遠田 晋次
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.119, no.2, pp.105-123, 2013-02-15 (Released:2013-05-28)
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堤 浩之 遠田 晋次
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.118, no.9, pp.559-570, 2012-09-15 (Released:2013-01-26)
5 14

2011年3月11日の東北地方太平洋沖地震(Mw 9.0)によって東北日本弧の応力場が大きく変化し,誘発地震が多発している.2011年4月11日の福島県浜通りの地震(Mw 6.6)は,これまでに発生した最大の内陸地殻内誘発地震である.この地震に伴って,従来推定活断層と認定されていた湯ノ岳断層や井戸沢断層の西側トレースに沿って明瞭な正断層型の地震断層が出現した.地震断層の長さはともに約15 kmであり,最大上下変位量は前者が約0.9 m,後者が約2.1 mである.井戸沢断層の西側トレースのトレンチ掘削調査では,ひとつ前の活動時期が12500〜17000年前と求められ,869年の貞観地震の際に活動した痕跡は見出せなかった.2011年4月の福島県浜通りの地震は,海溝型超巨大地震に誘発されて活動する内陸活断層が存在することを示すと共に,変位地形が不明瞭な推定活断層もそのような状況下で大地震を発生させ得ることを示した.
遠田 晋次

1.はじめに 伏在断層による内陸大地震(浅部地殻内地震)が発生するたびに「日本列島どこでも震度6弱以上の揺れに見舞われてもおかしくない」という論調が繰り返される.本当だろうか.グローバルにみると列島全体が沈み込み変動帯に位置しているので,地震から無縁の地はないように見える.検知能力の著しく向上した気象庁一元化ネットワークで地震が捉えられない地域はあるのか.日本列島に「プチ安定地塊」は存在するのであろうか.逆説的であるが,「地震が起こらない」理由を考えることは,地震発生メカニズムを理解するために重要であろう.2.天草上島・下島の地震活動と地質構造,測地歪み1923年〜2018年1月の気象庁一元化震源の浅部地震活動(深さ30km以浅)を調べると,日本列島内陸でも震央が全くプロットされない地域がわずかにある.そのうちの1つが天草諸島の上島・下島である.両島を中心とする約2000km^2の地域ではほとんど地震が発生していない(図1a).日本被害地震総覧(宇佐美ほか,2013)にも両島を震源とする被害地震は全く記載がない.地震活動から見たこの地域の特徴は単に地震活動がきわめて低調であるだけではなく,囲碁の黒石に囲まれた白石のように,熊本地震余震域を含め周辺を地震活動活発域に囲まれているのが特徴である.北〜北西は雲仙岳直下から橘湾,天草灘へ抜ける北東—南東走向の地震帯(天草灘地溝),東には島原湾東部〜熊本平野〜八代〜八代海沿い(八代海地溝)の熊本地震余震域を含む地震帯,南は阿久根市西方沖に広がる多数の北東—南西走向の地震クラスター群に囲まれる.これらの周辺活発域の地震のメカニズムは北東—南西走向の横ずれか,東西走向の正断層解が卓越する.当地域は高重力異常で特徴付けられ,基盤は下島西岸に露出している長崎変成岩類が予想される.ただし,実際に地表に露出している地層としては,主として上部白亜系および古第三系の堆積岩類である(図1b, 産総研シームレス地質図).これらの堆積岩類には主として北北東—南南西の褶曲軸を持つ褶曲構造が著しく,天草褶曲運動とも称される.また,これらの褶曲を胴切りにする西北西走向の多数の高角横ずれ断層が並走する(天草型構造ともよばれる)が,一連の構造は中新世中期頃に形成されたと考えられている(高井・佐藤,1982).少なくとも,上記の西北西走向の断層群沿いに活構造を示唆する変動地形はみあたらない.当該地域には「新編日本の活断層」に活断層が6箇所ほど示されているが,いずれも4km以下で確実度II〜IIIとされている.ただし,上島北部から下島北部には海成段丘が発達し,両島南部はリアス式海岸で特徴付けられることから,第四紀後期に北高南低の地殻運動が続いていると推定されている(町田ほか,2001).なお,国土地理院(2018)による電子基準点による観測では,熊本地震の余効変動の影響はあるものの,当該地域は0.1ppm程度の東西圧縮・南北引張の場にある.日本列島の他の地域と比べて,歪速度が小さな地域に含まれる.3.議論なぜ,天草上島・下島では地震が発生しないのか.第四紀後期を通じて恒久的な非地震域であるかどうかは不明であるが,少なくとも顕著な活断層も分布しない.測地学的にも少なくとも内部での歪みはきわめて小さく,周辺を活発な地震帯に囲まれることから,この部分が内部歪みを生じないようにブロック状に振る舞っている可能性が推測される.テクトニックな観点からは,別府—島原地溝帯外(南側)にあること,天草灘—橘湾沿いに指摘されている沖縄トラフの九州上陸部からも外れていること,日奈久断層帯からある程度の離隔距離があること,などから,すべての主要変動帯から逃れている可能性がある.実際,下島の一部を除いて後期中新世以降に堆積物がほとんどみられず,全域が安定か長期的に緩やかに隆起する傾向にあった可能性がある(ただし,第四紀後期に南部はおそらく沈降している). なお,同様に地震活動域に囲まれる非地震域として面積こそ小さいが,琵琶湖直下がある.日本列島内陸で非地震域を生じるためには,周りを主要活構造に囲まれるのが条件なのかもしれない.そのような地域は超長期的なストレスシャドウに置かれていると考えられる.文献: 活断層研究会(1991)新編日本の活断層;国土地理院(2018)地震予知連絡会会報,99巻;町田ほか(2011)日本の地形「九州・南西諸島」; Mogi, K. (1969) Bull. Earthq.Res.Inst., 47, 397-417; 産業技術総合研究所(2018)日本シームレス地質図;高井保明・佐藤博之(1982)5万分の1図幅「魚貫崎及び牛深地域の地質」;宇佐美ほか(2013)「日本被害地震総覧」.
遠田 晋次
混相流 (ISSN:09142843)
vol.26, no.1, pp.4-10, 2012-03-15 (Released:2012-06-20)

