央構造線(MTL)は西南口本を南北に二分する主要な地質構造線である。この断層は第四紀における日本で最大級の右横ずれ活断層でもある。その活発な活動度にも拘らず, MTLに沿っては歴史地震の発生は知られていない。長期的な地震予知や災害アセスメントに有効な最近の地質時代における断層の運動史を知るため, 1988年の夏中央構造線活断層系の一部である西条市近傍の岡村断層でトレンチ発掘調査を行なった。5つの小トレンチとそれらを繋ぐ細長い溝で構成される調査トレンチでは, 更新世末から歴史時代までの5つの地層ユニットと, それらの顕著な断層変位が認められた。各ユニットの堆積時期は地層中に含まれる有機物試料の^<14>C年代と土器片の考古学的編年によって決定された。断層は2000年前〜4世紀に堆積したIIIb層を切り, 7世紀以降に堆積したIIIc層に覆われるので最終活動時期は4〜7世紀と推定された。この値は1984年に行なわれた同じ断層の発掘調査結果と一致する。また, これ以外の断層活動時期も地層の不整合や変形構造に基づいて識別された。
井内 美郎 衣笠 善博 公文 富士夫 安松 貞夫 中野 聰志 志木 常正
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
vol.39, pp.61-70, 1993-03

琵琶湖の西岸付近の湖底堆積物には肉眼で確認される砂層以外にもシルトを主とする細粒の粒子からなる湖底地滑りを起源とする堆積物が多くはさまれている。これらのタービダイトの堆積年代を重量堆積速度を基に推定した結果, 歴史地震と対応する事が明らかになった。湖底地滑りを起こした地震の震度の下限値は, 琵琶湖においては気象庁震度階のIVとVのそれぞれの下限値の中間である。この震度を加速度表示した場合, 約44galに相当する。これはMM震度階のVIとVIIの境界の加速度に相当する。
衣笠 善博
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.1, pp.13-17, 1990-02-25 (Released:2010-11-18)
1 1 3

The hypothesis proposed by Nakamura (1983) that the North-Eastern Japan is a part of the North-American Plate has been re-examined from geological and geomorphological veiw points. One of the difficulties is that active faults are not found along the entire length of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line which is considered as the boundary between rigid plates. The beginning of the convergence at the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line is much older than the age speculated by SENO (1987). An alternative hypothesis that the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line is a moribund plate boundary is proposed.