黒田 正巳
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.55, pp.84-93, 1957-03-25

Correct retinal image cannot be drawn, but several assumtions maxe it possible. They are-fixed mean sight line, flat projection plane, no peripheral vague image, no binocular double image, and no peripheral curved image. Under these assumptions I deviced one of 3-vanishing points perspective drawing methods, and adopted it as an "approximate pure retinal image." Retinal image vary with fixation. Question is whether perceptive image does so. Subjects are let to observe a square figure (2.5m×2.5m) on a vertical plane, fixating their sight lines on several points (fixation points), and they are instructed to draw their perceptive images. Those drawings were compared with those retinal images. Main conclusions are: 1. In spite of pretty so much individual differences, mean perceptive images are almost constant wherever existing the fixation points. 2. Perceptive images converge toward horizontal direction, a little converge toward vertical direction. 3. The smaller deflection angle of observation point and the smaller degree of constancy.
宮沢 智士
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.81, pp.46-51, 1963 (Released:2017-08-30)

This report forms a part of the studies on the farmhouses in Fukui-prefecture. We invastigated 34 farmhouses in various parts of Fukui prefecture. The date of farmhouses we invastigated extends from the 17th century to the 19th century. The first step to our investigation on the farmhouses is to know their original plan and constraction when they were first built. Next we tried comparing the plan and constraction in one place with them the other places. As the result of these studies we have found that the farmhouses in Fukui prefecture are grouped five types in style and form. The farmhouses that belong to first group are widely distributed in the Eehizen plains, the mountainaus district of Niu and these conected valley. The plan of these farmhouses are "Hiroma" style. The farmhouses that belong to the other four groups are distributed in the mountianaus distrct (Ohno-sanchi, Imadate-sanchi and East and West Wakasa district). The farmhouses that belong to the other four groups have their own features.
田中 俊彦 村上 周三 吉野 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.314, pp.121-130, 1982-04-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

