鈴木 董 東京大学東洋文化研究所図書室 編
pp.265-278, 2008-03-31

アジア古籍保全講演会第3回(平成19年11月20日)開催。この記録集は、東京大学東洋文化研究所が主催したアジア古籍保全講演会(第1回~第3回)について、当日における講演、事例報告、ワークショップ、総合討論の内容を取りまとめたものである。 文中における講演者等の肩書きは、発表当時のものである。
鈴木 董
公益財団法人 日本学術協力財団
学術の動向 (ISSN:13423363)
vol.18, no.9, pp.9_41-9_44, 2013-09-01 (Released:2014-01-08)
長澤 榮治 池田 美佐子 黒木 英充 鈴木 董 松本 弘 松井 真子(黒木) 黒木 真子(松井 真子)

鈴木 董
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1983, no.73, pp.44-63,L9, 1983-05-25 (Released:2010-09-01)

I.The Cyprus problem was one of the important international conflicts in the Middle East in the 1960s and 1970s. It was essentially an ethnic conflict between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots, which developed into an international conflict. It was one of the fierce outbreaks of ethnic conflicts which are characteristic of the contemporary Middle East.II.In the modern age, the Western impact destroyed the traditional world system implying a self-sufficient Middle Eastern Islamic World and in the following process of “modernization”, the nature of its basic political units, the structure of identity and the style of co-existence among the ethnic groups, changed greatly.Before the coming of the Western impact, the Middle East was one of the relatively self-sufficient traditional world systems. In the Middle Eastern Islamic World, the idea of the unity of the Islamic World prevailed. There were, in fact, political units called “dawla.” Notwithstanding, the identity of the Middle Eastern peoples who belonged to dawlas was not based on ascription to political units but on religion.The various ethnic groups, which were the components of the mosaic-like societies in the Middle East, formed communities according to religions. And there existed a traditional style of co-existence among them. This traditional style of co-existence in the Middle Eastern Islamic world was not based on the principle of the equality of each ethnic group, but on the principle of the supremacy of the Muslims over the non-Muslims.Non-Muslims were thus second class citizens in Islamic political society. Notwithstanding, considering the limited range of political participation and the structure of the identity of the people of the time, the traditional Middle Eastern style of co-existence, which was institutionalized as a “dhimmi” institution in the classical period and completed in the form of a “millet” institution in the Ottoman Empire, functioned rather well in the complicated mosaic-like societies of the Middle East. Only under the influence of modern nationalism did it begin to dissolve and ethnic conflicts begin to surface. The Cyprus problem is one of these ethnic conflicts of the modern Midddle East.III.Because of its strategic position, Cyprus was occupied by one nation after another. The ethnic composition of Cypriot society also became complicated. When the Ottomans conquered Cyprus in 1571, the largest ethnic group was the Greeks together with some other minor ethnic groups. After the Ottoman conquest, the Turkish soldiers and peasants emmigrated and became at least the second large ethnic group. The millet system, the Ottoman form of the traditional Middle Eastern style of co-existence, was applied to these ethnic groups. The millet system functioned and the fierce outbreak of ethnic conflicts were rarely seen.The beginning of ethnic conflicts came with the impact of the West. Especially, the rise of nationalism and the independence of Greece affected the situation in Cyprus. And the idea of enosis, namely the reunion of Cyprus with Greece, emerged in Greece. Greek nationalism gradually penetrated Cyprus. Because of the rise of the nationalism of non-Muslim subjects, there was an attempt to reform the principle of inequality between Muslims and non-Muslims. In this period, the traditional style of co-existence of ethnic groups was also changing. However, the relationship of co-existence among ethnic groups continued.IV.At the end of this period, in 1878, Cyprus came under British rule. Under British rule, the nationalism of the Greek ethnic group and the Turkish ethnic group developed. The separated educational system of each ethnic group under British rule contributed much to this development. The development of the nationalism of the Greek Cypriots oriented to enosis was especially outstanding. Because of
鈴木 董
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1987, no.86, pp.39-53,L7, 1987-10-24 (Released:2010-09-01)

