岩塚 守公
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.25, no.2, pp.56-62, 1952

In the marginal place of Kanto mountainland, and in the hills adjacent to Kanto mountainland, there are several erosional surfaces that are shown by the flatness of ridges and spurs. Especially in Tama hills, we find four erosional surfaces. The upper most erosional surface in Tam hill is correlated to the pediment-like erosional surface which exists in the southern slope of Mt. Ogi, and to the flat spurs which exist in the north-eastern slope of Mt. Sekiro, the neighbourhood of N akano Town and the southern slope of A, It. Ogura.<br> Upon finding those erosional surfaces, it is inferred that the T plane or the Di plane, an old name for the to pographic plane made at the beginning of the dilubial period, in separated into several erosional surfaces and is extended in the Katsura river basin.<br> Also, the above results show that the intermittent uplift . took place after the intensive tectonic movement which took place at the end of the Tertiary period.
久野 久
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.12, no.1, pp.18-32, 1936

平野 昌繁
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.39, no.5, pp.324-336, 1966
8 4

A mathematical model of slope development is summarized by the relation<br> _??_<br> where <i>u</i>: elevation, <i>t</i>: time, <i>x</i>: horrizontal distances, <i>a</i>: subdueing coefficient, <i>b</i>: recessional coefficient, <i>c</i>: denudational coefficient and <i>f</i> (<i>x</i>, <i>t</i>): arbitrary function of <i>x</i> and <i>t</i>, respectively. Effects of the coefficients are shown in figs. 1-(A), (B) and 2-(A).<br> In order to explain the structural reliefs, the spatial distribution of the rock-strength against erosion owing to geologic structure and lithology is introduced into the equation by putting each coefficient equal a function, in the broadest sence, of <i>x</i>, <i>t</i> and <i>u.</i> Two simple examples of this case are shown in fig. 5.<br> The effects of tectonic movements, for instance of faulting, are also introduced by the function <i>f</i> (<i>x</i>, <i>t</i>), which is, for many cases, considered to be separable into <i>X</i> (<i>x</i>) and <i>T</i> (<i>t</i>), where <i>X</i> (<i>x</i>) and <i>T</i> (<i>t</i>) are functions of <i>x</i> only and <i>t</i> only, respectively. An attempt to classify the types of <i>T</i> (<i>t</i>) has been made.<br> Generally speaking, provided the coefficients <i>a</i>, <i>b</i> and <i>c</i> are independent of <i>u</i>, the equation is linear and canbe solved easily. With suitable evaluation of the coefficients (as shown, for example, in fig. 4-(A)), this linear model can be used to supply a series of illustrations of humid cycle of erosion, especially of the cycle started from faulting.
平野 昌繁
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.39, no.9, pp.606-617, 1966

斜面発達とくに断層崖発達に関する数学的モデルを論じた時には,斜面発達の数学的モデル化の大綱をのべるにとどまったから,ここでは数学的モデルにおける侵蝕係数の比,有限山体のモデル化,特別な境界条件の例,先行性河谷の例,斜面形の分類などについて, 2次元化された抽象的な斜面としてとりあつかう.この立場では,斜面は対称斜面と非対称斜面に2分され,後者はさらに凸型斜面と凹型斜面,不規則斜面に細分される.これらは何れも衝撃的隆起のあとにあらわれる斜面形であるが,そうでない場合にはことなった斜面形があらわれる.
中島 直子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.14, pp.1001-1024, 2003-12-01

林 正巳 實 清隆
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.52, no.2, pp.97-101, 1979

