児玉 望
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.119-133, 2012-04-30

In this study, contrastive tones in six dialects of Japanese spoken in Yakushima are analysed as lexical tone systems in which either of the two distinctive tone contours realizes an accentual phrase according to the tonal feature of the initial word of the phrase. Given that spontaneous speech data are available for analysis, a special focus of this study is the presence of the right edge tones in both contours in five out of the six dialects, a feature shared by the Kagoshima and Tanegashima dialects. A tentative reconstruction of the three lineages is presented on the assumption that the characteristic LHL on the left edge of the type A contour in Yakushima is an innovation rather than a case of retention.
坂口 至
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.5, no.3, pp.33-41, 2001-12-31

One characteristic of the Nagasaki dialect is that it has a "Nikei-accent system" that is widely distributed in the south-western part of Kyushu. This accentual system has two contrastive tonal patterns called "A" and "B", irrespective of the number of moras in the word. The first pattern involves a fall in pitch within the word, while the other pattern does not. Another characteristic of the two-pattern system is that the accentual pattern of compound words is determined by that of their leftmost element. The Nagasaki dialect shares these two characteristics with the Kagoshima dialect, but crucially differs in that it is a mora-counting rather than syllable-counting dialect.
松田 勝敬 森 大毅 粕谷 英樹
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.3, no.3, pp.67-75, 1999-12-30

The lower formant frequencies of whispered vowels are known to be slightly higher than those of modal vowels. This paper attempts to interpret this phenomenon acoustically, based on an electrical circuit model of the vocal tract. Perceived naturalness of whispered vowels is shown to be associated with bandwidth of the lower formant and spectral tilt resulting from loose acoustic coupling between supra- and sub-glottal systems through a small glottal chink. Perceptual significance of the frequency shift of the lower formant in whispered vowels is also studied. Perceptual experiments showed in that vowel boundaries between modal and whispered vowels were not changed in four of six subjects for the /o/-/a/ stimuli and in two of six for the /i/-/e/ stimuli. The results indicated that frequency shift of the lower formant in whispered vowels is not necessarily associated with the compensation for vowel boundary shifts.
上野 善道
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.4, no.3, pp.22-23, 2000-12-30
前川 喜久雄
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.10, no.3, pp.7-17, 2006-12-30

We witnessed remarkably rapid development of the linguistic study of intonation during the last 25 years or so. Two main factors that seemed to enabled this development were analyzed in the first half of the paper, namely, progresses in the generative grammatical treatment of intonation, and, development of digital speech processing technology. The last half of the paper was devoted to the discussion of current issues that requires further investigation; these include classification of paralinguistic information, definition of accentual phrase in Japanese, classification of phrase-final intonation contours, intonation of dialects, phonetic features other than the FO that contribute to the perception of intonation, and, issues related to the techniques of digital speech analysis.
田川 恭識 嵐 洋子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.14, no.3, pp.51-62, 2010-12-30

The dialect of the city of Kumamoto and its surrounding area is said to lack lexical accent systems. This research investigated tonal phrases in spoken discourses of young Kumamoto dialect speakers. A tonal phrase is defined as a minimal tonal unit comprising a rise and fall in pitch. Results of the acoustic analysis revealed that tonal phrases in our data could be classified into eight basic types including those that had not been identified in previous research. In addition, it was shown that in about half of the cases, a tonal phrase corresponds with a minimal syntactic phrase (comprising a content word followed by zero or more functional words), and when a syntactic phrase semantically modifies the following phrase, they mostly form a tonal phrase.
木部 暢子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.80-92, 2012-04-30

Two-pattern accent systems of Southwest Kyushu district can be classified into two large groups. One is "Kagoshima type" and the other is "Nagasaki type". "Kagoshima type" has a characteristic that falling tone appears at the end of an accent unit. On the other hand, "Nagasaki type" has a characteristic that falling tone appears on the first part of an accent unit. In this paper, I clarify the features of accent systems of the Kagoshima-shi dialect, Tanegashima dialect (these two dialects belong to "Kagoshima type"), Amakusa Hondo dialect and Yakushima Miyanoura dialect (these two dialects belong to "Nagasaki type") according to the general characteristics of N-pattern accent systems proposed by Uwano (1984, 2011), and I reveal the commonalities and differences between the accent systems of these four dialects. In addition, I present lists of the accents of particles/auxiliary verbs of the Nagasaki-shi dialect, Hondo dialect, Kagoshima-shi dialect and Tanegashima dialect, and I check the correspondences between four dialects.
麦谷 綾子 林 安紀子 桐谷 滋
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.4, no.2, pp.62-71, 2000-08-30

