及川 力
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.18, no.1, pp.49-54, 1998-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)
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CISS (Comité International des Sports des Sourds) organized the IPC (International Paralympic Committee) with other sports bodies and national organizations for the Disabled in 1989, however CISS left the IPC in 1995. It seems that there were several factors in the process that CISS left the IPC.First, the idea regarding integration of sports for the Disabled was different between CISS and the IPC.Secondly, the concept regarding sign interpreting at the meetings from ICC to IPC was different each other.Thirdly, the deaf people's thoughts that disabled people themselves should control their own bodies was strongly reflected.In future, CISS is expected to become a strong driving force to prepare events that are open to both disabled people and able-bodied people in each sports federation at all levels and to realize integration of the Disabled in the world of sports. Therefore, it is even important for CISS and IPC to cooperate closely each other.
神谷 拓
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.26, no.2, pp.75-88, 2007-03-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

This study analyzed how curricular club activities were established in Japan's “Course of Study” and changed on the basis of precedents for curricular and extracurricular club activities. The study revealed the following points:1. In “the Course of Study of 1969” for lower secondary schools, curricular club activities were newly established because of a series of judgments that had approved the right of teachers to claim overtime allowances.2. In “the Course of Study of 1977 and 1978”, guidelines that encourage adequate implementation of both curricular and extracurricular club activities were established, since some court decisions had, since 1970, upheld the obligation of teachers to be present at extracurricular club activities outside duty hours.3. In “the Course of Study of 1989”, a choice between curricular and extracurricular club activities was at last allowed, since in 1983 the Supreme Court turned down the requirement that teachers be present at extracurricular club activities.As described above, the origin and position of curricular club activities in “the Course of Study” have been associated with precedents for the management and operation of schools. This indicates the importance of a precise review of the educational significance and related condition of these activities in terms of “the Course of Study”.
竹村 瑞穂 近藤 良享
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.28, no.1, pp.13-23, 2008-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this paper is to examine prior arguments about the necessity of prohibiting doping. Up until now, arguments about this issue have unfolded in many ways. This time, prior arguments were examined and an attempt was made to clarify the construction of this issue and the remaining problems. Papers analyzed were limited to those written from an ethical standpoint without the presumption that doping is wrong.In the course of examining prior arguments based on prohibiting of doping, four main standpoints can be listed as follows.1. A position that seeks reconsideration of the propriety of prohibiting doping from the viewpoint of “paternalism” or “free will”.2. A position that seeks reconsideration about the necessity of prohibiting doping from the viewpoint of the concept of “fair” or “justice”.3. A position that considers the necessity of prohibiting doping from the viewpoint of natural demand from parts of the human body.4. A position that encourages reconsideration of prohibiting doping from a modern viewpoint of the body in connection.In conclusion, these standpoints can be classified into two categories. One is the problem of “the essence of sports” and the other is “the bio-ethical problem” such as that of the right of body possession or free will. These two issues along with the new arrival of genetic enhancement or gene doping, are ones of significant concern remaining to be answered in the realm of sports and ethics.
山下 三郎 中川 孝 河野 信弘 西川 友之
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.13, no.1, pp.35-43, 1993-06-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationships between three factors (physique, motor ability and intelligence quotient) of the 57 mentally retarded boys and girls from 8 to 17 years old in 1989. The physique factor was composed of standing height and body weight. The motor ability factor was composed of 50m dash run, standing broad jump and softball throw for distance. Their intelligence quotients were rated by Tanaka-Binet intelligence test. Their z-scores of physique and motor ability were computed by the means and standard deviations of physique and motor ability in the Japanese normal children.The following results were obtained.1) The mentally retarded boys and girls had significantly moderate correlation coeffients between z-scores of 50m dash run, standing broad jump, softball throw and intelligence quotients.2) There were no relationships between z-scores of physique and intelligence quotients in both sexes with the exception of body weight in girls. The mentally retarded girls had significantly negative correlation coefficient between body weight and intelligence quotients.3) There were no relationships between z-scores of standing height and motor ability in both sexes. The mentally retarded boys had significantly positive correlation coefficients between the z-scores of body weight and the z-scores of standing broad jump, softball throw.