Most of Japanese municipalities, which were incorporated first in 1899, have experienced annexation or consolidation. However, there are municipalities which have not been annexed by adjacent large municipalities. This symposium was intended to focus on the problems of such non-annexed small corporate units. In order to handle the problems, we must pay attention not only to their geographical location, but also totheir administrative, financial and historical background.<br> This symposium was carried on by two chairmen, four commentators, and ten speakers. Chariman: Osamu NISHIKAWA (Univ. of Tokyo) and Yoshio WATANABE (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Commentators: Shoichi YOKOYAMA (Univ. of Ehime), Hideo TSUKADA (Univ. of Nara), Yasuo MASAI (Univ. of Tsukuba), and Naoki YOSHIZU (Univ. of Nagoya). We got the following ten reports.<br> 1. FUKUHARA, H.: Case Study of Waki-cho Bordering Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefecture.<br> 2. HIGAKI M.: Case Study of Yoshitomi-cho Adjacent to Nakotsu City, Ohita Prefecture.<br> 3. SAEKI, I.: Case Study of Fuchu-machi Adjacent to Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture.<br> 4. IDO, S.: Historical Approaches to Several Non-annexed <i>Muras</i> in Shiga Prefecture.<br> 5. SAKAGUCHI, K. MIZUYAMA, T. and KOTANI, M.: Case Study of Iwataki-cho, Kyoto Prefecture.<br> 6. YOKOTA, T.: Case Study of Kasugai-cho, Yamaguchi Prefecture.<br> 7. CHIBA, T.: Minami-kawahara-mura, Saitama Prefecture.<br> 8. OHISHI, T.: Demographical Approach to the Distribution of Non-annexed Municipalities.<br> 9. OGURI, H.: On the Changes in Communities with the Consolidation of Local Government.<br> 10. MIIDA, K.: Case Study of Some Non-annexed Small Corporate Units. Discussions were focused on the following points.<br> 1. Merits and demerits of the non-annexed municipalities<br> 2. Management and control of the budget of the municipalities<br> 3. Community sentiment and non-annexed municipalities<br> 4. Moderate scale of local government<br> 5. Connection with other local governments in terms of consolidation.
杉浦 芳失
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.51, no.8, pp.621-642, 1978

式 正英
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.25, no.11, pp.448-457, 1952

In this paper, glacial eroded landforms on the northern slopes of Mt. Kita-Hotaka are reported on the basis of the new data from the author's surveys in July and Sept. 1950.<br> 1) The glacier which formed &ldquo;Okiretto Cirque&rdquo; may have been consisted of two cirque glaciers, stream-directions of which were contrary to each other, that is, one to the south, and the other to the north.<br> 2) The author found out two cirques on the northern slope of the Eastern Ridge of Mt. Kita-Hotaka and they stand side by side with the southern part of Okirreto Cirque.<br> 3) One of them has been formed on a terrace-like even landform at 2700m. alt. just below the top of Mt. Kita-Hotaka. Its cirque wall is called &ldquo;Northern Buttress, &rdquo; and the moraine lies east to west in a straight line.<br> 4) The other is in further east, and its cirque bottom is at 2400m. alt.. There is a series of <i>roche moutonn&eacute;</i> over the top part of the valley wall of Hidari-mata Valley, and, among folds of <i>roche moutonn&eacute;</i>, six small traps are scattered one by one. These rock faces are perfectly scoured by glacial erosion, and we can point out many flutings there. Except this place, a series of <i>roche moutonu&eacute;</i> having completely scoured face is reported only from &ldquo;Tengu-bara Cirque&rdquo; in the Japan Alps. The cirque bottom, which is not filled up by taluses developing from cirque walls, shows perfectly reversed slope caused by glacial deepening action that has no report in Japan up to present time, <br> 5) Okirreto, 2700m. alt., is the only lowest part in the Yari-Hotaka main ridge, and a cause of this topography may have been due rather to the presence of even lower landforms before glacial time than to the result of glacial erosion. It is supposed that glacial action in this vicinity were in effect on the even topography having stretched with the altitude of 2400-2700m. before glacial period.<br> 6) We can suppose two glacial periods from the distribution of moraines in the Okirreto Cirque, they, however, may have been equal to substages in one glacial age in Europe or N. America.<br> 7) These glacial features are rather fresh, and the degree of destruction of them is still imperfect, but moraines are stained by limonite on the surface.
山鹿 誠次
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.23, no.7, pp.231-237, 1950-07-31 (Released:2008-12-24)
木内 信藏
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.15, no.3, pp.212-233, 1939-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