Recently, in Asian and African societies, ethnic conflicts have begun to become more serious. In the Western societies, the ethnic resurgence has been going on. The ethnicity problem has become one of the most crucial issues in the research field of international politics.The ethnicity problem was regarded mostly as a transitional problem in the process of nation-state building and exected to be solved at the end of that process. However, in many cases, the ethnicity problems became more serious actually as the process of nation-state building was going on.The ethnicity problem is the problem of integration and co-existence of ethnic groups. Here, in order to reconsider the ethnic problem, we'll try to analyze the historical and cultural backgrounds of the system of co-existence and integration of ethnic groups and its dissolution, using the case of the Middle East, especially that of the Ottoman Empire and her successor states.The Ottoman society was a typical example of the Middle Eastern societies, which were composed of various ethnic groups. There existed a unique system of integration and co-existence.In the Ottoman society, the identity of the members of the society was mainly based on religion. National or racial consciousness was a secondery factor. Various ethnic groups were grouped according to their religions. The Ottoman system of integration and co-existence was essentially the system of integration and coexistence among religious groups, not national or racial groups.There were two essential categories of group, Muslims and Non-Muslims. Non-Muslims were categoried in several sub-groups. Each group co-existed each other with each own duties and pribiledges. This traditional system of integration and co-existence was not based on the principle of equality, but on that of inequality. Muslims were the essential citizens of the political community. Non-Muslism were the secondery citizens who were merely tolerated to exist. Nonetheless this system functioned rather well during the period when the traditional type of political apathy prevailed in the society.This situation began to change under the influence of the West in the late eighteenth century. At first, Non-Muslim peoples in Balkan began to be politically active under the Western influence. They began to try to build their own “nation-state” of ethnically homogenious composition, instead of seeking for equality in a multinational empire. The Ottomans attempted to transform an Islamic empire into a multinational empire in Western type during the nineteenth century. However this attempt failed. Then Muslims themselves fell under the influence of the Western nationalism from the late nineteenth century. Turkish nationalism, Arab nationalism, and so on began to evolve. After the dissolution of the Ottoman empire, there emerged “nation-states” of Muslim peoples. The traditional system of integration and co-existence totally collusped. The ideal of a nation-state which was ethnically homogenious prevailed.However the ethnic compositions of these societies remained heterogenious. Moreover each ethnic group began to evolve their own nationalism. The new style of integration and co-existence of ethnic groups with new orientation has not yet been established. This situation is one of the important factors in the violent outbursts of the ethnic conflicts in the area.
鈴木 董
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1981, no.69, pp.93-107,L5, 1981-10-28 (Released:2010-09-01)

In the traditional image of international system in the Islamic Middle East, the world was divided into two conflicting worlds, the World of Islam (dar al-Islam) and the World of War (dar al-harb). The perpetual state of war between these two worlds should continue till the whole world came into the control of Muslims. In the World of Islam, there should be only one political body, an Islamic universal state. Accordingly there was no room for the international relations among Muslims. International relations could exist only between the two conflicting worlds. These relations could not be reciprocal but unilateral. This proto-image of the Islamic international system had been accepted through centuries even after the circumstances had changed so greatly.On the eve of the rise of the West, the Ottoman Empire was ruling over the Islamic Middle Eastern World as an Islamic universal empire. The Ottomans accepted the proto-image of Islamic international system. Only in the eighteenth century when the Western Impact began to threaten the Ottomans, the traditional Islamic international system began to transform in its reality and in its image. Modern western international system destroyed the traditional Islamic system little by little. Western nationalism undermined the traditional basis of identity of the members of the empire. The national awaking and national liberation movements of the Balkans drived the Ottomans themselves to seek for new basis of identity and new world order in order to keep thier empire. However the change of tide could not be halted.The Ottoman Empire as an Islamic universal empire dessolved. In the ruin of the universal empire there emerged a group of nation states. The Islamic Middle Eastern World as a self-consistent entity lost its consistency and was incorporated into the modren international system as its sub-system or an area.
鈴木 董
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.101, pp.1-71, 1986-11 (Released:2017-06-12)

The reign of Suleyman the Magnificent was one of the most important periods of the Ottoman history.In his reign, the centralized ruling organization of the empire was firmly established.At the same time, the sutructure of the ruling elites transformed greatly.However, there exist very few detailed monographs which deal with the social composition and career patterns of the Ottoman ruling elites of this period, though discussions on the Lybyer thesis have been going on.In this article, we will try to identify all the vezirazams and vezirs of Suleyman the Magnificent and then will analyze their social origins and career patterns.
中里 成章 鈴木 董 山本 英史 大木 康 桝屋 友子 板倉 聖哲 大石 高志