松本 靖 後藤 幸弘
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.26, no.2, pp.89-103, 2007

小学校5年生児童を対象に、戦術の系統に基づいて考案した7つの「課題ゲーム」を中心とする学習過程を適応した実験群 (TG群) と、「5対5のミニゲーム」とゲームで発見した課題を練習する学習過程を適応した対照群 (NG群) を設定し、両群の学習成果を比較した。結果は以下の通りである。<br>1) 個人的技能 (8の字ドリブルの得点、ボールリフティング回数、トラップ回数、ならびにパスの正確性) は、両群ともに向上が認められた。<br>2) 集団的技能 (攻撃完了率、仲間との関わり率、連係シュート率) は、両群ともに向上した。しかし、TG群では単元後半に顕著な向上を示し、NG群との間に有意差がみられるようになった。<br>3) シュートに至るプレーパターン (8種類) の出現種類には、両群間に差はみられなかった。しかし、スルーパス、ワンツー、ポスト、およびオーバーラップからのシュートの出現頻度は、TG群では増加したが、NG群には増加はみられなかった。また、相手クリアーミスとドリブルからのシュートの出現頻度は、TG群では減少したが、NG群では前者は増加し、後者には変化はみられなかった。<br>4) 単元終了時における戦術行動の出現頻度は、いずれもTG群の方が多く、スルーパス、ポストにおいて顕著な差がみられた。<br>5) 授業の自己評価は、TG群の方がNG群よりも有意に高値を示した。さらに、記述内容においても、「技や力の伸び」では、TG群はパスの正確性に関することが多く、NG群は個人技能に関することの多いことが認められた。また「新しい発見」では、TG群はボール非保持者の動きに関することが多く、NG群は守備の仕方に関することが多く認められた。さらに、「楽しさ」では、TG群は、集団技能に関するものが多いのに対して、NG群は、精一杯の運動、勝敗に関するものが多かった。<br>6) 態度測定の「価値」ならびに「評価」尺度の得点は、TG群の方が高いことが認められた。<br>7) 戦術行動の認識度は、両群ともに有意に向上したが、単元終了時の成績は、攻撃に関わる成績の差によってTG群の方が高値を示した。<br>8) 学習ノートにみる作戦は、TG群では 『スローガン的作戦』 から 『パスパス作戦』 『状況把握攻撃作戦』 に変化した。これに対し、NG群では 『スローガン的作戦』、『役割分担守備作戦』 から 『守備を固めて速攻作戦』 に変化し、守備に焦点化された作戦に終始していた。<br>9) サッカーの学習が楽しかったと答えた児童は、両群ともに増加した。また、その増加は、TG群の女子において顕著に認められた。<br>10) 戦術行動認識度テストと授業の楽しさ得点の間には、有意な相関関係が得られ、戦術に関わる認識が高まり、それをゲームで発揮できるようになれば、児童はサッカーの授業を楽しめるようになることが示唆された。<br>以上のことから、戦術行動の系統を基に考案した「課題ゲーム」を中心とする学習過程は、児童に戦術行動を認識させることによって、個人技能や集団技能を高め、楽しさを感じさせ得ることができ、体育授業に対する愛好的態度をも高め得ることが認められた。<br>ところで、本研究で用いた「課題ゲーム」は、攻撃に焦点をあてて作成し、攻撃の認識の高まりとともに守備の認識の高まりを期待した。しかし、攻撃に関する認識は高め得たが、守備に関する認識度をNG群以上に向上させ得なかったという問題が認められた。これには、守備は受動的になるためゲーム状況を記憶できにくいことに加え、攻撃側に数的優位を保障した本研究の「課題ゲーム」では、完全な防御が不可能であったことの影響が考えられた。この点については、今後さらに検討する必要がある。
鈴木 秀人
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-25, 1999-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study is to examine the present conditions of physical education lessons in English Public Schools through examining the P. E. curriculum and interviewing the director of the P. E. department of four representative Public Schools: Winchester College, Eton College, Rugby School and Harrow School.The analysis conducted in this study on the aims, objectives and contents of physical education lessons proposed by the P. E. teachers of these four schools has made clear following points.1) In these schools, physical education is a compulsory subject for the first one or two years only. The existence of extra-curricular games and the pressure of examination work have made the status of this subject less significant.2) Their ideas on the aims and objectives of physical education lessons are almost the same as the current generally accepted way of thinking. Specifically, their thinking is to try to make a meaningful, active relationship between physical education lessons and extra-curricular games after making it clear where physical education lessons are different from extra-curricular games.3) The contents of physical education lessons in these schools are so different from that of state secondary schools. Public Schools do not teach team games which are emphasised in state schools. Dance and outdoor activities are also not taught in physical education lessons in Public Schools.4) Though team games are still stressed in the extra-curricular activities, so many other activities including individual sports are taken there. This implies that their thinking on this activity has changed from Victorian values to the new approach of physical education.Consequently, the P. E. teachers of English Public Schools have made an endeavor to place physical education lessons as the foundation of all physical activities in the schools. The existence of National Curriculum which prescribes physical education as a compulsory subject may work advantageously to their endeavors.
