舛本 直文
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.4, no.2, pp.113-123, 1985-06-20 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the specific behaviors of sport groups by means of the concept, “communitas” which is offered by V, Turner. This analysis takes the semioticstructual method which differs from the structual-functional one. And the ritual process in sport is interpreted in the light of the cultural-anthropology. The procedure of this study, firstly, makes an overview of the concept, “communitas”, which appears in three dimensions of culture; “liminality”, “outsiderhood”, and “structual inferiority”, then proceeds to the relation with the rite of passage. Secondly, in view of the interaction of members, “communitas” can be demonstrated with “rhizome type” model which takes the form of the multidimensional network system. On the contrary, “community” is characterized by “tree typ” model. According to these procedure, this analysis proceeds to the examination of “communitas” and the ritual traits in sport groups.The results are as follows;1) It is necessary for the analysis of sport groups characterized by “communitas” to take supplementary approach with the team-work theory which has been developed for the social structual system.2) The specific behaviors in sports, e.g. the encouraging shout and cry “GANBA!”, or mass running exercises in formation, could be clarified as “rites of passage” or “transition rites” in broad sense.3) This shout “GANBA!” is a password for performing audiences to take part in the sport situation sympathetically. At the same time, the shout is also a prayer for athletes to enter into the movement landscape or background of ordinary sports.
鈴木 理
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.16, no.2, pp.83-93, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

In recent years, the concept of “teaching style”, especially Mosston's spectrum of teaching styles, is supported internationally. On the other hand, the teaching method of physical education in Japan is directed by the Learning Process Model (LPM) which is usually proposed in “Tanoshii-Taiiku” theory and adopted in the course of study. Setting LPM in the concept of “teaching style”, this study argues as follows:1) Though, in the extreme, case of “aim 2” is described as a problem solving style, it is an ability (for problem solving) developing style, in practice. Accordingly, LPM should not be classified as a “produce” cluster, but as a “reproduce” or “productive” cluster (eg. “task solving style”, “task selecting style”).2) The main content at “aim 1” of LPM is to enjoy one's exercise at the present ability. However, it is expected, from a practical point of view, that students will become trained in the technical or cognitive aspects. Therefore, we should establish the “support” skill as a significant teaching skill to guarantee rational and safe motor learning.3) Then it is necessary not only to present an objective criterion to identify the “saturated situation”, which is the turning point where the teacher directs students toward the next aim, but also to propose to operate LPM flexibly.4) It is the subject for a future study both to improve teaching styles and to establish a teaching strategy which specifies criteria on how to apply some styles.
中川 昭
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.6, no.2, pp.39-45, 1986-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study was to make a proposition on the instruction in decision making in ball games from the theoretical standpoint. To put it concretely, the outline of contents and methods of the process-oriented instruction in it was given in this study.Firstly, a conceptual linear model of decision makig in ball games, which is consisted of four stagesselective attention to outer game situation (which means the external environment subsisting objectively), recognition of game situation (which consists of objective and subjective environmental elements), anticipation of game situation, decision on play-was presented, and the main points of instruction were discussed in each stage of the model.Secondly, the subjects of the method on field/ court, the method in room, and selecting game situations were discussed about the methodology of instruction.Resting on the basis of the proposition in this study, more improved practice and many corroborative studies on decision making in ball games should be proceeded in future.
小野 雄大 友添 秀則 長島 和幸 根本 想
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.36, no.2, pp.15-30, 2016-11-30 (Released:2017-04-03)

Previous research has shown that physical education was introduced to young men’s associations through the strong encouragement of Giichi Tanaka. However, there has not been sufficient research on how Tanaka promoted physical education to young men’s associations or specifically what kind of plans were set forth.Accordingly, this study aims to clarify in detail the concept of promotion of physical education to young men’s associations.As a result, the following points were clarified:1) Tanaka positioned youth education in France, Russia and Austria as single-minded military school education and while he recognized its usefulness, he perceived it as negative. Meanwhile, he perceived German youth education favorably as discipline for the body and mind as a prerequisite to activities in the military.2) In the backdrop of German youth education as a model, Tanaka had a sense of impending crisis with respect to the current state of youth education in Japan which was in a trend of implementing excessive military style education. Based on these points, the education in Tanaka’s concept was, at least, positioned as activities in order to become healthy in terms of both stamina and spirit.3) The promotion of physical education to the youth was, for Tanaka, keeping in mind the combination of military education and national education, an experiment that required strong and healthy spirits and bodies as a basic prerequisite for the promotion of national power and war potential at time of generalized war as well as an expansion of military training.
岡沢 祥訓 北 真佐美 諏訪 祐一郎
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.16, no.2, pp.145-155, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)
37 4

