阿部 義平
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.36, pp.3-34, 1991-11-11

島村 恭則
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.91, pp.763-790, 2001-03-30

山折 哲雄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.2, pp.125-163, 1983-03-15

Originally, the Japanese god (Kami) was an invisible deity but after the 8th century to the 9th century (Nara-Heian period) it assumed the shape of an aged man (okina) in mythological legends and legendary literature. The invisible god donned the mask of an okina, appeared into this world, delivered oracles and made predictions. About the same time, images of gods were produced. A notable fact is that one of the oldest images found of a god possesses the features of an old man. In Japan, Buddism exerted a deep influence on the production of divine figures, but images of Buddha scarcely took the shape of an old man. At the beginning of the Heian period the facial expressions of a god assuming the features of an okina were developed from the okina masks in the Noh plays that were perfected by Zeami during medieval times and eventually formed a typical pattern. Moreover, the fact that the okina mask appearing in the Noh plays was handed down as the mask of god, corresponds well with the meaning of the okina as a godly symbol in the legends previously mentioned.A study of the legends of the okina in historical literature shows that the origin could be traced to the genelogy of yamanokami (mountain god) and uminokami (sea god). They sometimes helped in human crisis, gave knowledge, set ethical examples to people and imparted revelation. In other words, this was a mediator between the will of the gods, spirits and the human world. They appeared to the human world through spirits prossession and this tendency shows its profound shamanistic character.The okina that appears in ancient literature takes the figure of an ordinary man as well as priest; this shows that it was a divine reality belonging to a liminal area that covered beliefs in god as well as Buddha.God assuming the shape of an okina, respected as both god and man as according to the legends, reflects the Japanese belief towards ideal aging, quite different from the Western ideology. Old age is a period that symbolizes tragedy, disgrace and despair, but also it is a period that reflects humanity consisting of unselfish wisdom; innocent childishness and vigorousness. The divine image that ancient Japanese tried to attach to the icon of the okina seems to exert a strong influence on our basic ethnic consciousness.
山口 英男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.127-145, 2015-03

正倉院文書は、官司の現用書類が不要となり廃棄されたものである。この点で、多くの古文書とは異なる特徴を有しており、文書の機能情報を抽出・解析する上でも、これに対応した手法・手順が求められる。正倉院文書の解析は、業務の解析に他ならない。そのためには、書類からの情報抽出において、書類の作成から利用・保管・廃棄に至る履歴を明らかにすること、その際、書類の用いられる場の変化に着目することが重要である。この点で、古文書学における文献史料(文字資料)の三分類(文書・典籍・記録)や、近年指摘されているその見直しの議論に注目できるが、その方向性には疑問もある。文字資料は「文字を用いて情報を何らかの媒体に定着させたもの」であり、情報の受け手に何らかの影響(働きかけ)を及ぼす。ただし、単なる情報の移動と、意識的な情報の伝達とは区別されなくてはならない。情報の伝達においては、正確性、確実性が求められることから、文書様式・書札礼等を含め、様々な「仕掛け」が施される。「仕掛け」の有無には機能上明確な差異が存在し、業務解析においては、そうした「仕掛け」に着目することで様々な知見を抽出することができる。以上の観点から、某者宣を書き留めた受命の書面、経巻奉請に関する書面を取り上げ、命令や依頼の内容を書き留めただけの書面の存在と、その業務進行上の役割を検討することで、口頭伝達と書面伝達とが併存する具体的な様相を明らかにし、伝達のための「仕掛け」を持たない書面が場を移動しながら利用されることの意味を論ずる。Shosoin documents are government documents no longer needed and disposed of. In this aspect, they have different characteristics from other historical documents; therefore, it is essential to employ methods and procedures appropriate to such characteristics during collection and analysis of their functional information. Analyzing Shosoin documents means analyzing government operations. When extracting information from Shosoin documents, it is crucial to clarify the life cycle of documents, from creation to use, storage, and disposal, and to pay attention to changes in place of use.In this regard, the three categories of historical documents (textual materials) in the study of paleography, such as monjo ( letter) , tenseki ( book) , and kiroku ( record) , as well as recent arguments against the classification are worthy of note; however, there is some doubt about the direction of these studies. Textual materials are "media to convey information in writing". They are aimed to influence (induce an action from) information recipients. The point is to distinguish between mere distribution of information and intentional transmission of information. Since accuracy and reliability are important for the latter, a variety of "devices" including document styles and documentation rules (shosatsurei) are made. There are distinctive differences in function depending on whether such a "device" exists or not; therefore, in the analysis of government operations, a close examination of such "devices" helps us extract a variety of information.From the above point of view, this article investigates the documents which dictate the decisions of higher officials and which apply for sutras and compares their function in carrying out the duties with that of the documents which merely describes the content of instructions or requests. Through these analyses, this study reveals the specific situation where both oral and written communication were used and argues the significance that documents without any "devices" to convey information were reused at various places.