舛本 直文
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.4, no.2, pp.113-123, 1985-06-20 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the specific behaviors of sport groups by means of the concept, “communitas” which is offered by V, Turner. This analysis takes the semioticstructual method which differs from the structual-functional one. And the ritual process in sport is interpreted in the light of the cultural-anthropology. The procedure of this study, firstly, makes an overview of the concept, “communitas”, which appears in three dimensions of culture; “liminality”, “outsiderhood”, and “structual inferiority”, then proceeds to the relation with the rite of passage. Secondly, in view of the interaction of members, “communitas” can be demonstrated with “rhizome type” model which takes the form of the multidimensional network system. On the contrary, “community” is characterized by “tree typ” model. According to these procedure, this analysis proceeds to the examination of “communitas” and the ritual traits in sport groups.The results are as follows;1) It is necessary for the analysis of sport groups characterized by “communitas” to take supplementary approach with the team-work theory which has been developed for the social structual system.2) The specific behaviors in sports, e.g. the encouraging shout and cry “GANBA!”, or mass running exercises in formation, could be clarified as “rites of passage” or “transition rites” in broad sense.3) This shout “GANBA!” is a password for performing audiences to take part in the sport situation sympathetically. At the same time, the shout is also a prayer for athletes to enter into the movement landscape or background of ordinary sports.
鈴木 理
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.16, no.2, pp.83-93, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

In recent years, the concept of “teaching style”, especially Mosston's spectrum of teaching styles, is supported internationally. On the other hand, the teaching method of physical education in Japan is directed by the Learning Process Model (LPM) which is usually proposed in “Tanoshii-Taiiku” theory and adopted in the course of study. Setting LPM in the concept of “teaching style”, this study argues as follows:1) Though, in the extreme, case of “aim 2” is described as a problem solving style, it is an ability (for problem solving) developing style, in practice. Accordingly, LPM should not be classified as a “produce” cluster, but as a “reproduce” or “productive” cluster (eg. “task solving style”, “task selecting style”).2) The main content at “aim 1” of LPM is to enjoy one's exercise at the present ability. However, it is expected, from a practical point of view, that students will become trained in the technical or cognitive aspects. Therefore, we should establish the “support” skill as a significant teaching skill to guarantee rational and safe motor learning.3) Then it is necessary not only to present an objective criterion to identify the “saturated situation”, which is the turning point where the teacher directs students toward the next aim, but also to propose to operate LPM flexibly.4) It is the subject for a future study both to improve teaching styles and to establish a teaching strategy which specifies criteria on how to apply some styles.
