田島 公 山口 英男 尾上 陽介 遠藤 基郎 末柄 豊 石上 英一 藤井 譲治 金田 章裕 西山 良平 坂上 康俊 西本 昌弘 本郷 真紹 加藤 友康 武内 孝善 田良島 哲 渡辺 晃宏 石川 徹也 石川 徹也 山口 和夫 藤原 重雄 稲田 奈津子 遠藤 珠紀 三角 洋一 月本 雅幸 吉川 真司 小倉 慈司 綾村 宏 杉橋 隆夫 桃崎 有一郎 島谷 弘幸 猪熊 兼樹 馬場 基

厚谷 和雄 末柄 豊 山口 英男 石上 英一 坂本 正仁

田島 公 尾上 陽介 遠藤 基郎 末柄 豊 吉川 真司 金田 章裕 馬場 基 本郷 真紹 山本 聡美 伴瀬 明美 藤原 重雄 稲田 奈津子 黒須 友里江 林 晃弘 月本 雅幸 三角 洋一 川尻 秋生 小倉 慈司 渡辺 晃宏 桃崎 有一郎 北 啓太 吉岡 眞之 山口 英男 金子 拓 遠藤 珠紀 原 秀三郎 神尾 愛子 名和 修 名和 知彦 内海 春代 飯田 武彦

山口 英男
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.95, no.1, pp.1-37,144-145, 1986-01-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

In this paper, the author tries to clarify the relationship between the general description in the Ryo 令 codes and the more detailed explanation in the Engi-shiki 延喜式 codes concerning maki, state managed pastures for breeding mainly equestrian horses. Then, in order to deduce the origins of the several forms of maki stipulated in the Engi-shiki codes, he describes the transition of those offices in the central government which administered maki. As a result, the author is able to offer the following hypothesis concerning the actual state of public pasture lands. 1)In the Engi-shiki codes, we find Shokoku-no-maki 諸国牧 (provincial pastures), Mimaki 御牧 (those under direct imperial control) and Kinto-no-maki 近都牧 (pastures in the capital vicinity). It also mentions the horses presented to the central government as tribute, which are Kunigai-no-uma 国飼馬 (horses bred in provinces), Tsunagigai-no-uma 繋飼馬 (horses raised on a tether) and horses from Mimaki. The tributary horses from Shokoku-no-maki were Tsunagigai-no-uma. In Kinto-no-maki the horses were not sired but rather were delivered from the province to the capital and raised. The system of Kunigai-no-uma required that provinces sent horses, which were usually bred there, to the capital on the demand of the central government. So it was similar to the system of horse tribute. 2)From the beginning of the Ryo system, the maki in the provinces near the capital sent the horses which were sired there to the central government in the form of Kunigai-no-uma ; and the maki in the provinces far from the capital presented horses in the form of Tsunagigai-no-uma from Shokoku-no-maki. Some of the former maki also took on a function similar to Kinto-no-maki by breeding horses from the latter maki. 3)Mimaki originated from the maki managed by the Uchi-no-umaya-no-tsukasa 内廐寮 (the government agency of horse breeding under the immediate control of the Emperor, established in 765-808 A.D.), and was the most recent form of the various forms of maki stipulated in the Engi-shiki codes. However, the way to establish Mimaki was to shift some of the maki which had already existed under direct imperial control. This was done under the influence of the political situation around the middle of the 8th century. Therefore, each of the maki did not go through any important changes except for the alteration of the government office which had jurisdiction over it. 4)These forms of maki were arranged and reorganized when management failures began to increase at the beginning of the 9th century. The various articles concerning maki in the Engi-shiki codes show the result of such arrangements and reorganizations.
久留島 典子 林 譲 本郷 恵子 柴山 守 有川 正俊 山口 英男 遠藤 基郎 木村 直樹 山家 浩樹 馬場 基 山田 太造 近藤 成一 小宮 木代良 古瀬 蔵

山口 英男
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.95, no.1, pp.1-37,144-145, 1986

In this paper, the author tries to clarify the relationship between the general description in the Ryo 令 codes and the more detailed explanation in the Engi-shiki 延喜式 codes concerning maki, state managed pastures for breeding mainly equestrian horses. Then, in order to deduce the origins of the several forms of maki stipulated in the Engi-shiki codes, he describes the transition of those offices in the central government which administered maki. As a result, the author is able to offer the following hypothesis concerning the actual state of public pasture lands. 1)In the Engi-shiki codes, we find Shokoku-no-maki 諸国牧 (provincial pastures), Mimaki 御牧 (those under direct imperial control) and Kinto-no-maki 近都牧 (pastures in the capital vicinity). It also mentions the horses presented to the central government as tribute, which are Kunigai-no-uma 国飼馬 (horses bred in provinces), Tsunagigai-no-uma 繋飼馬 (horses raised on a tether) and horses from Mimaki. The tributary horses from Shokoku-no-maki were Tsunagigai-no-uma. In Kinto-no-maki the horses were not sired but rather were delivered from the province to the capital and raised. The system of Kunigai-no-uma required that provinces sent horses, which were usually bred there, to the capital on the demand of the central government. So it was similar to the system of horse tribute. 2)From the beginning of the Ryo system, the maki in the provinces near the capital sent the horses which were sired there to the central government in the form of Kunigai-no-uma ; and the maki in the provinces far from the capital presented horses in the form of Tsunagigai-no-uma from Shokoku-no-maki. Some of the former maki also took on a function similar to Kinto-no-maki by breeding horses from the latter maki. 3)Mimaki originated from the maki managed by the Uchi-no-umaya-no-tsukasa 内廐寮 (the government agency of horse breeding under the immediate control of the Emperor, established in 765-808 A.D.), and was the most recent form of the various forms of maki stipulated in the Engi-shiki codes. However, the way to establish Mimaki was to shift some of the maki which had already existed under direct imperial control. This was done under the influence of the political situation around the middle of the 8th century. Therefore, each of the maki did not go through any important changes except for the alteration of the government office which had jurisdiction over it. 4)These forms of maki were arranged and reorganized when management failures began to increase at the beginning of the 9th century. The various articles concerning maki in the Engi-shiki codes show the result of such arrangements and reorganizations.
山口 英男
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.100, no.9, pp.1507-1545,1672-, 1991-09-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