The 2011 M9.0 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Tohoku-oki earthquake) brought a great impact on the long-term forecasting of subduction earthquakes around the Japanese islands. Short historic data together with dogmas of modern seismology, such as conventional asperity model, characteristic earthquake model, and earthquake scaling law prevented us to have anticipated the size of M9 earthquake offshore Pacific coast of Tohoku. It may suggest that longer than 1000-year earthquake occurrence history is required to properly evaluate the size and frequency of mega-thrust events, same as the M~7 destructive earthquakes associated with inland active faults. The Tohoku-oki earthquake has significantly changed the state of crustal stress in northeast Honshu island from EW compression to EW extension, in which numerous widespread triggered earthquakes have been occurring. Here I introduce the coseismic stress transfer due to the Tohoku-oki earthquake onto the major active faults, and then demonstrate the importance of the transient changes of state of stress on the faults for long-term earthquake forecasting during the next few decades.
遠田 晋次 宮腰 勝義 井上 大栄 楠 建一郎 鈴木 浩一
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.48, no.1, pp.57-70, 1995-05-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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The Yamasaki fault system is located from the eastern Okayama to Hyogo Prefectures, southwest Japan, trending in NW-SE direction with a length of 87 kilometers. Earthquake risk evaluation of this fault system is not complete because the past seismic events have not been determined throughout the fault system. This paper reports a comprehensive survey of the Ohara fault, located at the northwestern end of the fault system. High resolution electrical exploration and five drillings at Ohara Town clearly identified the location of the fault underneath the sediment cover. Trench survey was then carried out to determine the past seismic events along the Ohara fault. The following conclusions were derived from these studies. (1) The Ohara fault shows up as a sharp resistivity contrast in the high resolution electrical exploration, reflecting mainly the difference in resistivity between acid tuff and black slate that constitute the northern and southern sides of the fault, respectively. (2) The trench observation in the log and radiocarbon dating of sediments revealed that the latest fault movement along the Ohara fault occurred between 150 and 1200 years B. P. The Harima Earthquake of 868 years AD is most likely to correspond to this fault movement. The timing of the event roughly coincides with the latest event of the Yasutomi fault (Okada et al., 1987) comprising the central part of the Yamasaki fault system. This strongly suggests that the Ohara and Yasutomi faults ruptured simultaneously or as a sequence of events during the Harima Earthquake. (3) The penultimate movement of the Ohara fault was estimated between 1500 and 3000 years B. P. If the latest event corresponds to the Harima Earthquake, then the interval between the last two events is estimated to be 400 to 1900 years. (4) The present trench survey revealed possibly four events along the Ohara fault during the Holocene. Thus the recurrence interval may be about 2500 years. Comparing this result with the interval between the last two events, movement of this fault system is likely to be aperiodic.
遠田 晋次