山口 英男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.127-145, 2015-03

田中 史生
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.329-341, 2015-03

本稿は,8世紀の日本官印と隋唐官印と比較することによって,日本律令国家の官印導入期における中国の影響と,日本官印の特質について考察するものである。考察の結果,日本律令国家の官印は,隋唐官印のなかでも紙による文書行政とかかわる「官署印」の直接的影響を受けて成立したが,その法量を唐よりも大型化させるとともに,官司のレヴェルに従って印面文字の字体や形式と組み合わせながら法量を細分化し,その区分を遵守させるなどの特徴があることが明らかとなった。また隋唐においては,御璽が一般的な命令伝達文書の作成過程で紙に押印されることはなく,諸州などに下される文書には,裁可された案件の諸司における処理ないし行政手続きが正しく行われることを保証するために六部所属の二十四司の印が押されたが,日本において命令伝達の中核に置かれた印は内印,すなわち天皇御璽で,中央政府の文書発給の全てを天皇が直接統治することに重きを置いた押印制度となっていた。さらに諸国印は,国府とそれが統括する地方の間の文書に印が押されるのではなく,中央政府と国府との関係の中での押印を基本としていた。そこには,日本古代官印の文書行政における実務的機能とのかかわりだけでなく,印の大きさ,押印の仕方,印面文字の字体・形式によって,中華日本を表現するともに,天皇の直接統治と,天皇を中心とした中央集権的なビラミッド型の官司配置という,日本律令制の理念的構造を表象ようとする古代国家の意図が読み取れるであろう。This article compares official seals of Japan and China (the Sui and Tang Dynasties) in the eighth century to examine the impact of China on the introduction of official seals in the ritsuryo nation of Japan and the characteristics of Japanese official seals. The analysis reveals that although the official seal system of the ritsuryo nation of Japan was established under the influence of Sui/Tang official seals, in particular the direct influence of government office seals which were closely connected to the document administration, the Japanese system was characterized by the following points: the official seals of Japan were bigger than those of the Tang Dynasty and classified in detail by their size as well as the typeface and style of the characters on their face according to the level of government, and the classification was strictly adhered to. In addition, in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the imperial seal was not used when issuing general directives, and the seals of the 24 bureaus of the six ministries were affixed on documents sent to provinces in order to ensure implementation of approved documents and proper administrative procedures in each government office. On the other hand, in Japan, Naiin, the imperial seal, was stamped on directives as a rule, and emphasis was placed on the direct control of the emperor over all documents issued by the central government. Moreover, in principle, provincial documents were affixed not by the provincial government and its subordinate governments but by the central and provincial governments. These findings indicate not only the practical functions of official seals in the document administration in ancient Japan but also the intention to use differences in the size of seals, the way of stamping them, and the typeface and style of characters on their face to express the Japanese ethnocentrism and symbolize the direct rule of the emperor and the ideal structure of the Japanese ritsuryo system based on a pyramid, centralized government organization led by the emperor.
