尹 帥 里 麻奈美 羅 穎芸 五十嵐 陽介 酒井 弘
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.19, no.3, pp.1-12, 2015-12-30

Previous studies have shown that prosodic information plays an important role in spoken word recognition by L2 learners (Cooper et al. 2002). However, it remains unclear exactly how and when learners use prosodic cues during the word recognition process. This study addresses the question of whether Chinese (Mandarin) learners of Japanese utilize prosodic information incrementally by investigating the patterns and timing of their use of accentual information in the course of the word recognition process. We conducted eye-tracking experiments with a visual world paradigm, using artificial Japanese words. The analysis of saccadic eye-movement patterns revealed that Chinese L2 learners can use prosodic cues incrementally in word recognition.
梁 辰
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.19, no.3, pp.13-23, 2015-12-30

First language experience affects the processing of Japanese pitch accents; however, the influence of second language learning experience is unclear. The present study utilized identification experiments to compare the difference among native Japanese speakers (JN), native Chinese speakers with no experience of Japanese (CN), and native Chinese speakers with high Japanese proficiency (CJ). The results showed that identification responses to high-low vs. low-high accent differed between CN and CJ, indicating that Japanese learning experience alters listeners' perception of Japanese pitch accent. CN are more sensitive to stimuli with gradual decreases in pitch, and tend to identify them as high-low accent. On the other hand, CJ are not sensitive to such stimuli, and tend to identify them as low-high accent.
閔 光準
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.11, no.2, pp.16-27, 2007-08-30

This paper presents an overview of the characteristics of intonation in Seoul Korean. After briefly reviewing previous studies on Korean accent and intonation, it describes the intonational characteristics of Seoul Korean with respect to intonational structure, accentual phrase, intonational phrase, declination, focus, syntactic structure, the relationship between accentual phrasing and their related phonological alternation, paralinguistic information and prosodic aspects of dialogue. This paper also introduces K-ToBI, a prosodic transcription convention for Seoul Korean. Finally, it identifies the intonation problems Japanese learners of Korean frequently have difficulty mastering.
福井 孝太郎 草野 世大 高西 淳夫 誉田 雅彰
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.14, no.2, pp.57-64, 2010-08-30

This paper describes a mechanical talking robot that resembles human speech production aparatus and its control mechanism. The talking robot, Waseda Talker, has mechanical replicas of the vocal folds, tongue, jaw and lips, and it is capable of producing vowel and consonant sounds in a human-mimetic manner. The source sounds are produced by airflow from the lungs to the glottis, and the resonance characteristics of the vocal tract are controlled by changing geometries of the articulators. Each component organ in the talking robot has many degrees of freedom and requires a high-level control design to realize continuous speech. A new control method based on articulatory motion data obtained from electromagnetic articulography (EMA) is presented together with experimental results from continuous speech synthesis using the most recent model of the robot.
有元 光彦
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.5, no.3, pp.19-26, 2001-12

The te-form verbs in the (West-)Kyushu dialects have a characteristic behavior in the verb conjugation system, which we call the "te-form phenomenon". This phonological phenomenon is that so-called SOKU-ON or HATSU-ON appears, corresponding to te in the standard dialect. This phenomenon depends on the difference of the stem-final segment. The te-form phenomenon is different across dialects. We assume that the e-deletion rule is the core of four rules governing this phenomenon. Differences of dialects are reflected in the applicational environment of the e-deletion rule. In addition, we discovered a "pseudo te-form phenomenon", which is partially similar to te-form phenomenon.
木川 行央
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.15, no.3, pp.48-61, 2011-12-30

The accent in the south-east area of the Izu Peninsula basically accords with the Tokyo accent, but it has different characteristics from varieties of accents found around the area. One of the characteristics is that a speaker living there pronounces a word in some different patterns. Based on a survey in which some speakers were asked to read out a list of words and an analysis of recorded natural conversations, this study clarified the present status of accent variation in the Matsuzaki-cho dialect. The results showed that there was a consistent tendency concerning the patterns pronounced by the speakers, and that the tendency was different from what previous studies had reported. This study also confirmed that the Matsuzaki-cho dialect has some pronunciation patterns which reflect the old Tokyo accent, and that compared with the case when nothing follows a noun, the falling tone appears one beat later when a noun is followed by a particle or an auxiliary. Moreover, it was shown that the younger generation lacks these characteristics observed in the older generation, which means that their accent is becoming similar to the Tokyo accent, and that differently from the older generation, the younger generation also has several accent patterns for individual words that coincide with the present Tokyo accent.
石井 カルロス寿憲
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.10, no.3, pp.18-28, 2006-12-30

佐藤 大和
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.6, no.1, pp.67-78, 2002-04-30

