柁原 宏
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.42, pp.54-63, 2017-02-28 (Released:2017-02-28)
田中 隼人
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.45, pp.16-27, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-08-31)

This study reports the taxonomy, ecology and evolution of interstitial Ostracoda (Crustacea). Taxonomy and ecology of interstitial ostracods from river mouth were discussed. High salinity tolerance of the interstitial ostracods living river mouth was proven by field distribution and laboratory experiment. The author hypothesizes that ancestral marine interstitial species which has high salinity tolerance have been migrated to the river mouth environment where salinity varies drastically. From the mating experiment of Parapolycope spiralis, multi-step of pre-copulatory behavior was observed: (1) the male captures the female by a sucker on the antennula; (2) the male clasps and maintains the mating position using the endopodite claw and the exopodite of the antenna; (3) the male makes contact using the distal part of the upper lip; and (4) copulation takes place. The male upper lip shows species-specific and largely diverged morphologies in the Parapolycope species. The specific contact stimuli might be caused by various shapes of male upper lip and then females discriminate a favorable mating partner depending on these stimulations. The author concluded the species-specific morphologies of male upper lip have evolved by female mate choice. In addition, this study provides a brief overview of several taxonomic studies on marine ostracods.
泉 貴人 藤井 琢磨 柳 研介
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.46, pp.54-63, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-23)

Until recently, Actiniaria had been classified by the classification system organized by Carlgren in 1949. This classification was based on several traditional morphological features such as mesenterial arrangement, basal disc, acontium, and sphincter muscle. Although this classification system had been used for around 60 years, it was recently called into question by several studies utilizing molecular phylogenetic analyses. The most comprehensive phylogenetic analyses clarified that the Carlgren classification system did not reflect the actual phylogenetic relationships, and thus a new classification system from suborder to superfamily was established. At the same time, new common morphological features were proposed as the traditional morphological features of sea anemones in Carlgren’s classification system were proven to not be monophyletic. Here, we introduce the new classification system and propose Japanese names for all taxa higher than family.
広瀬 雅人
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.33, pp.17-32, 2012-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Bryozoans comprise a phylum of sessile, clonal animals, inhabiting marine and freshwater environments. Only around 90 species have been described from freshwater habitats, most belonging to the class Phylactolaemata. Phylactolaemates can propagate asexually by forming encapsulated dormant bodies called statoblasts, which provide characters highly useful in phylactolaemate taxonomy and identification. To date, 23 species of phylactolaemate species in ten genera have been reported from Japan, however their taxonomical review has been never reported. Furthermore, current taxonomy of phylactolaemates is heavily depending on the observation of statoblast microsculpture by using scanning electron microscopy, which causes difficulty of simple identification. In this paper, major characters of colony and statoblast for all species of Japanese freshwater bryozoans including both 23 phylactolaemates and three ctenostomes are summarized. A key to species based on colony and statoblast gross morphology is also provided for help in identification of freshwater bryozoans in various fields such as faunal survey and education.
甲斐 嘉晃 美坂 正
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.41, pp.23-29, 2016-08-30 (Released:2017-02-07)

A recent taxonomic review has revealed that three species of Ammodytes (Ammodytes japonicus, Ammodytes heian, and Ammodytes hexapterus) are distributed in Japanese waters. Species identification using morphological characters is difficult due to their similar appearance. A rapid and convenient method for identifying the three species of Ammodytes from Japan was developed via a multiplex haplotype-specific (MHS)-PCR of the mitochondrial COI region. Two primers designed for A. japonicus and A. hexapterus yielded species-specific amplification products in different sizes (ca. 500 bp and 300 bp, respectively). Together with a pair of universal primers for fish, about 1,500 bp can be amplified by MHS-PCR, which allows the robust identification of the three species of Ammodytes.
若林 香織 田中 祐志
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.33, pp.5-12, 2012-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Phyllosoma, a zoeal larva with extremely flat body and long appendages of spiny and slipper lobsters, is morphologically different from other decapod zoeas. In natural environments, phyllosomas often associate with planktonic gelatinous organisms such as jellyfish although its ecological implication is still unclear. Here we review the interaction between phyllosomas and gelatinous organisms. Our recent examinations showed that phyllosomas feeding exclusively on jellyfish successfully develop into juvenile, and that phyllosomas could associate with and prey on various species of venomous jellyfish. These results suggest that phyllosomas utilize gelatinous organisms as food sources as well as floating vehicles.
尾針 由真
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.54, pp.17-22, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-03-07)

Digenean flukes are endoparasites of vertebrates and some fluke species have enormous medical and veterinary importance due to their pathogenicity for humans, livestock, companion animals and wildlife. Most of the digenean flukes need gastropod snails as intermediate hosts in their life cycle. The snail species occurring even across human environments also act as intermediate host of pathogenetic digenean flukes. However, parasitological studies usually focus on only the flukes and epidemiological studies using the snail hosts are unpopular after uncovering life cycles, vector-species and treatment methods of the flukes. For epidemiology of fluke infections, the integrated understanding on the relationship between flukes and their intermediate host snails is necessary. This review introduces the recent studies on the relationship between pathogenetic digenean species and their intermediate host snails, and newly discovered problems in the future
西川 輝昭
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.45, pp.33-47, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-08-31)