中林 隆之
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.147-170, 2015-03

正倉院文書には、天平二十年(七四八)六月十日の日付を有した、全文一筆の更可請章疏等目録と名付けられた典籍目録(帳簿)が残存する。この目録には仏典(論・章疏類)と漢籍(外典)合わせて一七二部の典籍が収録されている。小稿では、本目録の作成過程および記載内容の基礎的な検討を行い、それを前提に八世紀半ばの古代国家による思想・学術編成策の一端を解明した。本目録には、八世紀前半に新羅で留学した審詳所蔵の典籍の一部が掲載されていた。審詳の死後は、彼の所蔵典籍は、弟子で生成期の花厳宗の一員でもあった平摂が管理した。本目録は、僧綱による全容の捕捉・検定を前提として、内裏が審詳の所蔵典籍の貸し出しを平摂の房に求めた原目録をもとに、それを平摂房で忠実に書写し、写経所に渡したものであった。審詳の所蔵典籍には、彼が新羅で入手したものが多かった。仏典は、元暁など新羅人撰述の章疏類が一定の比重をしめた。それらの仏典は、写経所での常疏の書写に先だって長期にわたり内裏に貸し出されていた。内裏に貸し出された中で、とくに華厳系の章疏類は、南都六宗の筆頭たる花厳宗が担当する講読章疏の選定と布施額の調整などに活用された。漢籍も、最新の唐の書籍や南北朝期以来の古本、さらに兵書までをも含むなど、激動の東アジア情勢を反映した多様な内容であったが、これらも内裏に貸し出され、国家による諸学術の拡充政策などに活用されたとみられる。八世紀半ばの日本古代王権は、『華厳経』を頂点とする仏教を主軸においた諸思想・学術の国家的な編成・整備政策を推進したが、その際、唐からの直接的な知的資源の確保の困難性という所与の国際的条件のもと、本目録にみられたものを含む、新羅との交流を通して入手した典籍群が一定の重要な役割を担ったのである。The Shosoin Archives have a book catalogue (register) dated the tenth day of the sixth month in the year Tenpyo 20 (748) and titled "Catalogue of Additionally Requested Chinese Classic Books and Commentaries on Han Buddhist Scriptures" (hereinafter the "Catalogue") . It contains a total of 172 books ranging from Buddhist literature (translated guides and commentaries on Han Buddhist scriptures) to Chinese books (secular books) . Through a brief examination of the production process and content of the Catalogue, this article discovers part of policies to organize thoughts and knowledge in ancient Japan in the mid-eighth century.The Catalogue includes some of the books belonging to Shinsho, who studied in Silla in the first half of the eighth century. After his death, the collection of books was managed by Hyosho , a disciple of Shinsho and a member of the initial Kegon sect. This Catalogue is a precise copy of the original catalogue of the books of Shinsho which the Dairi (Imperial Palace) borrowed from the monastery of Hyosho. It was made by the monastery and submitted to the Shakyojo (Sutra Copying Office) when asked by Sogo (Buddhist ecclesiastical authority) for the purpose of making a complete inventory and inspection.Many of Shinsho's books came from Silla. His Buddhist literature consisted of commentaries written by Silla scholars and monks such as Gangyo (Wonhyo) . Before the Shakyojo started copying Buddhist guides and commentaries, Shinsho's books were lent to the Dairi for years. Especially, commentaries on Kegon sutras were used for lectures given by the Kegon sect, the leading sect of the six sects of Nara, as well as for determination of the amount of donations. On the other hand, Shinsho's Chinese book collection included a wide range of topics, such as the then latest books of the Tang Dynasty, ancient books after the Nan-Bei Chao period, and military tactics books, which reflected the turbulent situation of East Asia at that time. These books were also borrowed by the Dairi and used for policies to advance arts and sciences.In the mid-eighth century in Japan, the ancient imperial authority promoted national policies to establish and develop thoughts and knowledge centered on the Buddhism based on the Kegon Sutra. At that time, since they had difficulties acquiring intellectual resources directly from the Tang Dynasty due to the given international conditions, a collection of books obtained through exchanges with Silla, including those in the Catalogue, played a certain important role.
