高橋 康夫
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.263, pp.117-127, 1978-01-30

Contents are mainly classified by two items as follows : 1. The history of the site of Gokomatsu In Sento Palace and the process of the urban redeveropement. 2. The actual circumstances of the renewal site. -1 The initial site planning and the structure of the area. -2 The site planning and inhabitant near the Zushi. -3 On the proprietary rights of the real estate of the inhabitants and the landed owner.
北野 隆
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.308, pp.140-144, 1981-10-31

It has been supposed that Uto Turret was removed from Uto to the Kumamoto Castle. But it is only a hypothesis. This study aims to clarify this assumption is not True, by the old literary documents. The Uto Turret was originally built by order of the feudal-lord Kiyomasa Kato in the Kumamoto Castle about A.D. 1602, not transferred from Uto. The name of Uto Turret was derived from the offices which installed in it and arround it. In these offices, Kato's feudal government controlled the vassals of ex-feudal-lord Yukinaga Konishi.
絵内 正道 荒谷 登
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.264, pp.91-98, 1978-02-28

In Hokkaido, most of houses are heated partially and intermittently by using a stove (semi-radiation type). The authors measured the room air temperature of such houses during the heating season, and studied on the controlled room air temperature and the living way affected by the thickness of thermal insulation and type of heating system. The purposes of these reports (part-1, 2 and 3) are to point out from those results what kind of changes shall be brought on the room air temperature and the usage of heating according to the improvement of insulation in the future. In this report, the varying patterns of the temperature at the ceiling θ_c and of the floor level θ_f are mainly discussed. In the case of the partial and intermittent heating by using a stove, the temperature difference of those two levels and those varying patterns change according to the fall of outdoor temperature. For example in the early season of heating, the varying patterns of θ_c are high in the morning and low in the evening, and those of θ_f are flat in the daytime. In this case, the room air temperature increases easily and sufficiently because it dose not get so cold yet and the radiation from a stove dose not become so strong to the living space. And in every house during the coldest season, the varying patterns of both θ_c and θ_f are generally low in the morning and high in the evening. But with supplying a little heat at night or with reducing some heated rooms, those varying patterns become like the patterns in the early season of heating. The reason is supposed as follows. In the coldest season, as the temperature at night becomes so low, more heat supply is required in the morning, the sufficient warmth is not obtained by room air temperature but by only the direct radiation from a stove. And the supplying a little heat at night or the reducing some heated rooms is the response of living to the coldness existing the adjoining rooms or at the floor level, these patterns are supposed to be the results of the response to keep the human body suitably warm.
小野 英哲 河田 秋澄 宮木 宗和 川村 清志 小西 敏正 三上 貴正 橋田 浩 吉岡 丹
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.346, pp.1-8, 1984-12-30

This paper presents the process of the development of the new slipperiness tester and the performance of it. Based on the concept of a new slipperiness tester reported in part 2, a tester (DRAG TYPE) of which details remained changeable and could be adjusted by the result of the later experiments was first developed. The result of measurement of many surfaces, namely, the pulling load-time curves were analysed to find the physical value which can indicate the degree of slipperiness, and coefficient of slip resistance (C.S.R.) was finally found. C.S.R is defined as Pmax/W; where Pmax is the maximum pulling load, W is the loading weight. Then, the each specification of the tester was able to determined in a certain way as C.S.R corresponds smoothly enough to the subjective slipperiness value on the sensory scale obtained in part 1. Moreover, even in matters of the test on powdery and oily surfaces which were similar to actual dusty and muddy wet ones, the smooth correspondence was also recognized. These results made clear that the newly developed tester can be regarded as appropriate for measuring the slipperiness of actual floors.
加藤 邦夫 上原 孝雄 中村 和男 吉岡 松太郎
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.289, pp.119-129, 1980-03-30