The evaluation of a historical character of the local administrative mechanism of the 10th century, which was composed of kuni 国 (a province) and gun 郡 (a district), is an important problem for understanding the flow of the history of Japan from ancient times to the middle ages. It was formerly understood that management of gun by kuni was reinforced in the 10th century. However, strong doubts have arisen on this point in recent years. In this paper, the author attempts a new, overall evaluation concerning the local administrative mechanism of the 10th century and comes to the conclusion that the conventional opinion is merely a one-sided understanding of the events of the 10th century. The local administration under the Ritsuryo 律令 system was carried out by hokushi 国司, who were appointed from the central aristocracy, and by gunji 郡司, who were local powerful clans under the kokushi. In the latter part of the 9th century, however, the overseers of kokushi, called zuryo 受領, came to personally take administrative responsibility of kuni. As a result, zuryo began to delegate administration not to subordinate kokushi but to local influential persons, including gunji and migrant aristocrats. They were able to obtain both economic and political benefits by taking advantage of their duties. This form of administration was formally approved by a law issued in 902 A.D. Influential local persons called zoshikinin 雑色人 engaged in the administration of kuni, functioning as kuni-no-tsukai 国使, hogandai 判官代 or as constituents of tokoro 所, and were authorized to take charge of the administration of gun as gunji without official titles stipulated in the Ryo 令 codes, This assumption of the general duties of local administration by influential persons in the region was the biggest change in the local administrative mechanism of the 10th century. In accordance with these changes, the role of gunji, instead of the role of kokushi, became more important in some areas of local administration. Moreover, because people who had the same social attribute as zoshikinin conducted both of the duties of kuni and gun, the administrative unity of kuni and gun was strengthened. Corresponding to the appearance of this new management form, the bureaucratic arrangements of local administration progressed. As the result of the bureaucratic arrangements of local administration by influential persons in the region, it became possible for zuryo to appoint to kuni level positions their personal subordinates who were not related to the region. Against these actions of zuryo, local influential persons organized resistance movements characterized by listings of grievances called Kokushikaseishuso 国司苛政愁訴. In the middle of 11th century when these movements had ceased, the Zaicho-kanjin system of local bureaucracy was formed, and the political status of influential persons in the region was established.
山口 英男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.127-145, 2015-03

正倉院文書は、官司の現用書類が不要となり廃棄されたものである。この点で、多くの古文書とは異なる特徴を有しており、文書の機能情報を抽出・解析する上でも、これに対応した手法・手順が求められる。正倉院文書の解析は、業務の解析に他ならない。そのためには、書類からの情報抽出において、書類の作成から利用・保管・廃棄に至る履歴を明らかにすること、その際、書類の用いられる場の変化に着目することが重要である。この点で、古文書学における文献史料(文字資料)の三分類(文書・典籍・記録)や、近年指摘されているその見直しの議論に注目できるが、その方向性には疑問もある。文字資料は「文字を用いて情報を何らかの媒体に定着させたもの」であり、情報の受け手に何らかの影響(働きかけ)を及ぼす。ただし、単なる情報の移動と、意識的な情報の伝達とは区別されなくてはならない。情報の伝達においては、正確性、確実性が求められることから、文書様式・書札礼等を含め、様々な「仕掛け」が施される。「仕掛け」の有無には機能上明確な差異が存在し、業務解析においては、そうした「仕掛け」に着目することで様々な知見を抽出することができる。以上の観点から、某者宣を書き留めた受命の書面、経巻奉請に関する書面を取り上げ、命令や依頼の内容を書き留めただけの書面の存在と、その業務進行上の役割を検討することで、口頭伝達と書面伝達とが併存する具体的な様相を明らかにし、伝達のための「仕掛け」を持たない書面が場を移動しながら利用されることの意味を論ずる。Shosoin documents are government documents no longer needed and disposed of. In this aspect, they have different characteristics from other historical documents; therefore, it is essential to employ methods and procedures appropriate to such characteristics during collection and analysis of their functional information. Analyzing Shosoin documents means analyzing government operations. When extracting information from Shosoin documents, it is crucial to clarify the life cycle of documents, from creation to use, storage, and disposal, and to pay attention to changes in place of use.In this regard, the three categories of historical documents (textual materials) in the study of paleography, such as monjo ( letter) , tenseki ( book) , and kiroku ( record) , as well as recent arguments against the classification are worthy of note; however, there is some doubt about the direction of these studies. Textual materials are "media to convey information in writing". They are aimed to influence (induce an action from) information recipients. The point is to distinguish between mere distribution of information and intentional transmission of information. Since accuracy and reliability are important for the latter, a variety of "devices" including document styles and documentation rules (shosatsurei) are made. There are distinctive differences in function depending on whether such a "device" exists or not; therefore, in the analysis of government operations, a close examination of such "devices" helps us extract a variety of information.From the above point of view, this article investigates the documents which dictate the decisions of higher officials and which apply for sutras and compares their function in carrying out the duties with that of the documents which merely describes the content of instructions or requests. Through these analyses, this study reveals the specific situation where both oral and written communication were used and argues the significance that documents without any "devices" to convey information were reused at various places.
山口 英男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.127-145, 2015-03