This article is based on observations and data collected during my visit to Peking in the autumn of 1938. 1) Peking as the capital of the Han-culture. (Han is the crown name of cultural China) _??_pp. 213-18_??_. Important descriptions: (A) Town wall and the reason why it has been required, on the contrary to Japanese towns which have had no, wall _??_p. 241-_??_. (B) Races which set Peking as their capital were the Manchurians Mongolian, and Turkistan people, but town planning of Peking has been derived of Chow, and has very intimate relation to Chang-an and Loyang, two old capitals of the proper chinese states. 2) The Plan of Peking _??_pp. 218-25_??_ (A) The difference between Peking or Fengtien and Kyôto or Changan as to the situation of imperial palace (Fig. 1, 2, 3) (B) Compari-sion of the length of wall on 5 different maps of Peking _??_p. 220-_??_. (C) Classification of roads _??_p. 222-_??_: (i) Tache (Large street), (ii) Che (Street), (iii) Hoton (Side street, most developed name of mongolian origin), Kow, and etc., (iv) Fang, Wan., Kan, and etc. (these mean engulfed places). (D) Systems of roads (Fig. 9).: (a) Regular Hoton-system, (b) Irregular system composed of roads of (iii) and (iv) types (c) Pseudo radial system in the south castle 3) The Elevation of Peking _??_pp. 225-230_??_ Peking is called the capital of Sophora which, mixed with other trees such as ulms and willows, make a green ocean when, one views from Chingshan at the north end of the Tzu-chin-chemg palace. Important descriptions: (A) Residential houses _??_p. 225-_??_, one house-type, Su-ho-fang is illustrated in Fig. 10. (B) Retail streets _??_p. 226-_??_. After the classification of Japan Commercial and Industrial Congress, varieties of shops in. Wong-pu-ching near the Legation quarter re-sembles to Ginza in Tôkyô, showing a cosmopolitan character compared to Dahshi-lan, the most thriving retail centre in Peking, of which shops are almost typical Chinese (Fig. 12). 4) The increase of population from 1925 to 35, is 24.2% and in the year of 1935 it amounts to 1, 573, 200 of which 1.1 million live in the wall and others are in suburbs. Kyôto and Nagoya, one million cities in Japan are able to be compared to Peking-proper, but they show 30.8% and 41.7, increase respectively in the same period. The comparision of occupational population is described in page 231 (see the table), and it shows that Peking has a very small percentage, of manu-facturing population, i. e. 7.7%. In near future Peking will be enlarged in the suburb for the use of manufacture and residence.
松本 豊寿
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.33, no.9, pp.473-482, 1960-09-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

Yamaguchi and Sumpu which newly became capitals of “Han” in the middle of the 19 th century had peculiar characteristics in their town-area formation. Firstly their castles had been turned into administrative offices and had lost their military significance. “Samurai Yashiki” existed in fact, but “Samurai Machi” had not been set up yet. It was a residental quarter for scattered bureaucratic retainers. “Machiya” had lost their privileged township characteristics. “Machiya” had been abolished and the phenomenon of confining a special trade to a special section had ceased to exist, so that business in general had been diffused all over the town. A new centrall street had taken the place of the old business center, and the core of the town had moved to the centrall street from the castle. In short, this new capital was by no means a castle-town, and the writer of this article calls this new capital “Hanto” and considers this phase the last stage of a feudal castle and the forerunner of a modern city.
小疇 尚
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.38, no.3, pp.179-199, 1965
3 5

