山崎 博史
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.41, pp.11-22, 2016-08-30 (Released:2017-02-07)

Recent studies of Japanese kinorhynchs are reviewed. Kinorhynchs (Phylum Kinorhyncha) are ecdysozoan animals with a body composed of head consisted of mouth cone and eversible introvert, neck, and 11 trunk segments. To date, about 230 species have been recorded worldwide, and all of them are exclusively marine meiobenthic species. In Japanese waters, 20 species have been known so far: of these, 9 species were described as new to science or reported as new to Japanese waters within this decade, and 4 species will be described/reported soon. Studies with the molecular phylogenetic and the total evidence analyses detected the phylogenetic relationships within the phylum, and suggested the new classification system. Phylogeographic study of two Echinoderes species detected the geographic population structures of the species, and suggested several historical events had affected to the population structures and distribution patterns of the two species.
向井 稜 三浦 知之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.40, pp.30-41, 2016-02-29 (Released:2018-03-30)

Sternaspid annelids are common and often abundant in the world ocean. They are usually corrected in sandy or muddy bottoms at a variety of depths. Sternaspid annelids are now known as characterized by the morphology of ventro-caudal shield, papillae of the body surface and posterior shield chaetae. Although sternaspid annelids recorded from Japan have been called as Sternsapis scutata since 1930s works, we could record two genera and seven species from Enshu-Nada, Kumano-Nada and off Sendai, East coast of Japan: Sternsapis scutata sensu strict, S. affinis, S. islandica, S. thalassemoides, S. costata, Petersenaspis capillata, and P. palpallatoci. Sternaspis has seven abdominal chaetigers and shield with radial ribs, concentric line or both. Petesenaspis has eight abdominal chaetigers and shield with poorly distinct ribs but no concentric line.
長澤 和也 石山 尚樹
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.50, pp.11-19, 2021-02-28 (Released:2021-02-28)

The lernaeopodid copepod Salmincola markewitschi Shedko and Shedko, 2002 was collected in July 2019 from the buccal cavity of whitespotted char, Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas, 1814) (Salmonidae), reared at the Ishikawa Prefecture Fisheries Research Center (36°15′11″N, 136°25′17″E) in Kaga, Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan. This represents the first record of Salmincola markewitschi from Ishikawa Prefecture. All of the four whitespotted char examined (263–324 mm standard length) were infected each by 2–5 adult females of Salmincola markewitschi. The adult female of copepod is described. The species is considered to have been introduced along with infected whitespotted char transported alive from a commercial trout farm in the same prefecture into the research center in January 2019. However, no infection was found after September 2019, which was caused by manual removal of copepods in July 2019 and their possible mortality due to unusually high water temperatures (up to 23℃) in August 2019. Since Salmincola markewitschi is morphologically similar to copepods previously reported as “Salmincola carpionis (Krøyer, 1837)” from salmonids (mainly chars Salvelinus spp.) from various localities of Japan, it is desirable to reidentify those copepods.
藤原 恭司 高山 真由美 桜井 雄 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.39, pp.40-46, 2015-08-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

The Duskytail Grouper, Epinephelus bleekeri (Perciformes: Serranidae), is recorded from Tanega-shima and Amami-oshima islands and the Yaeyama Islands in the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan on the basis of six specimens (232.6-581.2 mm standard length). In addition, several records of E. bleekeri by photographs and/or observations from Kanagawa, Kochi, Ehime, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima prefectures are confirmed. Because E. bleekeri has previously been recorded from Taiwan and southward, the present specimens represent the first reliable records of the species from Japanese waters on the basis of collected specimens. Distributional implications of E. bleekeri in Japanese waters are discussed.
泉 貴人 藤井 琢磨 柳 研介 藤田 敏彦
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.48, pp.13-19, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-03-13)