The purpose of this study was to make a clear structure of physical competence of students from the upper grades of elementary school to the university, and to examine the developmental tendency and sex difference. The subjects were 4, 880 students broken down into 505 elementary school children, 3, 530 junior high school students, 358 high school students, 487 university students. The 12 items were chosen from among a result of preliminary investigation about physical competence, and factor analysis was done.The results were as follows:1) Factor analysis reveals a 3-factor solution. The first factor, perceived physical competence, was defined by 4 items. The second factor, feeling of control, was defined by 4 items. The third factor, peer and teacher acceptance, was defined by 4 items. And the questional items which constituted each factor of physical competence were common to all development stages from the elementary school to the university. The reliability of these scales were tested by the coefficient α, and credible results were obtained.2) On the development stage, the elementary school children showed a higher score than the junior high school students, the high school students and the university students in perceived physical competence and feeling of control.The elementary school children and the junior high school students showed a higher score than the high school students and the university students in peer and teacher acceptance.3) On sex difference, it was showed that the male's scores in perceived physical competence and feeling of control were higher than the female's one on all school stages, and that the female's scores in peer and teacher acceptance were higher than the male's one on the elementary school, the junior high school and the high school. But it was not significant differences between the males and the females on the university.
平野 真 林 恒明
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.26, no.1, pp.41-51, 2006

The purpose of this paper was to throw lights upon the perceptive changes that children show and the assistance teachers provide in the process of acquiring double dutch techniques through peer study activities.<br>This class aimed at solving &ldquo;small steps&rdquo; to master the duble dutch techniques. This study is an attempt to how we can produce teaching materials on double dutch, stressing the peer study such as &ldquo;what are the most important points?&rdquo; &ldquo;What do they observe?&rdquo; &ldquo;what are their good points&rdquo; six graders perform. Focusing on the role of the teacher, in two class hours, good coaching and effective demonstration is successful support for achievement. They are able to making inspection without strong teachers assistance.<br>As the results, the followings were found:<br>1) Effective communication plays an important role in peer study activities.<br>2) Duble dutch techniques can be achieved by setting up &ldquo;Small steps&rdquo; and excellent teaching techniques.<br>3) We can understand the psychological changes that children show by giving an interview after class, which were not identified by video recorders or questionnaires only.
勝田 隆 友添 秀則 竹村 瑞穂 佐々木 康
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.36, no.2, pp.31-48, 2016

<p>本研究の目的は、現在のスポーツ界において、スポーツ・インテグリティという用語がどのように捉えられているのかを明らかにすること、また、その用語のもとに展開される実践的取り組みにについて、とくに教育的観点から、問題点を指摘することである。<br>そのために、まず、現在のスポーツ界において、スポーツ・インテグリティという用語がどのように捉えられているかを整理し、その上で問題点を見出した。<br>次に、スポーツ・インテグリティを保護・強化をする上で脅威となる要因について整理した。そして、複数のスポーツ団体が実践的に取り組むスポーツ・インテグリティに関するプログラムを、教育的観点から6 つに分類し、問題点について精査した。<br>考察の結果、本研究において以下の問題点が見出された。<br> a) スポーツ・インテグリティは、スポーツの文脈だけでなく、教育的・社会的文脈においても語られること。<br>b) 日本のスポーツ関係者は、大規模イベントの開催国の責任として、この問題に対する教育を啓蒙する必要性について認識し、共有すること。<br>c) 各組織のリーダーは、スポーツ・インテグリティの脅威に関する共通理解を持ち、これまで以上に共に対処していくことが求められていること。<br>d)「スポーツ ・インテグリティ」を自分自身に、そして組織や社会に対して問う姿勢として、スポーツそのものを守るための行動変容に不可欠なものと捉えること。<br>本稿におけるスポーツ・インテグリティに関する考察はまだ序説に位置づくものであり、今後、教育的観点以外の考察を含め、更なる研究が求められる。</p>
近藤 智靖 高橋 健夫 岡出 美則
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-26, 2005-07-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