(1)換気量が一定のとき, 天井・壁の結露量と乾燥時間の関係は直線的である。(2)天井・壁の結露量が140g(入浴時間約15分)で一定のとき, 乾燥時間y(min)は, 換気量x(m^3/h)の関数としてy=1920/x+25で近似される。(3)図4.6より, 換気量が100m^3/hのときは, 2〜3人の入浴(シャワー出湯時間10分〜15分)を想定すると, 床に残る水の影響を考慮して, 換気扇を90〜120分運転する必要がある。(4)給気口形状, 浴室外温度が乾燥時間に及ぼす影響は非常に小さい。
白井 秀和
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.333, pp.137-143, 1983-11-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Le terme de bienseance employe en tant que traduction en francais de decor de Vitruve a deja ete un des principes celebres dans les theories theatrales au 17^e siecle en France. Ce concept qu'on peut appeler la loi habituelle en architecture est le reflet de la societe de la cour en France, et on pourrait dire que la parfaite correspondance entre la structure des maisons particulieres et celle de la societe de la cour, que ce concept exprime bien, est une des empreintes du classicisme francais. Des la premiere moitie du 18^e siecle, au lieu de terme de bienseance, celui de convenance est paru. C'est-adire, ces deux mots qui doivent exprimer a peu pres le meme concept issu du ancien terme decor ou decorum, etaient bien employes a l'age classique. D'abord, a l'epoque de Louis XIV, on se servait du mot de bienseance generalement, et des le commencement du 18^e siecle, graduellement, le mot de convenance en etait venu a etre employe preferablement. Historiquement, J.-L. de Cordemoy et M.-A. Laugier ont traite de la bienseance en architecture ou a l'art de batir. Parallerement a eux, M. de Fremin et J.-F. Blondel ont traite de la convenance en architecture. Surtout, Blondel a expose beaucoup de traites sur la convenance dans ses nombreux ouvrages. Ainsi, ces deux concepts sont conduits a la theorie de caractere, qui etait l'element tres important chez les theoriciens dans la seconde moitie du 18^e siecle. Enfin, la bienseance et la convenance sont les signes de la societe de la cour en France, c'est-a-dire, l'esprit francais a l'age classique.
佐藤 正彦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.235, pp.103-110, 1975-09-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The three Kumano shirines are Kumano-niimatsu Shrine (also called Hongu), Kumano-hayatama Shrine (also called Shingu) and Kumano-Nachi Shrine (also called Nachi). Of these shrines, "Hongu" contains the god, Ketsumiko, Hayatamashin is the god of Shingu and the Nachi waterfall is the god of the Nachi Shrine. The existence of the Hongu and Shingu Shrines is described in the records of the Nara Period. However, there is no mention of the Nachi Shrine. In my opinion there was probably a shrine at the foot of the waterfall. Ketsumiko was certainly the god of Hongu untill the middle of the tenth century, but it was not until the latter half of eleventh century that the god, Hayatamashin and the goddess, Musubishin were also enshrined in the Hongu. By the early half of the twelfth century the Shrines, "Goshogu", "Yonshogu", along with corridors, pagodas, the hall of the Buddha etc. were added within the sacred precincts. Hayatamashin was the god of "Shingu" untill the middle of the tenth century, but since then it seems that this shrine added the goddess, Musubishin, and the god, Ketsumiko along with others. As a result of this, this shrine was sacred to eight gods and a goddess by the early half of the twelfth century. In the early twelfth century "Nachi" Shrine was situated on the slopes of Mt. Nachi. This shrine also became as sacred a precinct as "Hong" and "Shingu". The two shrines, "Hongu" and "Shingu" acted in union until the middle of the eleventh century, but "Hongu", "Shingu" and "Nachi" had united their administrations by the latter of the twelfth century. Contents of this thesis are as follows : I. The Condition of the Three Kumano Shrines as Described in the Records of the Nara And the Early Half of the Heian Periods. II. The Condition of the Three Kumano Shrines as Described in the Records of the Middle And Latter Half of the Heian Period. II-1. The Condition of the Kumano-niimasu Shrine (Hongu). II-2. The Condition of the Kumano-hayatama Shrine (Shingu). II-3. The Condition of the Kumano-nachi Shrine (Nachi). III. Conclusion.
村上 周三 吉野 博
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.325, pp.104-115, 1983-03-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
2 3

住宅の気密性能に関する昭和36年以後の研究報告を一覧にして表-1に示す。わが国ではすでに大正13年に野村が, また昭和3年に大谷が室に存在する隙間の換気に及ぼす影響を実験的に検討しており, 隙間の量を部位別に目測し, その結果を示している。渡辺は, それらの結果を基に, 室容積1m^3当りの隙間面積が, 木造真壁造の和室では構造が粗の場合90cm^2以上, 中の場合60〜50cm^2, 密の場合30cm^2以下であり, コンクリート造の洋室では, 10〜15cm^2であることを述べている。その後, 昭和36年に, 前田, 石原等はコンクリート造集合住宅を対象として部位別の気密性能を減圧法(後述)により初めて定量的に測定した。最近では, 楢崎等が単室及び数室の気密性能及び防音実験住宅の気密性能を, 筆者らは各種住宅25戸を対象に, 市川等は集合住宅を, 浅野は各種住宅10戸を, 旭ダウ(株)の研究グループは北海道の断熱改修もあった。これはサッシの隙間の約3倍の量に達する。また, 3つの集合住宅における部位別のαAを比較した結果, 目につかない隙間は28〜126cm^2と大幅に異った。(3)建物に設置された後のサッシの気密性能は, 本来備わっているはずの性能よりもはるかに劣ることがある。今回測定した中では, Q_<l0>が, 性能試験値の6倍に達するものもあった。(4)住宅全体の気密性能を, 単位床面積当りの隙間の相当開口面積によって表し, 既往の測定結果を含めてグレード表に位置づけた結果, 各国における気密性能の水準が明らかとなり, わが国における気密性能の目標水準を設定するための手がかりを得ることができた。(5)気密性能の異なる3つの集合住宅において, 既設の台所換気扇を運転し室内圧を測定したところ, αAが2.4cm^2/m^2である防音気密住宅の場合, 排気量360m^3/hで-12.8mmAqにも下がった。この住宅で便所系統の換気扇を同時運転したところ, 便所系統のダクトから逆流が生じた。気密住宅において, 逆流やドア開閉時のトラブルを考慮して, 室内圧低下を-4mmAq程度にとどめるためには, 給気ダクトの径を175〜200mmにする必要のあることが, 実測及び数値計算より明らかとなった。
太田 静六
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.257, pp.111-117, 1977-07-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The southern front style of Hachiman shrine was completed at the 1st time structure of Iwashimizu shrine and the connected roof style of three shrines was started at the second time structure of Iwashimizu shrine. Next I discovered that the floor level of the frontrank temple are very lower than the behined temple in Heian and Kamakura Period.
吉田 勝行
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.293, pp.105-115, 1980-07-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
1 2