大雪火山は,洪積世初期から沖積世にかけて形成された。そのため,各山峰の噴出時代の違い,さらに地形や積雪量の違いによって植物の垂直分布は,場所による差が大きい.一般的にいって森林限界は1,200~1,800mの間にあり,ハイマツ限界は1,650~2,100mで,尾根すじや風上側山腹斜面では低く,積雪の多い谷間や風下側の山腹斜面では高くなる傾向がある.しかし特殊な場合を除けば1,850mである.構造土はハイマツ限界より下方め斜面ではみられないから,ハイマツ限界をもって構造土限界とすることができる. 123カ所の構造土を調査して次の結果を得た. (1) 構造土の約8割はハイマツ限界以上の風上側頂部斜面に発達し,他は凸地,平坦地等にみられる. (2) 構造土は,それが発達する場所の自然条件の違いによって,大きさ,形態が異なり,土壌水分の多いところほど大きく,形も整っている. (3) 植被構造土は,凍結による地表面の収縮の結果生ずる凍結われ目がきっかけとなり,その後は植生部分の拡張と,不可逆的に進行する地表の収縮および不等凍上によっ'て,次の順に変化する.土質多角形土(凍結われ目)&rarr;凍結はげを持つ植被多角形土(凍結溝)&rarr;凍結坊主. (4) 礫質構造土は,上記の凍結われ目に礫が落ち込んで原形ができ,その後は不可逆的に幅を拡げて行くわれ目の中に,不等凍上と不等沈下のため不安定になった地表の礫が徐々に集積して,形を整える.礫は凍結破砕によって基盤から生成され,反復凍結によって地表にもたらされる. (5) 階状土は融凍流土が植生または礫によって阻止されたために生じたものである.前者の揚合が植被階状土,後者の場合が礫質階状土である. (6) 外輪山上には,過去の氷期に形成されたと考えられる化石構造土があるが,現在は崩壊しつつある.
村田 喜代治
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.4, pp.219-230, 1958

1. It follows from the very nature of a science that until it has reached a certain stage of development, definition of its character is necessarily impossible. But once this stage of development has been reached not only is it not waste of time to investigate precise chracter; it is waste of time not to do so. (L. Robbins) By the way Prof. E. G. R. Taylor stated once &ldquo;What have they dooe ? This was the question derisively asked by the educated public about the Fellow of Royal Society in the early years of their incorporation. It is asked today, and in the same mocking spirit, about geographers&rdquo;. To answer the above question it will be usefull to show the actual works done by many geographers. At the same time, however, geographers also must attempt methodological examination. Because as mentioned above, in case a science has reached a certain stage of development, its further development and repletion of its contents are to be accomplished by methodological examination but not only by trial and error.<br> 2. The writer's methodological examination is first directed to views stated in &ldquo;American Geography&rdquo;. In this book Prof. P. E. James shows three contributions of geography. (cf. p. 6) The writer has some questions of the foundation of his views. His first and second items assert to apply practically the concepts and principles provided by other systematic sciences, therefore the writer understands that he characterizes geography as the applied branch of other sciences with theory like the applied chemistry as against the theoretical chemistry. Such understanding leads me to the conclusion that the third asserrtion has no substantial meaning because it remains simply as an applied perspective. Then what is the reason why Prof. James venture to express his views without considering the theoretical basis underlying them? To me such a logical confusion seems to arise from some sort of belief that &ldquo;area&rdquo; is a peculiar objective accepted only in the field of geography. To the geographers who have such a belief, so far as their study is concerned with area, it is geography science even if it gets some benefit by the result of other sciences. But there are some questions on area. They are; (1) the concept and treatment of area is not exclusive possession of geography (e. g. as indicated by Prof. R. B. Hall), (2) it is a created intellectual concept (e. g. Prof. D. Whittlesey), (3) it is genetically a product which was brought as the result to avoid inpetous conclusion by environmentalism. So far as these views are admitted, the writer can say on each of them as following; (1) It seems to me that the view intending to characterize the geography only by connection with area has no scientific foundation. So far as the surface of the earth is the stage of human activities, it will be a common field of many sciences, and it is natural that many other sciences have some interest on the approach. Thus it is clear that area is not monopoly of geography.<br> (2) If area is a created intellectual concept then what is its substantial content? As Prof. H. H. McCarty stated economic geography &ldquo;derives its concepts largely from the field of economics, &rdquo; economic geographers, almost always treat economical phenomena by using concepts of economics. Therefore the writer can say that concrete contents of economic area are agglomeration of economic phenomena studied in economics. The fact that systematic and topical approaches are used in economic geography as well as regional approach, means that the contents of area substantially make those approaches indispensable. The systematic approach means, for instance, that economic geography must depend on the economics, consequently it must have stand-point of economics to areal study.<br> (3) So far as the area is a product to avoid the defect of environmentalism, it is not an objective but genetically a means of environmentalistic approach.
淺井 治平
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.1, no.6, pp.562-582, 1925-08-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
板倉 勝高 井出 策夫 竹内 淳彦 北村 嘉行
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.37, no.8, pp.403-424, 1964-08-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