2017年7月に経済産業省資源エネルギー庁によって高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分に関する「科学的特性マップ」が提示された.国民に地層処分のしくみや我が国の地下深部の地質環境等について理解を深めてもらうために,地域の科学的特性を全国地図の形で示したものである.発表者は2013年10月から日本活断層学会の推薦で地層処分技術WGに委員として参加し,主として活断層評価の観点から同マップ作成に関わった.本発表では同検討過程で考えてきたこと,特に今後地層処分が具体化していくまでに解決しなければならない活断層評価の課題を2つ示したい.1)プロセスゾーンは本当に断層長の1/100で良いのか. 「科学的特性マップ」はあくまでも,既存の全国データに基づき一定の要件・基準にしたがって客観的に整理し,200万分の1の全国地図の形に示したものである.活断層の評価に関しては,断層変位による処分場の破壊を避ける観点から,活断層の近傍が「好ましくない要件・基準」になるが,その回避距離は,基本的に断層破砕帯の概念をさらに広くしたプロセスゾーン(process zone)を基本としている.このプロセスゾーンは,断層長の100分の1程度(断層の両側の合計)におさまるとされており(Vermilye and Scholz, 1998, JGR),「科学的特性マップ」でもその基準を採用している.しかし,意外にも200万分の1の日本全国マップにすると活断層長の1/100の断層幅は無視できるほど小さい.特にA4サイズ1枚に収めると,長大な中央構造線活断層系などを除くと,ほぼ無視できるレベルになり,「回避すべき」要素としての活断層は,火山活動などに比べるとそれほど影響が大きくない.しかし,今後,文献調査,概要調査とスケールアップするに進むにつれて,この回避ゾーンが重要な問題となってくるのは明らかだ.特に,著者が懸念していることは,断層先端の進展速度である.少なくとも,断層先端にまで同様のプロセスゾーン概念を適用できないだろう.例えば,遠田ほか(2017,地震学会秋季大会要旨)は熊本地震で阿蘇カルデラ内にまで伸張した布田川断層帯先端の末端成長速度を33-190 mm/年と見積もった.Aso-4噴火のカルデラ形成で布田川断層が断ち切られるという仮定が入るが,10万年換算で断層先端が3―19kmも成長する.布田川断層の断層長から評価される数100mよりも1オーダー以上大きい.少なくとも,10万年程度を視野に入れた断層成長速度や発達過程に関しては,研究・議論が十分とはいえない.2)伏在断層の問題 M7前後の内陸地震は必ずしも既知の主要活断層で発生しない.これは,C級活断層問題(浅田,1991,活断層研究),短い活断層の評価(例えば,島崎,2008,活断層研究)として,地震の長期評価の課題として取り上げられてきた.実際に,活断層分布から予測されるM7以上の地震数よりも,1923年以降に観測された地震数が2倍程度多いことが示されている(遠田,2013,地質学雑誌).そのため,地震ハザード評価では,長さ20km程度の断層が地下に多数伏在しているか,その一部がわずかに短い活断層として地表に出現していることを前提とした検討が進んできた.地層処分においても伏在断層問題を避けては通れない.また,熊本地震では,干渉SARなどにより震源断層外での多数の誘発断層変位が報告されている.他の内陸地震でも同様の報告が多く,受動変位も含めた小中規模の断層の実態を解明する必要がある.さらに,1)の断層成長速度とも絡んで,今後サイト候補地周辺に伏在する活断層を検出する探査技術と断層成長の可能性まで含めた評価法を確立する必要がある.
高橋 直也 遠田 晋次
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2022, no.56, pp.1-12, 2022-06-28 (Released:2022-12-28)