松崎 憲三
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.2, pp.1-39, 1983-03-15

The study of the spatial composition of a village and the life centered around it, is a primary concern. This paper examines some villages located at Kurahashi (Unagami, Chiba Pref.), which was selected for field work. An analysis of the spatial composition is attempted through examining eight items: (1) the boundaries of the village (murazakai) (2) residential areas (3) land for cultivation (4) non-cultivated land (5) ritual areas (6) social areas (7) place names (8) directions.The result is as follows:(1) In the center of the village, Suijinsha (literally “water god shrine” ) as ubusunajinja (shrine of the local guardian diety) and Hōjuin as tetsugidera are surrounded by a circular road. From the circular road, radial roads run in four directions. The residential area of the village is limited to the inside of the circular road and the circumference.(2) Outside the residential area lies land for cultivation. The plateau is used for fields and there are rice fields in the terraced ground along the valley; the slopes between the rice fields and fields as well as the land around the cultivated land is not cultivated.(3) One of the ideological boundaries that crosses the radial roads, corresponds to the physical boundary between the residential area and the land for cultivation. Another boundary is located where dorokujin ( “guardian of the village boundary” , “road safety god” ) and tsuka are placed at the entrance of a road running from the highway that runs in the north to the residential area. Thus, there are two ideological boundaries in the north and this has a relation to the geographical boundaries that are also dual. Possible reasons for these dual boundaries set in the north are the presence of the cultivated area stretching in the north, the fact that development is limited and the necessity for a protective boundary due to the heavy traffic along the highway.(4) Kurahashi consists of five seko that were muragumi (small regional groups) but initially it consisted of two muragumi that were divided by a river. Moreover, as the entrance and exit of the village correspond to the two dōrokujin located on the radial roads running from South to West, and from North and East, a close relation can be found between the number of muragumi and entrances to the village.(5) The words South and North have a social connotation; South is superior to North and this is reflected in the two groups (muragumi) North and South We can find a belief concerning the sun that underlies the superiority of South.
工藤 雄一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.187, pp.73-93, 2014-07

縄文時代の開始期の植物利用については,これまで土器の出現と関連づけて様々な議論が行われてきた。出現当初の縄文時代草創期の土器は「なにをどのように煮炊きするための道具だったのか」という点をより具体化し,列島内での土器利用の地域差などを検討していくことは極めて重要な研究課題である。2012年に発掘された宮崎県王子山遺跡からは,縄文時代草創期の炭化植物遺体(コナラ属子葉,ネギ属鱗茎)が出土した。筆者らは,これらの試料の炭素・窒素安定同位体分析を行い,また,王子山遺跡および鹿児島県三角山Ⅰ遺跡から出土した隆帯文土器の内面付着炭化物の炭素・窒素安定同位体分析を実施し,土器で煮炊きされた内容物について検討した。この結果,王子山遺跡では動物質食料と植物質の食料が煮炊きされていた可能性が高いことがわかった。王子山遺跡から出土した炭化ドングリ類は,土器による煮沸の行程を経てアク抜きをした後に食料として利用されていたというよりも,動物質の食料,特に肉や脂と一緒に煮炊きすることで,アク抜くのではなく,渋みを軽減して食料として利用していた可能性を提示した。一方,三角山Ⅰ遺跡では,隆帯文土器で海産資源が煮炊きされた可能性があることを指摘した。これらの土器の用途は,「堅果類を含む植物質食料のアク抜き」に関連づけるよりも,「堅果類を含む植物質食料および動物質食料の調理」と関連づけたほうが,縄文時代草創期の植物利用と土器利用の関係の実態により近いと推定した。Thus far, plant use during the Incipient Jomon period has been discussed in relation to the beginning of pottery use. This is because initial pottery-making is thought to have enabled the use of a number of vegetable foods found in cool to temperate, deciduous broadleaf forests, such as nuts and acorns that require boiling to remove toxins before consumption. However, clarifying "what kind of foods were actually processed or cooked in Incipient Jomon potteries" is one of the most important research topics.In 2012, charred acorns (Quercus subgen. Lepidobalanus) and bulbs of wild onion (Allium sp.) from the Incipient Jomon period were excavated from the Ojiyama Site, and