Isactinernus quadrilobatus Carlgren, 1918, the only species of genus Isactinernus, is characterized by an oral disc with four equally-sized lobes. In 2003 Synactinernus flavus Carlgren, 1918, which is characterized by four large and four small lobes alternately arranged, was synonymized into I. quadrilobatus because the difference of lobe shape was thought to be intraspecific variation, and thus the genus Synactinernus was also synonymized into Isactinernus. However, our molecular phylogenetic analysis of Actinernidae including I. quadrilobatus collected from the Kumano Sea revealed that I. quadrilobatus is genetically distinct from S. flavus. Our morphological comparison between the two species supported the result of the molecular analysis. Consequently, the genus Synactinernus was re-established and separated from Isactinernus. Additionally, during this study, we discovered and described an additional species of the genus, Synactinernus churaumi Izumi and Fujii, 2019.
林田 奈々 田中 文也 瀬能 宏 岩槻 幸雄
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.33, pp.13-16, 2012-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

A single specimen of a lutjanid fish, Lutjanus johnii (445mm in standard length), was collected from the Kuro-shima Island, Nichinan, Miyazaki, Kyushu Island, Japan. The species is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: a black ocellus larger than eye mainly above lateral line and below anterior soft dorsal-fin rays; longitudinal scale rows on back parallel to lateral line; a brownish dark spot on exposed area of each scale on body. This occurrence represents both the first record from the Japanese waters and the northernmost record on the basis of specimen. Morphological features and coloration of the Japanese specimen are described in detail, and the standard Japanese name, Kadogawa-fuedai is given.
齋藤 暢宏
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.13, pp.18-31, 2002-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

In Japan, 111 species (including 11 unidentified taxa) of epicaridean isopods have so far been recorded. All species are parasites, infesting various crustacean hosts, such as Decapoda, Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Mysidacea, and etc. Their larvae are known from ectoparasites of pelagic copepods. In the present paper, 121 species of crustacean hosts of epicaridean isopods are listed (1 species of Ostracoda, 8 of Copepoda, 1 of Balanomorpha, 1 of Rhizochephala, 2 of Mysidacea, 11 of Penaeidea, 33 of Caridea, 1 of Astacidea, 5 of Thalassinidea, 27 of Anomura, 30 of Brachyura, and 1 of unknown taxa).
田中 隼人 小鳥居 英 横澤 賢 若林 楓芽 木本 和代 佐野 恵子
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.38, pp.26-41, 2015-02-28 (Released:2018-03-30)

Diverse aquatic organisms are living in the immediate freshwater environments such as the rice field, pond and ditch. This study reports a freshwater ostracod fauna of rice field and spring from Fuji and Fujinomiya, Japan. We found 14 species (13 genera), and Pseudocandona pratensis (Hartwig, 1901) is newly recorded from Japan. The morphological characters, distribution in Japan, and taxonomic remarks are provided for these species. And also five species were given the new Japanese name. We discussed on the distribution of Dolerocypris ikeyai Smith and Kamiya, 2006 and Stenocypris hirutai Smith and Kamiya, 2006 found from rice field. Both species has been reported from runoff of spring, seeps, interstitial environment. We regarded their reduced swimming setae on antenna as an adaptive character to shallow and gently water flow. Population of rice field of this two species could be originated from the source of an irrigation channel, and they might be incidentally stayed in the rice field.
脇 司 澤畠 拓夫
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.47, pp.23-29, 2019-08-31 (Released:2019-09-12)

Nematodes of the genus Phasmarhabditis Andrássy, 1976 (Secernentea: Rhabditida: Rhabditidae) are terrestrial gastropod parasites and mainly target land slugs. In this study, land slugs were surveyed at 14 locations in seven prefectures of Honshu Island, Japan, to determine Phasmarhabditis spp. infection. Juvenile nematodes of unknown species were found in Meghimatium bilineatum Benson, 1842, at five of the 14 locations. The prevalence and mean intensities ranged from 4.5% to 93.3% and from 4.7 to 22.5 nematodes per host, respectively. A total of 881 juveniles were incubated with slug tissues for 2–10 days, and subsequently developed into adult stage showing the diagnostic characteristics of Phasmarhabditis spp. No nematodes were found from slugs of the genus Lehmannia sampled where M. bilineatum were infected, indicating a difference among host species in their sensitivity to the nematodes. Twenty M. bilineatum from Meguro in Tokyo, Japan, where the prevalence in the host population was >90%, were maintained under laboratory conditions. After 23 days, 11 of the 20 slugs died and the cadavers were infected with numerous nematodes. Since three species of Phasmarhabditis nematodes are known to be lethal to terrestrial gastropods, the nematodes we sampled possibly have a lethal effect on the host slugs.
本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.34, pp.32-53, 2013-02-28 (Released:2018-03-30)