以上の解析結果よりえられた知見を述べ, まとめとする。(1) 群集対向流動のすれ違い性状 対向流動の特徴は, 対向する群集のすれ違いに伴い, 各歩行者が対向者との接触を避けるように同方向者同士寄り合い, 帯状のグループとなって交互に層を形づくる現象である。このような群集の層化現象が円滑な流動を可能にするとみられる。グループの形成状況は, はじめ先頭者に同方向者が追従する形で楔状を呈することが多いが, 次第に引き伸ばされ層状に近づく。すれ違いのはげしい部分, および小さいグループ程層化の傾向が強い。(2) 群集中における歩行者間の相対位置 異方向者との間の相対位置の分布は, 半径が約2mの円状となる。密度が高くなると側方は接近して楕円状となるが, 進行方向には衝突を回避するよう常に2m位の間隔を保つ。同方向間では, 密度が上ると前者に追従しやすいように前方を縮め, またその密度条件下で自己の領域をなるべく確保しうるように同方向者が互い違いに並ぶ形になり, 相対位置の分布は円形に近づく。(3) 層化グループ占有領域 密度状態, および両方向流の構成比によって, グループの大きさに差ができるが, すれ違いのはげしい部分において方向別に層化された各グループの占有領域の幅員は, 一般に1〜1.5m程度のものが多く, これは同方向者が寄り合って1人ないし数人幅の層となり, すれ違い歩行するのに都合のよい幅員と考えられる。(4) 流動密度と流速, および流率の関係 今回観測された流動密度は, すれ違い時に一時的, 局所的に3.5人/m^2に達することもあったが, 全領域にわたって高い密度状態はえられず, 両方向含めて平均0.9人/m^2以下で自由歩行程度のものであった。この状況では構成比, およびその混り具合にかかわらず, 全域についての流動密度と流速, および流率との対応関係は, 一方向流動の場合と大きな相異は見られず, 両方向流動はかなり円滑に流れており, 層化現象が能率のよいすれ違いを可能にしていると考えることもできる。(5) 層化現象の指標 層化の現象を客観的に示す指標として, 異方向者混入度(エントロピ), および同方向者の位置と方向の分散度(エントロピ)は, 低密度状態, および両方向群集の勢力差が大きい場合を除けば, 層化をある程度表現しうるものと思われるが, さらにより高い密度状態で確かめる必要がある。(6) 群集間の干渉による進路決定特性 群集対向流動状況においては, 2次元空間上でその各部分における歩行者の進路方向は, その群集の本来の目的地方向を基本として, 前方の対向者の高密度部分, および対向者の領域とみられる部分と衝突することのないように回避し, 直前に同方向者がいればそれに追従する方向へ修正されることが明かになった。これらの性質によって, 層の形成や同方向者の層の結合現象などの解釈が可能となる。また, 進路決定にとって直前の対向者の影響が大きいことも明かとなったが, その作用形態に対する一定の傾向を把握するには至らなかった。
永井 規男
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.251, pp.119-128, 1977-01-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
1 1

It is the object of this paper to make clear the reason of the formation of the Settan type which is the characteristic plan type among many types of the farm houses in the Edo period. Settan type is featured by having the entrance on the gable side. Judging from some of the oldest ermains in the seventeenth century, the plan of this type consisted of three chanmbers arranged in single file and dirty floor to parallel with them. Each of the chambers is called 'Zashiki' (parlor), 'Daidokoro' (living and dinning), and 'Nando' (bed room) from the front to the back. Zashiki has a wide veranda in frant of itself. Conseqently, Settan type constitutes the formalized fasade for the farm house. Settan type is distributed over three provinces, Yamashiro, Settsu, and Tanba (equal to Kyoto, Osaka, and Hyogo Prefecture at present time). What does this distribution mean? After many researches, I was aware of the correspondence of this distribution with the dominant area of the Hosokawa who was substantially the execter of the Muromachi Shogunate from the middle of the fifteenth century to the middle of the sixteenth century. In this period, the upper-most class farmers were given the political privelege and played the part of the official ruler of thier villages. On the other hand, it is thought that the residents in the houses belonging to this type in the seventeenth century were the desendants of them. It is conjectured, therefore, that Settan type was formed as the result of emphasizing the social parts in planning, that is a parlor and a wide veranda, in front. In addition to this tendency, probably, the privelege of using 'Hafu' (the triangle board on the gable side of the roof) which had been only used by the upper-class in the Middle Ages, might have been permited to them in return for their special position. As the result, the gable side of their houses might have been put in the front to exaggrate it. The older type planning was re-organized in accompany with these occurrences. Thus, Settan type had been formed in this region by the first half of the sixteenth century.
玉井 哲雄
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.252, pp.137-144, 1977-02-28 (Released:2017-08-22)

Contents 1. Plotting of Residential Areas and the Streets in Yedo 2. Residential Areas for Townsmen 3. Kokenzu (Map of the Residential Areas for Townsmen)
太田 静六
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.323, pp.134-141, 1983-01-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

I studied about all style of the ranged country house, "Futamunezukuri" at the Loochoo Island and southern Kyushu.
鈴木 博之
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.226, pp.85-94,105, 1974