directly dated to 13,400 cal BP. These discoveries indicate that people in the southern part of Kyushu Island already utilized these types of plant foods.In addition, in order to examine actual usage of the Ryutaimon pottery and to estimate its relationship with plant foods, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values and C/N ratios of these plant remains and charred materials attached to the inside of Ryutaimon pottery from the Ojiyama Site (southern Kyushu Island) and Sankakuyama Site (Tanega-shima Island) were analyzed.Stable isotope values seem to show that Ryutaimon pottery from the Ojiyama Sites was used not only for boiling plants (especially acorns), but also for boiling remains of terrestrial mammals. The charred materials on potteries might be residue of a mixed "stew" of plant and animal foods. In the case of the Sankakuyama Site, stable isotope values were related more closely to marine products. It is likely that Ryutaimon pottery on southern Kyushu Island was used as a cooking tool for boiling a wide variety of foodstuffs.
鈴木 三男 能城 修一 田中 孝尚 小林 和貴 王 勇 劉 建全 鄭 雲飛
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.187, pp.49-71, 2014-07

ウルシToxicodendron vernicifluum(ウルシ科)は東アジアに固有の落葉高木で,幹からとれる漆液は古くから接着材及び塗料として利用されてきた。日本及び中国の新石器時代遺跡から様々な漆製品が出土しており,新石器時代における植物利用文化を明らかにする上で重要な植物の一つであるとともに日本の縄文文化を特徴づけるものの一つでもある。本研究では現在におけるウルシの分布を明らかにし,ウルシ種内の遺伝的変異を解析した。そして化石証拠に基づいてウルシの最終氷期以降の時空分布について検討した。その結果,ウルシは日本,韓国,中国に分布するが,日本及び韓国のウルシは栽培されているものかあるいはそれが野生化したものであり,中国には野生のものと栽培のものの両方があることが明らかとなった。それらの葉緑体DNAには遺伝的変異があり,中国黄河~揚子江の中流域の湖北型(V),浙江省と山東省に見られる浙江型(VII),日本,韓国,中国遼寧省と山東省に見られる日本型(VI)の3つのハプロタイプ(遺伝子型)が検出された。中国大陸に日本と同じハプロタイプの野生のウルシが存在することは,日本のウルシが中国大陸から渡来したものだとすれば山東省がその由来地として可能性があることを示唆していると考えられた。一方,化石証拠からは日本列島には縄文時代早期末以降,東日本を中心にウルシが生育していたことが明らかとなった。さらに福井県鳥浜貝塚遺跡からは縄文時代草創期(約12600年前)にウルシがあったことが確かめられた。このような日本列島に縄文時代草創期に既にウルシが存在していたことは,ウルシが大陸からの渡来なのか,元々日本列島に自生していたものなのかについての再検討を促していると考えられた。The lacquer tree, Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Anacaradiaceae) is an endemic tree in East Asia and is called urushi in Japanese. The urushi lacquer is collected from the tree trunk of this species and has been utilized as an adhesive and/or a painting material from very ancient ages. Many kinds of lacquer ware have been recovered from Neolithic archeological sites in Japan and China, and the urushi lacquer ware especially characterizes the Jomon culture in Japan. To elucidate the origin of the Japanese urushi culture, we examined the distribution of urushi trees in East Asia, analyzed their chloroplast DNA, and re-examined the fossil record of the urushi plant.Although the urushi plant is now distributed in China, Korea, and Japan, all of the trees in Korea and Japan are not native, but are cultivated. Thus the urushi trees in Japan is considered as an introduction from somewhere in China. We detected three haplotypes in the chloroplast DNA (trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer regions) in of the urushi plant. The first one haplotype (haplotype V) is widely distributed in central China between Hwang Ho and Yangtze Jiang of China. The second haplotype (haplotype VI) is found in Japan, Korea, and Liaoning and Shandong provinces of China. The last one haplotype (haplotype VII) is found only in Shandong and Zhejiang provinces of China. The presence of wild urushi plant with the haplotype VI in certain areas of China may suggest the possibility that the urushi trees in Japan seem to have originated and introduced from those areas, if it was introduced. Fossil records of pollen, fruits, and wood of the urushi plant have been recovered from the early Jomon period in Japan, especially in eastern and northeastern Japan. One exception is the oldest record of the incipient Jomon period of ca. 12600 cal BP of a urushi fossil wood from the Torihama shell midden of Fukui prefecture. This fact is pressing us to re-consider whether what the urushi plant was brought over from China, or it is native to Japan originally.
