西島 央
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.57-76, 2004-03-10

In Japan, what sort of people attend classical music concerts? It has been said that the classical music is an orthodox current of culture from the West, which was set up alongside the establishment of the modern educational system in Japan. Recently, however, the number of classes of music and other arts related subjects has been reduced as a result of the new national curriculum. In addition, the development of the Internet has provided a dramatic increase in terms of alternative access points to music. These are resulting in a dramatic change of music culture. Under these conditions, is it probable to think that attitudes towards classical music concerts might be in a process of change? The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the current conditions in relation to classical music concerts attendance from a sociological perspective. Methodologically, the paper draws upon evidence garnered from a questionnaire survey conducted at classical music concerts in Tokyo, Niigata and Kagoshima, between April and August 2002. To date, there have been few studies to investigate the sociological profile and associated behaviour related to classical music concert attendees, except the index of a stratum research. In this research, I will make use of sociological description of attendance, exploring the issue of regional difference. Subsequently I will analyze attendee's first experiences vis-a-vis the concert. Finally I will specify the features of attendance in relation to those classified as ""Jouren"" i. e. regular goers and those labeled ""Ichigen"" i. e first-timers. I will analyse the differences between them in light of a number of sociological indicators and their musical experiences during their formal education. As a kind of pilot study, I will propose a research framework that could provide a signpost for future research exploration.
中澤 篤史 西島 央 矢野 博之 熊谷 信司
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.317-337, 2009-03-10

In secondary school of Japan under the current national curriculum (course of study), the club activities had not been corroborated institutionally despite that they were very important aspect of schoollife alike lesson activities. But on the coming national curriculum, it has described that club activities should be related with school curriculum properly, especially paying attention to circumstances or situations of each school. Nevertheless it had not got such information and those data. In this paper we'll endeavour to illuminate the circumstances about adviser-teacher of club activities, the relations of teaching on club activities to guidance, also to the other school affairs from the questionnaire survey to teachers in the Tokyo metropolitan area and seven prefectures, Iwate, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nara, Kagawa, Yamaguchi, and Kagoshima./ We will deal with the following issues in this paper. 1) School survey; the relations between the size of schools and club activities, the obligation on participation in club activities, assignment of adviser-teachers, school aims concerning club activities. 2) Teachers survey; circumstances of club activities, the management system of club activities and coaches, teachers'experiences about club activities, management and coaching, the other school affairs, teachers'opinions concerning coaching and teaching.
西島 央
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.57-76, 2004-03-10

In Japan, what sort of people attend classical music concerts? It has been said that the classical music is an orthodox current of culture from the West, which was set up alongside the establishment of the modern educational system in Japan. Recently, however, the number of classes of music and other arts related subjects has been reduced as a result of the new national curriculum. In addition, the development of the Internet has provided a dramatic increase in terms of alternative access points to music. These are resulting in a dramatic change of music culture. Under these conditions, is it probable to think that attitudes towards classical music concerts might be in a process of change? The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the current conditions in relation to classical music concerts attendance from a sociological perspective. Methodologically, the paper draws upon evidence garnered from a questionnaire survey conducted at classical music concerts in Tokyo, Niigata and Kagoshima, between April and August 2002. To date, there have been few studies to investigate the sociological profile and associated behaviour related to classical music concert attendees, except the index of a stratum research. In this research, I will make use of sociological description of attendance, exploring the issue of regional difference. Subsequently I will analyze attendee's first experiences vis-a-vis the concert. Finally I will specify the features of attendance in relation to those classified as "Jouren" i. e. regular goers and those labeled "Ichigen" i. e first-timers. I will analyse the differences between them in light of a number of sociological indicators and their musical experiences during their formal education. As a kind of pilot study, I will propose a research framework that could provide a signpost for future research exploration.
西島 央

西島 央 矢野 博之 中澤 篤史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.101-130, 2008-03-10

During the course of this research our goal has been to illustrate the factors that affect the commitment of secondary school pupils'vis-a-vis their schools and future educational goals and career trajectories. In doing so, we will propose "a plural model of school culture". In spite that actualities of club activities are very significant for pupils in their school life, its institutional position is vague in the current course of study. So it causes many issues about the coaching and management of club activities, for example the issue of overwork of teachers, and so on. In light of this we made a questionnaire survey to teachers of sports club activities in order to clarify two subjects. One is actual condition how teachers coach and manage club activities. The other is consciousness which the teacher have toward club activities. Based on the survey, this study is to examine six points: 1) commitment of teachers, 2) support system of club activities, 3) gap of the consciousness between teachers and pupils, 4) intensification of teachers, 5) opinions of teachers on what club activities to be in future, 6) further discussion about club activities. The results are as follows. 1) Teachers who strongly commit club to activities are inclined to expect much to them, don't have problems in them, and cope with them as eagerly as other activities outside class. 2) Teachers with external coach don't strongly commit to club activities and don't have experiences by themselves on the activities. Teachers with a parental organization strongly commit to club activities. 3) We found a certain gap between teachers and pupils on their ways of view about club activities. In spite that teachers can find pupils'expectations to club activities, they seem to be inclined to have more internal goals in educational points. 4) Teachers are pressed by business not because the participation to club activities restrained their time, but because they recognize problems about it, for example the vagueness whether club activities are in/out of their duty. 5) We found out some knowledge on opinions of teachers on what club activities to be in future which is below. Their opinions differ from pupils'. There is a wide variety of opinions among teachers according to the locality where schools are, the athletic event of club teachers have charge of, how many times and which day of the week teachers attend their clubs, and whether teachers are bothered by heavy burdens or institutional ambiguity of them. 6) Teachers whose main role is to manage club activities are bothered by heavy burdens or institutional ambiguity of them. And whether they recognize insufficiency of facility, equipment and administrative cost as problem differ from one activity to another.
中澤 篤史 西島 央 矢野 博之 熊谷 信司
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.317-337, 2009-03-10