Earthquake surface rupture appears not only along the principal fault that caused the earthquake but also pre-existing other faults or folds nearby. Although surface ruptures along subsidiary structures are often small and discontinuous, given its extensive occurrence, comprehensive mapping of active faults and folds is necessary for understating strain distribution within a fault zone to evaluate fault displacement hazards. The Nagamachi-Rifu line fault zone, consisting of sub-parallel reverse faults, runs across Sendai City, and recent studies suggest that there are several active structures not shown on existing active fault maps. However, it is difficult to obtain their convincing geomorphic evidence because their surface deformation is subtle and is easily obscured by erosion and artificial modification. To reevaluate active faults and folds of the fault zone, we studied shallow geologic structure across the fault zone using a borehole dataset and conducted a geomorphological analysis using 2 m DEM. Our results indicate that the fault surface of the Nagamachi-Rifu line does not reach the surface causing flexural deformation at the surface rather than brittle deformation, as the previous studies pointed out based on seismic reflection surveys. We also found that the deformation zone of the Dainenjiyama fault is broader than previously thought. This is probably because its fault scarp retreated by hundreds of meters due to erosion. To the northwest of the Dainenjiyama fault, there is an NNE-SSW trending zone where the base of the Quaternary deposit was elevated compared to its surroundings, which may correspond to the previously estimated active anticline. The ratio of vertical displacement of the Nagamachi-Rifu line, Dainenjiyama fault, and the anticline is estimated to be 5-6: 3: 1. We could not newly find other faults or folds, including those exposed at outcrops reported in previous studies, suggesting that there are several active structures of which cumulative displacement is too small to be observed in our analysis. Nonetheless, a shallow geologic structure revealed from a borehole dataset, coupled with detailed topographic analysis, can help to locate active structures with minor surface expression and evaluate seismic hazards.
遠田 晋次 鳥井 真之 小俣 雅志 三五 大輔 石澤 尭史
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2021, no.54, pp.39-56, 2021 (Released:2022-01-19)

Afterslip, mostly aseismic creep on and on the margins of the seismic source fault, occurs not only after a large subduction megathrust earthquake but also rarely on an onshore surface rupture such as the 1966 and 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquakes on the San Andreas fault. Here we present evidence for afterslip as post-seismic continuous creep along the part of the coseismic surface rupture of the 16 April 2016 Kumamoto earthquake of Mw 7.0 (MJMA 7.3). We describe evident surface afterslip on five sites along the northermost Hinagu fault that experienced 30-65 cm coseismic right-lateral slip. Even though the post-seismic tape measurements are not highly accurate and contains approximately±1-3 cm uncertainty depending on site condition, maximum right-lateral displacement have reached ~20 cm during the first one year after the mainshock. Additionally, up to 5-cm cumulative right-lateral slip of a wall newly built in February 2017 across the coseismic rupture proves that the post-seismic creep has been lasting for at least one year, probably longer than three years. Together with the field survey, we also mapped one-year postseismic ground displacement from analysis of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) images. About 2.5 cm contraction across the Hinagu fault from InSAR is a little short but mostly consistent with ~3.5 cm contraction estimated from ~20 cm right-lateral post-seismic slip on the N10°E trending rupture zone. Furthermore, our field observation is also in agreement with the timeseries of horizontal movement of a GNSS station ~2 km southeast of the fault zone. To examine the contribution of local aftershocks to the afterslip, we examined the cumulative moment release of all the aftershocks that reached ~5.1 x 1024 dyne-cm. Assuming a 10 km by 10 km fault plane, one could expect ~16 cm slip that is roughly equivalent to the amount of measured surface afterslip. However, the numerous aftershocks are located probably off the subsurface Hinagu fault so that shallow aseismic creeping would play an essential role for surface afterslip. Although our field measurements, InSAR and aftershock analysis cannot simply judge that the afterslip has been continuously loading to the unruptured sections of the Hinagu fault zone, significant aftershock activity has been still occurring beyond the southern edge of the afterslip zone. The Hinagu afterslip gives us clues not only to understand the postseismic fault behavior but also how to prevent from postseismic damage of fault-crossing structures and better assess the timing of restoration.
福島 洋 遠田 晋次 三浦 哲
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