本研究は日本の工業を地域的に把握するために,最大の集中地域である京浜工業地帯の地域構造を明らかにしようとしたものである.そのために,まず工業地帯の領域を合理的に設定したうえで, 30人以上全工場の業種別分布図を基礎にして地帯内の工場分布を分折するとともに,工場間の地域的結合関係,すなわち生産構造を明らかにした. 京浜の工業において占める重化学工業の割合は厳密にみると極めて低く,工業地帯を特色づけるものではない.したがって,重化学を主体としている臨海地域のもつ意義は小さい. 京浜の工業を特色づけるものは自動車,テレビ,カメラなど耐久消費財を中心とする組立工業と,日用消費財を中心とする雑貨工業とであって城南と城東とを核心とした生産組織をそれぞれ形造っている.核心地域における工場は両部門とも,技術的にも特殊化され,また,同一製品の生産量が少ない製品を小単位ずつ,多くの種類にわたって生産している,すなわち「多種,小単位,特殊」生産を特色としており,それらが相互に強い結合関係を有しながら集中しているものであり,これを中心的大都市工業の特質と考えることができる.工業地域の拡大も,核心地域内における生産関係の変化によるものであり,したがって,京浜工業地帯の地域構造も,この核心地域によって規定されている.
大矢 雅彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.52, no.8, pp.407-425, 1979
2 2

バングラディシュ政府は,日本政府に対しブラマプトラ-ジャムナ川での架橋援助を要請してきた.しかし,この川は河道変遷・河岸変遷が著しく,巨大であるため,河道固定は不可能である.そこで,筆者はあらかじめ選ばれたバハドラバッド,ガバルガオン,シラジガンジおよびナガルバリ(アリチャ)の4地点のうち,いずれの地点が最も安定していて架橋に適するかを応用地形学的立場から調査することを要請された.<br> 筆者は, (1) 河岸線および流心の変化を調査するとともに, (2) ブラマプトラ-ジャムナ川沿岸地形分類図(1/5万), (3) ブラマプトラ-ジャムナ川,ガンジス平野地形分類図(1/100万)を作成した. (1) の結果,ナガルバリはガンジス川の背水の影響を受けて河岸,州および流心の位置の変化が最大であること,また,バハドラバッドも変化が大きいこと,これに比べてガバルガオン,シラジガンジの変化が少ないことがわかった. (2) の結果,バハドラバッド,ガバルガオンは形成開始以来180年しか経過していない扇状地上に位置し,将来河道変遷がおこりうること,シラジガンジ以南は自然堤防地帯河川の特色をもつこと,シラジガンジには地盤の隆起運動によって形成されたと見られる180年以上経過した古い沖積平野による狭さく部があって,河道が一定しており,この狭さく部は今後も存続しうると考えられることなどがわかった. (3) の結果,バハドラバッド,ガバルガオン付近には断層線,線状構造があるが,シラジガンジにはないことがわかった。上記の諸点にもとづいて,筆者はシラジガンジを4架橋候補地点中では最適であると判断した.
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.12, pp.669-685, 2002-10-01

Abstract: By the beginning of the twentieth century, Budapest had become a modern city with large and significant industrial areas. After 1989, when radical political change opened the way for economic and social reforms, these old industrial districts have become the most important scenes of changes. Based on the surveys and interviews carried out in Budapest and Tokyo, the main purposes of this study are to describe the most important structural and functional changes in the industrial areas of Budapest during the last decade and to compare them with the changes in the industrial areas of inner Tokyo. The emphasis is primarily on how industrial restructuring affected the spatial structure of industry, the urban space and the land use. In spite of the significant differences between the two cities there are also similarities in the development and prospects of industrial areas of Budapest and Tokyo. Not only do the urban structure and functional division of the cities transform but also the local society and urban landscape.
金田 章裕
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:02896001)
vol.59, no.1, pp.1-20, 1986

