上野 陽里
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.17, no.4, pp.505-512, 1982 (Released:2010-02-25)
市川 竜資
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.3, no.3, pp.317-326, 1968 (Released:2010-03-15)

In view of the rapid increase of nuclear energy facilities such as power plants, fuel-reprocessing plants and so forth, the safe control of the disposal of radioactive wastes into the sea has been and will be of great concern in the world. The present paper deals with the following matters; (1) historical background information of radioactive contamination of the sea due to the past military use of atomic energy, (2) natural and artificial radioactivity in the sea, (3) general features of the behaviour of radioactive nuclides in marine environment, (4) safe management of coastal discharge of radioactive liquid wastes, (5) disposal of solid radioactive wastes into deep sea bottom, and (6) problem on international control of radioactivity release in marine environment.
澤口 拓磨 武田 聖司 木村 英雄 田中 忠夫
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.50, no.1, pp.36-49, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
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It is desirable that the disaster wastes contaminated by radioactive cesium after the severe accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant are reused as much as possible in order to minimize the quantity to be disposed of. Ministry of the Environment showed the policy that the wastes containing cesium of higher concentration than the clearance level (100 Bq/kg) were reusable as materials of construction such as subbase course materials of pavements under controlled condition with measures to lower exposure doses. In this study, in order to provide technical information for making a guideline on the use of contaminated concrete materials recycled from disaster wastes as pavement, doses for workers and the public were estimated, and the reusable concentration of radioactive cesium in the wastes was evaluated. It was shown that the external exposure of the public (children) residing near the completed pavement gave the minimum radiocesium concentration in order to comply with the dose criteria. The recycled concrete materials whose average concentration of cesium lower than 2,700 Bq/kg can be used as the subbase course materials of pavements.
甲斐 倫明
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.56, no.3, pp.133-144, 2021-10-12 (Released:2022-01-06)

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has published a report of ICRP Publication 147. This publication has consolidated and expanded the concept of effective dose developed by ICRP. Effective dose has been used as a valuable tool for use in the optimization of protection and retrospective demonstration of compliance for regulatory purpose. The use of equivalent dose should be discontinued to avoid confusion of the same unit of Sievert between effective dose and equivalent dose and to set the limits on organ/tissue doses to prevent tissue reactions. The ICRP has considered effective dose an approximate indicator of possible risk of stochastic effects at low doses below 100 mSv. The estimate of effective dose can be used for comparing medical exposures among different diagnostic modalities including computed tomography and nuclear medicine. However, it is emphasized that use of effective dose is not substitute for the risk of a specific individual/organ since there is an uncertainty of the risk estimate due to low doses and simplified concept using tissue weighting factors that are averaged across all ages and both genders for hypothetical populations. The present article provides a brief summary and commentary of the key issues on the report. The concept of detriment behind calculation of tissue weighting factors in effective dose is reviewed.
Shin’ichi KUDO Akemi NISHIDE Jun’ichi ISHIDA Keiko YOSHIMOTO Hiroshige FURUTA Fumiyoshi KASAGI
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.55, no.1, pp.32-39, 2020-04-01 (Released:2020-05-21)
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The health effects of low-dose or low-dose rate of radiation are still controversial. There is little evidence to show if radiation risk is greater than other risks, such as lifestyle or socio-economic factors, including smoking. This study aimed to directly compare radiation and smoking risk on cancer mortality by deriving both risk factors simultaneously from one cohort. The study population was Japanese nuclear workers who were engaged until the end of March, 1999. A lifestyle questionnaire was distributed in 1997 and 2003 and smoking information was obtained. Radiation dose was supplied by Radiation Dose Registration Center in Radiation Effects Association. Poisson regression was used to derive radiation excess relative risk (ERR) per 100 mSv and smoking (ERR) per 20 pack-years. Radiation doses were lagged by 10 years. There were 71,733 subjects. The total person-years was 591,000, and the number of deaths for all cancers excluding leukemia was 1,326. For all cancers excluding leukemia, the ERR of radiation per 100 mSv was 0.08 (90% CI: −0.08, 0.28), and the ERR of smoking per 20 pack-years was 0.57 (90% CI: 0.44, 0.73). In addition to all cancers excluding leukemia, stomach cancer, lung cancer, smoking-related cancers showed significantly smaller radiation ERRs than smoking ERRs. These results suggest that, even if a low-dose radiation risk existed, it was much smaller than smoking risk.
斎藤 公明 木名瀬 栄 鈴木 敏和 仲野 高志 佐藤 裕一 石榑 信人 岩井 敏
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.42, no.1, pp.38-52, 2007 (Released:2010-08-05)

The expert committee on development and utilization of phantoms had activities from April, 2004 to March, 2006 sponsored by the Japan Health Physics Society. The purpose of the committee was to accumulate and share the latest information concerning phantoms and related technical issues, and to discuss how and for what phantoms should be utilized in future. The committee had twelve meetings and one symposium. Many people took part in the activity including the committee members, observers and other participants; we had a certain number of lectures covering versatile topics and chances to discuss essential problems including sophistication and standardization of phantoms. Some parts of the information we obtained in this activity have been presented in the articles in series.
斎藤 公明 木名瀬 栄 藤崎 達也 平岡 武 齋藤 秀敏 津田 修一 佐藤 薫 高島 房生
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.41, no.3, pp.158-168, 2006 (Released:2010-08-05)