In secondary school of Japan under the current national curriculum (course of study), the club activities had not been corroborated institutionally despite that they were very important aspect of schoollife alike lesson activities. But on the coming national curriculum, it has described that club activities should be related with school curriculum properly, especially paying attention to circumstances or situations of each school. Nevertheless it had not got such information and those data. In this paper we'll endeavour to illuminate the circumstances about adviser-teacher of club activities, the relations of teaching on club activities to guidance, also to the other school affairs from the questionnaire survey to teachers in the Tokyo metropolitan area and seven prefectures, Iwate, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nara, Kagawa, Yamaguchi, and Kagoshima./ We will deal with the following issues in this paper. 1) School survey; the relations between the size of schools and club activities, the obligation on participation in club activities, assignment of adviser-teachers, school aims concerning club activities. 2) Teachers survey; circumstances of club activities, the management system of club activities and coaches, teachers'experiences about club activities, management and coaching, the other school affairs, teachers'opinions concerning coaching and teaching.
西島 央
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.57-76, 2004-03-10

In Japan, what sort of people attend classical music concerts? It has been said that the classical music is an orthodox current of culture from the West, which was set up alongside the establishment of the modern educational system in Japan. Recently, however, the number of classes of music and other arts related subjects has been reduced as a result of the new national curriculum. In addition, the development of the Internet has provided a dramatic increase in terms of alternative access points to music. These are resulting in a dramatic change of music culture. Under these conditions, is it probable to think that attitudes towards classical music concerts might be in a process of change? The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the current conditions in relation to classical music concerts attendance from a sociological perspective. Methodologically, the paper draws upon evidence garnered from a questionnaire survey conducted at classical music concerts in Tokyo, Niigata and Kagoshima, between April and August 2002. To date, there have been few studies to investigate the sociological profile and associated behaviour related to classical music concert attendees, except the index of a stratum research. In this research, I will make use of sociological description of attendance, exploring the issue of regional difference. Subsequently I will analyze attendee's first experiences vis-a-vis the concert. Finally I will specify the features of attendance in relation to those classified as ""Jouren"" i. e. regular goers and those labeled ""Ichigen"" i. e first-timers. I will analyse the differences between them in light of a number of sociological indicators and their musical experiences during their formal education. As a kind of pilot study, I will propose a research framework that could provide a signpost for future research exploration.
西島 央 藤田 武志 矢野 博之 荒川 英央 中澤 篤史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.42, pp.99-129, 2003-03-10

In this research, we will endeavour to illuminate the factors that affect high school students'commitment to their schools; their future educational goals and career trajectories. Examining how they have been involved in various club activities at school will provide the basis for this evaluation. In doing so, we will propose "a plural model of school culture." The research is being carried out within a context of significant educational change. The implementation of the new national curriculum (course of study), a five-day week school system, and the co-operative linkage of schools, homes, and communities are likely to have some form of impact that will need to be assessed. This leads us to adopt a methodological approach that makes extensive use of a series of research surveys. These will seek to identify the effects which the new national curriculum will have upon students'school lives, especially in relation to club activities. So far, we have carried out two extensive questionnaires in 1999 and 2001 along with additional participant observation in a limited number of schools. Our target group has been junior high school students. In light of the above and in view of our proposed new series of research surveys for high school students we will construct a hypothetical analysis in order to prepare a survey for use in the reinvestigation of the matter in 2004. This series of research surveys on high school students aims to propose an agenda for school education which should take account of what form club activities should take in the future. To date, we have analysed data stemming from 4,500 questionnaires. These have been collected from high-school students in two (Shizuoka and Niigata) different prefectures and the Tokyo metropolitan area in March 2002. In this paper we will deal with the following four issues. 1, Using four clusters which based on the levels of commitment to their various aspects of the school life, classes, official events, and club activities, we discuss the students'adaptability to school life. 2, Focusing on the differences of the opportunities in sports/culture activities being influenced by the students'family backgrounds, we argue the significance of club-activities for students in their junior high school days. Besides we explore the issues so as to realize "the lifelong sports-society", focusing on the sports club-activities. 3, We examine students'behaviours from the viewpoint of whether they are an active club member or whether they have withdrawn from such activities. This will be used, in part, as a predictor for the various path-ways that students take as they adapt themselves to the changing nature of life during their high school experiences.
西島 央 藤田 武志