身体経験論は、ドイツのスポーツ教授学分野の中の一つの考え方である。この考え方は、現在のノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州学習指導要領に一定の影響を与えている。本論ではその論に着目し、その概念や実践及びそれを巡る論議についてFunkeとGrupeとの関わりを中心に考察を進めていく。この検討を通じて身体を教科の中で位置づける際に、何が論点になるのかを明らかにする。結果、次の点が明らかになった。1. Funkeが身体概念を検討する際に、常にGrupeの存在を意識していた。Grupeの理論にFunkeは一方で共鳴をしつつ、他方でその在り方に疑問を呈していた。2. 1983年のADL大会でFunkeの考え方はGrupeによって批判された。Grupeは身体経験概念の不明確さと経験の選択基準の曖昧さを批判した。しかし、この批判を契機としてFunkeは理論や実践を再考しはじめた。こうしたドイツの身体経験論の論議と変容過程を踏まえて、我が国の体育科教育学分野で身体の問題が議論されるべき際に論点となることは次の三つである。1. 体育科教育学において身体概念をどのように捉え、どのような論議をしていくのか。2. 学習内容を設定する際に、どのような経験を保証し、その選択基準をどうするのか。3. 学習内容に適した素材をどうするのか。
金 暉 友添 秀則 小野 雄大
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.38, no.2, pp.1-20, 2019-01-10 (Released:2019-04-01)

As the management organization of the Extracurricular Sports Activities and Competition of High School, All Japan High School Athletic Federation (hereinafter referred to as AJHSAF) can be an important research object when considering the ideal way of Extracurricular Sports Activities and Competition of High School.However, there are few researches on AJHSAF. How has it been founded and what kinds of activities have been developed, and how did it establish the competition hosting rights are not clarified. This study focuses on AJHSAF from its inception in 1948 to its establishment of competition hosting rights in 1952, and aims to clarify the founding process of AJHSAF.The following points will be clarified in this paper:1) AJHSAF was founded in 1948 based on [Interscholastic Competition] in order to manage and operate the competition educatively. With the establish of each competition department, the entity as an executing agency was prepared, AJHSAF was organized.2) AJHSAF and High School Athletic Federation in each prefecture was socially considered as a suppression to restrain the overflow of the competition. However, as the immaturation of the organization and the competition hosting rights was not established, AJHSAF and High School Athletic Federation in each prefecture failed to restrain the excessive holding of competition by Japan Amateur Athletic Association, and it seemed like its business was only to hold competitions.3) With the enactment of [About Student Sports (Interscholastic Competition)] in 1952, AJHSAF established the competition hosting rights, which means school officials had equal rights on competition hosting and start to involve in student’s sports.
長野 康平 中村 和彦
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.40, no.2, pp.77-87, 2020-12-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

Background: Regarding the burden of teachers in school athletic club activities, it is often argued that it is a burden because time of school athletic club activities related to working hours is long. However, factors related to the perceived burden of school athletic club activities have not been considered. The purpose of this study was the following three. 1) To clarify the rate of complaints about the perceived burden of teaching school athletic club activities among junior high school teachers in Yamanashi Prefecture. 2) To examine the relationship between teaching specialized competition and perceived burden. 3) To examine the relationship between the subject and the teaching specialized competition with the perceived burden.Method: We got data from 1,068 teachers who teaching school athletic club activities at junior high school in Yamanashi prefecture. Using a logistic regression analysis, we investigated a complex relationship between subject, involvement in specialized competition, and a perceived burden for teaching of school athletic club activities.Result: The accused rate of perceived burden to the teaching of school athletic club activities was 72.3%,21.3% of which had a sense of burden of high intensity. Odds ratio which has perceived burden so much that it is not involved in own specialized competition was high. Participation in the subject and specialized competitions was combined with complaints of perceived burden.
日髙 裕介 友添 秀則 小野 雄大
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.40, no.1, pp.31-50, 2020