髙久 智広
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.182, pp.89-114, 2014-01

これまで幕藩制社会における官僚制の問題は、将軍や幕閣といった政権担当者の交代や改革に伴う幕府の機構改革の側面から論じられることがほとんどであった。しかしそうした改革や政権交代には必然的に積極的な人材登用とともに前政権が行った政策の批判的継承と前政権の諸政策を担った諸役人の処分や否定も付随する。このように考えると、幕府の官僚組織を編成する側の論理もさることながら、その構成員たる幕臣たちが、組織内での地位の上昇・下降をどのように捉えていたのかを明らかにすることが、組織の実態を明らかにするうえでは欠かせない作業となってくる。そこで本稿では武士の立身出世を題材にした出世双六のうち、「江戸幕臣出世双六」「御大名出世双六」「御役替双六」の三点を検討素材として、史料としての有効性を測りつつ、幕府の官僚組織における出世を、幕臣たちがどのように捉えていたのかを考察した。本稿では、まず第一節において、「江戸幕臣出世双六」と「御大名出世双六」の比較からこれらの双六には、職制上の階梯を昇っていくことだけではなく、それに伴う禄高の上昇や御目見以下から以上、あるいは旗本から大名への家格の上昇、また殿席や官位・官職の上昇、さらには武家としての継承・繁栄までを組み込んだ出世観が示されていると位置づけた。また、この二つの双六の特徴として、まずそれぞれの場に応じた上役や関係諸職との間で交わされる付届けの贈答関係、即ち交際のあり様がより重視されており、それは出世・昇進とは不可分の関係にあったこと、またその結びつきの強弱はこれらの双六では付届けの数によって示されているが、その多少は職階の上下以上に、それぞれの職務内容や権限がより大きく作用する構成となっていることを指摘した。またこれら二つの双六は「振出シ」や「家督」のマスにおいては、サイコロの出目というある種の運命によって振り分けられる武家としての身分的階層が、現実世界と同様に御目見以下の最下層に位置する中間から、最も上層の万石以上まで大きな幅をもって設定されており、そうした各家に歴史的に備わった家格=身分的階層が出世・昇進と密接な関わりを持っていることがゲームを通じて実感される構成となっている。その一方で、佐渡奉行が側用人や伏見奉行に飛躍するような実際にはあり得ない抜擢人事の要素をも組み込んでいて、しかもそれが両双六において採用されていることから、これらの双六にみられる特徴は、幕臣の出世に関し、当時共有されていた認識を示すものではないかと本稿では位置づけている。また、本稿で検討した三つの双六では、サイコロを振るごとに単純に地位が上昇していく仕組みではなく、降格や処分を意味する設定が実態に即した内容で組み込まれている点が重要ではないかと考えた。そのことにより、どの役職や場に、どのようなリスクがあるのかということも知ることができるからである。なかでも第二節においては「御役替双六」に設定された「振出シ小普請」と「一生小普請」に注目した。これは三〇〇〇石以下の無役を意味する一般的な小普請と、処分や粛正によって貶される咎小普請という、幕府の官僚組織の特色の一つである小普請の両義性を明確に提示するものである。特に「一生小普請」については、当該双六の作成時期として比定される享保期から天明期にかけての勘定奉行・勘定吟味役、大坂町奉行の動向を追い、「御役替双六」における「一生小普請」の設定が、一八世紀半ばにおける上記三職就任者の処分・粛正と小普請入りの実態を反映したものであることを指摘した。同時代に生きた幕臣やその子弟たちは、「御役替双六」の「一生小普請」と諸職の対応関係をみただけで、現実にあった政権担当者の交代やそれに伴う政策方針の転換、前政権担当者や関連諸役の粛正などを想起したであろう。こうした出世双六は、本来、幕府の官僚組織のあり方を論じる上では二次的・三次的史料に分類されるものではある。また、概ね実態を反映する形で構成されてはいるものの、それぞれの双六には製作者の意図や認識が組み込まれている。しかし、これらの双六において再現される立身出世のプロセスは、現実世界を強く照射するものでもあり、一次的史料に即して批判的に検証したことで、有効な研究素材になりうることを明らかにできたのではないかと考える。Most of conventional research on the bureaucracy in the shogunate-and-domain-system society has focused on organizational reforms of the Tokugawa shogunate accompanied by changes of people in power such as shoguns and high-ranking officials. These organizational reforms and administrative changeovers, however, always trigger the aggressive appointment of new officials, combined with the criticism of the previous administration on its policies and the dismissal of former officials responsible for these policies. Therefore, in addition to the study of views of top-ranking officials organizing the shogunate bureaucracy, the study of views of vassals composing it about their promotions and demotions in the government is crucial in clarifying the real situation of the organization. This article examines vassals' views on promotion in the shogunate bureaucracy by using three games of sugoroku (Japanese backgammon) on the theme of samurai's advancement in life and career, Edo Bakushin Shusse Sugoroku, Odaimyo Shusse Sugoroku, and Oyakugae Sugoroku, as research materials while evaluating their validity as historical sources.In the first chapter, by comparing Edo Bakushin Shusse Sugoroku and Odaimyo Shusse