The history of the nomenclatural type concept and the principle of typification are outlined following examination of articles, recommendations and appendices in editions (and Japanese versions) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), the Règles Internationales de la Nomenclature zoologique, and the antecedent Stricklandian and Blanchard Codes. For family-group names, typification first appeared as a recommendation of the Stricklandian Code in 1843, subsequently becoming a criterion for availability following publication of the Blanchard Code in 1889. Typification of genus-group names also followed publication of the Stricklandian Code, being considered a criterion for availability since 1930. In species-group names, however, the explicit fixation of name-bearing types (holotypes and syntypes) has been included in the appendices of the Règles since 1913, being a recommendation in the first to third editions of the ICZN, and now (fourth edition), a criterion of availability of names published after 1999. Reasons are considered why the principle of typification was applied as a criterion for availability for species-group names far later than for family- and genus-group ones. The institution and development of public specimen registration systems in the UK and USA are also discussed.
井口 亮 水山 克 頼末 武史 藤田 喜久
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.46, pp.28-33, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-23)

In the submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands, the existence of many non-described species has been indicated in field surveys. To estimate the magnitude of biodiversity in the submarine caves, application of genetic analyses would provide a promising approach. Genetic analysis by DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) is informative for the study of submarine caves because the data of COI region have been accumulated in many marine animals. Also, in order to understand the formation process of communities of submarine caves, population genetic approaches would be useful to evaluate the connectivity patterns among submarine caves which are not continuously distributed along the Ryukyu Islands. In addition, utilization of high-throughput sequencing technology (e.g., environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis) would be also powerful for the ecological studies of submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands. We discuss the current situation of genetic analyses in the submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands and propose the prospects of genetic analyses for future studies.
大塚 攻 宮川 千裕 平野 勝士 近藤 裕介
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.45, pp.48-60, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-08-31)

Ecto- and meso-parasitic copepod basibionts harbor a wide variety of epibionts. The basibionts belong to the families Caligidae, Pandaridae, Trebiidae, Pennellidae, Sphyriidae, Bomolochidae, Ergasilidae, and Lernaeidae. Epibionts consist of bacteria, suctorian and peritrich ciliates, hydrozoan polyps, udonellid monogeneans, stalked barnacles, and algae. Udonellids and hydrozoan polyps seem to correspond to hyperparasitism, while attachment of some algae is regarded as accidental phoresy. These fish parasites provide unique substrates for epibionts, due to (1) no molting in the adults, (2) provision of relatively long-live and stable attachment sites, and (3) protection from fish immune responses, in addition to advantages of high mobility and dispersal of primary host fish.
脇 司 中尾 稔 佐々木 瑞希 髙野 剛史 池澤 広美 宮崎 晋介
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.52, pp.37-47, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-03-01)

From 2018 to 2021, land snail surveys were carried out from Okinawa to Hokkaido, Japan to find metacercariae of the trematode genus Brachylaima. When metacercariae were obtained from land snails, their morphologies were recorded and partial sequences of mitochondrial DNA (cox1) and nuclear 28S rDNA were determined for DNA barcoding. As a p-distance value of less than 1.8% was considered to be intraspecific variation for cox1 (630 bp) based on the sequences of known species of this genus, the metacercariae obtained in this study were discriminated into five putative species. Two of the five putative species were molecularly identified to two known species, B. lignieuhadrae and B. phaedusae, respectively, whereas the remaining three were treated as unidentified species. It is unknown whether the unidentified metacercariae were larvae of known species without genetic information or new species. Morphological and molecular comparisons of adults are necessary for the taxonomic clarification of these unidentified metacercariae.
島野 智之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.53, pp.1-18, 2022-08-31 (Released:2022-08-31)

My studies of zoological taxonomy were initiated using oribatid mites as study objects. I also had the idea of looking into the biology of these mites and eventually, we were the first to discover a pheromone (geranial) produced by oribatid mites. Next, we discovered that one of the substances of the external secretion from oribatid mites serving as a defense against enemies, contains a poisonous component also used by their predator, the poison frog with bioconcentration. Geranial and neral are chemical isomers which are produced and secreted by oribatid mites. The astigmatid mites derived from the oribatid mites share the same substance (neral) as a secretion material. The traditional method of ripening a few kinds of European cheese with astigmatid mites seems to partly impart the lemon flavor of the neral to the cheese.I have switched my research to the ecology and agricultural use of soil protists in the past, to obtain a position in the research institute of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. Eventually, however, I focused my research towards zoological taxonomy again, but now for protists and finally, I was also involved in the revision of the eukaryotic classification.During the study of endangered species, we redescribed the testate amoeba species, Difflugia biwae Kawamura, 1918, in the ancient Lake Biwa in Japan. We also discovered that the feather mite Compressalges nipponiae Dubinin, 1950, which was known to dwell in the wings of the Japanese Crested Ibis, had become extinct along with the Japanese lineage, and re­described the species.Scolopendra alcyona Tsukamoto & Shimano, 2021, described from the Ryukyu Islands in cooperation with local citizens, is the third semi-aquatic species of the genus Scolopendra Linnaeus, 1758 in the world, and the first species of the genus described in 143 years. Moreover, it is the first centipede species described by Japanese researchers in this giant centipede genus.Ameronothrus twitter Pfingstl and Shimano, 2021, oribatid mite, was voted by the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) as one of the “Ten remarkable new marine species from 2021” as “the Japanese Twitter mite” was described with the help of Twitter, a popular social networking service. It will be essential to incorporate citizen science into zoological systematics and work with the public in scientific endeavors in the future.
日比野 友亮 中村 亨 木村 清志
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.42, pp.48-53, 2017-02-28 (Released:2017-02-28)