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was an unique designer in the history of modern design. Many art historians, for example, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in his "Pioneers of Modern Design" and Robert Schmutzler in his "Art Nouveau-Jugendstil", highly appreciated him as a revolutional designer. Dresser's design seems very functional and "modern". But it was not only the result of functional study but also the result of looking into fundamental form. It is true that he studied function of the shape of the pot, but it was only one of his interests. At the same time, he was deeply interested in the study of natural form and of an artistic arrangement of decorative forms. In 1873, he published "the Principles of Decorative Design", which had close relation to Owen Jones' "The Grammer of Ornament" and even to A.W.N. Pugin's "The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture" in 1841. These authors were inquiring into fundamental form and arrangement of decoration. Pugin's principles were based on the Catholic religion, Owen Jones' principles were based on the natural forms. And Dresser found the Energy and the Force as his basic principles for design. Dresser's principles, however, were not completely abstruct ones. He, then, caught a chance to visit Japan. His travelling through Japan from 1877 to 1878 shows characteristics of the principles of his design. He visited Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Nikko, Tokyo and many other places. He was interested in many of Japanese designs, especially, in such decorative designs as mausolea at Nikko and Shiba. It seems that the decorative arrangement in Japanese Art greatly inspired him, and that he had confidence that his principles were true. After returning to Britain, he created many revolutional designs. In these designs, however, we could not find any Japanese motives. But he must have been greatly inspired by Japanese Art. He was inspired not by forms but by the method of convention and arrangement of them. Contents of the thesis are as follows. I. Introduction II. Chronology III. Dresser and Cole's Circle and the South Kensington IV. Travelling to Japan in 1877 V. Controversies on "Japanese Village" and against J. Conder VI. Dresser's Principles
木村 徳国
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.271, pp.113-120, 1978-09-30

"Waga Yado" is an idiom which stands for "my residence" in Japanese language. This idiom creates a problem in the history of Japanese dwelling house because when this idiom was evolved. The word "Yado" meant etymologically not a "house" i.e."Ya" but an "outer-space" i.e."To" or even an "openning" i.e. "To" of a building ("Ya") in ancient Japan. To determine precisely the age, and the process through which this idiom was evolved, the author researched this word thoroughly in the four areas of literature completed in the 8th century ("Kojiki", "Nippon Shoki", "Fudoki", and "Manyoshu"). He discovered about 120 words in "Manyoshu", an anthology of about 4, 500 poems of ancient Japan, and determined the following points. 1. The first poem which has "Waga Yado" was composed in the reign of Emperor Tenchi (662-671 A. D.), though this "Waga Yado" did not mean "my residence" at the time. 2. In several poems composed in 730 A. D., we clearly find that the idiom had been incorporated into the language. 3. Upon comparing these instances with other "Waga Yado" before 730 A. D., the author found that the first "Waga Yado" which stands for "my residence" occurred in the poem by Prince Fozumi composed in the beginning of the 8th century. At the same time, the author found that the 8th century poems which have "Waga Yado" in "Manyoshu" always speak of plants in a garden such as "Hagi (bush clover)", "Tachibana (orange)", "Ume (plum)", "Nadeshiko (wild pink)", etc., or the Moon, Birds, Wind and the like. So we can say that the expression "Yado" i.e. "residence" is always found up in those poems with the "petit and intimate beauties of Nature". On the other hand, one of the most traditional characteristics of the history of Japanese dwelling house was that the dwelling house always had a garden in which the householderes could live with and enjoy "petit and intimate Nature". This carried throughout history untill the 19th century. Another problem in the history is when this tradition actually began. In conclusion, it is the opinion of the author that the evolution or the invention of the idiom "Waga Yado" coincides with the formation of this "Nature" tradition in the history of the Japanese dwelling house.
鈴木 博之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.226, pp.85-94,105, 1974-12-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was an unique designer in the history of modern design. Many art historians, for example, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in his "Pioneers of Modern Design" and Robert Schmutzler in his "Art Nouveau-Jugendstil", highly appreciated him as a revolutional designer. Dresser's design seems very functional and "modern". But it was not only the result of functional study but also the result of looking into fundamental form. It is true that he studied function of the shape of the pot, but it was only one of his interests. At the same time, he was deeply interested in the study of natural form and of an artistic arrangement of decorative forms. In 1873, he published "the Principles of Decorative Design", which had close relation to Owen Jones' "The Grammer of Ornament" and even to A.W.N. Pugin's "The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture" in 1841. These authors were inquiring into fundamental form and arrangement of decoration. Pugin's principles were based on the Catholic religion, Owen Jones' principles were based on the natural forms. And Dresser found the Energy and the Force as his basic principles for design. Dresser's principles, however, were not completely abstruct ones. He, then, caught a chance to visit Japan. His travelling through Japan from 1877 to 1878 shows characteristics of the principles of his design. He visited Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Nikko, Tokyo and many other places. He was interested in many of Japanese designs, especially, in such decorative designs as mausolea at Nikko and Shiba. It seems that the decorative arrangement in Japanese Art greatly inspired him, and that he had confidence that his principles were true. After returning to Britain, he created many revolutional designs. In these designs, however, we could not find any Japanese motives. But he must have been greatly inspired by Japanese Art. He was inspired not by forms but by the method of convention and arrangement of them. Contents of the thesis are as follows. I. Introduction II. Chronology III. Dresser and Cole's Circle and the South Kensington IV. Travelling to Japan in 1877 V. Controversies on "Japanese Village" and against J. Conder VI. Dresser's Principles
木村 徳国
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.250, pp.125-133, 1976-12-30

