田代 大祐 中原 雅美 中川 昭夫
一般社団法人 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 (ISSN:18817319)
vol.30, no.2, pp.228-232, 2022-04-28 (Released:2022-04-28)

田代 大祐 中原 雅美 中川 昭夫
一般社団法人 日本作業療法士協会
作業療法 (ISSN:02894920)
vol.41, no.4, pp.410-417, 2022-08-15 (Released:2022-08-15)

川戸 湧也 長谷川 悦示 木内 敦詞 梶田 和宏 中川 昭
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.775-792, 2020 (Released:2020-11-18)

The purpose of this study was to design and implement judo courses of physical education (PE) in higher education (HE) based on the ADDIE model and to validate the students’ outcomes and issues. The ADDIE model is part of the Instruction Design (ID) theory of educational technology. The subjects were 162 first-year undergraduate students (91 males: 71 females) attending judo courses in a designated sports university, and the lecturer who was responsible for instruction. Courses were implemented corresponding to each of the ‘analysis’, ‘design’, ‘development’, ‘implementation’ and ‘evaluation’ phases of the ADDIE model. In the analysis phase it was confirmed that the role of the course was to provide a PE teacher’s license. Therefore, the content was designed in accordance with the course of study for junior high and high schools. Considering the lesson time (a total of 50 minutes) in junior high and high schools, the time allocation for one lesson in the course was developed with an introductory 10-minute lesson followed by a 40-minute lesson each in the first and the second half. A learning notebook (learning portfolio) was also created in order to ensure the achievement of cognitive and emotional goals, and students were asked to describe their learning during each lesson. Course implementation was by the lecturer, based on systematic observational analysis of the teaching-learning process and self-reflection. Course evaluation was conducted based on the results of the systematic observational analysis, the distribution of student grades, and self-evaluation by students. Analysis of the teaching-learning process showed that the motor learning duration was sufficiently secured while the management duration was kept low. However, visualization of the teaching-learning process revealed that the initial planned time allocation was not realized. Through these results, the importance of a systematic observational analysis can also be recognized in the PEHE. The verification of the grades distribution and the students’ self-evaluation showed that the courses had the expected outcomes as a subject related to teacher’s qualification license. Furthermore, application of the ADDIE model in this judo course highlighted some critical issues, such as increasing students’ opportunities to teach each other, adjusting the learning environment through control of temperature and hydration, and creating special teaching materials for low-skilled students. Thus, in order to guarantee and improve the quality of PEHE, the authors propose an effective approach for course design and implementation that utilizes the ADDIE model.
尾崎 米厚 福島 哲仁 阿部 顕治 中川 昭生 岡本 傳男 山根 洋右
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.36, no.4, pp.937-941, 1987

島根県農村部における輸入赤痢アメーバ症の2例について報告した。2例とも中華人民共和国のツアー中に, 北京にてスイカを食べており, これが感染経路と考えられた。<BR>症例1は, 帰路上海にて発症し, 患者は, 悪心・嘔吐・下痢・意識消失を来し, 上海病院に緊急入院し, 脱水症状に対する治療を受けた。帰国後, 糞便検査にて<I>Entamoeba histolytica</I>の栄養型が認められ, 赤痢アメーバ症と診断された。メトロニダゾールにて治療を行なったが, 高令で激症アメーバ性大腸炎を呈した本例においては, 効果があまりなく, チニダゾールの方が効果を示した。<BR>症例2では, 自覚症状が認められなかったが, 糞便検査にて, <I>Entamoeba histolytica</I>の嚢子型が認められ, キャリアと診断され治療を受けた。<BR>近年は, 都市部のみならず農村部においても海外渡航者が増えており, 旅行者における輸入赤痢アメーバ症の多発, およびその集団発生に, 今後注意を払う必要があるものと考える。
片岡 大輔 曽根 智史 谷畑 健生 谷口 栄作 牧野 由美子 中川 昭生
Japanese Society of Public Health
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.52, no.10, pp.898-905, 2005