中川 昭
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.6, no.2, pp.39-45, 1986-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study was to make a proposition on the instruction in decision making in ball games from the theoretical standpoint. To put it concretely, the outline of contents and methods of the process-oriented instruction in it was given in this study.Firstly, a conceptual linear model of decision makig in ball games, which is consisted of four stagesselective attention to outer game situation (which means the external environment subsisting objectively), recognition of game situation (which consists of objective and subjective environmental elements), anticipation of game situation, decision on play-was presented, and the main points of instruction were discussed in each stage of the model.Secondly, the subjects of the method on field/ court, the method in room, and selecting game situations were discussed about the methodology of instruction.Resting on the basis of the proposition in this study, more improved practice and many corroborative studies on decision making in ball games should be proceeded in future.
岡沢 祥訓 北 真佐美 諏訪 祐一郎
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.16, no.2, pp.145-155, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)
37 4

The purpose of this study was to make a clear structure of physical competence of students from the upper grades of elementary school to the university, and to examine the developmental tendency and sex difference. The subjects were 4, 880 students broken down into 505 elementary school children, 3, 530 junior high school students, 358 high school students, 487 university students. The 12 items were chosen from among a result of preliminary investigation about physical competence, and factor analysis was done.The results were as follows:1) Factor analysis reveals a 3-factor solution. The first factor, perceived physical competence, was defined by 4 items. The second factor, feeling of control, was defined by 4 items. The third factor, peer and teacher acceptance, was defined by 4 items. And the questional items which constituted each factor of physical competence were common to all development stages from the elementary school to the university. The reliability of these scales were tested by the coefficient α, and credible results were obtained.2) On the development stage, the elementary school children showed a higher score than the junior high school students, the high school students and the university students in perceived physical competence and feeling of control.The elementary school children and the junior high school students showed a higher score than the high school students and the university students in peer and teacher acceptance.3) On sex difference, it was showed that the male's scores in perceived physical competence and feeling of control were higher than the female's one on all school stages, and that the female's scores in peer and teacher acceptance were higher than the male's one on the elementary school, the junior high school and the high school. But it was not significant differences between the males and the females on the university.
近藤 智靖 高橋 健夫 岡出 美則
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-26, 2005-07-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

身体経験論は、ドイツのスポーツ教授学分野の中の一つの考え方である。この考え方は、現在のノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州学習指導要領に一定の影響を与えている。本論ではその論に着目し、その概念や実践及びそれを巡る論議についてFunkeとGrupeとの関わりを中心に考察を進めていく。この検討を通じて身体を教科の中で位置づける際に、何が論点になるのかを明らかにする。結果、次の点が明らかになった。1. Funkeが身体概念を検討する際に、常にGrupeの存在を意識していた。Grupeの理論にFunkeは一方で共鳴をしつつ、他方でその在り方に疑問を呈していた。2. 1983年のADL大会でFunkeの考え方はGrupeによって批判された。Grupeは身体経験概念の不明確さと経験の選択基準の曖昧さを批判した。しかし、この批判を契機としてFunkeは理論や実践を再考しはじめた。こうしたドイツの身体経験論の論議と変容過程を踏まえて、我が国の体育科教育学分野で身体の問題が議論されるべき際に論点となることは次の三つである。1. 体育科教育学において身体概念をどのように捉え、どのような論議をしていくのか。2. 学習内容を設定する際に、どのような経験を保証し、その選択基準をどうするのか。3. 学習内容に適した素材をどうするのか。
井谷 惠子