On 28 December 2016, an M∼6 normal fault earthquake occurred in the northern part of Ibaraki prefecture in Kanto region, Japan (hereafter called event B). This event was observed by the Japanese ALOS-2 satellite equipped with PALSAR-2, an L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Interferometric SAR (InSAR) processing indicates clear displacement discontinuity line, directing approximately NW-SE. The amount of discontinuity is ∼30cm in the line-of-sight (LOS) direction (approximately from East with incidence angle of 36 degrees). A preliminary inversion found a dip angle of 42 degrees with fault slip confined in the upper-most 5km in the crust.The region has experienced swarm-like normal faulting activities after the occurrence of the 11 March 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake including an Mw6.6 event composed of complex ruptures on multiple faults (e.g., Fukushima et al., 2013, BSSA). One of such events was an M~6 event on 19 March 2011 (hereafter called event A).We performed InSAR analysis also for the event A using the data acquired by the ALOS satellite equipped with PALSAR radar. After removing the displacements caused by the Tohoku-oki earthquake, we obtained a remarkably similar displacement pattern for the event A as compared with the event B. Specifically, the locations of displacement discontinuity lines were almost identical, and the amount of displacement discontinuity was up to ∼45cm for the event A and ∼30cm for the event B. The displacement patters were similar, both indicating southwestward normal faulting on a NW-SE striking fault, suggesting that the same fault ruptured. The slight larger displacement for event A indicates that this event was associated with slightly larger slip on the fault at least close to the ground. The InSAR data for the event A presumably includes the displacements associated with an Mj 5.7 event, which should be taken into account for further comparison.Our result indicates that the same M~6 fault can re-rupture in a very short time interval of 5.8 years. Two interpretations are possible as to the mechanism of the extremely early recurrence: 1) rapid loading of the fault occurred after the event A, possibly associated with the postseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, and 2) stress level on the fault remained high after the event A, enabling further slip on the fault, without significant loading.
遠田 晋次 三浦 大助 宮腰 勝義 井上 大栄
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.52, no.4, pp.445-468, 2000-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
1 3

The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) in central Japan is a complex 150km-long fault system consisting of north-trending east-dipping reverse, northwest-trending left-lateral strike-slip, and north-trending west-dipping reverse faults. To help to resolve segmentation and to estimate the magnitude of future shocks on the ISTL, we conducted four trench excavations across the Hakushu fault, the Shimotsuburai fault, and the Ichinose fault group in the southern part of the ISTL, where no paleoseismological data for the surface faulting had been available. On the trench walls at the Hakushu fault, we found the evidence for the most recent surface-rupturing event occurring sometime between 6, 650 and 7, 000cal. y. B. P. (BC 4700-BC 5050) with approximately one meter of coseismic slip. On the Shimotsuburai fault, we exposed evidence for three events at two trench sites. The low-angle thrust faults and associated sediments record the most recent and the penultimate events occurring between 1, 370 and 2, 500cal. y. B. P. (AD 580-BC 550), and between 7, 940 and 8, 430cal. y. B. P. (BC 5990-BC 6480), respectively. Vertically offset terrace gravels indicate the dip-slip rate of the Shimotsuburai fault to be about 0.5mm/yr during the past 22, 000 years. We also found evidence for the most recent two surface-faulting events on the scarp of the frontal fault of the Ichinose fault group. The most recent event, which accompanied a coseismic slip of 1.8-2.2m, is inferred to have occurred sometime between 3, 990 and 6, 270cal. y. B. P. (BC 2040-BC 4320). The penultimate event, which appears to have a coseismic slip of 2.1-3.0m, is constrained to have occurred between 9, 520cal. y. B. P. (BC 7570) and 10, 930y. B. P. The recurrence time and slip rate are roughly estimated as 5, 000 years and 0.5mm/yr, respectively. Regarding the long elapsed time since the most recent events, the Hakushu fault and the Ichinose fault group have accumulated enough strain to produce surface-rupturing earthquakes today. Based on such long recurrence times and lower slip rates on the southern ISTL relative to the central ISTL, we suggest that multiple segment ruptures of the central and southern ISTL are unlikely to have occurred during the past 10, 000years. However, partial synchronization of rupture timings for the central and southern ISTL might have occurred around 7, 000y. B. P. though. To evaluate the fault activity in the southern ISTL more precisely and to consider fault interaction with central ISTL, we still need to investigate other fault strands of the southern ISTL, and to gather more paleoseismic evidence.
尾形 良彦 種村 正美 遠田 晋次 庄 建倉 鶴岡 弘 田村 義保 佐藤 整尚 川崎 能典 島崎 邦彦 間瀬 茂 柴田 里程 ANDREA Llenos SEBASTIAN Hainzl JEFFREY J. DAVID Vere-Jones

ETAS(epidemic type aftershock sequence)などの統計的点過程モデルで各地の地震活動の確率的予測を行う同時に,モデルを物差しにして静穏化・活発化などの地震活動異常を検出できる解析手法を確立した.地震活動予測からの逸脱による地震活動異常の空間パタンから,断層内の非地震性すべりによる地殻のストレス変化との因果関係を実証研究した.このような地震活動の異常性が殻歪変化のセンサーとして有用である.さらに地震活動異常とGPSによる地殻変動データとの整合性を確かめ,大地震の前駆的なすべり現象の解明に迫った.