<p>High school "sports strong teams" are a part of school education and serve as an important foundation of Japanese competitive sports. However, even though their importance has been pointed out, up to now there has been little research focusing on "sports strong teams." Therefore, this study sheds light on the historical characteristics of the high school "sports strong team" formation process.</p><p>The results of our research are as follows:</p><p>1. During the period of the establishment of high school reforms, the first health and physical education classes in Japan were taught at Tokyo Metropolitan Komaba High School. The first baby boom</p><p>generation went on to high school. Later, when the number of high school students suddenly decreased, private high schools began to position sports as an important pillar of a "distinctive education."</p><p>2. In the 1980s, while various high school educational reforms were taking place, the educational value of sports became recognized, and the number of high schools that used sports and operated in distinctive</p><p>ways increased. However, now that the declining birthrate society has arrived, simply using sports for their educational value is no longer enough to call something distinctive education. Therefore, under these circumstances, some high schools have begun to aim aggressively for "strong" extracurricular sports activities.</p><p>3. However, during this period, comments were beginning to be made about the adverse effects of "strengthening" extracurricular sports activities. Specifically, schools where extracurricular sports</p><p>activities are employed excessively by school management have received criticism from the standpoint of education.</p>
大西 祐司 栗田 昇平 岡出 美則
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-17, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-09-30)

The purpose of this study was to identify the learning sequence in the National Standards for Dance Education [NSDE]. To achieve this objective, we set the following three tasks;1) to identify the frameworks of learning sequences in each grade-band,2) to reveal the characteristics of content knowledge organized in Outlines of Sequential Learning,3) to illustrate the rationale behind the learning progression in Outlines of Sequential Learning.The results showed that;1) The learning sequence in dance education in the United States were structured in three grade-band, K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. In all grade-bands, development of not only motor skills, but also cognitive (creating and appreciating dance) and social emotional (establishing relationships with others) domains of learning in dance were expected to be acquired by students. Also, engagement in social activities relative to history and culture of dance were also identified as learning outcomes in the standards.2) In Outlines of Sequential Learning, three indicators provided achievement standards corresponding as to the three developmental stages. In particular, the achievement standards were not set up during content knowledge at that specific stage. The specific higher level standards enhanced the difficulty as integrating the lower level standards. The specific standards enhanced the difficulty not to change content knowledge, but to change the quality of achievement.3) In the process of developing Outlines of Sequential Learning, the developmental stages were set at first and then, in according to those stages, the achievement standards were described. The description on expected outcomes were differenent of each scopes. It means that the same achievement standards in sequential stages were described in some scopes and different others were changed in spite of same scopes. In addition, the amount of time to achieve appropriately was considerate.Overall, the learning sequence in the national standards for dance education in U.S.A. was structured based on the developmental characteristic of students and difficulty of the content. The consideration of content and the amount of time are critical to determine the learning sequences in national standards.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 浦井 良太郎
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-9, 2005

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical education [PE] homework on the amount of daily physical activity and the health-related fitness of university freshmen. Two hundred and eighty four Japanese university freshmen were allocated to either homework group (<i>N</i>=133) or control group (<i>N</i>=151). The tasks for homework group were daily life (out of class) self-monitoring of physical activity to promote daily physical activity, as well as fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The tasks for control group were health-related fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997), which consists of three subscales, was used to evaluate physical activity patterns of the participants. The three subscales were 1) Exercise/Sports: measures exercise/sports-related physical activities with more than moderate intensity, 2) Time Management: measures the ability of time management in being occupied and having little time for exercise/sports participation, and 3) Daily Activity: measures relatively light physical activities in daily life. Health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength/endurance, flexibility, and body fat) was also measured. As the result of ANOVA, PE homework in daily life was found to increase; 1) the amount of physical activity widely with light to moderate intensity, 2) some healthrelated fitness related to practical homework. These results suggest that PE homework can contribute to promoting daily physical activity required for fitness program emphasized today.
中井 隆司 高橋 健夫 岡沢 祥訓
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.16, no.2, pp.125-135, 1996