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-17, 2000-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The status of the fitness goals in physical education in the USA.: with reference to the requests by society in general since the 1980's.Physical education professionals have become aware the role of national fitness and have tended to regard the fitness goals as more important in the USA since the 1980's. The purpose of this study was to discuss the status of the fitness goals in physical education by looking at the social factors which influenced their status, the Standards for Physical Education, and reviews by various reserchers. The results were as follows;1. Educational reforms since the 1980's have given rise to the tendency of adding importance to academic subjects and have brought the decline of the level of physical education. “Physical” is recognized as the identity of physical education and increased attention is again being focused on this word in order to resolve the crisis.2. The issues of health and fitness have been recognized as serious, nation wide problems. Several Surgoen General reports and recomendations by related academies called for an increased positive role of physical education.3. The National Standards for Physical Education published by NASPE in 1995 strongly focused on fitness standards. Psycho-moter, cognitive, physical, affective and social development have been traditional goals of physical education, with the addition of physical activity, itself now being realized as a primary goal.4. Various reserchers regard fitness as important. This change in understanding about the needs of fitness and of social changes have placed a new level of responsiblity on the role of fitness. Further more, various reserchers suggested fitness programs have changed their emphasis from high level fitness training to improvement in attitudes about the needs of fitness, knowledge base and the requirement of independent ongoing physical activities related to fitness throughout our lifetime.
石田 譲
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.11, no.2, pp.81-90, 1991-12-10 (Released:2010-08-10)

Es ist unbedingt nötig beim Erlernen der sportlichen Bewegung, da β der Trainer die Bewegungsstruktur und die Zusammenhänge der Bewegungsverwandschaft versteht, von denen zu erlernende Bewegung abhängig ist. Das stufenweise Erlernen der sportlichen Bewegung wird nur dann möglich, wenn man die Bewegungsstruktur systematisch verstehen kann.Wir haben hier für das Erlernen der Stützschwung vorwärts am Barren, die systematische Ordnung der Übungen in Stützschwung vorwärts nachgeprüft und einige neue Vorschräge gemacht. Dann haben wir auch die Bedeutung der Stützschwung deutlich gemacht, die als eine Vorübung der zu erlernende Zielübung in Stützschwung vorwärts erlernt werden soll. Daraus ergibt sich, da β es vier Reihen von den Übungen in Stützschwung vorwärts gibt. Das sind aus folgenden Gründen zu unterscheiden.-Die Übungen, bei denen der Körper sich in der gleichen Richtung mit der Stützschwung vorwärts bewegt.-Die Übungen, bei denen der Körper sich in der Gegenrichtung der Stützschwung vorwärts bewegt.-Die Übungen, bei denen eine Flugphase vorkommt.-Die Übungen, bei denen keine Flugphase vorkommt.Es tritt daraus in den Vordergrund, da β die Bewegungsaufgabe der Stützschwung als Vorübung für die in Stutzschwung vorwärts zu turnende Übungen in Abhängigkeit von der Bewegungsstruktur der Zielübung gestellt werden soil. Dann kann man sich emn konkretes Bewegungsbild der Stützschwung vorstellen, das als Lehrstoff für Anfänger wünschenswert ist. So beim Stützschwingen soll der Turner bis zum letzten Zeitpunkt des Vorschwingens die Brust hohl machen und den Schulterwinkel vergrö β ern, um die Geschwindigkeit der Fü β e während des Vorschwingens zu garantieren.Diese Folgerungen sollen weiter im Umgang mit der Praxis, d. h. abhängig von der Fertigkeitsstufe oder dem Grade der Stabilisierung der Bewegung, zur konkreten Methodik beitragen.