<b>目的</b> 「健康ますだ21」は2001年度を初年度として,2004年・2007年に中間評価,計画の見直しを行い,2010年を目標年次とする10か年計画である。「健康ますだ21推進協議会」の下部組織として,「栄養・食生活と歯科保健部会」「たばこと酒部会」「運動とストレス部会」の 3 つの部会がある。市域15地区では,3 つのうち 1 つの部会の活動テーマを 3 年ずつ重点的に展開している。本研究の目的は,中間評価の一環として,過去 3 年間の活動が益田市民の健康行動の向上に有用であったか否かを検証することである。<br/><b>方法</b> 対象は,益田市15地区から無作為に抽出された20歳以上の男女4,000人である。「栄養・食生活」,「歯の健康」,「たばこ」,「アルコール」,「身体活動・運動」,「休養・こころの健康づくり」の 6 分野,合計29の指標について,市民の健康づくりに対する意識・行動等を調査した。まず市全体の集計結果を,行動目標値と照合した。つぎに2000年に行われた健康行動調査時のベースライン値と,2004年の指標値を市全体で比較した。さらに2000年と2004年の指標値を,延べ 6 つの性・年齢階層別に比較した。最後に過去 3 年間に重点的に展開した活動テーマにより,15地区を 3 つの地区群にまとめ,地区群別に比較した。<br/><b>結果</b> 回収数は2,946件(回収率73.7%)であった。益田市の行動目標を達成した指標は,「男性の喫煙率」であった。2000年と2004年の指標値を比較したところ,市全体において11指標が有意に改善し,5 指標で悪化を認めた。5 つの性・年齢階層では,改善した指標数が悪化した指標数を上回った。各地区群の重点分野で合計 7 指標が改善し,これら 7 指標の全ては,市全体においても有意に改善を示した。各地区群の重点分野で悪化した指標はなかった。<br/><b>結論</b> 15地区が部会の活動テーマを推進することにより,各地区で弱点分野を補強しながら,市全体の健康行動の向上に寄与している可能性が高いことが示唆された。今後これらの活動がさらに多くの市民に認知され,各年齢階層および各地区で生活習慣の改善に結びつくことが期待される。
秋山 央 中川 昭 都澤 凡夫
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.2, pp.381-398, 2009-12-10 (Released:2010-02-13)

The aim of this study was to enhance the game performance of player S, the setter for the Ts University men's volleyball team, who was having problems with respect to “using combination attacks purposefully to limit the number of blocks by the opposition”-which is one of the main responsibilities of the setter-by using the “Performance Evaluation Criteria for Setters”. In order to achieve this aim, we analyzed the game performance of player S for the fall season. Based on this analysis, we derived some goals for improvement that were required for combination attack setting.Next, we worked on theoretical issues in player S's game in the light of what we had clarified. This corrected combination attack setting method was then put into practice in the fall season league games. We then examined the game performance of player S in the fall and spring seasons, and compared the results. This analysis showed that, when setting for combination attacks, those in which the hitters do not cross paths and where the setter was in the front row with only two front row hitters had a significantly higher rate of compliance with the evaluation criteria in the fall season than in the spring season. It therefore followed that there was a significant increase in the rate of compliance with the evaluation criteria for all combination attacks. As a result, it can be concluded that this study's aim of improving the game performance of player S with respect to “using combination attacks purposefully to limit the number of blocks by the opposition,” using the “Performance Evaluation Criteria for Setters”, was successful.
中川 昭
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.6, no.2, pp.39-45, 1986-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study was to make a proposition on the instruction in decision making in ball games from the theoretical standpoint. To put it concretely, the outline of contents and methods of the process-oriented instruction in it was given in this study.Firstly, a conceptual linear model of decision makig in ball games, which is consisted of four stagesselective attention to outer game situation (which means the external environment subsisting objectively), recognition of game situation (which consists of objective and subjective environmental elements), anticipation of game situation, decision on play-was presented, and the main points of instruction were discussed in each stage of the model.Secondly, the subjects of the method on field/ court, the method in room, and selecting game situations were discussed about the methodology of instruction.Resting on the basis of the proposition in this study, more improved practice and many corroborative studies on decision making in ball games should be proceeded in future.
中川 昭夫 笠 潮 宮部 洋介 井上 昭夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2000, pp.349-350, 2000

Most of caster walkers don't have any brake mechanism. Some of them have hand grip type brake mechanisms but it is not easy for some of the users. For those users, it is desirable if there is a brake system which works only at a time of emergency like an occasion of falling down. Properties of homogeneous ER fluid is ideal because it doesn't show any shear force but it shows a large shear force when a high voltage is applied between a narrow gap but it requires a very small electric current. The caster walker equipped with the ER fluid brake was developed to increase safety of the users.
井上 昭夫 笠 潮 宮部 洋介 中川 昭夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2000, pp.281-282, 2000

Properties of homogeneous ER fluid comprised of liquid crystalline polysiloxane (LCS) were described. The fluid shows Newtonian flow in an electric field and far larger ER effect than heterogeneous ER fluids of particles dispersion in oil. ER brake employed the LCS ER fluid was accomplished with many contrivances in the design and set up process for preventing a fluid leak and filling the fluid completely into a narrow electrode gap. The brake showed a large torque (brake power) with very small electric consumption. A caster walker with intelligent ER brake was developed for a practical use.