山本 裕二 木島 章文 福原 洸 横山 慶子 小林 亮 加納 剛史 石黒 章夫 奥村 基生 島 弘幸

鍋山 隆弘 碓氷 典諒 奥村 基生
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.53, no.2, pp.55-71, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-04-28)

This study investigates how spatiotemporal conditions of interpersonal distance and timing in movement initiations influenced decision-making and actions for offence and defense in kendo. We also intend to present verifiable data on the problem of how two players separate from tsubazeriai in matches. Participants were top level players in Japanese university kendo clubs. In the experiment, participants were either given the role of “the first player”, who initiates movements, or “the second player”, who initiates movements after the first. The participants performed each trial as if in a real match from distances of 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, and 275 cm. We analyzed two trends in their decision-making and actions, one of which was the “ease of active striking,” meaning that they were able to initiate movements from a strike rather than defense in each trial. The other trend was the “ease of striking”, meaning participants could strike in each trial and were not only confined to defense. The results showed that it was easier for the first players than the second players with regards to “ease of active striking” and “ease of striking”. In both results, the differences between the first and the second players were extremely clear at a distance of 150 cm and were very clear at 175 to 250 cm distances and almost disappeared at 275 cm. In total, the first players also had a greater frequency of striking success (ippon) than the second players. These results indicated that movement initiation distance and timing changed reaction and movement times in both offence and defense, and also changed the degree to which the first and the second players’ decision-making and actions gave them an advantage. This is because the reaction and movement times required for offence and defense became shorter if the two players were closer to each other. In addition, the first players’ active movements caused the second players to react passively making it easier for the first players to initiate an attack.. Therefore, at close distances, offence became easier while defense became more difficult, and the first players gained a advantage while the second players were placed at a disadvantage. It can be concluded that the first players gain an advantage and the second players become disadvantaged in terms of offence when they are at close distances of 150 to 250 cm. These findings should be useful in combat sports such as kendo for the coaching of decision-making and actions, as well as for making the rules fairer on offense and defense.
木島 章文 樋口 貴広 島 弘幸 奥村 基生 鈴木 聡

小学校2, 4, 6年生を対象とした実験を完了し,以下の結果を得た(現状も分析を続行している).1) 三者跳躍課題の遂行に伴うミスの回数を学年間で比較した結果,第2学年以上になるとミスの回数が多くなる傾向が見られた.2年生においては一方向のみあるいは定型的に跳躍方向を切り替える組(例えば,左右1回ずつ交互に,あるいは2回ずつ交互になど)が7割がたを占め,第4学年以上になると不規則に跳躍方向を切り返す組が7割がたを占めていた.また第6学年では成人と同じく,反時計回り方向へ跳躍するケースが顕著に多くなった(平均で成功回数の7割).2)先導跳躍者に対する他二者の遅れに関して学年間に有意差はなかったが,全ての学年における遅れ時間が,成人より有意に大きかった.また先導・追従性に差がない等質群においては,成人と同じく,正方形条件における遅れが正三角形条件における遅れより大きい傾向があった.また先導性に差がある異質群においては,成人とは逆に,正方形条件において先導児童が早期に跳躍することを示す二者先導(一者追従)型の協応パタンを示す傾向が強かった.3)等質群では,三者の配置が対称な正三角形条件において三者それぞれが他を先導する確率が等しく(約33%),正方形条件では跳躍方向に空き地を持つ一者が先導する確率が抜きん出て高く,他の二者が先導することはほとんどなかった.これら協応パタンは成人のパタンと同じ性質であり,それぞれの地形における跳躍者の配置の対称性から群論に基づいて予測したパタンと一致する.一方で異質群においては先導児童が場の制約に反して先導する傾向が高かった.そこで現れるパタンの時空間対称性は地形から予測される対称性より低い.現在,跳躍者の個性が地形の幾何学対称性から予測される協応パタンの対称性が,そこに配置される跳躍者の個性によって崩れることを説明する数理モデルを検討している.
奥村 基生 吉田 茂
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.3, pp.245-257, 2007 (Released:2007-07-14)

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in the response selection of collegiate kendo players (mid- and high-level skill groups, n=9 for both groups) during matches from complex viewpoints. First, the subjects reported their own skill (or waza) knowledge utilized during practices and matches, and then participated in matches with players of the same group. We analyzed their thinking processes and frequencies of utilization of skill knowledge as processing contents, as well as the consequent processing times and starting times of defenders’ appropriate reactions to the response selection. Although differences in the thinking processes and processing times of the two groups were not significant, the high-level skill group utilized their skill knowledge more frequently and delayed the defenders’ appropriate reactions. The reported thinking processes, i.e., those that could be verbalized, reflected effective thought processes such as brief thinking. The processing times, which we expected to be significantly different between the two groups, were influenced by time variabilities produced by the players themselves, as they must utilize various processing methods in different match situations. Analysis of the processing contents also showed that the high-level skill group selected actions actively and frequently by using their skill knowledge to anticipate situations and assess non-immediate environmental information. This processing mode led to tactical “active response selection”, which we believe is an important factor in the creation of 100-ms delays in the appropriate reactions made by defenders, delays that translate into points scored. Such active response selection, which differs from passive processing of environmental information, i.e., the “passive response selection” that has been reported in highly skilled players in other sports studies, indicates that the processing mode in response selection changes according to the characteristics of a sport. Also, the mid-level skill group adopted passive response selection more frequently. Consequently, we suggest that 1) kendo players should aim towards active response selection, 2) should acquire effective skill knowledge, and 3) should utilize this knowledge actively and frequently in response selection.
山本 裕二 工藤 和俊 山田 憲政 北原 俊一 平田 智秋 宮崎 真 平川 武仁 木島 章文 奥村 基生 郷原 一寿 門田 浩二 山際 伸一