周 愛光
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.12, no.2, pp.89-102, 1992-11-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

The purpose of this study was to show, by using Georg Simmel's theory of competition, that competition in sport does not cause man's alienation at any rate. For that purpose, first Simmel's concept of competition was identified, and then the relationship between competition in sport and man's alienation was analysed from cultural and social viewpoints.The conclusions of this study are as follows:(1) Competition is a type of battle defined by such essential moments as “indirectness/non-violence”, “justice/equality” and “social utility”, It is a sociological concept, and there is no competition in culture as it is. So it is illogical to argue that the competition in sport culture causes man's alienation.(2) Sport culture is actualized through sport society, which is an interaction of sport performers and others concerned. Competition in sport, as one form of socialization, has no direct connection with the performer's aims or intentions. In other words, it is a value-free concept. So competition in sport society does not cause man's alienation.(3) Such acts as violence, cheating, etc. do not belong to competition because they do not connote the essential moments of competition. Therefore, it is a logical perversion to argue that competition in sport causes man's alienation because of the occurrences of violence or cheating.(4) The immediate result of competition in sport is objective achievement of sport performance. The result has no direct connection with man's alienation, but can be a factor of it depending on how the social relations are. However, competition itself must be clearly distinguished from the results of it. So, competition in sport has no causal relationships with man's alienation.In short, according to Simmel, competition in sport is not the cause of man's alienation in any sense, Therefore we should reject such claims that attribute man's alienation in sport to competition.
小畠 哲
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.9, no.1, pp.37-47, 1989-05-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The outdoor education is a study whereby various kinds of educational activities are given through the actual experience, and the most eminent feature of it is to place the emphasis on the experience.Then, why should the importance be place on experiences now? As a background of this problem, it can be pointed out that there is an insufficiency of natural experiences and life experiences as the underlying factor of many problems concerning the young generation today. This paper aims at clarifying this fact through the survey of actual situation, and pointing out the policy that must be taken by the State to supplement this insufficiency. Next, refers to grasping the experiences not only as the matter of outdoor education but also as the matter of total education, and considering its necessity and meaning in the historical stream of education. This paper will discuss what kind of experience will really useful for growth and development of young generation.Furthermore, the paper will propose the concrete plan how should be the educational facilities for young people which is the base site of outdoor education activities to take advantages of these experiences.
滝沢 康二
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.15, no.1, pp.25-34, 1995-06-30 (Released:2010-08-10)

This study intends to search for obvious criteria for all involvement in the process of revising the rule in artistic gymnastics. As a starting point, this study probed the Theory of Adaptablity by Talcott Parsons, which was ieading to a philosophical interpretation of the theory. Why has this study entered the field of Sociology in search for the criteria? It is because sports activities are part of our social activities. And Sociology, as a precondition, is one of the basic foundations of Sports Science. The four elements required to sustain the social system, according to Parsons, are pattern-maintenance, integration, goal-attainment and adaptation all of which must continue to function.When the four elements are introduced into artistic gymnastics, they will become as follows: Pattern-maintenance: Training activities and study meetings for coaches and judges. Integration: It denotes the various rules in artistic gymnastics. Goal-attainment: It refers to such governing bodies as the FIG and national federations. And Adaptation means various competitions.As a result, it has become obvious that revision of gymnastic rules became inevitable to avoid confusion in scoring due to anachronistic difference in technical levels and interpretation of artistic gymnastics on a global scale. Thus, revision of rules becomes necessary to solve all those issues. Furthermore, it also meant that revisions were effective measures to solve various global problems.However, as the revised rules were once not adopted by whole world and became meaningless, it had taught a great lesson to all those concerned. Therefore, all those engaged in the process of revising the rules must fully realise that they should draft rules that are adaptable to the fast maving world of today.