This paper describes Japanese loanword accentuation, and proposes a strategy to assign accent types of these words. About four hundred sixty unitary loanwords are prepared having more than 5 morae. Nine native speakers, with a Tokyo dialect, are instructed to assign the most separable intra-word juncture and accent location of the words. The experimental result shows that Japanese loanword accentuation is closely related to the word formation quasi-structure and the metrical structure formed by compounded syllables in the words. It is clarified that accentuation rules of unitary words with phonological juncture parallel Japanese compound accent rules. Moreover, an additional new accenting rule is also proposed based on the Japanese metrical structure. The loanword accent under such a metrical structure is placed at the penultimate position of the two-mora syllable unit (foot).
窪薗 晴夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.93-104, 2012-04-30

This paper describes the prosodic system of Koshikijima Japanese, which is an endangered dialect spoken in the south of Japan, off the mainland of Kagoshima. This dialect resembles its sister dialect, Kagoshima Japanese, in several ways: It has a two-pattern prosodic system where words display only two tonal patterns; The domain of accent/tone assignment is the syntactic phrase known as bunsetsu rather than the word; Compounds inherit the tonal pattern of their initial morpheme. On the other hand, Koshikijima Japanese has developed its prosodic system in several unique ways. First, three-mora or longer words exhibit two high tones, or two pitch peaks. Second, this system relies both on the mora and the syllable, with the second high tone assigned to a particular mora at (or near) the end of the word and the first high tone linked to one or more syllables at the beginning of the word. Finally, this dialect has a high tone deletion rule whereby the second high tone of each word/phrase is deleted in non-final positions of the sentence.
新田 哲夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.63-79, 2012-04-30

The Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture, are considered the only area which has three-pattern accentuation in Mainland Japan, although it has been reported that several dialects of the Ryukyuan language have three-pattern accentuation. However, I have discovered three-pattern accentuation also exists in the Kokonogi dialect, Fukui Prefecture, which is located east of the Oki Islands. This paper will first describe the accent system of this dialect and verify that the dialect has some of the characteristics peculiar to N-pattern accent systems. However, the dialect does not have consistency of accent pattern in forms of the verb conjugation, something observed in some dialects with an N-pattern accent system. Finally, I will try to give a historical reason for this inconsistency by showing the correspondences between the verbal accentuation of the Kokonogi dialect and those of the Kochi dialect, which retains older accent forms than the Kyoto dialect.
早田 輝洋
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.5, no.3, pp.4-9, 2001-12-31

Word-tone dialects in Kyushu, where each lexical item in the speaker's mental lexicon has one of two tones, i.e., melodies, are found throughout western and southern Kyushu. Every lexical item is thought to be redundancy-free since the grammar is designed to minimize the amount of information that must be stored. Accordingly, each lexical item of Kyushu word-tone dialects must carry only one bit of tonal information. Predictable phonetic information is supplied by rules or constraints.
姜 英淑
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.149-161, 2012-04-30

In this paper, I will describe the accent systems of the Sacheon and Sancheong dialects of Korean located in Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. I analyze the Sacheon dialect as a four-pattern accent system, in which one accent-kernel and three word-tones are distinguished, and the Sancheong dialect as a three-pattern accent system, in which one accent-kernel and two word-tones are distinguished. Both dialects are N-pattern accent systems, where both accent-kernel and word-tone coexist within the accent system of the noun. In this regard, these N-pattern accent systems are different from the N-pattern accent systems described by Uwano Zendo (or from the word-tone languages described by Hayata Teruhiro).
宮島 崇浩 菊池 英明 白井 克彦 大川 茂樹
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.17, no.3, pp.10-23, 2013-12-30

This paper explains the procedure to enhance the expressiveness in acted speech. We designed our own "format of acting script" referring to the theory of drama and created 280 acting scripts. We presented these acting scripts as acting directions to three actresses and collected 840 speech data. For comparison, using typical emotional words as acting directions, we also collected 160 speech data from each actress. Then, we compared tendencies of various features of each data type and each speaker and found that our acting scripts are effective on the enhancement of expressiveness in acted speech psychologically/acoustically.
宇都木 昭 田 允實 金 熹成
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.12, no.2, pp.30-42, 2008-08-30

米山 聖子 北原 真冬
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.18, no.1, pp.30-39, 2014-04-30

英語母音の持続時間が有声子音の前では無声子音の前よりも1.5倍ほど長いという現象は,一般に有声効果(voicing effect)と呼ばれ,英語特有の現象とされてきた。しかしながら,多くの実験結果から,有声効果は英語のみならず他言語にも見られることが明らかになってきた。例えば,有声効果は普遍的な音声メカニズムに起因するという考えがある一方で(Ko 2007),英語の1.5倍という効果の大きさには個別文法が関係しているという見方(House 1961)もある。本稿では,まず普遍的なメカニズムに起因するという仮説を検証するため,NTT乳幼児音声データベース(Amano,Kondo,Kato and Nakatani 2009)と日本語話し言葉コーパス(Maekawa 2003)を用いて幼児および成人の日本語話者における有声効果の有無を検証した。その上で,英語の大きな有声効果を日本人英語学習者が獲得可能であるかどうか,習熟度によって分けた2群の被験者の産出データから検討した。その結果,有声効果は普遍的・音声的な基盤を持ちながらも,言語個別の音韻特質によって抑制・促進されうる可能性が高いことを明らかにした。