本研究では, 学習者の側から体育教師のイメージを教授学的に明らかにするとともに, 学習者の個人的特性がどのように関係するのかを明らかにしようとした。調査票は, 教授学的視点にたった体育教師像を探求する観点から65項目 (内3項目は学習者の個人的特性に関する項目) で作成し, 11大学の学生1058名を対象に回顧形式で中学・高校時代の体育教師について回答させた。<br>そこで得られた結果は次のようである。<br>(1) 62項目の調査項目に因子分析を施したところ, 学習者の側からみた体育教師のイメージとして, 「慕われる人」「専門的な能力」「熱心な指導」「無計画な授業」「恐い存在」「精神力の強さ」「社会的教養の欠如」「健康な人」「情意的な授業」「科学的な授業」「狭い専門性」の11因子が抽出された。これらは, 本研究が意図した教授学的視点が顕著に反映され, 従来の研究とは異なった教師像を示している。<br>(2) これら11因子の因子別項目平均得点から, 学生が体育教師に対して抱くイメージは「丈夫で, 精神力があり, スポーツに関わった能力のみならず, 幅広い教養を持ったすぐれたスペシャリストで, 授業では運動の楽しさなどの情意面に焦点をおいて計画的かつ熱心に指導する人であるが, 信頼感や思いやりに欠け, 生活指導面での厳しい恐い存在である」ということである。<br>(3) 学習者の個人的特性と各因子の関係を分析した結果, 男子学生や体育学部に進学した学生は, 体育教師に対して人間的なイメージを持っている一方, 教育学部に進学した学生は, より教師的なものになっており, 女子学生やその他の学部に進学した学生は, スポーツマン的にみていることが明らかになった。また, 「体育教師への好意度」, 「体育授業への好意度」, 「運動の得意度」と各因子の関係を分析した結果, 「慕われる人」因子が体育教師への愛好的態度育成に最も強い規定力をもっていることが認められた。このことは, 体育教師としての専門的な力量とともに, 教師としての資質や人間性, 特に生徒に対して信頼感や思いやりをもつことの重要性を示唆していると考えられる。<br>最後に, 本研究では, 中学・高校時代の記憶が比較的鮮明に残っている大学生を対象に回顧形式で調査を行ったため, その結果は, 直接授業で教わっている生徒のイメージを反映したものではない。しかし, その研究意図や導き出された結果から, 今後の教師教育にとって非常に有益な示唆が得られたと考える。今後は, この示唆を教師教育に具体的にどのように役立てていくのかについて研究を深めたい。
井谷 惠子
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-17, 2000-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The status of the fitness goals in physical education in the USA.: with reference to the requests by society in general since the 1980's.Physical education professionals have become aware the role of national fitness and have tended to regard the fitness goals as more important in the USA since the 1980's. The purpose of this study was to discuss the status of the fitness goals in physical education by looking at the social factors which influenced their status, the Standards for Physical Education, and reviews by various reserchers. The results were as follows;1. Educational reforms since the 1980's have given rise to the tendency of adding importance to academic subjects and have brought the decline of the level of physical education. “Physical” is recognized as the identity of physical education and increased attention is again being focused on this word in order to resolve the crisis.2. The issues of health and fitness have been recognized as serious, nation wide problems. Several Surgoen General reports and recomendations by related academies called for an increased positive role of physical education.3. The National Standards for Physical Education published by NASPE in 1995 strongly focused on fitness standards. Psycho-moter, cognitive, physical, affective and social development have been traditional goals of physical education, with the addition of physical activity, itself now being realized as a primary goal.4. Various reserchers regard fitness as important. This change in understanding about the needs of fitness and of social changes have placed a new level of responsiblity on the role of fitness. Further more, various reserchers suggested fitness programs have changed their emphasis from high level fitness training to improvement in attitudes about the needs of fitness, knowledge base and the requirement of independent ongoing physical activities related to fitness throughout our lifetime.
石田 譲
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.11, no.2, pp.81-90, 1991-12-10 (Released:2010-08-10)