Infants prefer native language to foreign language soon after their birth. This experiment aimed to determine whether infants can detect the phonological differences between a native dialect and an unfamiliar dialect, even though both dialects belong to the same language. The subjects are 43 infants, 5 to 8-months-old. All infants came from families speaking Eastern Japanese dialect only, and had had little exposure to Western Japanese dialect. Preferential listening time toward the Eastern and Western dialect was measured by me Head Turn Preference Procedure. The result demonstrated that 8-month-old infants showed greater preference to the native Eastern dialect than the unfamiliar Western dialect, whereas 5,6,7-month-old infants didn't show any significant difference in their listening time. This fact suggests that 8-month-old infants can detect the difference of these dialects, and pay more attention to a native dialect than to an unfamiliar one.
儀利古 幹雄
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.10, no.2, pp.61-71, 2006

The aim of this paper is to discuss the invisibility of the moraic nasal in Japanese by investigating the phonological factors that yield the unaccented pattern in medical terms. Firstly, I demonstrate that the unaccented pattern in medical terms that end in CiN# sequence occurs in phonologically predictable contexts. Secondly, I argue that the emergence of the unaccented pattern in medical terms has to do with the invisibility of the moraic nasal in word-final position. Lastly, I analyze the motivation for the invisibility of the moraic nasal by examining the literature on the phonetic property of the moraic nasal and the weight neutralization in word-final position in Japanese.
孫 在賢
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.11, no.3, pp.87-93, 2007-12-30

The present paper describes the accent system of the Gwangju dialect in Jeollanam-do. The accent system can be classified into the following three groups: (a) the initial high and a row of lows for the rest, (b) the first two syllables high with the rest low, and (c) the initial low with the high second syllable. However, it is closely related to the initial segments, namely to whether it has an initial syllable with a long vowel, or with a tense, aspirated, s, or h consonant. Strong tendencies can be seen in which the words with a initial long vowel syllable belong to (a), and words with a tense, aspirated, s, or h consonant initial belong to class (b), with the rest of the words belonging to class (c). In this paper, the reason why Gwangju dialect has a three-pattern system to distinguish the three accentual distinctions for every syllable, despite the fact that the accent system has strong tendencies connected to initial segments, will be explained in detail. In addition, different generations show peculiar fluctuation between and predilection for some accent types.
高野 照司
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.6, no.3, pp.25-47, 2002-12-30

本稿では,言語変異理論(Variation Theory)の枠組みを用いて,否定辞「-ない」に付与される,韻律強調の変異に内在する規則性を明らかにすることを目的とする。韻律強調に関する従来の研究の問題点として,西欧諸語(特に英語)偏向と相互行為的(interactional)側面の軽視を指摘した上で,日本語特有の韻律構造から派生する様々な制約条件,言語運用脈絡(context)ごとに会話参与者が構築する否定表現の対人交渉的意味,さらには,統語と韻律の連携といった談話文法的視点を加味した多変量解析を試みる。分析の結果,これまで主に西欧諸語を土台として,韻律強調の起因を談話の情報構造に求める見解は,日本語の当該事象においては有効でないことが明らかになった。むしろ日本語においては,否定辞「-ない」をとりまく韻律構造が確固とした影響力,とりわけ韻律強調を抑制する効力を発揮し,一方,否定表現の対人交渉的側面や談話文法的作用が,強調を促進する働きをすることが判明した。資料として,北海道方言話者(20代女性6名)による一対一の日常会話を三組録音し,ToBIシステムを応用して強調の判別を行った。
青井 隼人
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.14, no.2, pp.16-24, 2010-08-30

This paper discusses a cross-linguistically uncommon vowel attested in Southern Ryukyuan, i.e. a type of unrounded central high vowel with a certain laminal modification, which Uemura (2000) labels as a "laminal vowel" based on his subjective observation. By providing new palatographic and linguographic data of the Miyako-Tarama variety of Southern Ryukyuan, I examine Uemura's description, and describe important phonetic detail of the "laminal vowel" and other relevant sounds. In order to explore an adequate phonetic interpretation of the "laminal vowel", I utilize a phonetic classificatory distinction of [flat] vs. [grooved] proposed by Pike (1971).
木田 章義
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.2, no.1, pp.41-49, 1998