The expert committee on development and utilization of phantoms had activities from April, 2004 to March, 2006 sponsored by the Japan Health Physics Society. The purpose of the committee was to accumulate and share the latest information concerning phantoms and related technical issues, and to discuss how and for what phantoms should be utilized in future. The committee had twelve meetings and one symposium. Many people took part in the activity including the committee members, observers and other participants; we had a certain number of lectures covering versatile topics and chances to discuss essential problems including sophistication and standardization of phantoms. Some parts of the information we obtained in this activity will be presented in the articles in series.
床次 眞司
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.53, no.4, pp.282-293, 2018 (Released:2019-03-03)
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New dose conversion factors (DCF) for radon progeny inhalation have been presented in the latest ICRP publication 137. There used to be a large difference in the DCF between those derived from epidemiological (ICRP 65) and from dosimetric approaches (ICRP 66). In parallel, UNSCEAR has presented their own DCF. The UNSCEAR DCF fell in the two results given by ICRP. This revision results in a higher DCF than before. This is based on the recently new scientific findings obtained by pooled analyses of epidemiological data from European studies on residential radon and lung cancer. Although the publication 137 is used only for occupational exposures, it will be able to be applied because of the consistency. For occupational exposures the new DCF is two times higher than the previous value and is estimated to be 17 nSv per Bq h m-3. It may be different from the previous one by a factor of more than 3 for public exposures (approximately 21 nSv per Bq h m-3). Using the mean indoor radon concentration in Japan, an annual effective dose due to radon progeny inhalation indoors is estimated to be 0.9 mSv a-1. As the DCF is calculated according to aerosol characteristics, site-specific DCFs can be provided.
山本 英明 浅野 芳裕 松井 浩
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.19, no.1, pp.25-32, 1984 (Released:2010-02-25)
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The literature on plutonium aerosols was surveyed for information (1) particle size distributions of plutonium aerosols from nuclear facilities, (2) collection efficiencies for plutonium aerosol particles of multi-stage HEPA filter systems used as exhaust air cleaning systems in these facilities, and (3) particle size distributions of plutonium aerosols discharged through the air cleaning systems.Following are the results.1. Mean particle sizes of plutonium aerosols from chemical plants are about 0.5μm AMAD and from fuel fabrication plants about 3μcm AMAD.2. Average collection efficiencies for plutonium aerosols of the first and second stage HEPA filters in the multi-stage HEPA filter systems exceed 99.99%.3. Mean particle sizes of plutonium aerosols discharged through the air cleaning systems are 0.2μm-0.4μm AMAD for chemical plants and 0.5μm-1.2μm AMAD for fuel fabrication plants.
長岡 和則 古渡 意彦 佐藤 昭二 虻川 成司 樋口 英雄 中村 尚司
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.39, no.4, pp.352-361, 2004 (Released:2010-08-05)
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Field measurements of the cosmic-ray neutron dose rate on the ground using the neutron dose-equivalent counter developed by Nakamura were conducted in order to allow an understanding of neutron dose rate distribution in Japan. The effects of altitude, geomagnetic latitude, snowfall and rainfall on the neutron dose rate were confirmed from the results of the field measurements. Altitude variation can be fitted to an exponential function (eαZ), where Z is altitude (km). The α value for the neutron dose rate increased with increasing geomagnetic latitude, 0.6-0.8(km-1) at latitudes 20°-40°. Roughly, α=0.01×L+0.4 (for Z under 2km), where L is the geomagnetic latitude(°). The effect of geomagnetic latitude on the neutron dose rate was approximately 2% per degree(°) at latitudes 20°-40° Reductions in neutron dose rate due to snowfall and rainfall are caused by a decrease in component backscattering from wet ground surfaces. The neutron dose rate (H*(10)) at sea level at a geomagnetic latitude near 25° in 2002 was approximately 4nSv/h, and the neutron dose rate obtained from the neutron energy spectrum up to 400MeV with the Bonner sphere counter developed by Uwamino was 5.7nSv/h. This difference may by due to the low sensitivity of the dose-equivalent counter to neutrons with energies above 15MeV.
島田 太郎 根本 宏美 武田 聖司
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.57, no.1, pp.5-29, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-05-26)

Of the asbestos-containing wastes arising from the dismantling activities of nuclear facilities, those with radioactive concentrations that do not need to be treated as radioactive materials will be cleared from the nuclear regulatory control. Those will be disposed of or recycled as specially controlled industrial waste based on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act. The authors constructed evaluation scenarios according to the treatment manual for asbestos-containing wastes, and evaluated radioactive concentrations (clearance level) of 33 radionuclides corresponding to the public exposure dose of asbestos waste of 10 μSv/y. As a result, the evaluated concentration values were equal to or higher than the current clearance level. It was confirmed that the current clearance level could be applied for asbestos-containing wastes.
福井 正美
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.18, no.4, pp.425-430, 1983