条里プランの完成・変容・崩壊のプロセスやその古代・中世における機能について,絵図類における表現に注目しつつ,包括的な検討を進めた。<br> 条里プランは, 8世紀の中頃に,すでに存在していた条里地割に加えて条里呼称法が導入されることによって完成した.これは,三世一身法と墾田永年私財法の下での私領の増大と,それに伴う土地の記録・確認作業の急増に対応するものであったと考えられる.従って,条里プランは律令と共に中国から直輸入されたものでも,班田収授の開始と共に完成した形で存在したものでもなかった・また,唐代中国の一般的な土地表示法とも異なっており,古代日本の実情に合わせて次第に完成度を高めていったものであり,この点では都城プランにおける土地表示法とも同一軌道上にあった.<br> このような条里プランは,一条一巻として作製された班田図に明示されて使用されたが,これには条ごとに里を連続して描いたものと,条ごとではあっても,里を一つ一つ個別に描いたものとがあったと考えられる.現存する絵図類には,この双方の様式を反映したものを確認することができる。<br> このような条里プランは,班田制崩壊後もさまざまな土地関係の許可あるいは権利・義務などの単位として,中世に至るまで重要な役割を果し続けた.とくに坪の区画が果した意義は大きく,これが今日まで広範囲にわたって条里地割を存続させ,村落景観の基盤となっている大きな理由である.<br> これに対して,里の区画の方は条里呼称の単位として以上の機能を本来は有していなかったが,荘園あるいは村の境界として使用された場合もあった. 条里プランは,定着度の高い地域では16世紀まで機能し続けたが,中世には必要:性や情報量の多寡によって,絵図類などの表現にさまざまな間違いを生じていることもあった.<br> 以上のような条里プランの完成・定着・崩壊のプロセスとともに,土地表示法は典型的には,古代的地名の条里地割に対応する分割ないし再編,条里呼称法と古代的小字地名の併用,条里呼称法のみによる表示,条里呼称法と小字地名の併用,といったプロセスをたどり,遅くとも16世紀末までに,現状のように小字地名のみによる表示法へと変化した.これらの各段階は歴史的な社会的・経済的段階と対応するものであり,同時に日本の村落景観の形成プロセスないし画期にかかわるものである.条里プランは,日本の歴史地理研究において,重要:かつ有効な手がかりとなるものである.
林 正巳 實 清隆
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.52, no.2, pp.97-101, 1979-02-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

Most of Japanese municipalities, which were incorporated first in 1899, have experienced annexation or consolidation. However, there are municipalities which have not been annexed by adjacent large municipalities. This symposium was intended to focus on the problems of such non-annexed small corporate units. In order to handle the problems, we must pay attention not only to their geographical location, but also totheir administrative, financial and historical background. This symposium was carried on by two chairmen, four commentators, and ten speakers. Chariman: Osamu NISHIKAWA (Univ. of Tokyo) and Yoshio WATANABE (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Commentators: Shoichi YOKOYAMA (Univ. of Ehime), Hideo TSUKADA (Univ. of Nara), Yasuo MASAI (Univ. of Tsukuba), and Naoki YOSHIZU (Univ. of Nagoya). We got the following ten reports. 1. FUKUHARA, H.: Case Study of Waki-cho Bordering Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefecture. 2. HIGAKI M.: Case Study of Yoshitomi-cho Adjacent to Nakotsu City, Ohita Prefecture. 3. SAEKI, I.: Case Study of Fuchu-machi Adjacent to Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture. 4. IDO, S.: Historical Approaches to Several Non-annexed Muras in Shiga Prefecture. 5. SAKAGUCHI, K. MIZUYAMA, T. and KOTANI, M.: Case Study of Iwataki-cho, Kyoto Prefecture. 6. YOKOTA, T.: Case Study of Kasugai-cho, Yamaguchi Prefecture. 7. CHIBA, T.: Minami-kawahara-mura, Saitama Prefecture. 8. OHISHI, T.: Demographical Approach to the Distribution of Non-annexed Municipalities. 9. OGURI, H.: On the Changes in Communities with the Consolidation of Local Government. 10. MIIDA, K.: Case Study of Some Non-annexed Small Corporate Units. Discussions were focused on the following points. 1. Merits and demerits of the non-annexed municipalities 2. Management and control of the budget of the municipalities 3. Community sentiment and non-annexed municipalities 4. Moderate scale of local government 5. Connection with other local governments in terms of consolidation.