There is not a large difference between the Philologist and the Japanologist regarding the fundamental understanding of the structure of Japanese syllable. There are three important areas of this topic: 1) phonetic study of the technical terms, 2) analysis of the syllable structure of dialects, and 3) historical study. I argue the term "Syllabeme" is not proper . Lastly, I give an outline of the history of the structure of the Japanese syllable.
徐 美善
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.5, no.3, pp.49-63, 2001

河野 守夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.2, no.1, pp.16-24, 1998-04-30

Human beings innately have two neuropsychologically different rhythm processing systems: holistic and analytic. The former copes with rapid tempos of rhythm with less than 330ms inter-beat intervals (IBIs), and the latter with slow ones with more than 420ms IBIs. These two systems constitute a hierarchical structure: the holistic system comprises the base, and the analytic system, the superstructure component. These systems and their relationship were detected in Kohno's accumulated experiments using a split-brain patient, a patient with pure anarthria, and normal persons as subjects (Kohno, 1992, 1993, etc.). On the basis of these experiments, the underlying reasons for correction of truisms long-held by phoneticians will be discussed and the following claims will be made: 1) The traditional dichotomy of speech timing such as 'stress-timed' and 'syllable-timed' should be reclassified into 'stress-timed' and 'mora-timed'. 2) 'Mora-timed' is not a subcategory of 'syllable-timed'. 3) Equal interval accent is not a language universal, but a language specific. The timing regulation mechanism in a mora-timed language and the possibility of foot structure in Japanese (cf. Poser, 1990) will also be discussed.
森 庸子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.10, no.3, pp.71-82, 2006-12-30

本研究は,話し言葉において主要な統語境界を示す音声的手掛かりが,英語母語話者と日本人英語学習者でどのように異なるかを検討したものである。実験ではrainingとhomeが,文末または節末にそれぞれ3回と4回生起する談話を,8人のアメリカ英語話者(NS)と30人の日本人大学生(JS)が朗読した。rainingとhomeのピッチと長さ,その前後のポーズ挿入を音響分析した結果,JSはNSより頻繁に節末にポーズを挿入する傾向が観察された。またNSは文末より節末で大きくピッチを変動させ,談話中の位置と前後関係によりピッチパタンとピッチの高さを多様に変化させた。これに対してJSでは,文末・非文末(節末)の区別はなく,一貫してピッチの変動幅の比較的小さい下降調が観察された。またfinal lengtheningは,rainingとhomeの語末子音の/〓/と/m/において,JSの方がNSより有意に小さかった。JSのこれらの音声的特徴から,日本語のイントネーション・時間構造の干渉が考察された。
那須 昭夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.11, no.1, pp.47-57, 2007-04-30

The aim of this paper is to account for the phonological characteristics and prosodic function of a word-final moraic obstruent, namely the obstruent suffix /-Q/, in Japanese mimetics. Though phonological structure containing a word-final moraic obstruent is banned in the general vocabulary of Japanese, mimetics allow a moraic obstruent to appear in word-final position. More than 90% of disyllabic mimetic stems can take /-Q/ as a word-final element. This extraordinary frequency shows that word-final /-Q/ behaves as an unmarked default, which repairs ill-formed structures to satisfy certain prosodic requirements in mimetic phonology. /-Q/ plays a key role in constructing head-final prosodic structure, in which an accented trochaic foot appears in word-final position. The optimality-theoretic account in this paper shows that the head-final pattern is widely observed in and strongly required for well-formed prosody in Japanese mimetics.
那須 昭夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.9, no.1, pp.20-29, 2005-04-30

The phonological processes of mimetics have a close relationship to sound-symbolic, or iconic effects that accompany the segmental structure of mimetic forms. While iconicity is one of the most conspicuous properties of phonological processes underlying mimetic expressions, some of the phonological processes of mimetics show consistent and systematic patterns which cannot be explained other than with reference to the general grammar of a language. This article accounts for some of the asymmetries found in mimetic phonology in Japanese. The phonological asymmetry that emerges in the phonological patterns of mimetics frequently reflects a contrast between marked and unmarked structures observed in phonological processes that generate mimetics. Here we concern ourselves with three types of asymmetries, the first two of which relate to issues in segmental phonology: "Coronal syndrome" and rhotic exclusion - particularly focusing on the process of palatalization - and the asymmetry found in voicing patterns. In addition to these two issues of segmental phonology, we analyze syllable structure in the intensified forms of mimetics and discuss their prosodic asymmetry.