Sugoroku, this article reveals their outlook on promotion; it not only means climbing up the bureaucratic ladder but also includes the fruits of promotion such as an increase in stipends, advancement in family status from omemie-ika (the unprivileged who were barred from seeing a shogun) to omemie-ijo (the privileged who were allowed to do so) or from hatamoto (vassal) to daimyo (feudal lord) , and upgrading of the class of anteroom and official rank and post. Promotion seems even associated with the inheritance and prosperity of samurai family. Another attribution of the two games is to attach importance to relationships of gift-exchange, socializing, with superiors and other relevant officials. The connection is described to be inseparably linked with promotion and upgrading. In the game, the strength of relationship is indicated by the number of gifts, which seems to depend more on the functional role and authority than on the hierarchy of officers. Moreover, like in the real world, both sugoroku games provide a wide range of status levels from the lowest (footman, the bottom of the omemie-ika servants) to the highest (feudal load with a stipend of ten thousand koku or over) , and the throw of dice, a kind of destiny, determines the class of players when starting or arriving at the cell of "inheritance." Thus, the games are designed to make players realize that the historical family rank, status hierarchy, is closely connected with advancement in life and career. On the other hand, the games include exceptional promotions such as from Sado magistrate to grand chamberlain or Fushimi magistrate. Though such upgrading seems unlikely, it can be considered as a common view of promotion of shogunate vassals at that time because both sugoroku games include these kinds of promotion.The three games of sugoroku covered by this article do not simply allow players to get promoted by throwing a dice but provide a realistic view of demotion and punishment. This is considered to be important because players can understand what kind of risks each rank or position has. In the second chapter, this article focuses on the rules of starting kobushin and lifetime kobushin in Oyakugae Sugoroku. Kobushin (vassals holding no post in the government) is one of distinctive human resource cultivation systems of the Tokugawa shogunate, and the sugoroku clearly indicates the two meanings of it: general kobushin holding a stipend of less than 3,000 koku but no post and punished kobushin forfeiting his post due to a penalty or purge.By examining the primary historical materials written by Honda Naritaka, who managed kobushin from the end of the Kansei period to the Kyowa period (from 1800 to 1803 ) , this article studies how general kobushin got recommended for and promoted to posts. It is discovered that, despite conditions that they had to have both literary and military accomplishments, in practice vassals were judged for recommendation or promotion based on the different criteria depending on respective posts such as guard, housekeeper, and treasurer.With regard to