The Chokuhotai-Bunkatsu-Zu, in Japanese, mean figures which represent how to partition a rectangular prism into some small rectangular prisms. So this is a model of a building which forms of outside view and inside rooms are both rectangular prisms. In planning processes, it is possible to obtain a reasonable outline plan of a rectangular prismatic building by means of allocation of proper floor spaces and heights of each room to proper C. B. Z. which is in match with initial planning conditions. Therefore it is useful to generate with a digital computer to stock these C.B.Z. as far as possible. In this paper a C.B.Z. is put upon 3 dimensional grids and inner partition planes which are put upon each grid plane are not allowed to intersect crosswise one another. As the C.B.Z. is only utilized to the space allocation, generality is not miss on account of this rule. When a number of partition is given, each number of unit of X, Y and Z direction of a grid which includes a C.B.Z. is able to be decided. Surplus partition planes which form the grid are pulled out under the rule of partition plane joints and the grid becomes a C.B.Z. Mirror image and rotation are utilized to eliminate similar patterns. A program which is encoded of this procedure with FORTRAN IV is showed in Figure-6. This is available as a foundation of a total system which is able to generate reasonable outline plans of a building automatically through a digital computer.
丹羽 博亨
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.331, pp.123-129, 1983-09-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

This paper is the study on the disposition of the compound and architecture, in the middle ages, Fujimonryu temple in the Nichiren sect through the old records and others. From this study, 1) any building in the middle ages was found by records (Taisekiji Temple, Kitayama-Honmonji Temle and others), 2) disposition of the compoud and architecture were shoun by two pieces of old arrangement plans, and 3) rules of disposition of the compound and architecture were thrown ligth on by records and old arrangement plans, were obtained. Fujimonryu : There was Nikko who was one of the six disciples of Nichiren's. His sect was called "Fujimonryu" or "Fuji-Group".
伊藤 誠
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.173, pp.69-73,101, 1970-07-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The estimation of the number of toilet fixtures is discussed here through the investigation of daily activity of in-patients. The results are as follows : (1) Two urinals for men are sufficient to meet demand in each nursing unit including about 50 beds. (2) Three closets are to be provided for both male and female patients in every nursing unit. These are the results of application of the "α method" for cases of Bernovlli Distribution.
清水 擴
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.208, pp.77-83,89, 1973-06-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

The Hokkedo has not been thought to belong to Jodokyo architecture. But people had to repent of their sins in order to go to Jodo. The Hokkedo was very closely related to the Jodokyo since it was a place for penance. Goshirakawa, the retired emperor, seems to have been the first to use the Hokkedo as one's mausoleum. He gave different functions to Hokkedo and Sembodo, which had been originally the same thing; the former, as one's mausoleum, the latter, as a place for penance. The reason for this was due to his enthusiastic belief in the Hokkekyo, while he did not give credence to the dogma of the Jodokyo.