Es ist unbedingt nötig beim Erlernen der sportlichen Bewegung, da β der Trainer die Bewegungsstruktur und die Zusammenhänge der Bewegungsverwandschaft versteht, von denen zu erlernende Bewegung abhängig ist. Das stufenweise Erlernen der sportlichen Bewegung wird nur dann möglich, wenn man die Bewegungsstruktur systematisch verstehen kann.Wir haben hier für das Erlernen der Stützschwung vorwärts am Barren, die systematische Ordnung der Übungen in Stützschwung vorwärts nachgeprüft und einige neue Vorschräge gemacht. Dann haben wir auch die Bedeutung der Stützschwung deutlich gemacht, die als eine Vorübung der zu erlernende Zielübung in Stützschwung vorwärts erlernt werden soll. Daraus ergibt sich, da β es vier Reihen von den Übungen in Stützschwung vorwärts gibt. Das sind aus folgenden Gründen zu unterscheiden.-Die Übungen, bei denen der Körper sich in der gleichen Richtung mit der Stützschwung vorwärts bewegt.-Die Übungen, bei denen der Körper sich in der Gegenrichtung der Stützschwung vorwärts bewegt.-Die Übungen, bei denen eine Flugphase vorkommt.-Die Übungen, bei denen keine Flugphase vorkommt.Es tritt daraus in den Vordergrund, da β die Bewegungsaufgabe der Stützschwung als Vorübung für die in Stutzschwung vorwärts zu turnende Übungen in Abhängigkeit von der Bewegungsstruktur der Zielübung gestellt werden soil. Dann kann man sich emn konkretes Bewegungsbild der Stützschwung vorstellen, das als Lehrstoff für Anfänger wünschenswert ist. So beim Stützschwingen soll der Turner bis zum letzten Zeitpunkt des Vorschwingens die Brust hohl machen und den Schulterwinkel vergrö β ern, um die Geschwindigkeit der Fü β e während des Vorschwingens zu garantieren.Diese Folgerungen sollen weiter im Umgang mit der Praxis, d. h. abhängig von der Fertigkeitsstufe oder dem Grade der Stabilisierung der Bewegung, zur konkreten Methodik beitragen.
周 愛光
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.12, no.2, pp.89-102, 1992-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study was to show, by using Georg Simmel's theory of competition, that competition in sport does not cause man's alienation at any rate. For that purpose, first Simmel's concept of competition was identified, and then the relationship between competition in sport and man's alienation was analysed from cultural and social viewpoints.The conclusions of this study are as follows:(1) Competition is a type of battle defined by such essential moments as “indirectness/non-violence”, “justice/equality” and “social utility”, It is a sociological concept, and there is no competition in culture as it is. So it is illogical to argue that the competition in sport culture causes man's alienation.(2) Sport culture is actualized through sport society, which is an interaction of sport performers and others concerned. Competition in sport, as one form of socialization, has no direct connection with the performer's aims or intentions. In other words, it is a value-free concept. So competition in sport society does not cause man's alienation.(3) Such acts as violence, cheating, etc. do not belong to competition because they do not connote the essential moments of competition. Therefore, it is a logical perversion to argue that competition in sport causes man's alienation because of the occurrences of violence or cheating.(4) The immediate result of competition in sport is objective achievement of sport performance. The result has no direct connection with man's alienation, but can be a factor of it depending on how the social relations are. However, competition itself must be clearly distinguished from the results of it. So, competition in sport has no causal relationships with man's alienation.In short, according to Simmel, competition in sport is not the cause of man's alienation in any sense, Therefore we should reject such claims that attribute man's alienation in sport to competition.
小畠 哲
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.9, no.1, pp.37-47, 1989-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The outdoor education is a study whereby various kinds of educational activities are given through the actual experience, and the most eminent feature of it is to place the emphasis on the experience.Then, why should the importance be place on experiences now? As a background of this problem, it can be pointed out that there is an insufficiency of natural experiences and life experiences as the underlying factor of many problems concerning the young generation today. This paper aims at clarifying this fact through the survey of actual situation, and pointing out the policy that must be taken by the State to supplement this insufficiency. Next, refers to grasping the experiences not only as the matter of outdoor education but also as the matter of total education, and considering its necessity and meaning in the historical stream of education. This paper will discuss what kind of experience will really useful for growth and development of young generation.Furthermore, the paper will propose the concrete plan how should be the educational facilities for young people which is the base site of outdoor education activities to take advantages of these experiences.
西村 三郎 宮崎 明世 岡出 美則 小林 育斗
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.37, no.2, pp.15-29, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-05-01)

The purpose of this study was to examine whether male high school students can increase their sprinting velocity by improving sprint techniques according to the sprinting abilities in physical education. The participants were grouped according their sprinting velocity by classification criteria (Nishimura et al., 2016) from 139 male students in the 2nd year of high school. The Normal group and the Poor group had 16 and 18 students, respectively. Participants received sprinting instruction over 6 lessons, and 50m sprinting measurements were taken during the 1st and 6th lessons. Their sprinting motions were recorded approximately 35 m from the start line with a high-speed video camera using the side view angle. For evaluating the sprinting motion, joint and segment angles were obtained from the video. The 2 groups were compared using a paired t-test, which revealed significant differences between the pre and post-measurements. Both the Normal group and the Poor group increased their sprinting velocity by improving not so much common sprint technique as specific sprint technique. This result suggested that high school male students could increase their sprinting velocity by improving techniques according to their sprinting abilities.