A specimen of the tilefsh, Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri Smith, 1964 was collected from off Amitori Bay, Iriomote Island, Yaeyama Islands of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It represents the northernmost record for the species and the first record of the species from Japan. Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: caudal fin not forked; pointed spines located at corner of the preopercle and the mid-posterior margin of the opercle; maxillary broad, its maximum depth almost equal to diameter of pupil; ctenii of scales prominent; a large dark blotch located at posterior tail to caudal fin; a yellow band running from head to shoulder. The present specimen has a slightly deeper head (69.7% of head length vs. 62–68%) and more scales below lateral line (42 vs. 34–41) than other specimens, but these differences are insignificant. The dark posterior blotch of the present specimen is paler and more yellowish than the previous report, however the body coloration of the Japanese specimen is paler, which we feel is due to the condition of the specimen. The shape of the caudal fin of H. fourmanoiri was formerly described as truncate with dorsal produced. We described it as shallow double truncate. A new standard Japanese name “Hotarubi-sango-amadai” is proposed for the species.
奥 香菜美 田城 文人 河﨑 誠記 甲斐 嘉晃
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.54, pp.42-48, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-03-07)

A specimen of Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskål, 1775) and two specimens of Scarus ovifrons Temminck and Schlegel, 1846, caught by local fishermen off the coast of Kyoto Prefecture, Japan in December 2021, represent the first and northernmost records in the Sea of Japan, respectively. Both species are likely to have been transported northwards by the Tsushima Warm Current. Because the two specimens of S. ovifrons were collected at almost the same time in adjacent areas, it is possible that they had been part of an aggregation of individuals. Because S. ovifrons contains a palytoxin-like toxin, great care should be taken to avoid its accidental sale at fish markets.
佐々木 瑞希 中尾 稔
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.50, pp.6-10, 2021-02-28 (Released:2021-02-28)

Around a hundred of brachylaimid trematodes were found from the small intestine of a carrion crow (Corvus corone) in Hokkaido, Japan. Based on the result of mitochondrial DNA barcoding, the parasites were identified as Brachylaima ezohelicis Nakao, Waki and Sasaki, 2017. This is the first record of a natural definitive host for B. ezohelicis. Although most of them were at the gravid adult stage, their body sizes varied widely. This species was described by using the specimens from experimentally infected mice. When compared with the original description, the crow-derived specimens were longer in total body length and has smaller testes and a wider uterine space, probably due to better development in the suitable host. The difference provides a cautionary tale about the plasticity of morphology in trematodes. Our finding strongly suggests that birds are more suitable than mammals in serving as definitive hosts for B. ezohelicis.
渋谷 駿太 前川 隆則 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.49, pp.62-66, 2020-08-31 (Released:2020-09-03)

A single adult specimen (348.5 mm standard length) of Lethrinus reticulatus Valenciennes, 1830 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Lethrinidae), herein described in detail, was collected from Amami-oshima island, Amami Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. In Japanese waters, this species has been known only from the Okinawa and Yaeyama islands, Ryukyu Islands, and is categorized as Near Threatened by Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan. The Amami specimen represents the first record of L. reticulatus from Kagoshima Prefecture and the northernmost record for the species.
谷戸 崇 岡部 晋也 池田 悠吾 本川 雅治
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.53, pp.31-47, 2022-08-31 (Released:2022-08-31)

Treatments of species taxonomy for Japanese mammals in “Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World” (CMW) published in 2020 and nine volumes of “Handbook of the Mammals of the World” (HMW) from 2009 to 2019 are compared with those in the second edition of “The Wild Mammals of Japan” (WMJ2) in 2015. Then, the updated taxonomy and current problems of Japanese mammals were discussed. Order Eulipotyphla in CMW and HMW combined orders Soricomorpha and Erinaceomorpha in WMJ2, and Order Cetartiodactyla in CMW joined orders Artiodactyla and Cetacea in HMW and WMJ2; both in reflecting the recent molecular phylogenetic studies. A comparative list of the species names of Japanese mammals between CMW and WMJ2 was made, also with reference to descriptions and literatures in HMW. In CMW, 160 species are found in Japan, and 21 species of them had species names different from WMJ2. Concerning about these species and about species necessary for special consideration in species taxonomy or geographic range, 34 comments were provided for discussion.