This paper consists of the following two chapters, I. "Muro" buildings in 8th century literature. II. The architectural images of "Muro" buildings. This is the first half of the thesis "On 'Muro' building and 'Nifimuro-no-Utage'". The author will present a synopsis of the whole thesis in the next issue of "Transactions of A.I.J." in which the latter half of the thesis will be published.
小野 英哲 吉岡 丹
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.188, pp.1-10,115, 1971-10-30 (Released:2017-08-22)
1 1

The pupose of this paper is to relate the athlete's sense on resilieucy to factors being extracted from measuring the resibiency. The result are obtained from the inquiry about the athlete's sense on resiliency as follows. ・Almost athletes are sensible the difference of resiliency. ・We could extract several gymnasiums which was typical type of resiliency. The results are obtained from the experiment of measuring resiliency with the apparatus being planned and manufactured by way of trial as follows. ・We could obtain dyynanic load-deflection courves of gymnasium floor. ・The relation of gymnasium floor's deflection energy and athlete's sense on resiliency is very intimate. ・The efficiency of vibration damping and the stability of the floor's deflection have influence upon the athlete's sense on resiliency.
菊池 重郎
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.61, pp.112-119, 1959

関藤成緒訳百科全書「建築学」の背景となつている文部省刊百科全書の成立過程についての以上の諸考案を要約すれば次の通りである。1.この「百科全書」は明治4年文部省の編輯寮において箕作麟祥(1846〜1897)主唱の下に英書飜訳によつて刊行に着手された。2.「百科全書」は文部省から篇別分冊の形式で明治6年から明治16年に渉つて逐次刊行され、その首巻は明治6年9月刊の箕作訳の「教導説」である。3.箕作麟祥は明治のフランス法学者であるが、当時官学教授職の最高位にあつた洋学者であり、かつては日本最初の英和辞書「英和対訳袖珍辞書」編纂協力者であつた。4.「百科全書」の刊本には、文部省分冊版の外に明治10年5月から刊行された20冊の合冊版、この合冊版を書肆有隣堂がそのまゝ飜刻市販した有隣堂版、および明治16年にはじまる原書の1874年第5版による書店丸善の丸善版があつて広く世に行なわれた。5.「百科全書」の原書は、William & Robert ChambersのInformation for the Peopleの1858年第4版すなわち安政5年版であつて「ウエリシ・セリーズ」ではない。6.百科全書「建築学」は文部省版および有隣堂版にはじめから附せられた書名で、丸善版では「造家法」と題された。なほこの論考は「建築学」および「造家法」の考察に続くが紙数の関係から以上をもつて「その1」とする。
内藤 昌 大野 耕嗣 中村 利則
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.180, pp.61-71,76, 1971

On this part of the paper, the Jurakutei-Castle has been studied from the viewpoint of the history of Japanese architecture by the use of the Folding-Screen Picture of the Jurakutei-Castle and the Rakuchu-Ezu (A.D. 1637, the oldest measured map of Kyoto) that has been discovered recently. And the contents are the following : Chap. 1 A short history of the Jurakutei-Castle from the construction to the ruin; Chap. 2 The planning on the Jurakutei-Castle; Chap. 3 The buildings in the Jurakutei-Castle; that is, Tenshu-kaku (donjon), Hiroma (main hall), Ohte-mon (main gate), and Buke-yashiki (Samurai's residence). As the result of this study, on the one hand the Shoin-style had been completed in this Jurakutei-Castle, and on the other hand the planning of this Jurakutei-Castle built on flat land seems to have been the model of another castle-town. The Jurakutei-Castle was exactly the symbol of the age.