the lifetime kobushin, this article examines the changes of chief financial officials, comptrollers, and Osaka magistrates from the Kyoho period to the Tenmei period (from 1716 to 1789 ) , which is estimated to be when Oyakugae Sugoroku was created. As a result, it is discovered that the profile of lifetime kobushin in Oyakugae Sugoroku reflects the actual penalties, purges, and forfeitures of officers in the above-mentioned three ranks at the middle of the 18th century. The relations between lifetime kobushin and other posts described in Oyakugae Sugoroku could have reminded contemporary vassals and their children of the actual changes of people in power and the subsequent shifts of policies and purges of officers and officials of the previous regime. In the study of the bureaucracy of the Tokugawa shogunate, these games of shusse sugorokuhave fallen under the secondary or tertiary historical sources. Each of the games includes opinions and views of its producer. However, they are designed to generally reflect the reality. The processes of advancement in life and career described in those games strongly reflect the real world. Examining their validity based on the primary historical sources, therefore, this article concludes that those games can serve as effective research materials.
小池 淳一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.193, pp.293-303, 2015-02

地域の開発に際して文化をどのように位置づけ、利用するか、という問題は実は言語戦略の問題でもある。本稿はそうした地域開発のキャッチフレーズとも標語ともとれる術語についての予備的考察である。ここでとりあげる術語とは〈民話〉である。〈民話〉はしばしば、民俗学の領域に属する語のように思われるが実はそうではない。〈民話〉は民俗研究のなかでは常に一定の留保とともに用いられる術語であり、またそれゆえに広がりを持つ言葉であった。一九五〇年代の日本民俗学において〈民話〉は学術用語としては忌避されていた。それは戦後歴史学のなかで、民話が検討対象となり、民衆の闘いや創造性を示す語として扱われていたことと関連し、民俗学の独立の機運とは裏腹のものであった。そうした留保によって〈民話〉はかえって多くの含意が可能になり、地域社会とも結びつく可能性が残されていった。特に「民話のふるさと」岩手県遠野市では口承文芸というジャンル成立以前の『遠野物語』と重ね合わされることによって〈民話〉が機能した。その結果として、遠野は「〈民話〉のふるさと」となったのである。How to evaluate and utilize culture in community development is also considered as a matter of linguistic strategies. This article provides a preliminary consideration of the terminology used as a catchphrase or slogan for community development. More specifically, this study focuses on folktales. The word "folktale (Minwa)" is often mistaken as a technical term of folklore studies. In reality, folklorists always use the term in a reserved way, which gives it a wide range of meanings. In the 1950s, Japanese folklorists rarely used "folktale" as an academic term. This was partially because after World War II, historians studied folktales using the term to represent creativity or a struggle of people, which was contrary to the trend of independence of folklore studies. Due to the reserved attitude of folklorists, however, the term could have many connotations, leaving the possibility to be linked with local communities. In particular, in Tōno, Iwate Prefecture, a city also known as the Home of Folktales, folktales played a role in relation to "the Legends of Tōno (Tōno Monogatari)" years before the establishment of oral literature as a genre. This is the very reason why the city has become the Home of Folktales.