In this paper, the author presents a practical and theoretical approach to studying fish taxonomy for students and early career researchers, based on his personal experience working on the revision of threadfins-marine and freshwater fishes of the family Polynemidae. The approach is systematically arranged and described under twelve chapters, including an introduction, an insight into fish taxonomy research opportunities, and a conclusion, in the following order: Introduction; Research start-up; Writing the first taxonomic paper; Revisionary work: focus on common and widespread species; Reassessment of type specimens and original descriptions; The distributional implications of target taxa; Morphology and Ecology; Comparison between revision and review of taxonomic papers; A strategy on the order of publications; Recognizing species differences: natural aptitude or plentiful experience?; Research frontier: the numerous undescribed Southeast Asian freshwater fish species; and Conclusion.
大塚 攻
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.21, pp.1-12, 2006-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Free-living copepods are regarded as one of the most ecologically important animal groups in aquatic ecosystems, but systematic and phylogenetic surveys of these crustaceans are still incomplete. In recent years my colleagues and I have newly established five families, 11 genera, three subgenera, and 59 species of copepods. Our success in finding previously unknown forms is partly a result of our focus on collections from hitherto poorly sampled hyperbenthic layers. The peculiar swarming behavior, distinct vertical migrations, and unknown life cycles of many species also make their collection difficult. We were the first to discover copepods of the order Platycopioida in the Indo-Pacific region; based on a circumtropical distribution and has thus come to be understood as a Tethyan relict. Another example of biogeographical significance is a new cavernicolous species of the calanoid copepod genus Ridgewayia that we described from Palau, which shows a closer relationship to the Atlantic-Mediterranean species group of this genus than to the Indo-West Pacific species group. This suggests dispersal by the westward circumtropical current that existed from the late Jurassic to the Miocene. We have also described three families, three genera and four species of parasitic copepods that infect fishes, sea urchins, bivalves and mysids. In addition to copepods, four tantulocaridans, one ascothoracidan, and three peracaridans were newly described as a result of collaboraive work with specialists on these groups. Copepods with a basic developmental pattern comprising six naupliar, and six copepodid stages, are a relatively easy group to tracehomologous features when compared to other crustaceans. This fact makes phylogenetic analyses of copepods feasible. Better understanding of the phylogeny of copepods not only leads to revisions of their classification system, but also allows us to make certain deductions concerning evolutionary patterns and processes that are related to, for example, their habitat exploitation, direction of dispersal, and switching of feeding mode or host. Our analyses have thus led us to infer that members of the calanoid superfamily Arietelloidea have exploited a wide range of habitats, both horizontally from coastal to oceanic regions and vertically from the surface to the deep hyperbenthic layers, with recolonization therefrom into the original, coastal benthic habitat. We have also been able to reconstruct a switch in feeding from suspension feeding to carnivory in the calanoid family Heterorhabdidae, a trend leading to carnivorous taxa that employ a venom-injecting system for capture of prey. This sophisticated feeding structure seems to have been constructed by modification of prototypes that were present in the suspension-feeding ancestor, resulting in a drastic functional change in feeding without much alternation of its form.
宮崎 勝己 小林 豊 鳥羽 光晴 土屋 仁
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.28, pp.45-54, 2010-02-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