豊田 則成
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.19, no.2, pp.117-129, 1999

The purposes of this study were to analyze the process of ego identity reconfirmation in the athletic retirement, to identify the roles of anticipatory socialization and time perspective in the process, and to examine the effect of retiring experience for the middle-age crisis. Subjects were two former Olympians who had experienced the middle-age crisis. Several semi-structured interviews were done to each of them. The following 3 points were suggested. 1) Four stages were found in the process of ego identity reconfirmation in the athletic retirement; I: the onset of taking account of his/her athletic retirement, II: reconsideration of his/her life as an athlete and choosing his/her course toward athletic retirement, III: transition from athletic activity, : active commitment into his/her workplace. 2) Anticipatory socialization encouraged to transfer to the next stage of life, and time perspective was a major indicator for the degree of resolution of the developmental tasks in ego identity reconfirmation. 3) Unresolved tasks with ego identity reconfirmation on the athletic retirement were brought up again in middle age
後藤 幸弘 小俵 主也
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.7, no.2, pp.41-52, 1987

関西学生サッカーリーグに所属する選手5名と未熟練者1名の計6名を対象に, 種々の速さのボールをインステップで蹴らせ, ボールスピードの調節について筋作用機序の面から検討した。すなわち, スイングスピードとボールスピードを測定し, 同時に, 下肢筋, 脊柱筋, 上肢帯筋の計14筋について筋電図を記録するとともに, 16mmカメラを用いてフォームを捉え, スイングスピードとボールスピードの間に介在する要因 (技術構造) を明らかにしようとした。<br>1) スイングスピードとボールスピードの間に技術水準の高いものほど高い相関関係がみられ, 回帰直線の傾きも大きいことが認められた。すなわち, 相関係数は技術の安定性を, 回帰係数は技術の水準を表わす指標になると考えられた。<br>2) スイングスピードを高めるためには, フォワードスイングにおいて積極的な股関節の屈曲, ならびに膝関節の伸展を行うことが重要と考えられた。すなわち, これらの関節筋の活動によってボール速度は調節されていた。<br>3) ボールインパクトまで膝関節伸展筋と股関節屈曲筋の緊張を維持すること, ならびに足関節を伸展位で固定することがフォワードスイングによって得られた運動量をボールに有効に伝えるために重要であると考えられた。<br>4) スイングスピードの割にボールスピードの低かったキックでは, インパクト時, 上記3) のいずれかの関節筋に緊張の欠如がみられた。未熟練者では, 特に足・膝関節に問題のみられる傾向が認められた。<br>5) 熟練者では, インパクト前後に股関節の屈曲に停滞がみられ, 大腿の運動量を足先に転移する, いわゆる"ムチ動作"がみられた。<br>6) 未熟練者では, 積極的な膝関節の伸展, インパクト前後における股関節屈曲の停滞, 足関節の固定は認められなかった。しかし, 5カ月の練習により, スイングスピードとボールスピードの相関, ならびに回帰係数は高値を示すようになり, 動作パターンも熟練者に近づく傾向がみられた。
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 岡部 祐介
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.31, no.2, pp.13-25, 2012

In basketball, there is one of the intentional rules violations, which is called "foul game". "Foul game" is the action that a defense player toward the end of a close game will intentionally foul players in possession of the ball in order to stop the clock. Although the dispute has so far been made from a viewpoint whether to be an act morally permitted to "foul game" or not, it has not resulted in the conclusion. The purpose of this study was to examine the point on right or wrong of "foul game" in basketball between Fraleigh and Simon who are regarded as renowned scholars in sport ethics with a fresh eye.<br>There are three points in the controversy between Fraleigh and Simon.<br>1. Role of the penalty for intentional fouls<br>2. Importance of restorative skills<br>3. Agreement of participants for intentional fouls<br>In this study, the three points at issue were examined by considering the contents of "official basketball rule" published in Japan Basketball Association. Especially, we analyzed the transition of the provisions of "intentional foul" and "unsportsmanlike foul" which have specified "foul game". The results here are as follows.<br>1.The role of the penalty for intentional fouls has shifted from the sanction for prohibited acts to the price for options.<br>2.The importance of restorative skills by the free throw accompanying "foul game" has become more significant skills for which participants are asked in a game.<br>3.The agreement of participants for intentional foul in "foul game" has moved turned to be acceptable.<br>As we can see above, it has been evaluated as an act by which a "foul game" is allowed in "official basketball rule".