銅治 英雄 村田 淳 浅野 由美 守屋 秀繁 吉永 勝訓
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.44, no.5, pp.286-292, 2007-05-18
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The purpose of this study was to resolve the confusion existing in the terminology for describing foot motion, particularly the definitions of inversion and eversion. First, the definitions of foot motion used by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and the Japanese Orthopedic Association were compared with those used by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) and with those used by the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), to identify agreements and differences. Next, the terminology utilized in the literature was explored by examining several major textbooks and related academic papers retrieved through a search of the PubMed medical literature database. In the definitions of AOFAS and ISB, inversion and eversion, which correspond to triplane motions in the definition used in Japan, were regarded as motions in the coronal plane. Terminology in the textbooks was very diverse. 0f the 141 academic papers explored, 92 papers (66%) regarded inversion/ eversion as coronal plane motion, and 4 papers (3%) regarded it as a triplane motion. In the remaining 43 papers (31%), the definition was unspecified. In academic articles addressing foot motions, to avoid confusion in terminology, the definitions of inversion and eversion need to be specified.
細川 賀乃子 近藤 和泉 岩田 学
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.51-62, 2006-01-18

Lymphedema is defined as a swelling of the arms or legs induced by an obstruction in lymph fluid circulation or by an abnormality in lymph fluid production. In most patients, lymphedema can be diagnosed from the clinical history and physical examination. The lymphangiogram and lymphangioscintigraphy are also used as additional diagnostic tools. Lymphedema developed from an obstruction of the lymphatic system is called secondary lymphedema. Lymphedema is classified into two categories : primary and secondary, and primary lymphedema is rare and is caused by a defect at birth or a congenital lymph system abnormality. The most frequent complication with lymphedema is cellulites. The protein-rich lymph fluid can be a source of bacteria proliferation leading to cellulites, which is an infection in the subcutaneous layers. But if therapy is started from the onset, the risk of infection in edema patients can be lessened. The primary management of lymphedema consist of conservative treatment called complex decongestive physical therapy : CDP or decongestive lymphatic therapy : DLT. The treatment includes skin care, manual lymph drainage, compression therapy, and exercise with bandage or compression garment. If the conservative management does not produce a sufficient effect or the edema worsens, surgical interventions such as microsurgical lymphaticovenular anastomosis and other techniques may be indicated. In Japan, the health insurance system does not offer enough support for patients with lymphedema. The treatment of lymphedema from the early stage is usually effective, and it is therefore necessary for clinicians to have a working knowledge of lymphedema management.
牛山 武久
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.41, no.10, pp.673-677, 2004-10-18

男性であれ女性であれ, 脊髄損傷者(以下, 脊損者)の方が「子供が生まれた」と報告してくる時ほど嬉しいことはない. 脊髄損傷の性機能障害は男性では勃起, 射精障害であり女性では妊娠, 出産の問題である. 両者共通の問題では性感覚障害(オーガスム障害を含む), 結婚, 離婚がある. こうした脊損者の性機能障害に関する情報の中で, 特に女性に関する情報が少なく, また簡単に解決できない課題も多いのが現状である. 筆者は現実的にその解決の難しさを十分味わってきたが, 近年になって勃起障害や射精障害の治療面でいくつか改善されてきたし, 女性の性機能や出産に関する情報も増えてきた. 本邦では女性に関する情報がまだ少ないのでここでは文献的考察を付加して述べることにする. 性機能の抱える問題に向かうには, 一人ひとりが単独で活動していては解決の道は遠く, 各専門家とネットワークを作ることが今後の課題となろう. 男性脊髄損傷の性機能障害 1. 勃起障害とその治療 脊髄損傷に起因する勃起障害は, 精神的あるいは身体的に性的刺激があっても反応せず勃起しないことが第一の問題である.
三村 將 坂村 雄
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.40, no.5, pp.314-322, 2003-05-18

Baddeley and Hitch proposed a fundamental framework for working memory in 1974, emphasizing its transiently activated memory aspect for performing various cognitive tasks. This concept of working memory is quite useful in understanding human cognitive processes and has been widely used in the fields of cognitive and developmental psychology and neuropsychology. The idea of working memory has also been introduced to consider cognitive rehabilitation for patients with brain damage. In the present review, we first described a current theoretical framework of working memory and then reported on recent studies on the conceptualization of working memory. We subsequently reviewed neural substrates of working memory subsystems, i.e., the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketch pad and the central executive. We further referred to the contribution of working memory in understanding various language-related symptoms in patients with aphasia, one of the major targets in the field of cognitive rehabilitation. Working memo plays a crucial role in the everyday life of brain damaged patients. Future research is warranted to focus on the improvement of deficient working memory in order to ameliorate clinical problems of brain damaged patients.
佐藤 達夫
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.39, no.4, pp.191-196, 2002-04-18

For the improvement of medical education in Japan a project team (Research and development project on educational programs in medicine, Chair: Tatsuo Sato) was organized in term years 1998-2000. They prepared a model core curriculum and made it open to the public in March 2001. The traditional jam-packed curriculum was compressed into about two-thirds and was completely reorganized into a totally new comprehensive design. Most medical schools have respected this model core curriculum as a guideline for the future development of their own medical curriculum. For example, regarding rehabilitation medicine the following are adopted as the fundamentals: 1) to describe the concept and indication of rehabilitation, 2) to understand the structure of the rehabilitation team and to describe the physician's role, 3) *to describe the role of rehabilitation in cooperation with welfare and care, 4) to describe impairments in terms of functional impairment, performance decline and social disadvantage, 5) to evaluate the activities of daily living (ADL), 6) to describe briefly physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, and 7) to describe briefly the major walk-supporting equipment, wheel chair, artificial limbs and apparatus.
植松 海雲 猪飼 哲夫
リハビリテーション医学 : 日本リハビリテーション医学会誌 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.39, no.7, pp.396-402, 2002-07-18

リハビリテーション専門病院に入院した高齢脳卒中患者374症例を対象に,自宅退院のための能力的・社会的因子条件について,classification and regression trees(CART)を用いて分析した.対象患者の自宅退院率は82.6%.単変量の解析では退院時家族構成人数,配偶者の同居の有無,functional independence measure(FIM)18項目各得点において転帰先間で有意差を認めた.CARTによる解析の結果,FIMトイレ移乗,家族構成人数からなる決定木が得られ,トイレ移乗が要介助でかつ家族構成人数が2人以下の場合は自宅退院が困難(自宅退院率21.7%)などのルールが得られた.CARTは,連続変数,カテゴリー変数のいずれをも扱うことが可能であり,結果は直感的に理解しやすく分類や予測などの研究に有効な手法と考えられた.