The biology of Nymphonella tapetis Ohshima, 1927, a pycnogonid endoparasitic on some bivalves, is reviewed. After the first discovery of this species from Hakata Bay, Fukuoka in 1926, there were scattered records of N. tapetis from several places in Japan before 2007, but they were on a small scale. In April 2007, N. tapetis appeared suddenly in the commercial bivalve, Ruditapes philippinarum and several other bivalves on the Banzu Tidal Flat in Tokyo Bay. The spread of the parasite was explosive, and caused a mass mortality of the bivalves in the area. Adults of the pycnogonid live freely on or just under the surface of sandy bottoms, and show nocturnal activity. The hatching larva is a typical protonymphon larva. The larva enters the host bivalve, attaches to various soft parts, and feeds on the body fluid of the host. The number of parasites in one host ranges from one to over 60. At least eight different developmental stages can be distinguished in the parasitic larvae and juveniles. Adults leave the host probably just after the maturation molt. The adult male receives one egg-mass onto his ovigers after each mating, and one male can bear up to seven egg-masses. Several experiments were undertaken to attempt to eradicate or reduce the number of N. tapetis, but no effective method has yet been found. Three species of the genus Nymphonella have been described from Japan, the Mediterranean, and southern Africa. They are very similar in morphology, which leads to potential taxonomic confusion.
藤田 喜久
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.44, pp.15-22, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-03-20)

Recent studies of decapod crustaceans in anchialine and submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands were reviewed. A total of 10 species, belonging to 7 genera of 5 families, have been recorded in anchialine caves, and all of them are listed on the Red List (List of Endangered and Threatened Species in Japan or Okinawa Prefecture). In the submarine caves, remarkable findings of decapods and other crustaceans are continuing even in recent years. Further “many eyes” will be poured into the submarine caves, it is expected that the characteristics of the animal communities in the Ryukyu Islands will be understood in more detail.
森下 悟至 本村 浩之
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.44, pp.58-63, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-03-20)

Six specimens (39.9–81.4 mm standard length) of the Round Scorpionfish Neomerinthe erostris (Alcock, 1896) (Scorpaenidae), previously recorded from the Indo-West Pacific and in the western Pacific from Taiwan to New Caledonia and the Wallis and Futuna Islands, were collected from Uchinoura Bay, Osumi Peninsula; southern Okinawa Trough; and Iriomote Island, Yaeyama Islands, southern Japan. The six specimens represent the first records of N. erostris from Japanese waters and include the northernmost records (Uchinoura Bay) for the species. The Japanese specimens are described here in detail and the new Japanese name “Yabusame-kasago” is proposed for the species.
田辺 力 曽田 貞滋
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.52, pp.24-25, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-03-01)

Mechanical isolation found in two sympatric species of Parafontaria millipedes is caused by mismatched genital and body sizes between sexes during mating. Effective precopulatory isolation is lacked between the two species.
西川 輝昭
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.51, pp.19-28, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-08-31)

Baron Yoshio Tanaka (1838–1916), a famous historical researcher of natural history based in the “honzo-gaku” (traditional natural history) developed in the Edo Period in Japan, established himself as a talented and energetic higher governmental official in early modern Japan, establishing the National Museum. He also contributed much to the development of modern biological education by the compilation of wallcharts and translations of European and American textbooks into Japanese, and improved understanding of agricultural and fisheries products. He is therefore regarded to have bridged the gap between pre-modern and modern approaches in biology (especially botany), although his influence in the understanding of ascidians has been overlooked. However, a hand-written and previously unknown manuscript on this animal group by Tanaka (dated 1882), translated here into modern Japanese with detailed explanatory notes, included references to dissected museum specimens, evidence of Tanaka’s modern approach, since dissection and museum-deposition of specimens had not been practiced in “honzo-gaku”. The only cited western article in the manuscript, entitled “Cuvier’s molluscs”, was identified as Deshayes’ molluscan volume [completed in 1845 and including good figures of ascidian anatomy] included in the third edition of Cuvier’s “Le Règne Animal”, issued between 1836 and 1849. However, Tanaka made no reference to Lankester’s “urochordate” concept, published in 1877, and left no detailed figures of ascidian anatomy, necessary for modern taxonomy. In fact, the modern taxonomy of Japanese ascidians was begun in 1882 by foreign taxonomists, to be followed soon after by a Japanese researcher, Dr. Asajiro Oka. However, these endeavors did not avail themselves of Tanaka’s museum specimens, which were possibly unavailable even then, due to irregular museum deposition practice. It is clear that the gap between pre-modern and modern practices, was very significant in the case of ascidians.